872 research outputs found

    Bacteriocin production of the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus KS400

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    In the last years, the use of probiotics, including Lactobacillus species, has received much attention to prevent and treat vaginal disorders. These species have been described as having the ability to colonize the epithelial surface and produce antimicrobial metabolites that are able to control the remaining vaginal microflora. This study aimed to identify and characterize, for the first time, a bacteriocin natively produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus KS400 (probiotic strain from Gynoflor®-Medinova AG, Switzerland) and its antimicrobial activity against relevant urogenital pathogens. After organic acids and hydrogen peroxide neutralization in the fermented Lactobacillus acidophilus KS400 culture medium, bacteriocin activity was tested against the indicator microorganism Lactobacillus delbrueckii ATCC9649. The fermentation of Lactobacillus acidophilus KS400 for bacteriocin production was carried out in batch mode, and its antimicrobial activity, optical density and pH were monitored. After production and extraction, the bacteriocin molecular weight was estimated by electrophoresis and tested against vaginal pathogenic microorganisms. As described for other bacteriocins, batch fermentation profiles indicated that bacteriocin production occurs during the exponential growth phase of the lactobacilli, and declines during their stationary growth phase. The molecular weight of the bacteriocin is approximately 7.5 kDa. The bacteriocin containing protein extract was shown to inhibit the growth of Gardnerella vaginalis, Streptococcus agalactiae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the indicator strain Lactobacillus delbrueckii ATCC9649. We conclude that L. acidophilus KS400 produces bacteriocin with antimicrobial activity against relevant urogenital pathogens.Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007491; Medinovainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Measured data of Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera Drosophilidae) development and learning and memory behaviour after copper exposition

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    This article presents the statistical analysis data from Drosophila melanogaster development (from larvae to adult) and learning and memory retention behavior of a Pavlovian conditioning in male and female flies exposed to copper. While the full data sets are available In the article: Copper decrease associative learning and memory in D. melanogaster, this data-in-brief article includes the detailed statistical analysis performed. Data demonstrates Statistica Software analysis between the subject part of the analysis: 2 treatments x 2 sexes x 2 ages and within subject part of the analysis: 2 treatments x 2 sex x 2 ages x 4 times, repeated measures

    Safe use of ozone gas in enamel adhesion

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    Purpose: Evaluate the shear bond strength of a self-etching system to enamel pretreated with ozone and its type of fracture. Matherial and methods: Thirty sound bovine incisors were bisected and polished just before the application of the adhesive system. The adhesion area was limited to a 3-mm diameter. The specimens were randomly assigned to the experimental groups (n = 15) and composite resin cylinders were added to the tested surfaces, after the application of the adhesive according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Group G1 (AdheSE® with ozone) was previously prepared with ozone gas from the HealOzone unit (Kavo®) for 20 s, groups G2 (AdheSE®) was used as control. The specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 h at 37 ◦C with 100% humidity, before being thermocycled. The type of fracture was analyzed under scanning electronic microscope and the data were submitted to Shapiro–Wilk, Student’s t-test and Chi-squared statistical analyses. Results: The mean bond strengths were G1: 15.0 MPa (77.8% of adhesive fractures between enamel and adhesive) and G2: 13.1 MPa (36.4% of adhesive fractures between enamel and adhesive). Conclusion: The shear bond strength of a self-etching system was not influenced by the previous application of ozone gas.Objectivo: Avaliar as forças de resistência adesiva de um sistema adesivo auto-condicionador no esmalte pré-tratado com ozono e o tipo de fractura. Material e métodos: Trinta incisivos hígidos de origem bovina foram seccionados de forma a separar a coroa da raiz e polidos antes da colocação do sistema adesivo. A área de adesão foi limitada a 3 mm de diâmetro. Os espécimes foram aleatoriamente divididos (n = 15) e cilindros de resina composta foram adicionados às superfícies de teste após cada sistema adesivo ter sido aplicado de acordo com as instruções do fabricante. O grupo G1 (AdheSE® com ozono) foi condicionado com gás de ozono gerado pelo aparelho HealOzone (Kavo®),durante 20 segundos, G2 (AdheSE®) funcionou como controlo. Os espécimes foram mantidos em água destilada durante 24 horas numa estufa a 37 ◦C com 100% de humidade, antes da termociclagem. O tipo de fractura analisado ao MEV e os dados submetidos à análise estatística Shapiro–Wilk, Student’s t-test e Chi-squared. Resultados: As médias de resistência adesiva foram: G1:15,0 MPa (77,8% de fracturas adesivas entre o esmalte e o adesivo) e G4: 13,1 MPa (36,4% de fracturas adesivas entre o esmalte e o adesivo). Conclusão: Os valores de resistência adesiva do sistema adesivo auto-condicionador não foram influenciados pela aplicação prévia de gás de ozono.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adequação do mosto de uvas Niagara Rosada para vinificação através de desidratação parcial dos cachos

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    This study aimed to verify the influence of partial dehydration of Niagara Rosada grape clusters in physicochemical quality of the pre- fermentation must. In Brazil, during the winemaking process it is common to need to adjust the grape must when the physicochemical characteristics of the raw material are insufficient to produce wines in accordance with the Brazilian legislation for classification of beverages, which establishes the minimum alcohol content of 8.6 % for the beverage to be considered wine. Therefore, given that the reduction in the water content of grape berries allows the concentration of chemical compounds present in its composition, especially the concentration of total soluble solids, we proceeded with the treatments that were formed by the combination of two temperatures (T1-37.1ºC and T2-22.9 ºC) two air speeds (S1: 1.79 m s-1 and S2: 3.21 m s-1) and a control (T0) that has not gone through the dehydration treatment. Analysis of pH, Total Titratable Acidity (TTA) were performed in mEq L-1, Total Soluble Solids (TSS) in ºBrix, water content on a dry basis and Concentration of Phenolic Compounds (CPC) in mg of gallic acid per 100g of must. The average comparison test identified statistically significant modifications for the adaptation of must for winemaking purposes, having the treatment with 22.9 ºC and air speed of 1.79 m s-1 shown the largest increase in the concentration of total soluble solids, followed by the second best result for concentration of phenolic compounds.3418692Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a influência da desidratação parcial de cachos de uva Niagara Rosada na qualidade físico-química do mosto pré-fermentativo. No Brasil, durante o processo de vinificação, é comum a necessidade de adequação do mosto de uvas quando as características físico-químicas da matéria-prima são insuficientes para a obtenção de vinhos em conformidade com a legislação brasileira para classificação de bebidas, a qual estabelece o teor alcoólico mínimo de 8,6% para que a bebida seja considerada vinho. Portanto, tendo em vista que a redução do teor de água das bagas da uva possibilita a concentração de compostos químicos presentes em sua composição, principalmente a concentração de sólidos solúveis totais, procedeu-se aos tratamentos que foram constituídos pela combinação de duas temperaturas (T1- 37,1 ºC e T2 - 22,9 ºC), duas velocidades de ar (V1- 1,79 m s-1 e V2-3,21 m s-1) e uma testemunha (T0), que não passou pelo tratamento de desidratação. Foram realizadas análises de pH, Acidez Total Titulável (ATT) em mEq L-1, Sólidos Solúveis Totais (SST) em ºBrix, teor de água em base seca e Concentração de Compostos Fenólicos (CCF) em mg de ácido gálico por 100 g de mosto. O teste de comparação de médias identificou modificações estatisticamente significativas para a adequação do mosto no intuito de vinificação, tendo o tratamento com 22,9 ºC e velocidade de ar de 1,79 m s-1 apresentado o maior incremento na concentração de sólidos solúveis totais, seguido do segundo melhor resultado para a concentração de compostos fenólicos.||This study aimed to verify the influence of partial dehydration of Niagara Rosada grape clusters in physicochemical quality of the pre- fermentation must. In Brazil, during the winemaking process it is common to need to adjust the grape must when the physicochemical characteristics of the raw material are insufficient to produce wines in accordance with the Brazilian legislation for classification of beverages, which establishes the minimum alcohol content of 8.6 % for the beverage to be considered wine. Therefore, given that the reduction in the water content of grape berries allows the concentration of chemical compounds present in its composition, especially the concentration of total soluble solids, we proceeded with the treatments that were formed by the combination of two temperatures (T1-37.1ºC and T2-22.9 ºC) two air speeds (S1: 1.79 m s-1 and S2: 3.21 m s-1) and a control (T0) that has not gone through the dehydration treatment. Analysis of pH, Total Titratable Acidity (TTA) were performed in mEq L-1, Total Soluble Solids (TSS) in ºBrix, water content on a dry basis and Concentration of Phenolic Compounds (CPC) in mg of gallic acid per 100g of must. The average comparison test identified statistically significant modifications for the adaptation of must for winemaking purposes, having the treatment with 22.9 ºC and air speed of 1.79 m s-1 shown the largest increase in the concentration of total soluble solids, followed by the second best result for concentration of phenolic compounds

    Registador de dados para aplicações de baixo consumo

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    Este artigo descreve uma arquitectura de um registador de dados para aplicações de baixo consumo. São apresentados resultados experimentais sobre o desempenho do oscilador, que é um dos módulos do registador. São ainda apresentadas estimativas do consumo do registador e dos respectivos módulos. A autonomia e a estabilidade são os critérios de projecto mais relevantes de um registador de dados para aplicações de baixo consumo que exijam precisão temporal, por exemplo a sismologia oceânica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Feynman integrals for non-smooth and rapidly growing potentials

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    The Feynman integral for the Schrödinger propagator is constructed as a generalized function of white noise, for a linear space of potentials spanned by finite signed measures of bounded support and Laplace transforms of such measures, i.e., locally singular as well as rapidly growing at infinity. Remarkably, all these propagators admit a perturbation expansion

    Intersection local times of independent fractional Brownian motions as generalized white noise functionals

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    In this work we present expansions of intersection local times of fractional Brownian motions in Rd\R^d, for any dimension d1d\geq 1, with arbitrary Hurst coefficients in (0,1)d(0,1)^d. The expansions are in terms of Wick powers of white noises (corresponding to multiple Wiener integrals), being well-defined in the sense of generalized white noise functionals. As an application of our approach, a sufficient condition on dd for the existence of intersection local times in L2L^2 is derived, extending the results of D. Nualart and S. Ortiz-Latorre in "Intersection Local Time for Two Independent Fractional Brownian Motions" (J. Theoret. Probab.,20(4)(2007), 759-767) to different and more general Hurst coefficients.Comment: 28 page

    Evaluation of the Potential of Brazilian Propolis against UV-Induced Oxidative Stress

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    This study investigated the potential use of topically and orally administered propolis extracts to prevent UV irradiation-induced oxidative stress in skin. The results illustrated that green propolis extract (GPE) contained greater amounts of polyphenols, coumaric acid, drupanin, baccharin and artepillin C than did brown propolis extract (BPE). GPE showed higher antioxidant activity than BPE when the IC50 (concentration that caused 50% inhibition) values were compared. Interesting, the oral treatment of hairless mice demonstrated a recovery of 30.0% for GPE and 22.8% for BPE with respect to UV irradiation-induced GSH depletion. The topical pretreatment of animals with both propolis extract solutions recovered around 14.0% of the depleted GSH. However, the employed treatments did not inhibit the increase of cutaneous proteinase secretion/activity caused by irradiation. These findings indicate that despite differences in composition and antioxidant properties, GPE and BPE both successfully prevent UV-induced GSH depletion in vivo and are both promising antioxidant systems against oxidative stress in skin. Based on these findings, complementary studies should be performed to enhance our understanding of the protective effects of propolis extracts in skin

    Organizational Practices for Learning with work accidents

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    O SHO 2010, Colóquio Internacional de Segurança e Higiene OcupacionaAs estatísticas europeias revelam que os acidentes de trabalho representam ainda um problema social importante para a nossa sociedade (Comissão Europeia, 2004) e, ao mesmo tempo, tem sido reconhecida a necessidade de usar a informação dos acidentes para a prevenção, através da aprendizagem (p. ex., Koornneef, 2000; Toft & Reynolds, 1997). O enfoque na aprendizagem salienta a necessidade de se ter informação disponível, disseminada, discutida, e mudanças implementadas. De acordo com Reason (1997) a aprendizagem decorre ao longo de um ciclo que começa com a observação de um acontecimento e termina com a acção que permite evitar a sua repetição. Até à data foram realizados poucos estudos que tenham abrangido todo o processo e etapas da aprendizagem ao longo do ciclo. O presente estudo visa contribuir para o aumento da compreensão sobre o modo como as empresas estão a usar a informação dos acidentes de trabalho para o desenvolvimento de estratégias e práticas de aprendizagem, tendo em consideração todas as fases do ciclo. Realizaram-se dezassete estudos de caso com organizações portuguesas que operam em diferentes sectores de actividade que foram identificadas como tendo “boas práticas”.Os dados foram recolhidos por meio de entrevistas semi- estruturadas realizadas com pessoas-chave na área da Segurança e/ou Recursos Humanos. Os resultados sugerem que as organizações estudadas têm alguns procedimentos bem definidos para a recolha, registo, codificação e análise de informações de acidentes. Simultaneamente, observa-se que alguns procedimentos são caracterizados pela não-padronização. Palavras-chave: apEuropean statistics show that accidents at work are still a major social problem for our society (European Commission, 2004) and at the same time, it has been recognized the need to use the information for accident prevention through learning (eg., Koornneef, 2000; Toft & Reynolds, 1997). The focus on learning emphasizes the need to have information available, disseminated, discussed, and changes need to be implemented. According to Reason (1997) learning takes place over a cycle that begins with the observation of an event and ends with action to prevent its recurrence. To date few studies have been conducted that have covered the whole process and stages of learning throughout the cycle. This study aims to contribute to increased understanding of how companies are using the information on accidents at work to develop strategies and practices of learning, taking into account all phases of the cycle. Seventeen case studies were conducted within Portuguese organizations from different activity sectors that have been identified as having "good practice". Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with key people in the area of safety and/or Human Resources Management. The results suggest that the organizations studied have some well-defined procedures for the collection, recording, coding and analysis of accidents. Simultaneously, we observed that some procedures are characterized by nonstandardization

    Organizational Practices for Learning with work accidents

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    O SHO 2010, Colóquio Internacional de Segurança e Higiene OcupacionaAs estatísticas europeias revelam que os acidentes de trabalho representam ainda um problema social importante para a nossa sociedade (Comissão Europeia, 2004) e, ao mesmo tempo, tem sido reconhecida a necessidade de usar a informação dos acidentes para a prevenção, através da aprendizagem (p. ex., Koornneef, 2000; Toft & Reynolds, 1997). O enfoque na aprendizagem salienta a necessidade de se ter informação disponível, disseminada, discutida, e mudanças implementadas. De acordo com Reason (1997) a aprendizagem decorre ao longo de um ciclo que começa com a observação de um acontecimento e termina com a acção que permite evitar a sua repetição. Até à data foram realizados poucos estudos que tenham abrangido todo o processo e etapas da aprendizagem ao longo do ciclo. O presente estudo visa contribuir para o aumento da compreensão sobre o modo como as empresas estão a usar a informação dos acidentes de trabalho para o desenvolvimento de estratégias e práticas de aprendizagem, tendo em consideração todas as fases do ciclo. Realizaram-se dezassete estudos de caso com organizações portuguesas que operam em diferentes sectores de actividade que foram identificadas como tendo “boas práticas”.Os dados foram recolhidos por meio de entrevistas semi- estruturadas realizadas com pessoas-chave na área da Segurança e/ou Recursos Humanos. Os resultados sugerem que as organizações estudadas têm alguns procedimentos bem definidos para a recolha, registo, codificação e análise de informações de acidentes. Simultaneamente, observa-se que alguns procedimentos são caracterizados pela não-padronização. Palavras-chave: apEuropean statistics show that accidents at work are still a major social problem for our society (European Commission, 2004) and at the same time, it has been recognized the need to use the information for accident prevention through learning (eg., Koornneef, 2000; Toft & Reynolds, 1997). The focus on learning emphasizes the need to have information available, disseminated, discussed, and changes need to be implemented. According to Reason (1997) learning takes place over a cycle that begins with the observation of an event and ends with action to prevent its recurrence. To date few studies have been conducted that have covered the whole process and stages of learning throughout the cycle. This study aims to contribute to increased understanding of how companies are using the information on accidents at work to develop strategies and practices of learning, taking into account all phases of the cycle. Seventeen case studies were conducted within Portuguese organizations from different activity sectors that have been identified as having "good practice". Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with key people in the area of safety and/or Human Resources Management. The results suggest that the organizations studied have some well-defined procedures for the collection, recording, coding and analysis of accidents. Simultaneously, we observed that some procedures are characterized by nonstandardization