87 research outputs found

    Зміна та розірвання договору, з точки зору різних правових доктрин, у випадку дії обставин форс-мажору

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    Force majeure (force majeure) can cause a significant change in circumstances, which is the basis for termination or change of the contract, and, ultimately, leads to the termination of the obligation (its termination) or the preservation of the obligation in a modified form. Legal regulation of the legal consequences of a significant change in the circumstances that exist at the conclusion of the contract is usually based on one of two key principles of contract law: the principle, according to which contracts must be performed (pacta sunt servanda), or clause (clausula rebus sic stantibus). The legislation of foreign countries contains rules, according to which "a change of circumstances may justify a change in the contract, when the preservation of the contract in its original form leads to extraordinary results, incompatible with justice" [1]. The main consequences of a significant change in the circumstances that guided the parties in concluding the contract are: - actually change the contract, ie change the terms of the contract (and as a consequence - the obligations between the parties) while maintaining the contract in force; - and termination of the contract by agreement of the parties.If the parties do not agree to bring the contract in line with the circumstances that have changed significantly, or to terminate it, the contract may be terminated on the grounds, established by the Central Committee of Ukraine, amended by a court decision at the request of the interested party: at the conclusion of the contract the parties proceeded from the fact that such a change of circumstances will not occur; the change of circumstances is due to reasons, which the interested party could not eliminate after their occurrence with all the care and diligence, required of itФорс-мажор (непреодолимая сила) может быть причиной существенного изменения обстоятельств, являющихся основанием для расторжения или изменения договора, и, в конечном счете, приводит к прекращению обязательства (его расторжения) или сохранение обязательства в измененном виде.Правовое регулирование правовых последствий существенного изменения обстоятельств, которые существуют при заключении договора, как правило, строится на основе одного из двух ключевых принципов договорного права: принципа, согласно которому договоры должны выполняться (pacta sunt servanda), или оговорке о неизменности обстоятельств (clausula rebus sic stantibus). В законодательстве зарубежных стран содержатся нормы, согласно которым «изменение обстоятельств может быть оправданием изменения договора, если сохранение договора в первоначальном виде приводит к чрезвычайным результатам, не совместимым со справедливостью».Основными последствиями существенного изменения обстоятельств, которыми стороны руководствовались при заключении договора, является: - собственно изменение договора, то есть изменение условий договора (и как следствие – обязательств между сторонами) при сохранении самого договора в силе; - и расторжение договора по соглашению сторон.Если стороны не достигли соглашения о приведении договора в соответствие с обстоятельствами, которые существенно изменились, или относительно его расторжения, договор может быть расторгнут по основаниям, установленным ГК Украины, изменен по решению суда по требованию заинтересованной стороны при наличии одновременно следующих условий: в момент заключения договора стороны исходили из того, что такое изменение обстоятельств не наступит; изменение обстоятельств обусловлено причинами, которые заинтересованная сторона не могла устранить после их возникновения при всей заботливости и осмотрительности, которые от нее требовалисьФорс-мажор (непереборна сила) може бути причиною істотної зміни обставин, що є підставою для розірвання або зміни договору, і, у кінцевому рахунку, призводить до припинення зобов’язання (його розірвання) або збереження зобов’язання у зміненому вигляді.Правове регулювання правових наслідків істотної зміни обставин, які існують при укладенні договору, як правило, будується на основі одного з двох ключових принципів договірного права: принципу, згідно з яким договори мають виконуватись (pacta sunt servanda), або застереженні про незмінність обставин (clausula rebus sic stantibus). У законодавстві зарубіжних країн містяться норми, відповідно до яких «зміна обставин може бути виправданням зміни договору, коли збереження договору у первісному вигляді призводить до надзвичайних результатів, не сумісних із справедливістю».Основними наслідками істотної зміни обставин, якими сторони керувалися при укладенні договору, є: – власне зміна договору, тобто зміна умов договору (і як наслідок – зобов’язань між сторонами) при збереженні самого договору в силі; – і розірвання договору за згодою сторін. Якщо сторони не досягли згоди щодо приведення договору у відповідність з обставинами, які істотно змінились, або щодо його розірвання, договір може бути розірваний, з підстав, встановлених ЦК України, змінений за рішенням суду на вимогу заінтересованої сторони за наявності одночасно таких умов: у момент укладення договору сторони виходили з того, що така зміна обставин не настане; зміна обставин зумовлена причинами, які заінтересована сторона не могла усунути після їх виникнення при всій турботливості та обачності, які від неї вимагалис

    The Voronoi tessellation method in astronomy

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    The Voronoi tessellation is a natural way of space segmentation, which has many applications in various fields of science and technology, as well as in social sciences and visual art. The varieties of the Voronoi tessellation methods are commonly used in computational fluid dynamics, computational geometry, geolocation and logistics, game dev programming, cartography, engineering, liquid crystal electronic technology, machine learning, etc. The very innovative results were obtained in astronomy, namely for a large-scale galaxy distribution and cosmic web pattern, for revealing the quasi-periodicity in a pencil-beam survey, for a description of constraints on the isotropic cosmic microwave background and the explosion scenario likely supernova events, for image processing, adaptive smoothing, segmentation, for signal-to-noise ratio balancing, for spectrography data analysis as well as in the moving-mesh cosmology simulation. We briefly describe these results, paying more attention to the practical application of the Voronoi tessellation related to the spatial large-scale galaxy distribution.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, accepted to Intelligent Astrophysics, Eds. I. Zelinka, D. Baron, M. Bresci

    Balancing Queueing Systems With Excess Demand

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    In a rough economic environment and increased competition, one issue critical to many businesses is to achieve an optimum balance between supply and demand. Double-ended queuing structure, where demand and supply occur simultaneously, can be utilized to model various manufacturing and service activities. By associating costs per time unit due to a unit of excess of supply or demand, the total cost will include now costs due to imbalance of demand and supply. The authors examine the queuing behavior and how to minimize the above total cost by advanced planning aimed to hold imbalance costs at a minimum.In this paper, the main focus will be on situations where a stochastic system has become unstable due to demand exceeding supply. To determine how sensitive optimal solutions are to changes in model parameters, for each policy, either decreasing demand or increasing supply, exact optimal solutions were found for a large number of scenarios and then used this scenarios database to fit the best possible regression model. The paper ends illustrating the use of the model to research funding where typically proposals compete for scarce funding resources


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    Present work addresses technological properties of powder made from Jerusalem artichoke, formed by the method of drying with mixed supply of heat, compared to traditional convection. It is shown that polysaccharides in the composition of Jerusalem artichoke of MHS-drying undergo less crystallization and hence drying is carried out under milder conditions than these components during convection method. We established capacity for the dispersing of dried Jerusalem artichoke in a traditional ball mill depending on the duration, which makes it possible to obtain dried products for various technological purposes. We demonstrated a capacity to swell in the resulting powder made from Jerusalem artichoke, which predetermines the formation of advanced capillary-porous structure. Results of the tensometric method of studies revealed that the formed structure of powder made from Jerusalem artichoke of MHS-drying is characterized by small pores at temperature 50 °С and by 1.2...1.5 times larger – at 70 °С, which must be considered when they are rehydrated. We examined a complex of basic functional-technological properties of powder made from Jerusalem artichoke: coefficient of water absorption (CW), water-retaining (WRC), fat-retaining (FRC) and emulsifying capacities (EC). During mathematical processing of the results received, we obtained a conceptual model that describes a dependence of the comprehensive indicator of technological properties of powder made from Jerusalem artichoke (by the defined weight coefficients: for CW – 0.2; WRC – 0.2; FRC – 0.3; EC – 0.2) depending on the temperature of MHS-drying and dispersibility

    Environmental imperation economic security implementation in the context of sustainable development

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    Досліджено місце і роль екологічного імперативу в системі забезпечення безпеки держави. Розглянуто взаємозв’язок між національною безпекою та її економічною складовою в контексті формування нової парадигми гармонійного розвитку суспільства. Зазначено про необхідність переходу від «коричневої» індустріальної економіки до економіки нового типу – «зеленої». Визначено основні пріоритети й сформовано механізм забезпечення національної безпеки в рамках трирівневої системи «населення – навколишнє середовище – економіка», запропоновано набір інструментів для його реалізації. Обґрунтовано зростання ролі держави і міждержавних органів у економічному регулюванні, створенні умов для розвитку бізнесу на основі нових екологічних стандартів і технологій більш чистого виробництва, екологізації індустріальних галузей національної економіки.This paper investigates the place and role of environmental imperative to implement security system. It is noted that the present environment is deteriorating dramatically, and reserves of natural resources are gradually exhausted, approaching to crisis, already irreversible condition. In this regard, the need to transition from the so-called «brown» industrial economy to a new type – the «green» is indicated. The relationship between national security and its economic component in the context of the new paradigm of harmonious development of society is considered. Along with the identified threats to national interests and national security of Ukraine in the economic and environmental sectors the main priorities are distinquished and national security mechanism within the three-level system – «Population – Environment – Economy» is formed; a set of tools for its implementation is proposed. In terms of economic security implementain of the state its new «green» sectors are suggested to indentify, as well as those which are in the process of ecological transformation, including energy, resources, food, social, industrial and financial related services. The athours focus on the increasing role of the state and interstate bodies within economic regulation, creating the conditions for business development based on new environmental standards and cleaner production technologies, greening the industrial sectors of the national economy. It is mentioned that eco-innovations are able to contribute the strengthening of economic, environmental and social foundations of sustainable development. It is noted that Ukraine has significant scientific, technical, industrial and human resources, to achieve success in this area. It is proved that the introduction of new technologies will help solve pressing environmental problems in the country

    Adaptation of Project Management During the IT Crisis of 2022–2023

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    The article is devoted to the problems and prospects of adapting project management to the IT crisis of 2022–2023, which was provoked by both global economic problems and the war in Ukraine. The current situation and the trend of adaptation of project management to the IT crisis of 2022–2023 both in Ukraine and in the world in general are analyzed. The problems faced by project management during the global IT crisis are listed. Furthermore, the article lists problems that the IT business will face and what impact it will have on project management in companies. The prospects for development and further measures for successful adaptation to the crisis conditions in the world economy during 2022–2023 are determined. In today’s dynamic and interconnected business environment, project managers face the critical challenge of ensuring successful project management during times of crisis. Strategies and ideas that project managers can apply to successfully overcome crises and strengthen the position of projects are considered. It has been determined that the key to successful IT project management depends on aspects such as agile methodology, risk management, maintaining effective communication, boosting team spirit, etc. By applying agile methodologies, using priority risk management, maintaining clear communication within the company, maintaining team spirit, adapting project plans, and leveraging modern technology, project managers can successfully overcome uncertainty and lead their teams to success. By taking these challenges, learning from them, and becoming stronger on the one hand, project managers can establish themselves as effective crisis leaders in their organizations, and on the other hand, successfully support projects in the company, which will help it survive during the crisis period


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    The purpose of the article is to justify the role of socio-economic diagnostics of the enterprise as an information base for managerial decision-making in the conditions of integration and globalization processes. The subject of the study is the theoretical and applied principles of socio-economic diagnostics of the enterprise’s activity at the national and international levels. The methodology of the research is to identify the key priority accents of the socio-economic diagnostics of the enterprise’s activity, taking into account the integration and globalization challenges. On the example of Ukraine as a country on the path of European integration, the problems in the field of socio-economic diagnostics of enterprise’s activity are investigated and identified, which are connected with the existence of discrepancies with recognized international diagnostic experience. The necessity of unification of diagnostic procedures is proved in order to establish, deepen, and expand the effective cooperation of domestic enterprises with foreign partners, which will facilitate the activation of the European integration process. It is established that leading players of international markets make decisions about the cooperation establishment on the basis of diagnostic conclusions, which are formed by such known international credit rating agencies as Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, Fitch. Thus, the best international diagnostic experience has been researched and analysed on the example of the recognized international credit rating agencies Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, Fitch. It is determined that at the present stage the diagnostics of the financial status of the enterprise is the priority kind of socio-economic diagnostics within the different complex diagnostic objectives. The results of the study were the development and substantiation of a unified methodology for diagnosing the financial status of the enterprise, which can be used by subjects from different countries. The proposed methodology is based on the consideration of the classical diagnostic technology, the adequate composing the national and international diagnostic experience, taking into account the integration and globalization conditions, the use of internationally recognized diagnostic terminology. In particular, within the framework of the developed methodology of diagnostics of financial status of the enterprise, it is proposed to calculate four groups of financial indicators: profitability, liquidity, financial independence and business activity. By comparison of obtained actual values of indicators with the adequate criteria, an identification database for diagnostics of types of financial status of the enterprise was developed, including risk-free status, destabilization status, pre-crisis status, the status of technical defaults, and the status of actual default. The practical value of the obtained results of the study is to enable the business structures of different countries to implement the unified diagnostic procedures and thus operate a single information base during managerial decision-making about establishing or expanding cooperation. This prevents misunderstandings during cooperation, gives an opportunity to receive the same diagnostic results and unifies their interpretation. The novelty of the results of the study is to improve and standardize the methodological, indicative, identification, and interpretive provision of the diagnostics of the financial status of the enterprise, based on taking into account the best recognized international diagnostic experience, as well as integration and globalization conditions and challenges

    Features of industry transformation under the global challenges

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    Розкрито особливості проведення економічних реформ та трансформації у галузі промисловості в системі глобальних викликів. Враховуючи суттєвий вплив промисловості України на розвиток усього національного господарства підкреслено важливість проведення ґрунтовних досліджень процесів перебудови застарілих у глобальних умовах методів організації виробничо-збутової діяльності промислових підприємств. У контексті монографії Маркович І. Б. «Трансформація промисловості в системі глобальних викликів: організаційно-мережеві зміни та конкуренто-інноваційні виміри» запропоновано інноваційні підходи до збалансування пріоритетів вітчизняної промисловості зі світовими, розглянуто можливості використання її розробок як окремого напряму досліджень.The features of economic reforms and industry transformation under the global challenges are disclosed. Given the significant impact of industry on the development of the entire national economy in Ukraine the importance of conducting thorough investigations of adjustment processes of obsolete in global conditions methods of production and distribution activities of industrial enterprises is emphasized. It is expedient to cover characteristics of factors which have the most significant impact on the ability of enterprises to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment, which is a prerequisite for achieving a high level of competitiveness in the market. In general, the article emphasizes the most important factors that determine changes in the world industrial production, including: increased international competition, which is associated with the emergence of new producers and their close integration with international markets, the rapid growth of technological changes, which leads to the reduction in industrial production cycles and makes the company continually innovate, improve its organizational forms and processes, improvement of economic performance in developing countries that gives reason to talk about the emergence of new market opportunities for both production and consumption, environmental factors such as climate change, depletion of natural resources and pollution resulting from industrial activities to some extent determine the further development of production, the regulatory environment and community values should be considered as important factors driving changes in the structure and features of the industry. In the context of the monograph by Markovych I. B. «Transformation of industry in global challenges: organizational and network change, and the competitiveness and innovation dimensions» the innovative approaches to balancing the priorities of the domestic industry with the world ones are proposed, the possibilities of using it as a separate development direction of research are considered. Considering the problem of lack of effectiveness of existing models of the domestic national economy, it is proposed to focus on the research and grounding of the choice of such form of economic growth, which would be able to resolve the problems of lack of competitiveness in the regional industry first, and then in the national and global dimensions. It is found that the economic globalization and accelerated flow of information stimulates and updates the search of such forms of inter-firm cooperation, which would possess the features of integrated forms of cooperation

    Innovative approaches to strategic management of analytical studies and forecasting of the activities of hotel and restaurant business enterprises

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    The hotel and restaurant business is one of the few areas that is able to recover effectively even after global crises. The restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have intensified the processes of digitalization and the introduction of innovative tools to all processes of the hospitality sector. Innovative technologies play a key role in keeping the hospitality industry competitive and changing the hospitality industry. Advances in artificial intelligence, mobile technology, personalized guest experience and sustainable practices are critical to improving operational efficiency, maximizing guest satisfaction, personalizing services and remaining competitive in a rapidly evolving digital environment. Keeping track of these trends helps the hotel business meet changing consumer expectations and contribute to the growth of the business and the industry as a whole. The hospitality industry is one of the most technologically dependent industries. Without information technology, managing the dayto- day activities of hotels, restaurants and other enterprises related to hospitality would be impossible

    Розробка агентно-орієнтованих компонентів програмного забезпечення для вилучення маркетингової інформації з web

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    The article is devoted to researching the processes of extracting marketing information from the Web space. Conclusions are drawn on the need to introduce an information marketing system into modern business activities. A decision has been taken to develop software for the collection and analysis of marketing information. Identified and analyzed the main problems of collecting marketing information in the Web space. External systems for extracting and processing marketing information from the Web space were considered. During the analysis of the subject area, functional and non-functional requirements for the software being developed were formulated. Requirements for the selection of technologies for the development of an information system were defined. The analysis of software development technologies is carried out and the approach to the development of a software component is chosen. Such approaches to software development as: object-oriented programming, service-oriented architecture, component-oriented programming, agent-oriented programming were analyzed. A decision has been made to use the agent three-tier architecture in software development. The most commonly used programming languages in programming systems were: Java, KIF, KQML, AgentSpeak, April, TeleScript, Tcl / Tk, Oz. Analyzed such popular agent platforms and their functions as: JADE, Cougaar, ZEUS, Jason. For the development of software, the JADE platform was chosen, its classes, methods and interfaces were examined. The advantages and peculiarities of the SOLID principle are analyzed. In detail, the levels of the CLEAN architecture are examined. And also explained the possibilities of software implementation of this architecture. A software architecture was developed for the data collection system. In accordance with the requirements, a selection of software development tools has been made. It was decided to use the programming language Java, Spring Framework, GoF design pattern, the template Dependency Injection, SOLID and CLEAN architectural principles. A software component was developed for marketing information gathering systems, which allows to optimize this process. The limitations and ways to improve the software system are analyzed.Статтю присвячено питанням дослідження процесів вилучення маркетингової інформації з Web-простору. Зроблено висновки про необхідність введення інформаційної маркетингової системи в сучасну підприємницьку діяльність. Прийнято рішення про розробку програмного забезпечення для збору та аналізу маркетингової інформації. Виявлено та проаналізовано основні проблеми збору маркетингової інформації у Web-просторі. Були розглянуті зовнішні системи по вилученню та обробці маркетингової інформації з Web-простору. В ході аналізу предметної області були сформульовані функціональні і нефункціональні вимоги до розроблюємого програмного забезпечення. Були визначені вимоги до вибору технологій для розробки інформаційної системи. Проведено аналіз технологій розробки програмного забезпечення та обрано підхід до розробки програмного компонента. Були проаналізовані такі підходи до розробки програмного забезпечення як: об’єктно-орієнтоване програмування, сервіс-орієнтована архітектура, компонентно-орієнтоване програмування, агентно-орієнтоване програмування. Прийнято рішення про використання агентної трирівневої архітектури в розробці програмного забезпечення. Були розглянуті найбільш часто використовувані в агентних системах мови програмування: Java, KIF, KQML, AgentSpeak, April, TeleScript, Tcl/Tk, Oz. Проаналізовано такі популярні агентні платформи і їх функції як: JADE, Cougaar, ZEUS, Jason. Для розробки програмного забезпечення була обрана платформа JADE, розглянуті її класи, методи і інтерфейси. Проаналізовано переваги та особливості принципу SOLID. В деталях розглянуті рівні архітектури CLEAN. А також зроблені пояснення можливостей програмної реалізації цієї архітектури. Була розроблена програмна архітектура для системи зі збору даних. Відповідно до вимог зроблений вибір інструментів розробки програмного продукту. Прийнято рішення про використання мови програмування Java, Spring Framework, GoF патерну проектування, шаблону Dependency Injection, SOLID і CLEAN архітектурних принципів. Був розроблений програмний компонент для систем збору маркетингової інформації, що дозволяє оптимізувати цей процес. Проаналізовано обмеження і шляхи поліпшення програмної систем