99 research outputs found

    Jardineria sostenible

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    Jardineria sostenibl

    Conèixer el sòl

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    Conèixer el sò

    Nenúfars per l'estiu

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    Variaciones estacionales en ovario de Inambú Chico Común (<i>Nothura maculosa</i>)

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    Seasonal variations of the structure of the Spotted Tinamous ( <i>Nothura maculosa</i> ). Morphological data obtained by means of observation under optic microscope in ovaries of the Spotted Tinamous.(<i>Nothura maculosa</i> ), are presented. The characteristics of the ovaries in winter recess and in time of breeding activity are compared. In the first period it is noticed the very redueed size of the organ; small follieles; numerous masses of folicle atresia and groups of vacuolated cells (full of lipids). In the second period the ovaries are well developed, the rate of follicle growth has increased, and active vitellogenesis takes place a minor number of atresic follicles and of masses of cells full of lipids are observed. These characteristics and some less relevant ones are described and its significance is briefiy discussed

    Factores familiares de riesgo de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en estudiantes de una institución de educación media técnica de Colombia

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    Objetivo El presente estudio busca determinar los factores de riesgo familiar que inciden en el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA), en estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Técnica San Luís Gonzaga del corregimiento de Chicoral.Metodología Esta investigación es de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal. La recolección de la información se realizó aplicando la “Encuesta Internacional para estudiantes de enseñanza media; cuestionario estandarizado–Versión 2009 de Argentina. El procesamiento de la información se llevó a cabo en la base de datos, del paquete estadístico SPSS versión 19.Resultados Las sustancias psicoactivas consumidas por los estudiantes son: alcohol, cigarrillo, marihuana, estimulantes, energizantes, tranquilizantes y otras; ocupando el alcohol el primer lugar, seguido del cigarrillo, dentro de las sustancias lícitas; la marihuana ocupa el primer lugar. La edad de inicio para el consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas se da entre los 8 y los 13 años y las edades de mayor consumo son entre los 15 y los 17 años. No hay una diferencia significativa entre hombres y mujeres. La casa propia, la de los amigos, el colegio y sus alrededores son los ambientes que se identifican como aquellos donde se ofrecen el mayor número de SPA.Conclusiones La familia juega un papel primordial en los adolescentes y en la prevención frente al consumo de Sustancias psicoactiva; modificando acciones que lleven al conocimiento de los hijos, actividades que realizan, lugares que frecuentan y amigos con los cuales se relacionan, se pueden establecer mecanismos de control que permitan estar más cerca de ellos.Objective To determine household risk factors that have an impact on the use of psychoactive substances (SPA, by its acronym in Spanish) by students of the technical educational institution San Luis Gonzaga in Chicoral, Tolima (Colombia).Methodology This is a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. Data were collected by applying the International survey for middle school students - standardized questionnaire, 2009, Argentinian version. The processing of the information was done through the statistical data base package SPSS version 19.Results The most common psychoactive substances consumed by students are alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, stimulants, energizing pills or drinks, tranquilizers and others. The list of legal substances is led by alcohol, followed by cigarettes, while the most used illegal substance is marijuana. The age of initiation ranges between 8 and 13, with the highest prevalence between 15 and 17. There are no significant differences between males and females. The family,friends and school environments are the most common places for SPA consumption.Conclusions The family plays an important role in the teenager’s life and in the prevention against the use of SPA,by playing an active role in the knowledge of children’s activities, the places they frequent and their friends, in order toestablish control mechanism to build a strong relationship

    Consumption of food supplements: is there a risk of muscle dysmorphia? [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]

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    Background. Bigorexia is an eating disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder where the subject has an incorrect perception of their body image with exercise addiction. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between body mass index (BMI), food supplement consumption, dietary adherence, gender and risk of muscle dysmorphia in the individual and to provide information to build recommendation systems to monitor the health and mental state of the population. Methods. A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted in Barranquilla (Colombia) between February – May 2020. A face-to-face survey of 200 individuals of both sexes was used in which users evaluated different variables that helped to identify their risk of muscle dysmorphia. Results. Of the 200 participants, 105 men: N=48, 45.7% vs. women: N=57, 54.3%) consume nutritional supplements. There is no relationship in the total population with the risk of muscle dysmorphia with the consumption of nutritional supplements nor with the feeling of guilt for non-adherence to the diet, nor with age, gender, or BMI (p<0.05). In contrast, gender, age and BMI are related to nutritional supplement consumption, and gender is related to feelings of guilt for non-adherence to the diet. In the population that consumes nutritional supplements the risk of muscle dysmorphia is increased and the frequency varies by risk group: low risk: N=16, 15.2%; medium risk: N=46, 43.8%; high risk: N=28, 26.7%; and very high risk: N=15, 14.3%. The consumption of food supplements is higher in the female gender (57, 54.3% vs. 48, 45.7%), and moderate the feeling of guilt for not completing the diet, BMI and the risk of muscle dysmorphia. Conclusions. Women consume more food supplements, but gender does not determine the risk of muscle dysmorphia. Food supplement consumption influences the feeling of guilt for not completing the diet, BMI and the risk of muscle dysmorphia

    Expectations of patients awaiting lung transplantation: A qualitative study

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    Expectations; Lung transplant; Patient experienceExpectativas; Trasplante de pulmón; Experiencia del pacienteExpectatives; Trasplantament de pulmó; Experiència del pacientAim The main aim of the present study is to examine the expectations and feelings of people awaiting lung transplantation. Background The assessment of the benefits of lung transplant should consider, among other things, the subjective perceptions of patients about the procedure, especially in relation to the context and to their values, goals and expectations. This is an issue that has not been studied in depth, especially in Spain. Design Exploratory qualitative study. Methods Data were collected through semi-structured interviews during the period of being on the waiting list for transplantation. Thematic analysis of the data was supported by the Atlas.ti software. Results The study population comprised 16 patients awaiting lung transplant, a number sufficient to reach data saturation. Four categories were identified to describe patients' feelings and expectations: (1) reasons for undergoing the transplant, (2) expectations about life post-transplant, (3) emotional state, and (4) relationship with the healthcare team. Conclusions Patients have high expectations of lung transplantation. They see it as offering them a second chance at life, although the future creates uncertainty. The healthcare professionals are identified as key actors, providing essential support and information throughout the various stages of the process. Future research should explore recipients' experiences of lung transplant at later stages. Relevance to clinical practice It is important to adapt care through all the lung transplant process, which is accompanied by intense and complex emotions since the beginning. Thus, providing social and psychological support from the beginning may contribute to their health status, helping them deal with all the emotions and feelings experienced, and find balance between expectations and reality. Patient or public contribution Sixteen patients awaiting lung transplant were interviewed. Interview transcripts were returned to participants to check for accuracy with their experiences

    Genetic control of renal tumorigenesis by the mouse Rtm1 locus

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    BACKGROUND: The genetic basis of susceptibility to renal tumorigenesis has not yet been established in mouse strains. Mouse lines derived by bidirectional phenotypic selection on the basis of their maximal (AIRmax) or minimal (AIRmin) acute inflammatory responsiveness differ widely in susceptibility to spontaneous and urethane-induced renal tumorigenesis. To map the functional loci modulating renal tumor susceptibility in these mice, we carried out a genome-wide genetic linkage study, using SNP arrays, in an (AIRmax x AIRmin)F2 intercross population treated with a single urethane dose at 1 week of age and phenotyped for renal tumors at 35 weeks of age. RESULTS: AIRmax mice did not develop renal tumors spontaneously nor in response to urethane, whereas in AIRmin mice renal tumors formed spontaneously (in 52% of animals) and after urethane induction (89%). The tumors had a papillary morphology and were positive for alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase and negative for CD10. By analysis of 879 informative SNPs in 662 mice, we mapped a single quantitative trait locus modulating the incidence of renal tumors in the (AIRmax x AIRmin)F2 intercross population. This locus, which we named Renal tumor modifier QTL 1 (Rtm1), mapped to chromosome 17 at 23.4 Mb (LOD score = 15.8), with SNPs rs3696835 and rs3719497 flanking the LOD score peak. The A allele of rs3719497 from AIRmin mice was associated with a 2.5-fold increased odds ratio for renal tumor development. The LOD score peak included the Tuberous sclerosis 2 (Tsc2) gene which has already been implicated in kidney disease: loss of function by germline retroviral insertion is associated with spontaneous renal tumorigenesis in the Eker rat, and heterozygous-null Tsc2((+/-)) mice develop renal cystadenomas. CONCLUSIONS: We mapped Rtm1 as a single major locus modulating renal tumorigenesis in a murine intercross population. Thus, the AIR mouse lines can be considered a new genetic model for studying the role of germline and somatic molecular alterations in kidney neoplastic disease

    Pseudoobstrucción intestinal crónica con neumatosis intestinal en la esclerosis sistémica

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    Systemic sclerosis (SS) is an autoimmune disease where gastrointestinal involvement can be present in more than 90% of patients. We present the case of a 59-year-old woman with SS with a history of diffuse abdominal pain, occasional vomiting, intermittent liquid stools, and weight loss. An abdominopelvic computed tomography (CT) showed dilation of all gastrointestinal structures, abundant ascites, pneumoperitoneum, and intestinal pneumatosis; which all suggested a case of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, a rare digestive complication in SS. The clinical course was satisfactory after bowel rest, empirical antibiotic therapy, and early use of prokinetics and parenteral nutrition.La esclerosis sistémica (ES) es una enfermedad autoinmune donde la afectación gastrointestinal puede estar presente en más del 90% de los pacientes. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 59 años con antecedentes de ES con historia de dolor abdominal difuso, vómitos ocasionales, deposiciones líquidas intermitentes y pérdida de peso. Una tomografía computarizada (TC) abdominopélvica mostraba dilatación de todas las estructuras gastrointestinales, abundante ascitis, neumoperitoneo y neumatosis intestinal. Se orientó como una pseudoobstrucción intestinal crónica, una complicación digestiva poco común de la ES. La evolución clínica fue satisfactoria con reposo intestinal, antibioterapia empírica y el uso precoz de procinéticos y nutrición parenteral

    Desde la formación docente hasta la realidad del aula. Intervención con itinerarios flexibles basados en la estructura de mapas conceptuales

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    Es indiscutible que la formación docente es necesaria para actualizar e innovar en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en las escuelas y uno de los enfoques priorizados actualmente es el relacionado con las nuevas tecnologías y sus diversas aplicaciones en la educación, sin embargo, un informe sobre tendencias Sociales y Educativas en América Latina que resume Swing (2015)expresa una realidad común en países como Colombia: los docentes reciben formación en TIC, pero es una formación muy básica y no aprenden cómo integrarlas en el aula, o qué propósito pueden cumplir las TIC en el entorno educativo. Con el ánimo de asegurar que la formación de los docentes llega a las prácticas de aula, esta intervención consiste en integrarlas en un proceso (formación docente con práctica en aula), que permita validar y experimentar el trabajo con itinerarios flexibles basados en mapas conceptuales, integrando áreas como español y tecnología e informática, apoyando el desarrollo de competencias del siglo XXI: aprendizaje autónomo y solución de problemas, propuesto por Agudelo y Salinas (2017)y se realiza como parte de un proceso de investigación que pretende implementar ambientes de aprendizaje apoyados en TIC, en el municipio de Itagüí se diseñan, aplican y validan propuestas innovadoras en distintos niveles de educación, orientadas a desarrollar competencias del siglo XXI y aprendizaje significativo, buscando la proyección a diferentes contextos y niveles educativos. De la mano con el proceso de formación a docentes, con esta iniciativa se pretende responder a ¿Cómo implementar el trabajo con itinerarios flexibles basados en la estructura de mapas conceptuales en la escuela
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