180 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebiasaan belajar efektif siswa kelas V SD Se-Gugus I Sendangrejo Kecamatan Minggir Sleman tahun ajaran 2015/2016, untuk mengetahui prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas V SD Se- Gugus I Sendangrejo Kecamatan Minggir Sleman tahun ajaran 2015/2016, dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kebiasaan belajar efektif terhadap prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas V SD Se-Gugus I Kecamatan Minggir Sleman tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada siswa kelas V SD Se-Gugus 1 Sendangrejo Minggir Sleman dengan menggunakan metode penelitian survey dan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel secara proposional random sampling. Adapun jumlah populasi 89 siswa dan sampel yang diambil sejumlah 72 siswa. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuisioner, serta dokumentasi. Kesahihan dan kepercayaan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kebiasaan belajar efektif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa SD Se-Gugus I Sendangrejo Minggir Sleman Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel kebiasaan belajar efektif dilihat dari.mean empirik sebesar 57,09, sehingga kebiasaan belajar efektif siswa kelas V di SD Se-Gugus I Sendangrejo Kecamatan Minggir termasuk dalam kategori baik yaitu dengan persentase sebesar 62,50%. Variabel prestasi belajar matematika dilihat dari mean empirik sebesar 69,25, sehingga prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas V di SD Se-Gugus I Sendangrejo Kecamatan minggir termasuk dalam kategori baik yaitu dengan presentase sebesar 43,06%. Serta Terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan kebiasaan belajar efektif terhadap prestasi belajar matematika siswa kelas V SD Se-Gugus I Kecamatan Minggir Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta Tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Hal ini ditunjukan dengan nilai koefisien regresinya sebesar 1,144 dan nilai p sebesar 0,000, dan p < 0,05

    Analysis of Risk Factors for Infant Diaper Dermatitis

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    Infants have skin that is easy to get irritated and infected by microorganisms. The use of diapers in infants often causes diaper dermatitis and disturbs the comfort. The diaper dermatitis incidence is quite high in infants aged 0-24 months. This study purposes to determine the factors that influence the infant diaper dermatitis and assess the relationship between these factors and the diaper dermatitis. The study design is an analytical observational with a cross sectional study design. Data retrieval using interview method on respondents use a structured questionnaire to obtain risk factors which are associated with the diaper dermatitis incidence. Bivariate analysis was used to examine the relationship between the diaper dermatitis incidence and contributing factors. The study result is 27 infants (36%) of 75 infants had diaper dermatitis. It was obtained p value ≤ 0.05 for solid food (fishes, p = 0,018) and diarrhea (p = 0,021). The value of p &gt; 0.05 for the variables of age, sex, maternal education level, neighborhood, solid foods (cereals, eggs and fruits), frequency of diaper changes, frequency of bathing, and the use of protective skin cream. The conclusion is there is a correlation between diaper dermatitis and the solid food (fishes) and diarrhea

    Neimenn,detta va juogoskLi jillt!. En kvalitativ studie av vegårsheidialektas utvikling, med fokus på enkelte språklige variabler

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    Master´s thesis in Primary Teacher Educatio

    Sifat Kepemimpinan Dalam Bisnis Islam

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan sifat kepemimpinan dalam bisnis Islam. Permasalahan kepemimpinan yang terjadi ketika bisnis mereka mengalami kerugian, sehingga perilaku pemimpin biasanya bertindak sesuai dengan kehendaknya tanpa memperhatikan karyawannya dan tentunya mengabaikan prinsip-prinsip Islam terutama karakteristik pemimpin dalam Islam. Dalam kepemimpinan Islam, pemimpin akan selalu mengingat Allah, walaupun bisnis nya tersebut mengalami kerugian dan tetap melakukan inovasi yang kreatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan; sumbernya diambil dari sumber sekunder dalam bentuk buku, jurnal, dan kertas yang berkaitan dengan sifat kepemimpinan dalam bisnis Islam

    diseño de investigación para la utilización del método ABC XYZ en el inventario de un laboratorio farmacéutico para mejorar el proceso de compra de materia prima en la ciudad de Guatemala

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    Propone un diseño de gestión de inventario, para mejorar la adquisición de materias primas necesarias para abastecer la bodega y lograr que la empresa desarrolle sus operaciones satisfactoriamente

    Homologous ligands accommodated by discrete conformations of a buried cavity

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    Conformational change in protein-ligand complexes is widely modeled, but the protein accommodation expected on binding a congeneric series of ligands has received less attention. Given their use in medicinal chemistry, there are surprisingly few substantial series of congeneric ligand complexes in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Here we determine the structures of eight alkyl benzenes, in single-methylene increases from benzene to n-hexylbenzene, bound to an enclosed cavity in T4 lysozyme. The volume of the apo cavity suffices to accommodate benzene but, even with toluene, larger cavity conformations become observable in the electron density, and over the series two other major conformations are observed. These involve discrete changes in main-chain conformation, expanding the site; few continuous changes in the site are observed. In most structures, two discrete protein conformations are observed simultaneously, and energetic considerations suggest that these conformations are low in energy relative to the ground state. An analysis of 121 lysozyme cavity structures in the PDB finds that these three conformations dominate the previously determined structures, largely modeled in a single conformation. An investigation of the few congeneric series in the PDB suggests that discrete changes are common adaptations to a series of growing ligands. The discrete, but relatively few, conformational states observed here, and their energetic accessibility, may have implications for anticipating protein conformational change in ligand design


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    Embora seja uma área com predominância de mulheres, a docência na educação infantil apresenta recente inserção de homens pedagogos. Essa relação, muitas vezes, gera discriminações com a atuação junto às crianças da primeira etapa da educação básica, manifestas na comunidade escolar. O presente estudo visa apontar os conceitos que norteiam a existência de possíveis preconceitos e/ou a prevalência de estereótipos entre educadores e comunidade escolar quanto à presença do homem no papel de docente na educação infantil. Tal constatação é um reflexo da divisão sexual do trabalho nos moldes da que é apresentada por Hirata e Kergoat (2007), designando ao homem a esfera produtiva e à mulher a esfera reprodutiva, que se vincula a concepção do educar e cuidar, indissociável do processo educativo infantil. Convém lembrar que, para as crianças, a presença desse professor nas escolas pode ser visto como uma atividade a qual podem vir a escolher futuramente, independente de gênero, por ser uma profissão que cabe tanto para o homem quanto para a mulher.Despite female professionals being predominant in this field, teaching in early childhood education started to include male educators. However, this relationship often generates discrimination among workers at the first phase of elementary school, and is also manifested in the school community. The&nbsp;present study aims to point out the concepts that guide the existence of possible prejudices and/ or the prevalence of stereotypes among educators and the school community regarding the presence of men in the role of teaching in early childhood education. Such finding is a reflection of the sexual division of labor along the lines presented by Hirata and Kergoat (2007), designating the productive sphere for men and the reproductive sphere for women, which is linked to the concept of educating and caring, inseparable from the children's educational process. It should be remembered that, the presence of a teacher in schools can be seen as an activity that they may pursue as their own careers in the future, regardless of gender, as it fits both men and women

    La endotelina-1 aumenta la heterogeneidad de la repolarización ventricular en cerdos con infarto crónico de miocardio

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    Hemos comprobado mediante mapeo óptico que la respuesta electrofisiológica a la endotelina-1 (ET-1) del miocardio ventricular se ve alterada según la cercanía a las zonas afectadas por infarto de miocardio crónico. Estas diferencias electrofisiológicas no se observan en ventrículos sanos

    Impacto de Crise sobre o Comportamento de Poupança das Famílias Americanas

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    este estudo utiliza dados do Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) de 2007 e 2013 para examinar a propensão à poupança das famílias americanas no período de pré e pós-crise econômica, baseando-se no modelo de dois períodos de consumo/poupança de Bowman, Minehart e Rabin (1999). Esse modelo assume existência de assimetria no comportamento de poupança dos agentes em resposta a choques positivos e negativos na renda. Os resultados obtidos via modelos logit sugerem que a crise tenha aumentado a relevância de fatores como número de filhos, idade, grau de instrução, renda e incerteza econômica; enquanto patrimônio, tolerância a risco financeiro, horizonte de investimento, saúde e possuir casa própria foram fatores que perderam relevância. As evidências sugerem que eventos da magnitude da crise de 2008 podem ocasionar mudanças no comportamento financeiro dos agentes, as quais são inteiramente explicadas pelos choques financeiros.This study used data from the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) for 2007 and 2013 in order to examine the propensity to savings of American households in the pre- and post-economic crisis, based on the two-period consumption/savings model by Bowman, Minehart and Rabin (1999). This model assumes there is an asymmetry in agents' savings behavior in response to positive and negative shocks in the income. The results obtained by logistic regression suggest that economic crisis has increased the relevance of factors such as number of children, age, education level, income and economic uncertainty, while equity, financial risk tolerance, investment horizon, health and home ownership were factors that lost relevance. The evidence suggests that events with the magnitude of the 2008 crisis may lead to changes in the financial behavior of agents who are not entirely explained by the financial impacts suffered
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