28 research outputs found

    Dynamical nonequilibrium molecular dynamics reveals the structural basis for allostery and signal propagation in biomolecular systems

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    A dynamical approach to nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (D-NEMD), proposed in the 1970s by Ciccotti et al., is undergoing a renaissance and is having increasing impact in the study of biological macromolecules. This D-NEMD approach, combining MD simulations in stationary (in particular, equilibrium) and nonequilibrium conditions, allows for the determination of the time-dependent structural response of a system using the Kubo–Onsager relation. Besides providing a detailed picture of the system’s dynamic structural response to an external perturbation, this approach also has the advantage that the statistical significance of the response can be assessed. The D-NEMD approach has been used recently to identify a general mechanism of inter-domain signal propagation in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, and allosteric effects in β-lactamase enzymes, for example. It complements equilibrium MD and is a very promising approach to identifying and analysing allosteric effects. Here, we review the D-NEMD approach and its application to biomolecular systems, including transporters, receptors, and enzymes

    Fluctuation relations to calculate protein redox potentials from molecular dynamics simulations

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from the American Chemical Society via the DOI in this recordThe tunable design of protein redox potentials promises to open a range of applications in biotechnology and catalysis. Here, we introduce a method to calculate redox potential changes by combining fluctuation relations with molecular dynamics simulations. It involves the simulation of reduced and oxidized states, followed by the instantaneous conversion between them. Energy differences introduced by the perturbations are obtained using the Kubo-Onsager approach. Using a detailed fluctuation relation coupled with Bayesian inference, these are postprocessed into estimates for the redox potentials in an efficient manner. This new method, denoted MD + CB, is tested on a de novo four-helix bundle heme protein (the m4D2 “maquette”) and five designed mutants, including some mutants characterized experimentally in this work. The MD + CB approach is found to perform reliably, giving redox potential shifts with reasonably good correlation (0.85) to the experimental values for the mutants. The MD + CB approach also compares well with redox potential shift predictions using a continuum electrostatic method. The estimation method employed within the MD + CB approach is straightforwardly transferable to standard equilibrium MD simulations and holds promise for redox protein engineering and design applications.European Union Horizon 2020European Research Council (ERC)Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)BrisSynBioUKRIOracleRoyal SocietySurrey Future Fellowship Programm

    Allosteric communication in class A β-lactamases occurs via cooperative coupling of loop dynamics

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    Understanding allostery in enzymes and tools to identify it, offer promising alternative strategies to inhibitor development. Through a combination of equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations, we identify allosteric effects and communication pathways in two prototypical class A β-lactamases, TEM-1 and KPC-2, which are important determinants of antibiotic resistance. The nonequilibrium simulations reveal pathways of communication operating over distances of 30 Å or more. Propagation of the signal occurs through cooperative coupling of loop dynamics. Notably, 50% or more of clinically relevant amino acid substitutions map onto the identified signal transduction pathways. This suggests that clinically important variation may affect, or be driven by, differences in allosteric behavior, providing a mechanism by which amino acid substitutions may affect the relationship between spectrum of activity, catalytic turnover and potential allosteric behavior in this clinically important enzyme family. Simulations of the type presented here will help in identifying and analyzing such differences

    Genetic risk factors for ischaemic stroke and its subtypes (the METASTROKE Collaboration): a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies

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    <p>Background - Various genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been done in ischaemic stroke, identifying a few loci associated with the disease, but sample sizes have been 3500 cases or less. We established the METASTROKE collaboration with the aim of validating associations from previous GWAS and identifying novel genetic associations through meta-analysis of GWAS datasets for ischaemic stroke and its subtypes.</p> <p>Methods - We meta-analysed data from 15 ischaemic stroke cohorts with a total of 12 389 individuals with ischaemic stroke and 62 004 controls, all of European ancestry. For the associations reaching genome-wide significance in METASTROKE, we did a further analysis, conditioning on the lead single nucleotide polymorphism in every associated region. Replication of novel suggestive signals was done in 13 347 cases and 29 083 controls.</p> <p>Findings - We verified previous associations for cardioembolic stroke near PITX2 (p=2·8×10−16) and ZFHX3 (p=2·28×10−8), and for large-vessel stroke at a 9p21 locus (p=3·32×10−5) and HDAC9 (p=2·03×10−12). Additionally, we verified that all associations were subtype specific. Conditional analysis in the three regions for which the associations reached genome-wide significance (PITX2, ZFHX3, and HDAC9) indicated that all the signal in each region could be attributed to one risk haplotype. We also identified 12 potentially novel loci at p<5×10−6. However, we were unable to replicate any of these novel associations in the replication cohort.</p> <p>Interpretation - Our results show that, although genetic variants can be detected in patients with ischaemic stroke when compared with controls, all associations we were able to confirm are specific to a stroke subtype. This finding has two implications. First, to maximise success of genetic studies in ischaemic stroke, detailed stroke subtyping is required. Second, different genetic pathophysiological mechanisms seem to be associated with different stroke subtypes.</p&gt

    Estágio de administração em enfermagem: repercussões para a equipe em unidades clínico-cirúrgicas

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    RESUMO Objetivo Conhecer as percepções de enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem de um hospital universitário sobre o processo interativo com estagiários de administração em enfermagem. Método Estudo qualitativo, exploratório, descritivo, mediante 11 entrevistas semiestruturadas com enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem de unidades clínico-cirúrgicas. As informações, coletadas entre dezembro de 2013 e janeiro de 2014, foram submetidas à análise temática e discutidas à luz de Pichon-Rivière. Resultados Agrupados em três categorias: Acadêmicos e equipe de enfermagem: interação que pode propiciar aprendizado, ajuda mútua e satisfação; Apesar da pré-tarefa, o trabalho tem que continuar; e, Equipe de enfermagem: a facilitadora do estágio. Conclusões O início da convivência é repleto de ansiedades básicas, mas é no movimento de elaborá-las que o grupo se constitui e se transforma para o trabalho em equipe. Nessa lógica, quesitos como paciência, empatia, comunicação e coerência facilitam o processo interativo, além de serem fundamentais para a (re)leitura crítica da realidade