59 research outputs found

    Peer assessment to improve EFL speaking skill in a 2 students

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    The purpose of this research is to learn how peer assessment, a specific technique in education, improves English speaking skills. The study investigates the benefits of this strategy in improving students' speaking efficiency in oral production and aims to identify the benefits of peer assessment for students in the learning processes and to explore the processes of how teachers of English as a foreign language can take advantage of this tool. The research focuses on the improvement of oral skills through peer assessment and emphasizes the significance of formative assessment in the classroom. The study reviews relevant literature, analyzes the importance of oral skills, emphasizes the role of assessment, and contextualizes the study within the educational environment in Ecuador. This study was carried out through a bibliographic methodology because the information was found in different relevant and academic sources

    Realidad y perspectiva del Archivo de la Universidad de Morón (Argentina)

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    300 páginasTrabajo fin de Máster dirigido por Branka Tanodi. El propósito de este trabajo es dar a conocer la realidad del archivo de la Universidad de Morón, elegida por tratarse de una universidad de gestión privada y una de las pioneras creadas en ese ámbito a partir de los años 50. Para ello se ha planteado por un lado realizar un diagnóstico del estado de situación del mismo con relación a la conservación y a la organización y por otro promover a la aprobación de un reglamento universitario y del cuadro de clasificación. Por último se concluye que si el Archivo de la Universidad de Morón adopta alguna de las mejoras propuestas en esta investigación, seguramente será pionera a nivel nacional en la organización integral de su Archivo

    Antimicrobial Activity of Chitosan Membranes Against Staphylococcus Aureus of Clinical Origin

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    Healthy human skin has beneficial microflora and many pathogens causing infections. Staphylococcus aureus is the most prevalent and can have multiresistance to antibiotics. Chitosan is a polysaccharide composed of glucosamine and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, which is biodegradable and has antimicrobial activity. As part of a national scientific research project for the development and application of biomaterials, we decided to study the effect of different membranes based on chitosan against strains of S. aureus isolated from infected ulcers. The study found that seven of nine strains of S. aureus are sensitive to rifampin and the least eight of nine strains were multiresistant to more than ten antibiotics. All chitosan-based membranes confirm its antimicrobial effect on direct contact with an increase in its diameter. The contact area of the membranes is increased according to the concentration of chitosan. The highest average area increase was the chitosan membranes with honey and glycerin, 88.32%. Chitosan membranes have shown their effectiveness against S. aureus strains of clinical origin. Thus, these materials can be applied for the treatment of chronic ulcers without toxic hazards and resistance caused by antibiotics

    Evolutivitat de la capacitat flexora segons el sexe i el nivell d'ensenyament

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    La flexibilitat és una de les qualitats físiques bàsiques que es treballa tant en els cicles de primària com de secundària, però no en l'etapa universitària. De les quatre qualitats físiques bàsiques, la flexibilitat és l'única que minva a mesura que augmenta l'edat. Per dur a terme l'estudi es va comptar amb una mostra de 410 subjectes (42% de sexe masculí respecte del 58% de sexe femení) de 6 a 30 anys de Granada i Almeria. Es va emprar el test de flexió profunda del tronc per a la recollida de dades, tot establint que la flexibilitat mitjana de la població era de 22,25 cm. Pel que fa als sexes, les noies (X = 22,82 cm) eren més flexibles que els nois (X = 21,46 cm). Quant a l'evolutivitat, en el rang de 10 a 11 anys és quan s'aconsegueixen els valors més alts de capacitat flexora, a partir de la qual es produeix una disminució constant a mesura que augmenta l'edat cronològica dels individus, per la qual cosa el nivell d'ensenyament de primària (24,98 cm) és el que presenta pics més elevats de flexibilitat respecte dels universitaris, els qui n'obtenen els valors més baixos (19,50 cm). Finalment, s'ha determinat -igual que tota la bibliografia consultada- que la flexibilitat mitjana minva a mesura que augmenta el rang d'edat

    Evolutividad de la capacidad flexora según el sexo y el nivel de enseñanza

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    La flexibilidad es una de las cualidades físicas básicas que se trabaja tanto en los ciclos de primaria como de secundaria, pero no en la etapa universitaria. De las cuatro cualidades físicas básicas, la flexibilidad es la única que disminuye conforme aumenta la edad. Para realizar el estudio se ha contado con una muestra de 410 sujetos (42% varones frente al 58% de mujeres) de 6 a 30 años de Granada y Almería. Se empleó el test de flexión profunda de tronco para la recogida y toma de datos, estableciendo que la flexibilidad media de la población era de 22,25 cm. De igual forma, por sexos, las chicas (X = 22,82 cm) eran más flexibles que los varones (X = 21,46 cm). En cuanto a la evolutividad, es en el rango de 10 a 11 años cuando se alcanzan los valores más altos de capacidad flexora, produciéndose una disminución constante conforme aumenta la edad cronológica de los individuos, por lo que el nivel de enseñanza de primaria (24,98 cm) es el que mayores picos de flexibilidad presenta frente a los universitarios, que son los que obtienen los valores más inferiores (19,50 cm). Finalmente, se ha determinado que al igual que toda la bibliografía consultada, la flexibilidad media disminuye conforme aumenta el rango de edad

    Violencia familiar entre mujeres en zonas de asentamiento humano y urbano, 2023

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la violencia familiar en mujeres en zonas de asentamientos humanos y zonas urbanas, 2023. La metodología empleada fue de tipo básica y de diseño no experimental, con un alcance descriptivo comparativo. La muestra que se utilizo es de tipo no probabilístico por criterio en donde se involucró a 368 madres y jóvenes, de entre 20 a 40 años de edad residentes en una zona de asentamiento humano y urbana de Piura. Como instrumento se llegó a utilizar la Escala de Violencia Intrafamiliar (VIF-J4). Los resultados, mostraron la existencia diferencial significativa (p<0.05) de violencia intrafamiliar en jóvenes y mujeres madres de familia entre las zonas de asentamiento humano y zonas urbanas. De igual forma, hubo diferencias significativas (p<0.05) en todas las tipologías, excepto en violencia psicológica, género y patrimonial (p<0.05) que se reflejaba una corta diferencia. Concluyendo que, el contexto y los estereotipos de género serán factores determinantes para el desarrollo de violencia dentro del núcleo familiar

    Disturbances in metabolic, transport and structural genes in experimental colonic inflammation in the rat: a longitudinal genomic analysis

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    Background: Trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid (TNBS) induced rat colitis is one of the most widely used models of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a condition whose aetiology and pathophysiology are incompletely understood. We have characterized this model at the genomic level using a longitudinal approach. Six control rats were compared with colitic animals at 2, 5, 7 and 14 days after TNBS administration (n = 3). The Affymetrix Rat Expression Array 230 2.0 system was used. Results: TNBS-induced colitis had a profound impact on the gene expression profile, which was maximal 5 and 7 days post-induction. Most genes were affected at more than one time point. They were related to a number of biological functions, not only inflammation/immunity but also transport, metabolism, signal transduction, tissue remodeling and angiogenesis. Gene changes generally correlated with the severity of colitis. The results were successfully validated in a subset of genes by real-time PCR. Conclusion: The TNBS model of rat colitis has been described in detail at the transcriptome level. The changes observed correlate with pathophysiological disturbances such as tissue remodelling and alterations in ion transport, which are characteristic of both this model and IBD.This study was supported by the Instituto de Investigación Carlos III (PI051651, PI051625), the Spanish Junta de Andalucía (ARM/LD 43035), the Ministry of Industry, and Fundación Genoma España

    Genotype–phenotype correlation in patients with Usher syndrome and pathogenic variants in MYO7A: implications for future clinical trials

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    Purpose: We aimed to establish correlations between the clinical features of a cohort of Usher syndrome (USH) patients with pathogenic variants in MYO7A, type of pathogenic variant, and location on the protein domain. Methods: Sixty-two USH patients from 46 families with biallelic variants in MYO7A were examined for visual and audiological features. Participants were evaluated based on self-reported ophthalmological history and ophthalmological investigations (computerized visual field testing, best-corrected visual acuity, and ophthalmoscopic and electrophysiological examination). Optical coherence tomography and fundus autofluorescence imaging were performed when possible. Auditory and vestibular functions were evaluated. Patients were classified according to the type of variant and the protein domain where the variants were located. Results: Most patients displayed a typical USH1 phenotype, that is, prelingual severe-profound sensorineural hearing loss, prepubertal retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and vestibular dysfunction. No statistically significant differences were observed for the variables analysed except for the onset of hearing loss due to the existence of two USH2 cases, defined as postlingual sensorineural hearing loss, postpubertal onset of RP, and absence of vestibular dysfunction, and one atypical case of USH. Conclusion: We were unable to find a correlation between genotype and phenotype for MYO7A. However, our findings could prove useful for the assessment of efficacy in clinical trials, since the type of MYO7A variant does not seem to change the onset, severity or course of visual disease.This project was financially supported by the Center for Biomedical Network Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERER), FIS (PI16/00425, PI16/00539 and IIS‐FJD Biobank PT13/0010/0012). LG‐M and IPR were supported by the Río Hortega and predoctoral Programs (CM16/00126 and FI17/00192, respectively) from Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII, Spanish Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Competitiveness), Regional Government of Madrid (CAM, B2017/BMD37), and Regional Government of the Valencian Community (PROMETEU/2018/135), with partial support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Additional support was received from the Ramon Areces Foundation, the University Chair UAM‐IIS‐FJD of Genomic Medicine, ONCE Foundation and the Spanish National Organization of the Blind (ONCE). Drafting of this manuscript was possible thanks to the UshTher project (Clinical trial of gene therapy with dual AAV vectors for retinitis pigmentosa in patients with Usher syndrome type IB), which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 754848. The authors are grateful to the families that participated in this study and to the colleagues who referred patients to us. We also thank the Genetics and Ophthalmology Departments of Fundación Jimenez Diaz University Hospital (FJD, Madrid) and Asunción Giménez, Cristina Villaverde, and Ignacio Mahillo for their technical assistance

    Autophagy in Hematological Malignancies

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    Autophagy is a highly conserved metabolic pathway via which unwanted intracellular materials, such as unfolded proteins or damaged organelles, are digested. It is activated in response to conditions of oxidative stress or starvation, and is essential for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis and other vital functions, such as differentiation, cell death, and the cell cycle. Therefore, autophagy plays an important role in the initiation and progression of tumors, including hematological malignancies, where damaged autophagy during hematopoiesis can cause malignant transformation and increase cell proliferation. Over the last decade, the importance of autophagy in response to standard pharmacological treatment of hematological tumors has been observed, revealing completely opposite roles depending on the tumor type and stage. Thus, autophagy can promote tumor survival by attenuating the cellular damage caused by drugs and/or stabilizing oncogenic proteins, but can also have an antitumoral effect due to autophagic cell death. Therefore, autophagy-based strategies must depend on the context to create specific and safe combination therapies that could contribute to improved clinical outcomes. In this review, we describe the process of autophagy and its role on hematopoiesis, and we highlight recent research investigating its role as a potential therapeutic target in hematological malignancies. The findings suggest that genetic variants within autophagy-related genes modulate the risk of developing hemopathies, as well as patient survival