1,359 research outputs found

    Mauro Cappelletti and The Brazilian Procedural Law

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    Mauro Cappelletti And The Brazilian Procedural Law

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    Engineering and development in Brazil, challenges and prospects: a new perspective on the topic

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    Purpose – Engineering is a powerful instrument for promoting the social and economic development of nations. Its enhancement is a strategic element to accelerate Brazil’s progress. This paper aims to present a new perspective on the topic of “Engineering and Development in Brazil, Challenges and Prospects” (Guimarães et al., 2007). Its goal is to discuss the need for restructuring the Brazilian system for research, development and innovation (RD&I) and the training of human resources in engineering in the country. Design/methodology/approach – This article is designed to discuss the relations between the performance of the industrial sector and the maturation of engineering in Brazil by looking at the national scientific production in the area in comparison to the world production and to countries (South Korea and The Netherlands). Finally, in terms of training human resources, the Brazilian study abroad program Science without Borders program is discussed in the article as an important tool for the qualification of engineering students in Brazil. Findings – A few of the main findings in this research are as follows: despite being among the top 20 countries in scientific production in Engineering, Brazil still lacks turning this scientific-technological knowledge into products and patents; Brazilian universities and research institutes must build interorganizational collaborations with the industrial sector to increase innovation in the field of engineering; The distribution of the investment in RD&I in engineering must be strategically distributed among its various fields, taking into account national strategies and the technological interrelations between them. The article concludes that engineering is a powerful instrument for promoting a country’s social development while offering indications about Brazilian strategic orientation in the development of engineering. Originality/value – Despite already being well known that engineering is a powerful instrument for promoting a country’s social development, this article innovates by associating academic scientific production in engineering to other variables related to economic development, such as gross domestic product, human development index, industrial and manufactured production and the filing of patents. It comes at animportant moment when the Brazilian Government is discussing new strategies to increase social and economic development in the country while controlling for the investment in RD&I. Therefore, it is the right moment to discuss national policies in science, technology and innovation, especially in the area of engineering

    Third country nationals and European Union law : a critical analysis of issues in European Community and European Union law regarding natural persons who are nationals of third countries and live in member states

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    Defence date: 19 April 1996Examining Board: H. U. Jesserun d'Oliveira, E.U.I.-Univ. Amsterdam (supervisor) ; David O'Keeffe, U.C.L.-College of Europe, Bruges (co-supervisor) ; Brian Bercusson, EUI-Manchester University (co-supervisor) ; R.M. Moura Ramos, Univ.Coimbra-EC Court of First Instance ; Francis Snyder, EUIFirst made available online 19 December 2016This thesis analyses issues in European Community Law and European Union Law related to immigration from third countries into the Union and regarding natural persons already living within the countries of the Union who do not have the nationality of a Member State. For the sake of simplicity these persons are referred to as third country nationals, or immigrants from third countries. In the absence of indications to the contrary, these expressions should be understood as comprising three categories of persons who live in a Member State of the European Union [hereinafter ’’Member State”]: first, nationals of a third country who have immigrated into a Member State; secondly, persons born in a Member State but who have the nationality of a third country and, finally, also stateless persons. In 1992 these three categories made up a total of about 10 million persons. The key concern of this thesis is the situation of third country nationals belonging to national or racial groups who are socially disadvantaged. Clearly, in certain areas, Swiss, (white) American or even Japanese entrepreneurs or managers are in a completely different position to that of Algerian, Chinese or Peruvian low-skilled workers. The latter have a far less advantageous socio-economic status in comparison to the former. They are the ones in need of more attention from public institutions and from the society as a whole. Thus, they are the main concern of this thesis. However, in certain other domains, any person not having the nationality of a Member State can confront basically the same problems - like those pertaining to exclusion from the rights granted only to nationals of a Member State. In this aspect, the thesis will examine in the same manner the position of all third country nationals

    Intraosseous mandibular hemangioma : a case report and review of the literature

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    Intraosseous vascular lesions are rare conditions, comprising only 0.5% to 1% of all intraosseous tumors. They mainly occur in the second decade of life especially in women. The most common locations are the vertebral column and skull; nevertheless, the mandible is a quite rare location. According to the World Health Organization, hemangiomas are benign vasoformative neoplasms of endothelial origin. However, the origin of central hemangioma is debatable. Some authors believe that it is a true neoplasm, whereas others state it is a hamartomatous lesion. Clinically, the patient may be completely symptom-free or may present discomfort, pulsatile bleeding, bluish discoloration, mobile teeth, derangement of the arch form or accelerated dental exfoliation. Most frequently radiographic finding is a multilocular radiolucent image with honeycombs or soap bubble appearance. Differential diagnosis includes neoplasms such as ameloblastoma, cystic lesions such as residual cyst, keratocyst and fibro-osseous lesions such as fibrous dysplasia. There are some therapeutic alternatives, although wide surgical excision remains as the gold standard. We now present a case report of a 51-year-old woman diagnosed in a mandibular hemangioma. Clinical, radiological and histological features of this unusual tumor are described

    A new methodology to predict damage tolerance based on compliance via global-local analysis

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    Over the years several design philosophies to fatigue developed in order to combine structural safety and economy to manufacturing and operating aircraft process. The safe-life approach, which consists of designing and manufacturing a safe aeronautical structure throughout its useful life, results in factors that oversize the structural elements, preventing the possibility of failure and evidently leading to high design costs. On the other hand, the approach based on the damage tolerance concept, in which it is assumed that the structure, even whether damaged, is able to withstand the actions for which it was designed until the detection of a crack due to fatigue or other defects during its operation. Here, we propose a new methodology to the damage tolerance problem in which two-dimensional global-local analysis at different levels of external requests will be made by means of compliance, aimed at finding a relationship between fatigue life and the Paris constant. Moreover, the BemCracker2D program for simulating two-dimensional crack growth is used. This methodology has been proved to be an efficient and applied alternative in the damage tolerance analysis

    The Role of Cognitive Dissonance in Social Networks

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The principles behind the process of creating new, spontaneous sequences out of previously ordered non-declarative stimuli have been scarcely addressed and, for such reason, remain highly unknown. 

This paper has four interconnected goals: 
(1) Introduce a new software-based neuropsychological test that can be used as a means to assess key aspects of the way people order and reorder non-declarative stimuli, based upon cognitive dissonance principles; (2) introduce a mathematical approach to the latter in ordering/re-ordering of non-declarative stimuli; 
(3) assess whether the principles of cognitive dissonance in ordering/re-ordering hold for a cohort of young adults with upper socio-economic level; 
(4) access the extent to which the same holds for children and adolescents and trace a curve of maturation of cognitive dissonance in ordering/re-ordering. 

Our multi-age and multi-language social Network Test implies the two stages, first the subject must order figures of human faces in order of preference, next, the software provides him with different pairs of figures which the subject must fulfill in order to built the intermediate arrays that he believe to interconnect the original pair. Our mathematical model is centered around the relation defined by increases in the distance separating these different pairs of figures in the initial order (distances 1, 5 and 11) and related increases in the mean number of intermediate arrays placed in the re-ordering phase; 105 subjects were tested. 

The tendency to produce reorders that are consonant to the one produced in the initial phase increases with age. This trend inspired us to propose a cognitive dissonance index in spontaneous ordering/reordering of non-declarative stimuli, which may formalize the operation of a previously unknown cognitive dimension of the human mind and may serve as an index of cognitive maturation. To the extent that further studies endorse these perspectives, the tests, formulas, and theoretical principals may support new diagnostic methods and explorations in cognitive science

    Sistema de informações geográficas na gestão pública

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    A produção deste trabalho é independente e surgiu da ideia e colaboração de professores e alunos do Programa de Pós-graduação em Gestão Pública da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Estão contidos neste livro nove trabalhos apresentados na forma de capítulos e que abrangem temas relacionados a Sistema de Informações Geográficas na Gestão Pública. O material contido nesta obra servirá de auxílio para estudantes, professores e profissionais da área das geociências, geografia e na Gestão Pública em seus trabalhos e pesquisas, além de ser um veículo de divulgação de conhecimento obtido pela UFES pelo Programa de Pós- graduação em Gestão PúblicaOrganizadores, Fabricia Benda de Oliveira, Carlos Henrique Rodrigues de Oliveira, Alvaro Costa Figueiredo, Rodson de Abreu Marques1. ediçã

    Um modelo baseado em agentes para o processo de coleta de dados via WEB

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico.Este trabalho é relativo ao desenvolvimento de um sistema aplicado a processos de coleta de dados em caráter diacrônico. Três estruturas de reflexão aplicada foram consideradas: o processo de pesquisa através de questionários; desenvolvimento em ambiente distribuído; utilização de Agentes, Raciocínio Baseado em Caso e Multicritério Difuso, gerando Um Modelo Baseado em Agentes Para o Processo de Coleta de Dados Via Web. Para se alcançar tais propósitos, parte-se de uma crítica aos modelos tradicionalmente aplicados em processos de desenvolvimento de pesquisas quantitativas e qualitativas realizadas com aplicação de questionários por pesquisadores de campo bem como por meio de redes interligadas internet. A construção da variável tempo é determinante neste trabalho. Ao invés de considerá-lo em perspectiva sincrônica, apresentamos aplicabilidade da pesquisa em sentido diacrônico com total habilitação do pesquisador sobre o intervalo de tempo e o prolongamento do período de coleta de dados. Desta forma, durante a aplicação da pesquisa o pesquisador dispõe de instrumentos de medidas como a confiabilidade, fidedignidade e a validade. Uma das vantagens apresentadas é a capacidade de autogerenciamento e dimensionamento dos processos de coleta de dados, com racionalização do tempo e diminuição de custos por parte de empresas que buscam a projeção de serviços e produtos no mercado