98 research outputs found

    Lecturers’ Training Needs in EMI Programmes: Beyond Language Competence

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    This paper reports the results of an analysis of English as a Medium Instruction (EMI) lecturers’ training needs at a Spanish state university. In order to carry out this analysis, participants were asked to complete a quantitative questionnaire and participate in a survey with open questions adapted from Pérez-Cañado 2020). Both analysis tools explored the lecturers’ needs in relation to specific areas: linguistic competence, methodology, materials and resources, continuing professional development training and their overall rating of the EMI programme. The results show that, on the one hand, EMI teachers feel that their linguistic competence is sufficient to conduct classes in English. On the other hand, participants seem less confident as far as their methodological competence is concerned and call for more specific ongoing training. These findings are mostly in consonance with the results of other studies carried out in similar contexts (Dafouz 2018; Macaro et al. 2019; Pérez-Cañado 2020; Coelho in preparation) but they also provide some new insights which should be taken into consideration in the design of specific training programmes for lecturers involved in EMI in Higher Education.This research was supported by grants IB18055 (research project: Diseño de entornos virtuales de aprendizaje colaborativo para la enseñanza integrada de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras (AICLE) en la Educación Superior adaptados a la Universidad de Extremadura - ICLUEx) and GR18134 from the Government of Extremadura (European Regional Development Fund – ERDF)

    The vocabulary learning strategies: a longitudinal study on their use by CLIL and mainstream EFL learners

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    Este estudio analiza cómo el uso de distintos enfoques de enseñanza puede tener una influencia en la selección y evolución de estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario. Este estudio viene propiciado por el interés en identificar las estrategias más beneficiosas para el aprendizaje de lenguas (Gu & Johnson, 1996; Schmitt, 1997, Siriwan, 2007) y la falta de análisis sobre qué enfoques educativos desembocan en un mayor uso de las mismas. Un cuestionario (adaptado de Schmitt, 1997) fue administrado a 44 alumnos extremeños —20 alumnos ILE y 24 alumnos AICLE— en dos periodos distintos a lo largo de un año académico. Los resultados, examinados en relación con su posible implicación en los contextos de enseñanza, muestran una diferencia en la evolución del uso de estrategias que puede ser, al menos en parte, atribuida al enfoque educativo utilizado.This study aims to analyse how the use of different language approaches may influence the selection and the evolution of vocabulary learning strategies. This study has been designed due to the growing importance the identification of those most benefitial vocabulary learning strategies (Gu & Johnson, 1996; Schmitt, 1997, Siriwan, 2007) and the lack of analysis about the impact of the teaching approach on the selection of vocabulary learning strategies. A questionnaire (based on Schmitt, 1997) was administered to forty-four Extremadura secondary-school learners —twenty-four CLIL learners and twenty EFL learners— in two different periods along a year. Results seem to show some difference in the evolution of the vocabulary learning strategies.peerReviewe

    An analysis of the use of vocabulary learning strategies by secondary-school CLIL learners

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    Tras décadas de hegemonía de la gramática en el aprendizaje de lenguas, en los últimos años, el léxico ha ido adquiriendo un papel fundamental en la enseñanza de segundas lenguas. Este estudio forma parte de otro más amplio que busca analizar el uso que grupos expuestos a distintos enfoques -AICLE (Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras) y un enfoque más restringido a la enseñanza de lenguas únicamente- hacen de las estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario. En este caso, nos centraremos en el análisis de las estrategias utilizadas por alumnos sometidos al enfoque AICLE. Para ello, se va a emplear un cuestionario diseñado con este fin basado en la taxonomía de estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario de Schmitt (1997). Los resultados parecen indicar que estos alumnos hacen un mayor uso de estrategias de descubrimiento de significados.After ages the consequences of extensive vocabulary in language proficiency over grammar supremacy has been recognized finally in the area of Second Language Acquisition (SLA). This study is part of a greater one in which the significance of various vocabulary learning strategies used by two groups –a CLIL group and a traditional EFL group- is explored through a questionnaire survey based on Schmitt’ taxonomy (1997). In this piece of research, the CLIL learners’ use of vocabulary learning strategies are going to be analyzed. Results emphasize a greater use of vocabulary learning strategies related to the discovery of unknown meanings.peerReviewe

    Microfranchising: an inclusive tourism business modality for La Guajira, Colombia

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    El artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre los negocios inclusivos (NI) y las microfranquicias desde las oportunidades y desafíos que enfrenta la Guajira para incursionar en emprendimientos turísticos. Para este análisis se planteó un análisis descriptivo correlacional con diseño no experimental, transversal de campo. Se aplicó un cuestionario de 25 ítems a 147 sujetos, cuya validez fue aprobada por expertos en el área, mientras que su consistencia arrojó un Alfa de Cronbach de 0,761. Los resultados determinaron que los NI y las microfranquicias se hallan fuertemente asociadas, 873**. Las conclusiones destacan la viabilidad del tipo de NI como proveedores, distribuidores o productores, mientras que en menor grado el tipo de NI como socios o aliados empresariales. En cuanto a los desafíos, el énfasis se sitúa en las políticas públicas para el desarrollo de negocios y el acceso a planes de financiación empresarial. Del lado de las ventajas, el turismo es el eje articulador para que los NI bajo la modalidad microfranquicias incursione en la región Guajira, sin embargo, es necesario abordarlas con acciones que las hagan más eficaces y efectivas. Para ello, se brinda una serie de sugerencias que coadyuven a rebasarlos con el apoyo de todos. El estudio es de gran utilidad para investigadores académicos en el sector negocios y turismo permitiendo deliberar sobre el modelo de microfranquicias como un esquema viable para minimizar las condiciones de pobreza de las personas en la base de la pirámide.This article seeks to analyze the relationship between inclusive businesses and microfranchises based on the opportunities and challenges facing La Guajira when undertaking tourism ventures. The study uses a correlational descriptive analysis with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design. A 25-item questionnaire was applied to 147 subjects, the validity of which was approved by experts in the area, while its consistency yielded a Cronbach Alpha of 0.761. The results reveal that inclusive businesses and microfranchises are strongly associated, 873**. The findings highlight the feasibility of inclusive businesses as suppliers, distributors or producers, while to a lesser extent as partners or business partners. As for the challenges, the emphasis is on public policies for business development and access to business financing plans. On the advantage side, tourism is the articulating axis for inclusive businesses under the microfranchise modality to undertake ventures in the region of La Guajira. However, it is necessary to address them with actions that make them more efficient and effective. To this end, a number of suggestions are provided that help to overcome them with the support of all involved. The study is very useful for academic researchers in the business and tourism sector, allowing the microfranchise model to be considered as a viable scheme to minimize the poverty conditions of people at the base of the pyramid

    Brechas entre competencias profesionales, laborales de contaduría pública, administración de negocios en Universidad del Quindío

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    Taking into account the difficulties in labor matters that have been evident in recent years in the country and that maintain a similar trend worldwide, where demands for labor skills are increasing and labor is less required; it is necessary to determine the relationship between the professional competencies of the graduates of the Public Accounting and Business Administration programs of the face-to-face modality of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences and Accountants of the University of Quindío, with the labor demanded in the business sector. In order to identify barriers and recognize elements of training they need to achieve professional levels above their competitors.Teniendo en cuenta las dificultades en materia laboral que se evidencian en los últimos años en el país, y que mantiene una tendencia similar a nivel mundial, en la que cada vez son mayores las exigencias sobre la capacidades laborales y menos la mano de obra requerida, se hace necesario determinar la relación entre las competencias profesionales de los egresados de los programas de Contaduría Pública y Administración de Negocios de la modalidad presencial de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas Administrativas y Contables de la Universidad del Quindío, con las laborales demandadas en el sector empresarial. Con el fin de identificar barreras y reconocer elementos de formación que requieren para alcanzar niveles profesionales por encima de sus competidores


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    Con el presente artículo, pretendemos examinar el perfil del profesorado y cómo desempeña su labor en el uso y puesta en práctica del enfoque AICLE en las aulas. Para ello, nos centraremos en cómo esto se lleva a cabo en la provincia de Badajoz. En primer lugar, se ha estudiado en qué consiste el enfoque AICLE (acrónimo de Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras), así como su origen y evolución a lo largo de la historia. En segundo lugar, nos hemos centrado en el planteamiento de este enfoque en España y, más concretamente, en la región de Extremadura, investigando cómo se ha ido implantando y su situación actual. Finalmente, se analizó la figura del maestro que utiliza este enfoque, centrándonos en su preparación y su percepción sobre AICLE.  Para ello, se ha pasado un cuestionario con veintiséis preguntas a maestros de Educación Primaria que imparten clase en secciones bilingües o centros bilingües para conocer su preparación y su percepción sobre AICLE.  El análisis de los resultados de la encuesta nos ha facilitado unas conclusiones claras y precisas sobre las necesidades de los docentes que usan este enfoque, entre otras, la importancia que los docentes le confieren a su formación en AICLE, considerándola bastante escasa para afrontar este enfoque.The aim of this research is to examine the profile of the teachers and how they fulfil their task in the use and practice of CLIL approach in the classrooms. For that, we will focus on how this is carried out in the province of Badajoz. Having this objective in mind, we will study firstly what the CLIL approach (acronym for Content and Language Integrated Learning) is, as well as its origin and evolution throughout history. Secondly, we will focus on the Spanish and Extremadura cases, investigating how it has been implemented, and its current status. Finally, the figure of the teacher using CLIL will be also analyzed, paying special attention to their preparation and perception about such an approach.  In order to do this, we have realized a questionnaire with twenty questions to Primary teachers teaching in bilingual programs or bilingual schools so that we will be able to know their preparation and perception of CLIL.  The analysis of the results have provided us with clear and precise information about the needs of teachers who use CLIL approach, among others, we could highlight the importance that teachers confer to their lack of training as regards CLIL

    Incursionando en el mundo de la investigación: Orientaciones básicas

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    Este libro pluridisciplinario coliga la teoría con la metodología de investigación. El contenido examina de modo recíproco en dónde se investiga, la hipótesis, los conceptos, el principio de búsqueda y los enfoques cuantitativo y cualitativo. El texto busca ofrecer de manera didáctica conocimientos de investigación que presenta pedagógicamente, partiendo de la situación problemática y siguiendo con el planteamiento del problema, los objetivos, las consultas de pesquisa y la justificación del estudio. Así mismo, se presenta la configuración del marco teórico, la revisión de la literatura y la construcción de una perspectiva teórica. Un libro indispensable para docentes y estudiantes interesados en la investigación y generación de conocimientos sobre la realidad social. Este libro es parte de ese esfuerzo que como investigadores sentimos la necesidad de ofrecer. En él presentamos las herramientas y los saberes suficientes que, gracias a la investigación y el conocimiento científicos, se pueden generar cotidianamente, con los cuales es posible tratar de construir una mejor calidad de vida y darle solución a muchos de los problemas que enfrenta la humanidad

    Teachers' perceptions about the implementation of CLIL in the province of Badajoz

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    Con el presente artículo, pretendemos examinar el perfil del profesorado y cómo desempeña su labor en el uso y puesta en práctica del enfoque AICLE en las aulas. Para ello, nos centraremos en cómo esto se lleva a cabo en la provincia de Badajoz. En primer lugar, se ha estudiado en qué consiste el enfoque AICLE (acrónimo de Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras), así como su origen y evolución a lo largo de la historia. En segundo lugar, nos hemos centrado en el planteamiento de este enfoque en España y, más concretamente, en la región de Extremadura, investigando cómo se ha ido implantando y su situación actual. Finalmente, se analizó la figura del maestro que utiliza este enfoque, centrándonos en su preparación y su percepción sobre AICLE. Para ello, se ha pasado un cuestionario con veintiséis preguntas a maestros de Educación Primaria que imparten clase en secciones bilingües o centros bilingües para conocer su preparación y su percepción sobre AICLE. El análisis de los resultados de la encuesta nos ha facilitado unas conclusiones claras y precisas sobre las necesidades de los docentes que usan este enfoque, entre otras, la importancia que los docentes le confieren a su formación en AICLE, considerándola bastante escasa para afrontar este enfoque.The aim of this research is to examine the profile of the teachers and how they fulfil their task in the use and practice of CLIL approach in the classrooms. For that, we will focus on how this is carried out in the province of Badajoz. Having this objective in mind, we will study firstly what the CLIL approach (acronym for Content and Language Integrated Learning) is, as well as its origin and evolution throughout history. Secondly, we will focus on the Spanish and Extremadura cases, investigating how it has been implemented, and its current status. Finally, the figure of the teacher using CLIL will be also analyzed, paying special attention to their preparation and perception about such an approach. In order to do this, we have realized a questionnaire with twenty questions to Primary teachers teaching in bilingual programs or bilingual schools so that we will be able to know their preparation and perception of CLIL. The analysis of the results have provided us with clear and precise information about the needs of teachers who use CLIL approach, among others, we could highlight the importance that teachers confer to their lack of training as regards CLIL.peerReviewe

    Gaining insight into the implementation of an e-learning smoking cessation course in Latin American countries

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    Continuous medical education focused on health problems emerging in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is scarce. Although tobacco consumption is increasing in LMICs, there is a lack of tobacco cessation training programs in these countries. To promote smoking cessation interventions in Bolivia, Guatemala and Paraguay, we adapted an e-learning program developed in Catalonia (Spain). This process evaluation study reports on reach, dose and satisfaction of participants with the course, as well as the contextual factors of its application. We conducted a multiple method evaluation, which included a survey and several focus groups, each one specific to the same type of healthcare professional (nurses, doctors, other professionals). Two hundred and ninety-two participants registered into the online course. The motivation for undertaking the course was different between doctors and nurses. The main sources of difficulty in enrolling and finishing the course were the technical problems experienced when accessing the platform, and lack of acquaintance with computers and the Internet in general. Our results show that implementing e-learning education in hospitals from LMICs is feasible, especially when there are similarities between participating countries and the country in which the original program was developed. However, several elements such as strong organizational commitment, technical support and resources and adequate communication channels should be provided to facilitate enrollment and training completion. Efforts to improve Internet access should be made to avoid jeopardizing students' motivation to enroll and complete online training

    Impact of an online training program in hospital workers' smoking cessation interventions in Bolivia, Guatemala and Paraguay

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    Objective: To examine changes in hospital workers' interventions before and after online training. Method: Pre-post evaluation of the self-reported performance of the 5A's by hospital workers from the three organizations involved. We assessed individual, behavioural, and organisational-level factors through a questionnaire that included 43 items (0 = none to 10 = most possible) completed before and 6 months after the training. Medians and interquartile ranges were calculated. To examine changes, the non-parametric test for paired data (Wilcoxon) was used. Results: 202 professionals (76 in Bolivia, 79 in Guatemala, and 47 in Paraguay) finished the course, of these 99 (28, 42, and 29 respectively) completed both questionnaires before and after the training. Overall, there was an increase in the performance of each of the 5A components [Ask (7 to 9): Advise (7 to 9); Assess (6 to 8); Assist (2 to 7); and Arrange a follow up (0.52 to 5); all p <0.001]. Doctors, former smokers, and those from Paraguay obtained higher scores. The level of perception of the participants degree of preparedness, level of competence and familiarity with resources increased (p <0.001). Conclusion: The online training had a positive impact on the implementation of the brief intervention. Online education on smoking cessation is feasible and effective in improving smoking cessation interventions in these countries