127 research outputs found

    Magnus Lidén i Antoni Aguilella

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    «Linné es creia triat per Déu per a ordenar el caos&raquo

    Eduardo Hugo Rapoport

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    Euonymus latifolius (L.) Miller (Celastraceae) en Castilla-La Mancha

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    [email protected] [email protected] aportan los primeros datos sobre la presencia de Euonymus latifolius en la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha (España). La población hallada se encuentra próxima a las hoces del río Tajo en Cuenca y está compuesta por 32 ejemplares, de los cuales sólo 2 son adultos.We found the first population of Euonymus latifolius in Castilla-La Mancha region (Spain) near the river Tajo in Cuenca province with only 32 plants, 2 of which are adults

    Proyecto Quick Natura. Tecnologías móviles aplicadas a rutas botánicas urbanas

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    El proyecto Quick Natura pretende acercar a las personas que habitan o visitan espacios urbanos de la ciudad de Valencia al entorno vegetal que les rodea, de una manera rapida y amena. La iniciativa se basa en el uso de las nuevas tecnologias para conectar el mundo fisico con el virtual mediante la colocaci onde codigos QR (Quick Response code, \codigo de respuesta rapida') en diferentes especies vegetales de jardines, parques y espacios urbanos y periurbanos. Cualquier usuario podra escanear con un Smartphoneu otro dispositivo movil el codigo QR ubicado en las plantas etiquetadas, permitiendo el acceso inmediato a una capa de informacion amena y de facil comprension sobre ese ejemplar. El metodo permite asociar los codigos QR a la pagina webwww.uv.es/quicknatura en el cual cada planta esta alojada en un espacio virtual donde los usuarios podran ver: informacion sobre la especie a traves de preguntas y curiosidades, su ubicacion actual, la ubicacion de otros codigos QR cercanos y una serie de rutas dise~nadas para diferentesjardines de la ciudad de Valencia. El proyecto permite un uso tanto particular como tutelado, con un gu aacompañante que pueda complementar la informacion obtenida a traves de Quick Natura

    Catalogo de la flora exotica de la isla de Cerdeña (Italia)

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    This paper provides a checklist of exotic flora on the island of Sardinia (Italy) with a total of 482 taxa which represent 18% of the flora of the island; 29 taxa are new to the island and 9 of them for Italy. Most of these taxa (289, which represent 62% of the total) are neophytes and 173 (38%) are archeophytes, while new events are all related to neophytes. Among all neophytes, 44% are naturalized, 39% casual and 17% invasive. The archeophytes include a 55% of naturalized taxa, 44% casual and 1% invasive. The category of invasive accounts 11% of the total alien flora. The analysis of the checklist confirms phanerophytes as the most represented biological form (40%), with the American origin prevalent among all species (30%). Further analysis have been conducted in order to verify the impact on different ecosystems and the most vulnerable habitats to the phenomena of neocolonization are agricultural (32%) and sinanthropic (28%), followed by wetlands (11%) and coastal (10%)

    Las plantas como recursos didáctico. La Botánica en la enseñanza de las Ciencias

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    The increasing lack of interest of students in scientific subjects is also intense in the field of botany. There is growing concern about the lack of botanical vocations in the university world that is not restricted to our country. The analysis of the training of natural science teachers - which are responsible for establishing the first contact of students with science - can help us understand this situation and find solutions. This article also focuses on how to increase interest in biology and also claims plants as exceptional educational resources, both for their importance in environmental balance and their educational significance. In this sense, outdoor education and field work in which students can be active in their learning and stablish direct contact with the natural environment should be encouraged to increase the motivation and link of students with the sciences

    Outdoor academic debate as a tool to stimulate critical thinking and scientific orientation: a pilot experience

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    This paper aims to present a pilot experience conducted during the spring of 2018 in the Jardí Botànic (Botanic Garden) of the Universitat de València. The experience brought about 24 students from the degrees of Sociology, Primary School Education and Psychology in the same university (6 students from each degree), and 6 students from different academic backgrounds, including Master´s Degree students and one PhD student. The main goal of the pilot study is to analyze the perception and effectiveness of an academic debate seminar made outdoors and including students from different academic backgrounds. It was organized in three sessions of three hours each, with a pre-established distribution of roles between moderators and participants was pre-established. Clear rules of the functioning were also set up. The debate was structured in different parts, the duration of which had been previously established, as well as the time allocated to each intervention. Mutual trust and respect were also promoted and different dialectical positions and arguments were encouraged. At the end the students assessed the experience and had the opportunity to explain the extent to which the experience was fruitful in an individual essay, highlighting especially two positive aspects: the outdoor environment and the possibility to interact with students of other careers

    The link between violence and suicidal behavior among female university students in Spain

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    To explore the association between violence and suicidal behavior in female university students. Method: A convenience sample of 540 female students enrolled in the Nursing and Teacher Training Faculties at the University of Valencia was selected. Violence by partners, nonpartners, and both was compared with suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. An adjusted logistic regression and the Wald Test were performed to explore whether the effect on student's suicidal behavior differed if a partner or others committed violence. Results: 18.1% reported suicidal thoughts in the last month and 2.4% had attempted suicide in the past five years. Suicidal behavior was significantly higher in abused than in nonabused students, although the magnitude was higher when committed by a nonpartner. Conclusions: All forms of violence are strongly associated with suicidal behavior. Understanding the relationship between violence and suicidal thoughts and attempts is a priority for reducing suicide behavior in young women

    What has been thought and taught on the lunar influence on plants in agriculture? Perspective from physics and biology

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    This paper reviews the beliefs which drive some agricultural sectors to consider the lunar influence as either a stress or a beneficial factor when it comes to organizing their tasks. To address the link between lunar phases and agriculture from a scientific perspective, we conducted a review of textbooks and monographs used to teach agronomy, botany, horticulture and plant physiology; we also consider the physics that address the e ects of the Moon on our planet. Finally, we review the scientific literature on plant development, specifically searching for any direct or indirect reference to the influence of the Moon on plant physiology. We found that there is no reliable, science-based evidence for any relationship between lunar phases and plant physiology in any plant-science related textbooks or peer-reviewed journal articles justifying agricultural practices conditioned by the Moon. Nor does evidence from the field of physics support a causal relationship between lunar forces and plant responses. Therefore, popular agricultural practices that are tied to lunar phases have no scientific backing. We strongly encourage teachers involved in plant sciences education to objectively address pseudo-scientific ideas and promote critical thinking. Keywords: plant growth; agriculture; traditions; pseudo-science; lunarphases; physics; biology; educatio

    Debate académico de puertas abiertas como herramienta para estimular el pensamiento crítico y la orientación científica : una experiencia piloto

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    Se presenta una experiencia piloto realizada durante la primavera de 2018 en el Jardí Botànic de la Universitat de València. La experiencia reunió a 24 estudiantes de las titulaciones de Sociología, Educación Primaria y Psicología de la misma universidad (6 estudiantes de cada titulación), más 6 estudiantes de diferentes titulaciones académicas, incluyendo máster y doctorado. El objetivo principal del estudio piloto es analizar la percepción y la efectividad de un seminario de debate académico llevado a cabo al aire libre, y con la participación de alumnos de diferentes ámbitos académicos. Se organizó en tres sesiones de tres horas cada una, con una distribución preestablecida de roles entre moderadores y participantes. También se establecieron normas claras de funcionamiento. El debate se estructuró en varias partes, y tanto la duración de las sesiones como el tiempo asignado a cada intervención habían sido determinadas con antelación. El foco se centró en promover la confianza y el respeto mutuo entre participantes, y se estimuló a los participantes que adoptaran y mantuvieran diferentes posiciones y argumentos dialécticos. Al final, los estudiantes evaluaron la experiencia y tuvieron la oportunidad de explicar hasta qué punto les había resultado fructífera, en un ensayo individual, en el que destacaron especialmente dos aspectos positivos: el entorno exterior y la posibilidad de interactuar con estudiantes de otras carreras