26 research outputs found

    Opportunities for physical activity within clinical care: positive healthcare effects of exercise interventions delivered via telehealth services with evidence-based fitness resources

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    BACKGROUND: This article is an overview of the scientific research on the effectiveness of the original weight management program delivered via telehealth services for middle-aged overweight women - the summary of three original scientific studies that complement each other (N.=55, N.=105, N.=62). METHODS: The manuscript presents theoretical analysis of special scientific and methodological literature, anthropometric and pedagogical methods and methods of mathematical statistics. The physical fitness profile of the middle-aged overweight and obese women was assessed by factor analysis. RESULTS: The pilot feasibility study involving women with an average age of 37.2 years (N.=55) was designed to explore the possibility of remote implementation of primary and ongoing measurement for main anthropometric indicators characterizing excessive body weight. The cross-sectional study involving overweight and obese women (via the Body Mass Index [BMI] from 25.00 to 32.10 kg/m2) with an average age of 38.9 years (N.=105) explored the data with factor analysis and identified the major factors, which determined the structure of physical condition in middle-aged obese women and selected the most informative criteria for designing self-training exercise programs. These criteria were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the original weight management program delivered via telehealth services for middle-aged overweight women in interventional cohort study (N.=62). Participation in the weight management program resulted in significant changes in the morpho-functional status of the women. CONCLUSIONS: This article consisting of three blocks presents the original weight management program whose detailed description and proved effectiveness make this article valuable from a practical point of view for health care professionals who consider telemedicine tools possible for implantation in their practice with obese people

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program of independent preventive and health-enhancing exercise classes for middle-aged overweight women

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    The paper addresses the effects of independent preventive and health-enhancing exercise classes on the indicators of morphological status in middle-aged overweight women. The objective of the study was to examine the effects of independent preventive and health-enhancing exercise classes on the indicators of morphological status in middle-aged overweight women. Methods. The following methods were used: theoretical analysis of special scientific and methodological literature; anthropometric and pedagogical methods; and the methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 62 middle-aged women with an average age of 38.5 years. The duration of the transformative pedagogical experiment was nine months. Results of the study. During the pedagogical experiment, significant changes occurred in the morpho-functional status of the women. The most significant changes occurred in the following indicators: waist circumference decreased by 18.4% (

    Programming of physical education and health-improving classes for the girls aged 12-13 years

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    The research study presents the results of the pedagogical experiment that lasted during 2017-2018 academic year. Altogether 101 girls aged 12-13 years who, for reasons of health, are classified as primary and preparatory medical groups, were involved in the research. The purpose of the research was to determine the appropriate standards of physical fitness of 12-13-year old girls, which provide a stable level of physical health. To achieve this goal, an integrated approach was used using the following research methods: analysis and synthesis of special research and methodological literature and documentary materials; anthropometric methods; determination of the level of physical health; pedagogical testing; physiological methods; methods of mathematical statistics. The article presents the results of correlation relationships of indicators of motor tests and physical health. On their basis, regression equations were estimated to determine the appropriate values of physical fitness of girls aged 12-13 years with an average and below the average level of physical health. Through the use of factor analysis, we identified five statistically independent factors: muscular strength, speed-strength, agility, endurance and speed. The total contribution of these factors to the generalized variance of the sample is 89.6 %. We selected the most informative motor tests: for assessing muscle strength - shoulder flexor dynamometry (r = 0.759 with p <0.01), speed-strength qualities – standing long jump (r = 0.800 with p <0.01) speed - the difference between the time of shuttle run 3 × 10 m and 30 m (r = 0.808 with p <0.01); endurance - relative performance (PWC150) (r = 0.869 with p <0.01) and speed - 5 seconds running in the place at the maximum pace (r = 0, 0.860 p <0.01). The results have prognostic value for the development of methods of training with a rational correlation of physical activity of various directions for a given age group

    Influence of physical working capacity on quality of life and life satisfaction in old-age population of Ukraine

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    The aim of this study was to examine relationship between indicators of physical working capacity and levels of satisfaction and quality of life in older adults. Materials and methods. This study involved 221 elderly participants including 152 women and 69 men with an average chronological age of 67.1 years. The study was conducted at the University of Third Age (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) during the years 2019-2020. Research methods: assessment of physical working capacity, Questionnaire survey with Medical Outcomes Study-Short Form (SF-36), measurement of Life Satisfaction Index (Neugarten А.О.), and statistical analysis. Results. The degree of relationship between indicators of physical performance and levels of satisfaction and quality of life was determined in older adults. It was found that physical working capacity is moderately associated with all indicators of life satisfaction; all correlation coefficients were significant at the level α = .05. Conclusions. For this age group, among the indicators of the physical component of health, the most significant one was Physical Functioning (34.36 ± 1.8 points), and in the mental component of quality of life, the most significant was Vitality (59.34 ± 1.8 points). Among the respondents, 68.2% had low level of life satisfaction and 25.3% had average level. We found a close relationship between these parameters. Physical working capacity is closely related to the quality of life indicators such as Physical Functioning (0.664), Overall.mood.background (0.581), and Vitality (0.524)

    Assessment of the level of formation of values of healthy lifestyle of students

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    Purpose: theoretically substantiate, develop and experimentally test a system for assessing the level of formation of the values of a healthy lifestyle of students in the process of physical education. Material & Methods: to achieve this goal, such research methods were used – analysis and synthesis of literature sources and documentary materials, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, sociological research methods (questioning), anthropometry method, methods for determining the functional state of the body, methods for assessing the level of physical health ((according to G. L. Apanasenko method), methods for determining motor activity, testing theoretical knowledge, methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 108 students and 120 female students of higher educational institutions in Kiev. Results: the components of the students' value attitude to a healthy lifestyle are defined and the criteria and indicators of their formation are refined: cognitive (knowledge about health, healthy lifestyle, health values, axiological attitudes to achieve the goal), motivational and value (attitude to one’s own health, positive emotions, interest and needs for a healthy lifestyle), activity (actions and behavior, contribute to a healthy lifestyle, compliance with the requirements of a healthy lifestyle in everyday life). On the basis of certain criteria and indicators, the levels of formation of the values of a healthy lifestyle are characterized: high, sufficient, satisfactory and critical. It was revealed that the majority of students have a critical level of formation of values of a healthy lifestyle (boys – 75,93%, girls – 72,5%). Conclusion: the existing developments in assessing the attitude of students towards a healthy lifestyle and the development of their attitude towards recreational activities have been further developed; based on the analysis of empirical research data, a significant discrepancy was noted between the declared value of health, a healthy lifestyle, and behavioral attitudes of students. On the basis of the obtained data, we proposed the directions of modernization of physical education of students, to promote the formation of values of a healthy lifestyle

    Social communication of public authorities in the system of potential manifestations of corruption

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    The study analyzed works on corruption and social communication, documents of international organizations on these issues, proving that corruption results in costs for resources and affects the indexes of income and investment resources, formation of human capital and labor supply. Corruption is caused by: non-systematic nature of social and economic policies; underdevelopment of the legal system and legal provision of anti-corruption policy; limited performance of duties by control bodies etc. Based on the studies main forms of corruption manifestation were distinguished

    Changes in physical activity indicators of Ukrainian students in the conditions of distance education

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    Purpose: purpose of the work is to determine the changes in physical activity indicators of Ukrainian students in the conditions of distance education caused by the quarantine restrictions and the conditions of the legal regime of martial law. Material & Methods: the study, which lasted from 2020 to 2023, involved 1528 higher education students from different regions of Ukraine. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used to assess physical activity. The results were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: the results of the study of PA indicators in students showed that on average they had a normal PA score, which was 26.0 (22.0; 32.0) points for males, and 24.0 (19.0; 30.0) points for females. It was proved that, compared to female students, the PA score of male students was statistically significantly higher (U=226269.5; Z=7.329; p0.05) in 2021. Nevertheless, with the outbreak of hostilities in the Ukraine, the PA score has decreased and continues to decline. There was an unprecedented increase in the percentage of students with low PA, which reached 43.1% and 60.1% among male and female students, respectively, in 2023. Conclusions: the analysis of the dynamics of PA in higher education students for the period from 2019 to 2023 revealed a decrease in the PA score during the distance learning period, regardless of gender status. The only exception was 2021, which can be explained by the adaptation of students to distance learning. Instead, the armed conflict in the country led to a sharp decline in the PA score and a statistically significant (p<0.05) increase in the proportion of students with low physical activity. Moreover, this trend continued in 2023. The findings of the study made possible to assess the extent of the negative impact of distance learning under quarantine restrictions and the legal regime of martial law on the PA in higher education students

    Comparative Analysis of Physical Fitness of Physical Education Major Romanian and Ukrainian Students

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to compare the level of physical fitness of physical education majors from two universities based in Romania and Ukraine respectively. Materials and methods: A total of 201 university students participated in this study. 161 subjects were Romanian students enrolled at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Babeş-Bolyai University (107 males and 54 females), and 40 subjects were Ukrainian students enrolled at the National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport (23 males and 17 females). Anthropometric measurements were performed on all participants. In order to evaluate physical fitness indicators, seven physical tests were applied. Results: The main finding of the study was the fact that the physical fitness level of male students was statistically higher (p0.05) between representatives of the same gender groups of Romanian and Ukrainian students. In the case of Modified Sit-and-reach test and Plate tapping test, female subjects of both groups performed better than male subjects. Statistically significant differences (p0.05), except the results in the Plate tapping test, where Ukrainian students had statistically significantly higher results (р<0.05) than their Romanian counterparts. Conclusions: According to the findings of this study, the Romanian subjects had statistically significantly higher results than the Ukrainian subjects. For future research, it would be interesting to analyze the differences between the Romanian and Ukrainian curriculum specific to physical education majors. Analiză comparativă a condiției fizice a studenților români și ucraineni de la facultăți cu profil de educație fizică. Introducere: Scopul acestui studiu a fost acela de a compara nivelul de condiție fizică a studenților de la două facultăți de educație fizică din România, respectiv din Ucraina. Materiale și metode: La acest studiu au participat 201 studenți. 161 dintre aceștia au fost înscriși la Facultatea de Educație Fizică și Sport, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca (107 bărbați și 54 femei), iar 40 de studenți au fost studenți ucraineni înscriși la Universitatea Națională de Educație Fizică și Sport din Ucraina (23 bărbați și 17 femei). S-au efectuat măsurători antropometrice cu toți subiecții. Pentru evaluarea nivelului condiției fizice s-au folosit șapte teste. Rezultate: Nivelul de condiție fizică a bărbaților a fost semnificativ mai mare decât nivelul de condiție fizică a femeilor (p0.05). S-au observat diferențe semnificative statistic (p<0.05) atunci când au fost comparate valorile indicilor condiției fizice corespunzătoare studenților români și ucraineni bărbați, respectiv studentelor din România și Ucraina, măsurate cu următoarele teste: 3 minute de urcare și coborâre, flexia longitudinală a trunchiului, lovește plăcile și săritura în lungime de pe loc. Excluzând rezultatele obținute la testul lovește plăcile, studenții români au obținut rezultate semnificativ statistic mai bune decât studenții ucraineni la toate testele efectuate. Concluzii: Conform rezultatelor obținute, studenții români la educație fizică au o mai bună condiție fizică decât studenții ucraineni din același domeniu. O direcție de cercetară utilă ar putea fi analiza comparativă a planurilor de învățământ de la facultățile de educație fizică din cele două țări. Cuvinte-cheie: studenți, dezvoltare fizică, condiție fizică, analiză comparativă.  Received 2023 September 14; Revised 2023 September 28; Accepted 2023 October 2nd; Available online 2023 September 30; Available print 2023 November 30.

    PPARGC1A gene polymorphism is associated with exercise-induced fat loss

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    Obesity is a widespread problem within modern society, serving to increase the risk of cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurodegenerative disorders. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) and PPARγ coactivator 1 α (PGC1α) play a key role in the regulation of cellular energy metabolism and is implicated in the pathology of these diseases. This study examined the association between polymorphisms of the PPARG and PPARGC1A genes and individual variability in weight loss in response to physical activity intervention. 39 obese Ukrainian women (44.4 ± 7.5 years, BMI > 30.0 kg/m2) undertook a 3-month fitness program whilst following a hypocaloric diet (~ 1500 cal). Anthropometric and biochemical measurements took place before and after the program. Single nucleotide polymorphisms within or near PPARG (n = 94) and PPARGC1A (n = 138) were identified and expression of PPARG mRNA was measured via reverse transcription and amplification. The association between DNA polymorphisms and exercise-induced weight loss, initial body mass, biochemistry and PPARG expression was determined using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The present intervention induced significant fat loss in all participants (total fat: 40.3 ± 5.3 vs 36.4 ± 5.7%; P < 0.00001). Only one polymorphism (rs17650401 C/T) within the PPARGC1A gene was found to be associated with fat loss efficiency after correction for multiple testing, with T allele carriers showing the greatest reduction in body fat percentage (2.5-fold; P = 0.00013) compared to non-carriers. PPARGC1A (rs17650401) is associated with fat loss efficiency of the fitness program in obese women. Further studies are warranted to test whether this variation is associated with fat oxidation