161 research outputs found

    Конфликты в тропической Африке: типология, причины, последствия

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    Since 1990s, the number of states conflicts decreased and they started saying that the classical wars disappeared but at the same time, the number of internal conflicts increased dramatically. The end of colonial regime in Africa didn't bring peace to the region - the new wave of internal conflicts and civil wars overwhelmed the region. In the given article the authors analyze political and complicated socio-economic situation in the Tropical Africa, describe the conflicts in this zone, their typology, results and factors. The authors attempt to analyze internal and external causes of conflicts in the studied region, taking into account all elements of each conflict and their interdependence. The subject of the article is the conflict as the social element presenting the important part of international reality. It is noted that the crisis in the region influences every part of economic, social, and political spheres, so the solution is not possible without structural changes. In this connection, conflicts are the logical results of regional crisis as well as uncertain activity of international society. This situation provokes the large wave of migrants from the region and inside it. The countries the Tropical Africa can't guarantee any suitable level of life for the citizens, and the situation can’t be resolved without active role of international community


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    The article deals with ontological issues of creativity and mortal implied sense of Pushkin's fairy tale. The study object is the figures of Thanatos and Eros in ‘The Tale of the Golden Cockerel’ fairy tale. The images of King Dadon and the Queen of Shamakhan are revealed in symbiotic relationship with folklore aesthetics. Reference to folklore is caused not only by genre of the work but also by metaphysical nature of oral tradition since the Russian people have a special attitude to the theme of death. This is evidenced by the Russian fairy tale with search of “the other kingdom” in which a hero must suffer a temporary death in order to get a wonderful object, save a prophetic bride and obtain the sacred knowledge.El artículo trata sobre cuestiones ontológicas de la creatividad y el sentido implícito mortal del cuento de hadas de Pushkin. El objeto de estudio son las figuras de Thanatos y Eros en el cuento de hadas "El cuento del gallo de oro". Las imágenes del rey Dadon y la reina de Shamakhan se revelan en una relación simbiótica con la estética del folklore. La referencia al folclore es causada no solo por el género de la obra sino también por la naturaleza metafísica de la tradición oral, ya que el pueblo ruso tiene una actitud especial hacia el tema de la muerte. Esto se evidencia en el cuento de hadas ruso con la búsqueda del "otro reino" en el que un héroe debe sufrir una muerte temporal para obtener un objeto maravilloso, salvar a una novia profética y obtener el conocimiento sagrado.В статье рассматриваются онтологические вопросы творчества, мортальный подтекст пушкинской сказки. Предметом исследования выступают фигуры Танатоса и Эроса в «Сказке о золотом петушке». Образы царя Дадона и Шамаханской Царицы раскрываются в неразрывной связи с фольклорной эстетикой. Обращение к фольклору обусловлено не только жанром произведения, но и самой метафизической природой устного народного творчества, так как русский народ особым образом относится к теме смерти. Об этом свидетельствует и русская волшебная сказка с поисками «иного царства», в которой герой обязательно должен пережить временную смерть, чтобы добыть чудесный предмет, выручить вещую невесту, приобщиться к сакральным знаниям

    Использование учебных видео-материалов в образовательном процессе высшего учебного заведения

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    This article is devoted to the creation and use of educational video clips in higher educational institutions. This article analyzes the results of studies on the impact of video content on listeners, which showed a large degree of positive impact, presents a theoretical analysis of the basics of developing video materials. The purpose of the article is to create a technology for developing instructional videos in a higher educational institution. The authors presented the experience of implementing video materials in the classroom on pedagogical disciplines. The stages of developing video materials were proposed, recommendations for creating video were highlighted, the conditions and tasks of using video materials in the educational process were substantiated. Experience allowed us to identify the possibilities of video materials in the modern learning process, which can significantly increase the effectiveness of the teaching activities of the teacher and increase the level of students' perception of the material.Este artículo está dedicado a la creación y uso de videoclips educativos en instituciones de educación superior. Este artículo analiza los resultados de estudios sobre el impacto del contenido de video en los oyentes, que mostraron un alto grado de impacto positivo, presenta un análisis teórico de los conceptos básicos del desarrollo de materiales de video. El propósito del artículo es crear una tecnología para desarrollar videos instructivos en una institución de educación superior. Los autores presentaron la experiencia de implementar materiales de video en el aula sobre disciplinas pedagógicas. Se propusieron las etapas de desarrollo de los materiales de video, se resaltaron las recomendaciones para la creación de video, se confirmaron las condiciones y las tareas de uso de materiales de video en el proceso educativo. La experiencia nos permitió identificar las posibilidades de los materiales de video en el proceso de aprendizaje moderno, lo que puede aumentar significativamente la efectividad de las actividades de enseñanza del maestro y aumentar el nivel de percepción del material por parte de los estudiantes.Данная статья посвящена вопросам создания и использования учебных видео-роликов в высших учебных заведениях. В данной статье проанализированы результаты исследований влияния видео-контента на слушателей, показавшие большую степень положительного воздействия, представлен теоретический анализ основ разработки видео-материалов. Цель статьи состоит в создании технологии разработки обучающего видео в условиях высшего образовательного учреждения. Авторами представлен опыт реализации видео-материалов на занятиях по педагогическим дисциплинам. Были предложены этапы разработки видео-материалов, выделены рекомендации к созданию видео, обоснованы условия и задачи использования видео-материалов в учебном процессе. Опыт позволил выявить возможности видео-материалов в современном процессе обучения, которые позволяют существенно повысить результативность обучающей деятельности преподавателя и увеличить уровень восприятия студентами материала

    Ambiente educacional como recurso de desenvolvimento para o processo de aprendizagem

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    Following overseas examples, educational institutions in Russia are trying to interact with other organizations implementing practical competence approach. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that modern educational environment is constantly changing both due to the dynamics of everyday and professional conditions. Due to competence approach constant monitoring and new resources are required for the development of each subject in this educational environment. The goal of the work is to create means for open social and educational environment realization which allows achieving positive results for all participants in the project. In this article, the authors raise the issue of modern educational environment creation as a resource for each subject of the educational process development.The article attempts to improve students’, teachers’ and others participants’ interested in educational environment development interaction. We try to achieve a qualitatively new level of participants’ skills and competencies development in this process. For this, analysis of the essence and structure of educational process in a higher educational institution was carried out. After that, the authors propose, within the framework of a project implemented by Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University on the organization and development of the social and educational environment, to conduct special computer literacy courses for the elderly. The courses offered combine the activities of a large number of people who, working for a common result, achieve the development of individual qualities. The results obtained are the basis for further improvement of educational environment.Siguiendo ejemplos en el extranjero, las instituciones educativas en Rusia están tratando de interactuar con otras organizaciones implementando un enfoque de competencia práctica. La relevancia del tema radica en el hecho de que el entorno educativo moderno está cambiando constantemente debido a la dinámica de las condiciones cotidianas y profesionales. Debido al enfoque de competencia, el monitoreo constante y nuevos recursos son necesarios para el desarrollo de cada asignatura en este entorno educativo. El objetivo del trabajo es crear medios para la realización de un entorno social y educativo abierto que permita lograr resultados positivos para todos los participantes en el proyecto. En este artículo, los autores plantean el tema de la creación de un entorno educativo moderno como un recurso para cada tema del desarrollo del proceso educativo.El artículo intenta mejorar la interacción entre los estudiantes, los maestros y otros participantes interesados en el desarrollo del entorno educativo. Intentamos alcanzar un nivel cualitativamente nuevo de desarrollo de habilidades y competencias de los participantes en este proceso. Para ello, se realizó un análisis de la esencia y estructura del proceso educativo en una institución de educación superior. Posteriormente, los autores proponen, en el marco de un proyecto implementado por la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal Nizhny Novgorod sobre la organización y el desarrollo del entorno social y educativo, realizar cursos especiales de alfabetización informática para personas mayores. Los cursos ofrecidos combinan las actividades de un gran número de personas que, trabajando por un resultado común, logran el desarrollo de cualidades individuales.Na sequência de exemplos no exterior, instituições educacionais na Rússia estão tentando interagir com outras organizações implementando uma abordagem de competência prática. A relevância do tema reside no fato de que o ambiente educacional moderno está em constante mudança, tanto devido à dinâmica das condições cotidianas e profissionais. Devido à abordagem de competência, monitoramento constante e novos recursos são necessários para o desenvolvimento de cada disciplina nesse ambiente educacional. O objetivo do trabalho é criar meios para a realização de um ambiente social e educacional aberto que permita alcançar resultados positivos para todos os participantes do projeto. Neste artigo, os autores levantam a questão da criação de ambientes educacionais modernos como recurso para cada sujeito do processo de desenvolvimento educacional.O artigo tenta melhorar a interação dos alunos, professores e outros participantes interessados na interação do desenvolvimento do ambiente educacional. Tentamos alcançar um nível qualitativamente novo de desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências dos participantes neste processo. Para isso, foi realizada a análise da essência e estrutura do processo educacional em uma instituição de ensino superior. Em seguida, os autores propõem, no âmbito de um projeto implementado pela Universidade Pedagógica Estadual Nizhny Novgorod, a organização e desenvolvimento do ambiente socioeducacional, para a realização de cursos especiais de alfabetização em informática para idosos. Os cursos oferecidos combinam as atividades de um grande número de pessoas que, trabalhando por um resultado comum, alcançam o desenvolvimento de qualidades individuai

    Mejora de la gestión del sistema educativo en una organización de educación secundaria

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    The purpose of the article is the development and implementation of a model for managing educational system in a secondary education organization. To implement the model within the school, experimental work was carried out. It was carried out during two years from 2017 to 2018 and included several stages. The article reveals the essence of education and management of educational system for personality development of future school graduates. The authors analyze the activities of the school in the city of Dzerzhinsk in order to identify ways to improve educational system and its management. At the end of experimental work, it was found out that introduction of a management model of educational system into school’s activities made it possible to increase the level of familiarization of students to various areas of educational activities. The trainees took part in three municipal target programs the content of which was represented by various educational activities that favorably affect students’ personality development. Consequently, innovations introduced into the management system in the educational system have a positive effect on students, which proves the effectiveness of the model developed by the authors.El propósito del artículo es el desarrollo e implementación de un modelo para administrar el sistema educativo en una organización de educación secundaria. Para implementar el modelo dentro de la escuela, se realizó un trabajo experimental. Se llevó a cabo durante dos años, de 2017 a 2018, e incluyó varias etapas. El artículo revela la esencia de la educación y la gestión del sistema educativo para el desarrollo de la personalidad de los futuros graduados escolares. Los autores analizan las actividades de la escuela en la ciudad de Dzerzhinsk para identificar formas de mejorar el sistema educativo y su gestión. Al final del trabajo experimental, se descubrió que la introducción de un modelo de gestión del sistema educativo en las actividades escolares permitía aumentar el nivel de familiarización de los estudiantes con diversas áreas de actividades educativas. Los alumnos participaron en tres programas de objetivos municipales cuyo contenido estaba representado por diversas actividades educativas que afectan favorablemente el desarrollo de la personalidad de los estudiantes. En consecuencia, las innovaciones introducidas en el sistema de gestión en el sistema educativo tienen un efecto positivo en los estudiantes, lo que demuestra la efectividad del modelo desarrollado por los autores

    Desenvolvimento de competências comunicativas dos alunos no contexto da aprendizagem combinada

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    This article explores students’ communicative competencies development in the context of blended learning. The relevance of the work is the need of new conditions for students' communicative competencies development. The goal of the work is to prove the effectiveness of blended learning for the development of communicative competences. The article offers recommendations for teachers on competencies development in the implementation of blended learning, and also presents the levels of communicative competences development. In the process, the essence of the application of e-learning in higher educational institutions is revealed.Este artículo explora el desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas de los estudiantes en el contexto del aprendizaje combinado. La relevancia del trabajo es la necesidad de nuevas condiciones para el desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas de los estudiantes. El objetivo del trabajo es demostrar la efectividad del aprendizaje combinado para el desarrollo de competencias comunicativas. El artículo ofrece recomendaciones para maestros sobre el desarrollo de competencias en la implementación del aprendizaje combinado y también presenta los niveles de desarrollo de competencias comunicativas. En el proceso, se revela la esencia de la aplicación del e-learning en las instituciones de educación superior.Este artigo explora o desenvolvimento das habilidades de comunicação dos alunos no contexto da aprendizagem combinada. A relevância do trabalho é a necessidade de novas condições para o desenvolvimento das competências comunicativas dos alunos. O objetivo do trabalho é demonstrar a eficácia da aprendizagem combinada para o desenvolvimento de competências comunicativas. O artigo oferece recomendações para professores sobre o desenvolvimento de competências na implementação da aprendizagem combinada e também apresenta os níveis de desenvolvimento de competências comunicativas. No processo, a essência da aplicação do e-learning em instituições de ensino superior é revelada

    Modern technologies in working with gifted students

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    Intellectual potential acts as a driving force of social and economic development of the modern state. In a high-tech society, there is a significant increase in interest in identifying and implementing the intellectual abilities of young people. The purpose of the article is to review the experience of using modern educational technologies in working with gifted students. The paper explores the implementation of innovative technologies, including games, projects, and collaborative learning technologies. The use of project and game technologies allows to develop the creative potential of students, to form an experience of research and creative activity, to activate cognitive interest by combining theory and practice. Modern educational technologies expand the opportunities for the formation and development of children's giftedness. Giftedness is a high level of development of any abilities. They are a special resource that forms the basis of the country's competitiveness and potential, which is updated as socially significant in the context of the analysis of fundamental documents in the field of education. Educational technologies allow not only to have a purposeful educational impact on students but also to create a variable, enriched, individualized educational environment that promotes the development of independence and self-learning ability


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    Purpose of Study: The article is devoted to the study of the organization of educational activities of volunteers as a social and educational project. It is established that the strategic goal of the new generation of Federal-state educational standards is the formation of graduates ' competences. A framework of competence approach helps to gradually transfer the student from learning activities to his future professional activities. In this article, the authors identify the activities of volunteers as one of the ways to adapt students to real working conditions. The article reveals the essence of volunteer activity, which allows to acquire new and improve existing competencies as a social and educational project. In the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after KozmaMinin, the development of volunteer activities proceeds through the work of The center "territory of opportunities", implemented within the framework of the project "Social and educational environment", in which a sufficient number of stakeholders are involved, providing students with the opportunity for further employment. The article also highlights the activities carried out by the Center, for which volunteer students are offered a lot of special courses (social design, robotics, ZD-modeling). On the basis of the revealed facts, the positive effect of volunteer activity for all participants of this process is established. Methodology: The paper presents an analysis of employed student volunteers. As practice shows, students engaged in volunteer activities, quickly enough to get a job in the profession, unlike students who do not have the experience of volunteering. 49% of volunteers work on a permanent or partial basis, while students without volunteer experience employ only one in three students (33%) [Pavlov, Kindaev, Vinnikova, & Kuznetsova, (2016)]. In order to identify the positive impact of this activity on the development of students as professionals, we have shown the activities Of the center "territory of opportunities", which operates in the Nizhny Novgorod state pedagogical University named after KozmaMinin. Results: Results showed ha students engaged in volunteer activities are more satisfied with their leisure time compared to ordinary students. In addition, the study showed that those students who have devoted their time to participate in volunteer activities are employed much faster than students who have not engaged in volunteering. Implications/Applications: The higher education institutions should make every effort to improve the conditions in which volunteer activities are carried out and offer ample opportunities for the development of the student's personality because students can easily employ both in the learning process and after graduating from high school

    Departamento de processo educacional em condições de implementação de treinamento interativo de engenheiros futuros

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    Because of the established new socio-economic situation in the country that led to changes in the sphere of education, there is a need for modernization of education based on information technologies. One of the most important in this situation is interactive training. The new model of the student "learner", in contrast to the "learner", requires searching for actual ways of managing the educational process. Both the teacher and the student in the modern educational process should be equal, however, the teacher is assigned a leading role and he must manage the learning process without going beyond the subjectsubject relationship. The purpose of the article is to consider practical experience of managing educational process in conditions of application of interactive technologies in the training of engineers. The article explores the interactive course, located on the electronic platform Moodle for a more complete study of the management of training of engineering students. The variant of application of interactive technologies in Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after KozmaMinin is offered at an auditor and extracurricular independent studying by students of a theoretical material. The results of real pedagogical practice are presented. It is indicated that in the course of work methods such as problem lectures, problem seminars, group discussions on various topics, brainstorming, a round table, case-tasks, simulation exercises, trainings, business games are used. The article shows the real practice of using Moodle at the university. The tools are shown with the help of which the teacher can manage the activities of the student, adjust his training.Debido a la nueva situación socioeconómica establecida en el país que llevó a cambios en la esfera de la educación, existe una necesidad de modernización de la educación basada en las tecnologías de la información. Uno de los más importantes en esta situación es la formación interactiva. El nuevo modelo del estudiante "aprendiz", en contraste con el "aprendiz", requiere la búsqueda de formas reales de gestionar el proceso educativo. Tanto el docente como el alumno en el proceso educativo moderno deben ser iguales; sin embargo, se le asigna un papel de liderazgo y debe gestionar el proceso de aprendizaje sin ir más allá de la relación sujeto-sujeto. El propósito del artículo es considerar la experiencia práctica de administrar el proceso educativo en condiciones de aplicación de tecnologías interactivas en la capacitación de ingenieros. El artículo explora el curso interactivo, ubicado en la plataforma electrónica Moodle para un estudio más completo de la gestión de la formación de estudiantes de ingeniería. La variante de la aplicación de tecnologías interactivas en la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Nizhny Novgorod, llamada así por KozmaMinin, se ofrece a un auditor y un estudio extracurricular independiente realizado por estudiantes de un material teórico. Se presentan los resultados de la práctica pedagógica real. Se indica que en el curso de los métodos de trabajo tales como conferencias de problemas, seminarios de problemas, discusiones de grupo sobre diversos temas, lluvia de ideas, una mesa redonda, tareas de casos, ejercicios de simulación, entrenamientos, juegos de negocios se utilizan. El artículo muestra la práctica real de usar Moodle en la universidad. Las herramientas se muestran con la ayuda de la cual el profesor puede gestionar las actividades del alumno, ajustar su formación.Devido à nova situação socioeconômica estabelecida no país, que levou a mudanças na esfera da educação, há necessidade de modernização da educação baseada nas tecnologias da informação. Um dos mais importantes nessa situação é o treinamento interativo. O novo modelo de "aprendiz" estudantil, em contraste com o "aprendiz", requer a busca de formas reais de gerenciar o processo educacional. Tanto o professor quanto o aluno no processo educacional moderno devem ser iguais; no entanto, ele é atribuído a um papel de liderança e deve gerenciar o processo de aprendizagem sem ir além da relação sujeitosujeito. O objetivo do artigo é considerar a experiência prática de gerenciar o processo educacional em condições de aplicação de tecnologias interativas na formação de engenheiros. O artigo explora o curso interativo, localizado na plataforma eletrônica do Moodle, para um estudo mais completo do gerenciamento de treinamento de estudantes de engenharia. A variante da aplicação de tecnologias interativas na Universidade Pedagógica Estado de Nizhny Novgorod, nomeado para KozmaMinin, ofereceu um auditor e um estudo extracurricular independente por estudantes de material teórico. Os resultados da prática pedagógica real são apresentados. É indicado que, no decorrer de métodos de trabalho, tais como conferências de problemas, seminários de problemas, discussões em grupo sobre vários tópicos, brainstorming, uma mesa redonda, tarefas de casos, exercícios de simulação, treinamentos, jogos de negócios são usar. O artigo mostra a prática real de usar o Moodle na universidade. As ferramentas são mostradas com a ajuda de que o professor pode gerenciar as atividades do aluno, ajustar seu treinamento