63 research outputs found

    Real Gelfand-Mazur algebras

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    Recommended by A.F. dos Santos Abstract: Several classes of real Gelfand–Mazur algebras are described. Conditions, when the traceM∩B of a closed maximal left (right) idealM of a real topological algebra A would be a maximal ideal in a subalgebra B of the center of A are given.

    Spirit and language in Hegel's philosophy of absolute spirit

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    The article examines Hegel’s philosophy of language whose linguo-philosophical views were being formed in a general context of becoming of his philosophy of absolute spirit. The specificity of Hegel’s understanding of a deeply spiritual language nature, at the root of which lies the key issues of the philosopher about the consubstantiality of Language and Spirit, is revealed. Particular attention is paid to the explanation of the significance of Hegel’s “lessons” in current philosophical discourse and the need of their adoption for the development of human sciences in general

    Five Adventure Stories: Americans in Stalin’s Moscow (Lapina, Galina. Americans in Moscow, 1930–1940. Moscow: Litfakt Publ., 2023. 206 p.)

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    The monograph by Russian-American researcher, translator and critic Galina Lapina Americans in Moscow: 1930–1940 is dedicated to pre-war Soviet-American theatrical, educational, cinematic, diplomatic, literary contacts. Among the heroes of the book are American Ambassador Joseph E. Davis and his chauffeur Charles Ciliberti, writers Langston Hughes and Dorothy West, playwright Sophie Treadwell, actress Blanche Yurka and other writers, artists, diplomats, journalists who came to the USSR in the 1930s and early 1940s. The book consists of five chapters; each of them is devoted to a certain episode of Soviet-American connections: the failed film project Black and White; The Promised Land, Sophie Treadwell's play about Soviet life; Moscow theater festivals of 1933–1937; history of the Anglo-American Institute (1933–1935), Moscow summer school for American students; a comparison of two books about the USSR — Joseph E. Davis’ Mission to Moscow (1943) and Charles Siliberti’s Backstage Mission to Moscow (1946), that show Soviet reality from the opposing points of view. The book that is, in fact, a collection of articles, is however marked by unity and integrity; it reconstructs the general context of the period in question on the basis of the extensive material. Memoirs, correspondence, archival documents, Soviet and American press form a vivid picture of Soviet-American relations in the pre-war decade. Many sources revealing American attitudes towards the USSR used by the author, have not yet been translated or published in Russia. Galina Lapina’s book encourages further research and publishing projects

    “A Philistine Writer Whining in a Swamp”: Soviet Readers’ First Acquaintance with Ernest Hemingway

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    The paper examines early Soviet reception of Ernest Hemingway's works. The research is based on the readers’ letters to Goslitizdat (State Publishing House) from the funds of the Russian State Archive of Literature and Arts (RGALI). A small collection of letters (1935–1936) shows readers’ reaction to the first Hemingway’s Soviet book editions: a short story collection Death in the Afternoon (1934) and Fiesta (1935). The readers unanimously condemn Hemingway for his “decadent” prose and Goslitizdat for publishing such “absurd” and “harmful” books. The only exception is a short positive review of the novel A Farewell to Arms (1936) sent to Goslitizdat in 1937. To uncover the reasons for the negative readers’ reception one should turn to the literary criticism of the 1934–1935, especially the essays by Ivan Kashkin who introduced the new author to the Soviet reading audience. A comparative analysis of readers’ feedback and critical discourse shows that the ambivalent and even contradictory image of the writer created by the critics made the readers think of Hemingway’s works as “decadent”, “bourgeois” and alien to Soviet people. Another reason was the innovative nature of Hemingway’s modernist prose which seemed obscure, confusing and unintelligible; the Soviet reader obviously preferred “clarity” and “simplicity” of Erskine Caldwell’s or Theodore Dreiser’s realistic writings. The situation changed by the 1937, when Hemingway was praised by both Soviet critics and readers as an anti-fascist writer, a heroic defender of the Spanish Republic

    Prevalence of Giardia duodenalis in dogs and cats: Age-related predisposition, symptomatic, and asymptomatic cyst shedding

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    Background and Aim: Giardiasis is a protozoal disease that is globally prevalent in dogs and cats. The clinical manifestations vary, but asymptomatic cases have also been reported. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of Giardia duodenalis in domestic dogs and cats, characterize the age susceptibility to this disease, and determine the frequency of cases in which cysts are combined with stool changes. Materials and Methods: After centrifugation in a zinc sulfate solution (specific gravity = 1.32 g/cm3), feces of dogs (2761) and cats (1579) were examined microscopically. The age of the animals and the presence of coprological stool characteristics such as fecal odor, consistency, presence of mucus, and other pathological impurities were taken into account. Results: G. duodenalis infection rates were 18.2% (215/1182) in dogs aged 1–12 months and 3.8% (60/1579) in dogs older than 12 months. The infection rate was 7.8% (48/615) in cats aged 1–12 months and 3.35% (33/994) in cats aged >12 months. The most frequently observed coprological abnormalities in cyst-positive animals were soft and/or mushy stool and pungent odor. In dogs, the frequency of these symptoms was 24.4% (67/275), 27.6% (76/275), and 36.4% (100/275) for soft stools, mushy stools, and pungent fecal odor, and 37.8% (31/82), 25.6% (21/82), and 19.5% (16/82), respectively. No stool changes were found when G. duodenalis cysts were detected in dogs in 24.7% (68/275) of cases and in cats in 24.4% (20/82). Conclusion: G. duodenalis cysts are reported more frequently in domestic cats and dogs under 12 months of age than in dogs under 12 months of age. The presence of Giardia cysts is usually accompanied by a strong odor of feces and changes in their consistency. It can be concluded that it is necessary to conduct periodic surveillance for apparently healthy dogs and cats to rule out G. duodenalis infection

    Melhoria da Gestão do Risco Cambial nas Empresas do Turismo e da Indústria Hoteleira

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    The study takes a look at the approaches to the foreign exchange risk management of tourism and hospitality industry enterprises as the expansion of foreign economic activity requires improving the efficiency of managing such risks. Transfer pricing is considered one of the most effective methods for regulating foreign exchange risk. The conceptual principles of foreign exchange risk management are developed with consideration of the place and goals of an enterprise in the tourism and hospitality industry, as well as the features of the internal and external environments, that create the prerequisites for increasing the efficiency of the organizational and economic mechanism. It is concluded that approaches to developing a program to improve the efficiency of managing risks under study determine the optimal combination of organizational and software-integrated aspects that reduce the level of risk to the optimum, given a steady increase in competitiveness and profitability.El estudio examina los enfoques de la gestión del riesgo cambiario de las empresas del sector del turismo y la hostelería, ya que la expansión de la actividad económica en el extranjero exige mejorar la eficacia de la gestión de dichos riesgos. Los precios de transferencia se consideran uno de los métodos más eficaces para regular el riesgo cambiario. Los principios conceptuales de la gestión del riesgo cambiario se desarrollan teniendo en cuenta el lugar y los objetivos de una empresa en la industria del turismo y la hostelería, así como las características del entorno interno y externo, que crean los requisitos previos para aumentar la eficiencia del mecanismo organizativo y económico. Se concluye que los enfoques para el desarrollo de un programa de mejora de la eficiencia de la gestión de los riesgos objeto de estudio determinan la combinación óptima de aspectos organizativos y de software integrados que reducen el nivel de riesgo al óptimo, dado un aumento constante de la competitividad y la rentabilidad.O estudo analisa as abordagens à gestão do risco cambial das empresas do turismo e da indústria hoteleira, uma vez que a expansão da actividade económica estrangeira exige a melhoria da eficiência da gestão de tais riscos. Os preços de transferência são considerados um dos métodos mais eficazes para regular os riscos cambiais. Os princípios conceituais de gestão do risco cambial são desenvolvidos tendo em consideração o lugar e os objectivos de uma empresa na indústria do turismo e da hotelaria, bem como as características do ambiente interno e externo, que criam os pré-requisitos para aumentar a eficiência do mecanismo organizacional e econômico. Conclui-se que as abordagens ao desenvolvimento de um programa para melhorar a eficiência da gestão de riscos em estudo determinam a combinação óptima de aspectos organizacionais e de software integrados que reduzem o nível de risco ao óptimo, dado um aumento constante da competitividade e rentabilidade

    Horse gastrointestinal parasites in the Moscow region

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    The purpose of our work was to conduct a survey of the horse population for the presence of parasites of the gastrointestinal tract in Moscow and the Moscow region. The research included horses aged 1.5 months to 26 years from horse farms and from private owners too. Fecal samples were collected rectally from 571 horses and were examined on the day of collection by flotation method and sedimentation method. Horses are infected with parasites of the gastrointestinal tract by 47.5% in the Moscow region. The main representatives of the parasite fauna are nematodes. Strongylidae gen. sp. (44%), Parascaris sp. (10.3%), Oxyuris equi (1.4%), Eimeria leuckarti (0.5%) were found. Statistically revealed correlations between the level of infection and the age of the horse (p < 0.001), as well as between the level of infection and the conditions of keeping (p < 0.001). The most infected were horses in the age group from 1 to 3 years. According to the study, herd horses are significantly more likely to be infected with Parascaris sp. and O. equi. No correlation was found between the level of infection and the type of farming (horse farms or private owners) (p = 0.252)


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    The paper gives a survey of the main stages in African American interpretation of Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or Life Among the Lowly (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe. After the publication of the novel, African American periodicals in the USA and Canada were publishing a wide range of reviews, essays, poems, and sketches reacting to Stowe’s book. Frederick Douglass was praising the book in his newspaper; there appeared, however, some aggressively critical responses, such as three letters by Martin Delany, a Black radial activist, written to the Frederick Douglass’ Newspaper in 1853. The argument of Delany and Douglass became a matrix for the further polemic based on the opposition of integrationist and afrocentrist approaches to the novel. This binary opposition remains practically unchanged until the Harlem renaissance, when African American writers and scholars (J. Weldon Johnson, W. S. Braithwaite, W. Thurman) become more critical, describing the novel as full of humiliating stereotypes, and its author as totally unable to properly understand and depict the Black race. The turning point in the assessment of the novel in the 20th century was Richard Wright’s collection of short stories Uncle Tom’s Children (1938) and James A. Baldwin’s essay Everybody’s Protest Novel (1949) – a criticism of “protest fiction” from Beecher Stowe to Richard Wright. Baldwin’s essay heralded the shift towards the Sixties hostile crusade against “uncle Tomism”, when Stowe’s protagonist was referred to as a symbol of servility and race betrayal, which was a complete inversion of the cultural myth of a Black Messiah that underlies the character. The final part of the paper analyzes the situation in current African American studies and in particular H. L. Gates’s subversive “double-voiced” interpretation of the novel which is in full agreement with the tendency to revise the role of white Abolitionists in the antislavery movement and in the African American history in the 1990–2000s

    Theodore Dreiser in Leningrad. New Materials

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    Theodorе Dreiser was invited to the USSR to take part in the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution. His visit to the Soviet Union that lasted over two months (November 4, 1926 — January 13, 1928) has been documented and studied quite well: Dreiser's Russian diary that he kept during his travel was published almost 30 years ago, and four years ago its Russian translation appeared. Another source is Ruth Epperson Kennell’s book Theodore Dreiser and the USSR. A First- Hand Chronicle (1969). A number of studies and scholarly publications are devoted to Dreiser’s trip; however, new materials and documents that contribute to more detailed reconstruction of Dreiser’s Russian journey still are being found in the archives. New documents from the funds of the All-Union Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (VOKS) that highlight Dreiser’s stay in Leningrad (November 26 — December 2, 1927) are published in the Addendum to the article: a report submitted to VOKS by Sergei Trivas, officer for Anglo-American countries, who accompanied Dreiser as a guide and interpreter, and a letter of gratitude from Dreiser to Nikolai Derzhavin, VOKS representative in Leningrad