1,282 research outputs found

    Some Possibilities in Fuel Economy

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    Iowa Coal Studies

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    Includes: The Composition of Iowa Coals Studies in the Washing of Iowa Coal The Storage of Iowa Coals The Use of Iowa Screenings with Domestic Stokers The Carbonization of Iowa Coals Studies In the Classification of Iowa Coals The Agglutinating Indices of Iowa Coals The Disintegration or Slacking of Coal The Rank of Coals as Measured by Oxygen Absorption Literature Cite

    The Effect of Impurities on the Physical Properties of Oxychloride Cements

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    The rapidly increasing use of Stucco, a cement made by mixing magnesite with a solution of magnesium chloride, as an exterior for dwelling houses has given rise to an interesting study of its chemical and physical properties. As usually applied, the stucco is made according to the specifications of the Committee on Specifications for Plastic Magnesite, which recommended the following mixture to be standard: One part by weight of plastic calcined Magnesite; Two parts by weight of Standard Ground Silica; Five parts by weight of Standard Ottawa Sand. This is then mixed with a 22 degree Baume solution of magnesium chloride to the proper consistency. Various colored oxides may be added to color the cement as desired. The cementing properties of such mixture are due to the formation of an oxychloride compound of magnesium by the interaction between magnesite and the magnesium chloride solution, the sand acting only as a filler or as an attachment for the cement crystals

    Nonharmonic oscillations of nanosized cantilevers due to quantum-size effects

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    Using a one-dimensional jellium model and standard beam theory we calculate the spring constant of a vibrating nanowire cantilever. By using the asymptotic energy eigenvalues of the standing electron waves over the nanometer-sized cross-section area, the change in the grand canonical potential is calculated and hence the force and the spring constant. As the wire is bent more electron states fits in its cross section. This has an impact on the spring"constant" which oscillates slightly with the bending of the wire. In this way we obtain an amplitude-dependent resonance frequency of the oscillations that should be detectable.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Partitioning of Rare Earth and High Field Strength Elements Between Titanite and Phonolitic Liquid

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    We present the results of a LA–ICPMS study of titanites and associated glasses from the mixed-magma phonolitic Fasnia Member of the Diego Hernández Formation, Tenerife, Canary Islands. We employ a method of identifying equilibrium mineral–melt pairs from natural samples using REE contents and a linear form of the lattice strain model equation (Blundy and Wood, 1994), where the Young\u27s modulus (EM) for the 7-fold coordinated site is an output variable. For felsic magmas that contain crystals potentially derived from a variety of environments within the system, this approach is more rigorous than the use of solely textural criteria such as mineral–glass proximity. We then estimate titanite/melt partition coefficients for Y, Zr, Nb, REE, Hf, Ta, U and Th. In common with prior studies, we find that middle REE partition more strongly into titanite than either light or heavy REE, and that REE partitioning behavior in titanite is reasonably predicted by the lattice strain model. Titanite also fractionates Y from Ho, Zr from Hf, and Nb from Ta. Comparison with experimental data indicates that melt structure effects on partitioning are significant, most particularly in very highly polymerized melts. We use the data to estimate 7-fold coordination radii for trivalent Pr, Nd, Ho, Tm and Lu, and to make approximate predictions of titanite/melt partitioning of Ra, Ac and Pa. Interpolation of data for heavy REE does not predict the behavior of Y, indicating that factors other than charge and radius are involved in partitioning. Variations in Y/Ho induced by magmatic processes appear to be negatively correlated with temperature, and are expected to be greatest in near-minimum melts

    Rare Earth and High Field Strength Element Partitioning Between Iron-Rich Clinopyroxenes and Felsic Liquids

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    Rare earth elements are commonly assumed to substitute only for Ca in clinopyroxene because of the similarity of ionic radii for REE3+ and Ca2+ in 8-fold coordination. The assumption is valid for Mg-rich clinopyroxenes for which observed mineral/melt partition coefficients are readily predicted by the lattice strain model for substitution onto a single site (e.g. Wood and Blundy, 1997). We show that natural Fe-rich pyroxenes in both silica-undersaturated and -oversaturated magmatic systems deviate from this behavior. Salites (Mg# 48 to 59) in phonolites from Tenerife, ferrohedenbergites (Mg# 14.2 to 16.2) from the rhyolitic Bandelier Tuff, and ferroaugites (Mg# 9.6 to 32) from the rhyolitic Rattlesnake Tuff have higher heavy REE contents than predicted by single-site substitution. The ionic radius of Fe2+ in 6-fold coordination is substantially greater than that of Mg2+, hence we propose that, in Fe-rich clinopyroxenes, heavy REE are significantly partitioned between 8-fold Ca sites and 6-fold Fe-Mg sites such that Yb and Lu exist dominantly in 6-fold coordination. We also outline a REE-based method of identifying pyroxene-melt pairs in systems with multiple liquid and crystal populations, based upon the assumption that LREE and MREE reside exclusively in 8-fold coordination in pyroxene. Contrary to expectations, interpolation of mineral/melt partition coefficient data for heavy REE does not predict the behavior of Y. We speculate that mass fractionation effects play a role in mineral/melt lithophile trace element partitioning that is detectable among pairs of isovalent elements with near-identical radii, such as Y-Ho, Zr-Hf, and Nb-Ta

    The preparation of stoker coals from Iowa screenings

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    Gambaran Pemberian Obat Masal Pencegahan Kaki Gajah di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Welamosa Kecamatan Wewaria Kabupaten Ende Tahun 2011-2015

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    Elephant Foot Disease (Lymphatic Filariasis), hereinafter referred to as filariasis, is a chronic infectious disease caused by filarial worms that attack the lymph nodes. Data from the Ende District Health Office shows that up to 2015 there were 233 cases of filariasis with the highest number found in the welamosa Public Health Center in the authority district of 67 people. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of mass drug prevention of elephantiasis in the working area of Welamosa Health Center in Wewaria District, Ende Regency in 2011-2015. The type of research used is descriptive with a cross-sectional design using a stratified random sampling technique with a sample of 380 samples. The results showed that people who drank mass medicine to prevent elephantiasis in 2011 amounted to 51%, in 2012 amounted to 52%, in 2013 amounted to 56%, in 2014 and 2015 respectively 62%. People who do not take medication are caused by not getting medication and not taking medication. Residents who get the medicine but do not drink it are more due to no desire to drink that because of the side effects of drugs/allergies while the people who do not get the medicine are more due to the unwillingness/willingness to take the drug

    Romeo and Juliet

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    (print) ix, 167 p. ; 24 cmI. The Montagues And The Capulhts In History 3 -- II. Early Development Of The Legend Of The Montagues And The Capulets 13 -- III. Giovanni Boccacio 21 -- IV. The Novella Of "Ippolito E Leonora" 29 -- V. The Tale Of Mariotto And Ganozza By Masuccio Salernitano (Tommaso Guardati) 35 -- VI. Luigi Da Porto's "Giulietta E Romeo" 43 -- VII. Adrien Sevin 61 -- VIII. Clizia 67 -- IX. Matteo Bandello 75 -- X. Pierre Boaistuau 87 -- XI. Arthur Brooke Andwilliam Painter 95 -- XII. Luigi Groto 103 -- XII. Shakespeare's Deviations Fro M "Romeus And Iuliet" 111 -- XIV. Lost Documents, With A Discussion Of The "Romeo En Juliette" Of Jacob Struijs And The "Castelvines Y Monteses" Of Lope De Vega 119 -- XV. Other Documents, With A Discussion Of Girolamo Dalla Corte's "Istorie Di Verona" And Loys Guyon's "Les Diverses Lecons" 127 -- XVI. Conclusion 129 -- Appendices -- I. Incomplete Outline 135 -- II. Adrien Sevin 139 -- Bibliography 147 -- Index 15
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