5,766 research outputs found

    “I Just Want to Play”: Methodological Considerations For Including Older Adults in Co-creation of Research With A Focus on the Meaning of Activity for Residents of a 55+ Active Adult Master Planned Community

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    Co-creation of research with older adults is examined methodologically and the meaning of activity for older adults living in a 55+ active adult master planned community is examined contextually. Older adults are often the subjects of research but rarely involved as co-creators. Literature on co-creation of research indicates that it allows stakeholders greater participation (Halvorsrud et al., 2021), and older adults should be seen as stakeholders (Weil, 2015). This perspective challenges bias toward older people (van den Berg et al., 2019), and acknowledges the wealth of knowledge they possess as “experts” (Partridge, 2022). While potential exist for co-creation of research with older adults, it was important to establish the extent to which they are willing to spend their time in this way. The methodological research question was: “What are methodological questions when involving residents of a 55+ active adult master planned community as co-creators of research,” Research on activity for older adults shows that successful aging is often portrayed as “active, engaged, and healthy” (Huijg et al., 2017, p. 234), part of what Estes referred to as the “contemporary aging enterprise” (as cited in Timonen, 2016, p. x). Retirement communities, master-planned age-restricted communities, and community centers provide activities based on their beliefs about what older adults need and want. Although older adults represent a diverse population, they generally report that they enjoy being “active.” What we did not know was how they define “activity,” what it means to them, or which activities they prefer. The contextual research questions were, “How do residents of a 55+ active adult master planned community experience “activity”?” and “Which activities do residents of a 55+ active adult master planned community prefer?” I lived a 55+ active adult master planned community called Sequoia Heights (a pseudonym) for six weeks as a participant-observer. Data were 14-day activity journals, extensive observation, in-depth interview with 17 participants, and collaboration in developing and disseminating a survey (N = 57). Methodological findings showed that while some participants expressed willingness to be involved in co-creation of research, many were hesitant, with a focus on other priorities, allocation of time, and lack of interest appearing as key themes. Contextual findings indicated that while older adults are often encouraged to remain “active,” to experience successful aging, there is little consensus on what this means. Many were inclined to label “activity” as physical, but the majority indicated that activity is special, uses significant time, and is varied. Views about an “active person” including being engaged, being independent, getting out, doing physical activities, and doing social activities. They value activity primarily for its effect on their physical and mental health. Living in a 55+ active adult master planned community appears to help facilitate greater activity for those who are interested. Older adults at Sequoia Heights prefer activities that are physical, followed by social and intellectual activities. They enjoy both routine and special activities

    A Arterapia: Os Efeitos Terapêuticos da Expressão Plástica e a sua Influência no Comportamento e Comunicação da Criança

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    p. 27-33A Arte, particularmente a Expressão Plástica, possui efeitos terapêuticos, daí ser um excelente meio para atenuar, se não resolver, determinados problemas de comportamento e comunicação que algumas crianças apresentam no Jardim de Infância. A Arteterapia defende que a Arte proporciona momentos de interacção óptimos à criança e que esta, em contacto com materiais e técnicas adequadas, ou seja, através de um percurso criativo, desencadeia um processo de recuperação, indispensável ao seu desenvolvimento e crescimento pessoal. Convictos desta realidade, procurámos, partindo do modelo terapêutico, analisar de que modo a Expressão Plástica contribui para a expressão do mundo interior da criança e compreender a forma como é estimulada a sua criatividade, fantasia e imaginação, assim como reflectir sobre a prática pedagógica e artística do educador, com vista a fornecer-lhe pistas orientadoras, enquanto motivador e facilitador do processo artístico

    Development of a Controlled Dynamics Simulator for Reusable Launcher Descent and Precise Landing

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    This paper introduces a Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) descent dynamics simulator coupled with closed-loop guidance and control (G&C) integration. The studied vehicle's first-stage booster, evolving in the terrestrial atmosphere, is steered by a Thrust Vector Control (TVC) system and planar fins through gain-scheduled Proportional-Integral-Derivative controllers, correcting the trajectory deviations until precise landing from the reference profile computed in real time by a successive convex optimisation algorithm. Environmental and aerodynamic models that reproduce realistic atmospheric conditions are integrated into the simulator for enhanced assessment. Comparative performance results were achieved in terms of control configuration (TVC-only, fins-only, and both) for nominal conditions as well as with external disturbances such as wind gusts or multiple uncertainties through a Monte Carlo analysis to assess the G&C system. These studies demonstrated that the configuration combining TVC and steerable planar fins has sufficient control authority to provide stable flight and adequate uncertainties and disturbance rejection. The developed simulator provides a preliminary assessment of G&C techniques for the RLV descent and landing phase, along with examining the interactions that occur. In particular, it paves the way towards the development and assessment of more advanced and robust algorithms

    The Discoursive Construction of Sexuality and Domesticity in the Brazilian 1950s

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    This thesis analyses models and messages of femininity in the Brazilian 1950s, as expressed in popular culture in general and by normative literature destined for women readers. These sources indicate ways in which post-war Brazilian society attempted to accommodate the appeal of new models and values as displayed in films and magazines to the traditional ethics. Conversely they also represent a discursive site in which attempts to reconcile the restrictions of that ethics with the exigencies of modern bourgeois society were negotiated. First it deals with the foundations of the construction of femininity in Brazilian middle class terms discussing the gendered nature of Catholic doctrine and examining the cultural complex of honour and shame which informs traditional position of women in society. These patterns were transmitted by normative literature and reinforced through romantic novels. The analysis of the process of courtship ('namoro') and the description of the desacralization of woman in cartoons and pornographic comics reveal much about male values. 'Namoro' was embedded with ideas of chivalry derived from courtly love which awarded woman a high and sacred position. It is sharply contrasted with representations of women in male popular fiction. Images of woman in popular culture were frequently opposed to traditional representations which centred on modesty and passivity, and which either sanctified sexuality (in wedlock), or saw it as transgressive (outside the sphere of family). The new genre of advertisements, however, heightened sexual allure as the necessary element of femininity, contributing to 'domestication of seduction'. The counterpart of this seductive woman, was the new efficient housewife and mother, the target consumer of domestic appliances. Although at first glance it seems that imagery of consumption embodied the old dichotomy between the good asexual woman/mother/Mary/ and the bad/sexy /Eve/source of illicit pleasures, it will be argued that both are facets of the same ambiguous figure. Those models were pivotal for establishing parameters for the self-evaluation of middle-class women. They were also important for the construction of new paradigms for Brazilian society. A society which was trying to adjust its own image to that of a new world where progress, modernisation and democracy were seen as global ideals

    Comportamento de vôo, de alimentação e de reprodução de adultos de Phyllophaga cuyabana (Moser) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae)

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    Phyllophaga cuyabana is a univoltine species and its development occurs completely underground. Its control by conventional methods, such as chemical and biological insecticides, is difficult, so it is important to understand its dispersion, reproduction, and population behavior in order to determine best pest management strategies. The objective of this work was to study the behavior of adults of P. cuyabana. This study was carried out in the laboratory, greenhouse and field sites in Paraná State, Brazil (24º25' S and 52º48' W), during four seasons. The results obtained demonstrate that: a) P. cuyabana adults have a synchronized short-flight period when mating and reproduction occurs; b) adults tend to aggregate in specific sites for mating; c) the majority of adults left the soil on alternate nights; d) the choice of mating and oviposition sites was made by females before copulation, since after copulation adults did not fly from or bury themselves at nearby locations; e) females that fed on leaves after mating, oviposited more eggs than females that had not fed;f) plant species such as sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and the Crotalaria juncea are important food sources for adults.Phyllophaga cuyabana é uma espécie univoltina cujo desenvolvimento ocorre no solo. Seu controle por inseticidas químicos e biológicos é difícil, assim é importante entender sua dispersão, reprodução e comportamento populacional a fim de identificar estratégias potenciais de manejo dessa praga. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o comportamento de adultos de P. cuyabana. O estudo foi realizado em laboratório, casa de vegetação e campo, no Estado do Paraná, Brasil (24º25' S e 52º48' O), durante quatro safras. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que: a) os adultos de P. cuyabana têm um vôo sincronizado durante um curto período quando ocorre o acasalamento e reprodução; b) os adultos tendem a se agregar em sítios específicos para o acasalamento; c) a maioria dos adultos deixa o solo em noites alternadas; d) a escolha do sítio de acasalamento e oviposição é feita pelas fêmeas antes da cópula; após a cópula os adultos não voam e se enterram em locais próximos; e) as fêmeas que ingerem folhas após o acasalamento ovipositam mais que as fêmeas que não se alimentam;f) espécies vegetais como girassol (Helianthus annuus) e Crotalaria juncea são importantes fontes de alimento para os adultos.179186Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Adaptação do método prosopográfico para construção de trajetórias de coleções de objetos

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    SIAM. Series Iberoamericanas de Museología. Año 3, Vol.

    On the physics and technology of gaseous particle detectors

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    Despite an already long and fruitful history, gaseous elementary-particle detectors remain today an important mainstay of high-energy and nuclear physics experiments and of radiation detection in general. In here we briefly describe some of the gaseous detector's main technologies and applications, along with some unsolved gas-discharge physics aspects of practical relevance.Comment: Submitted to Plasma Sources in Science and Technolog

    Habilidades Sociais e Competências Sociais Exigidas do Professor-Líder

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    A função do magistério privilegia o repertório de habilidades sociais, a competência social e a liderança, sendo fundamental para o sucesso e o bom desempenho na díade professor – aluno. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar e relacionar as habilidades presentes no repertório dos professores percebidos como líderes pelos alunos do curso de Administração de Empresas, de uma instituição particular de ensino superior tendo como base o Inventário de Habilidades Sociais de Del Prette, a Teoria dos Traços, a Teoria da Liderança baseada em Princípios, conhecida como a Teoria de Covey e a Teoria proposta por Peter Senge. A questão levantada pretendeu identificar se os professores indicados, com base no referencial teórico, poderiam ser considerados líderes. Os resultados revelaram que quase todos os professores avaliados apresentam alto ou bom repertório de habilidades sociais, no entanto, apenas três deles foram percebidos como líderes pelos alunos. Ao mesmo tempo pode-se verificar que professores com indicação muito baixa também apresentaram repertório considerado bom. Os professores que apresentaram baixo repertório, com indicação para treinamento ou programas de intervenção, não foram percebidos como líderes. Os resultados das avaliações comprovaram as indicações, no entanto, não se pode deixar de levar em conta as variáveis pessoais, ambientais e situacionais

    How Do Taxonomic and Functional Diversity Metrics Change Along an Aridity Gradient in a Tropical Dry Forest?

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    Ecological indicators based on biodiversity metrics are valuable and cost-effective tools to quantify, track and understand the effects of climate change on ecosystems. Studying changes in these indicators along climatic gradients in space is a common approach to infer about potential impacts of climate change over time, overcoming the limitations of lack of sufficiently long time-series data. Here, we studied the response of complementary biodiversity metrics in plants: taxonomic diversity (species richness and Simpson index) and functional diversity (diversity and redundancy) in 113 sampling sites along a spatial aridity gradient (from 0.27 to 0.69 of aridity index-AI) of 700 km in a Tropical dry forest. We found different responses of taxonomic and functional diversity metrics to aridity. Species diversity showed a hump-shaped curve peaking at intermediate levels of aridity between 0.38 and 0.52 AI as an ecotone, probably because it is where most species, from both drier and more mesic environments, still find conditions to co-exist. Functional diversity showed a positive linear relation with increasing aridity, suggesting higher aridity favors drought-adapted species with diverse functional traits. In contrast, redundancy showed a negative linear relation with increasing aridity, indicating that drier sites have few species sharing the same functional traits and resource acquisition strategies. Thus, despite the increase in functional diversity toward drier sites, these communities are less resilient since they are composed of a small number of plant species with unique functions, increasing the chances that the loss of one of such "key species" could lead to the loss of key ecosystem functions. These findings show that the integration of complementary taxonomic and functional diversity metrics, beyond the individual response of each one, is essential for reliably tracking the impacts of climate change on ecosystems. This work also provides support to the use of these biodiversity metrics as ecological indicators of the potential impact of climate change on drylands over time.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio