260 research outputs found


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    The recent auctions literature has devoted much attention to mechanisms that allow package bidding: all-or-nothing bids for sets of items. Introducing package bids can improve efficiency by reducing the bidders "exposure" risk of winning undesirable combinations of items. However, package bids can also create a free-rider problem for relatively small bidders since they need to compete jointly against their larger opponents, potentially reducing efficiency. The inherent asymmetry among different package bids significantly complicates an equilibrium analysis of the costs and benefits of allowing package bids in auctions. The first chapter makes progress in solving for Bayesian-Nash equilibria of the first-price package auction. We develop a new computational method which is based on a complementarity formulation of the system of equilibrium inequalities. Additionally, we establish existence of equilibrium for special cases. Our analysis shows that introducing package bidding can significantly improve efficiency when the exposure risk faced by bidders is large, but it can reduce efficiency otherwise. We also compare the first-price package auction with other leading package alternatives. Surprisingly, in the environment considered, the first-price package auction performs reasonably well, with respect to both revenue and efficiency, despite the presence of a strong free-rider problem. The second chapter studies the core-selecting auctions that were proposed recently as alternatives to the famous Vickrey-Clarke Groves (VCG) mechanism for environments with complementarities. The existing literature on core-selecting auctions is limited to only a complete-information analysis. We consider a simple incomplete-information model which allows us to do a full equilibrium analysis, including closed-form solutions for some distributions, for four different core-selecting auction formats suggested in the literature. Our model also admits correlations among bidders values. We second that the revenues and efficiency from core-selecting auctions improve as correlations among bidders values increase, while the revenues from the Vickrey auction worsen. Thus, there may be good reasons for policymakers to utilize a core-selecting auction rather than a VCG mechanism in realistic environments

    Developing Structural Methods For Solving Boundary-Value Problems In Non-Smooth Boundary Domains

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    The paper presents the development of structural methods for solving boundary-value problems in complexshape domains to enhance calculation accuracy in the neighbourhood of angular points in the boundary-value problems solution domain. Structural methods allow building bases for solving mathematical physics boundary-value problems, which accurately account for the boundary conditions and geometric information on the domain form. These methods are based on using the mathematical tools of the theory of R-functions. They can dramatically extend the potentialities of variation methods when solving mathematical physics boundary-value problems in complexshape domains with different boundary conditions. The most common systems of R-operations used in practice are normalised; however, they are not smooth in point (0,0), and all smooth R-operations are not normalised. The paper presents the results of investigating the behaviour of smooth functions up to the domain boundary, which satisfy uniform Dirichlet and Neumann conditions, and the condition at which the function proper and its derivatives over the normal to a definite order are equal to zero. New approaches are offered to build basis functions that are smooth up to the non-smooth domain boundary and which meet the above-mentioned boundary conditions. The suggested new system of asymptotically normalised R-operations whose functions belong to the given smoothness class can be used to build smooth basis functions that satisfy certain boundary conditions. The approaches developed were tested for model problems, some of which were used for problems in modelling hydrodynamic fields in complex-shape domains


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    Abstract. The paper includes systematization of the main problems and contradictions in the development of modern national legislation and international legal order in the context of the processes of integrating robotic technologies and devices based on the artificial intelligence into the social life of society. The article discusses doctrinal, legal, ethical and socio-moral issues in the regulation of the development and application of artificial intelligence systems, robotic technologies, autonomous devices, etc. The authors substantiate the need to formulate a legal concept and the ethical standards for the regulation of these technologies and systems, propose directions, methods and forms for the development of a comprehensive program for the regulatory mediation of the development and integration of innovative processes in the social life of people. It is noted that the rapid development of robotic technologies and artificial intelligence systems creates an acute need of modernity - the legal regulation of relations associated with the application of RT and AI. At the same time, it is shown that a state that develops the effective legal models and legislative bases for regulation in this field will be able to win in an acute competitive struggle, to formulate the international legal standards and models for other countries.Key words: autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV), deontological codes, national legislation, artificial intelligence, international law, legal regulation, robotic technologies, ethical standards

    Лингвостатистическое исследование частотных слов в Словах Кирилла Туровского (по рукописи РНБ, F.п.I.39)

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    The authors have studied quantitative and statistical qualities of the most frequent words in sermons of Kirill of Turov, contained in the Tolstoy Collection from the 13th century (NLR, F.п.I.39).In the course of three experiments, firstly, formal distinctions were found between the list and the corresponding copies from 8 contrasting sub-corpora, them being: 11th–14th century copies of the May Menaea, other months’ Minaea, Sticheraria, Gospels, The Book of Psalms, chronicles, the Apostolos, and the Parenesis of Ephrem the Syrian; the last two appear to be the most similar to the list. Secondly, using Log-Likelihood, TF*ICTF' and Weirdness statistical tools, statistically meaningful words were found out, and a partial overlap in the forms under study appeared between the texts of Kirill and several of the sub-corpora. Thirdly, by comparing ranks of each of the forms, the closeness of the Tolstoy Collection texts and sub-corpora of different genres was estimated, and it was shown that original sermons of Kirill of Turov and translations of the teaching sermons of Ephrem the Syrian and of the Apostolos are closest to each other in terms of statistical significance of 15 most frequent forms.For the first time, the configurations of the most significant lexemes in the sub-corpora were found out. Also for the first time, their list was found to be similar in the sub-corpora of Kirill of Turov’s sermons and of the Apostolos, as well as (partially) of the Parenesis, The Book of Psalms and the chronicles. High-rank units in the sermons of Kirill of Turov (нъ, о, бо, съ) were described in terms of linguistics, of genre and style, and of discursive pragmatics.The work was made using the transcriptions from the historical corpus “Manuscript” (manuscripts.ru). DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2020.9.1.2Рассмотрены количественные и статистические свойства наиболее частотных слов проповедей Кирилла Туровского Толстовского сборника XIII в. (РНБ, F.п.I.39). В ходе трех экспериментов (1) были установлены формальные отличия перечня от соответствующих списков 8 контрастных подкорпусов (списков XI‒XIV вв. майских миней, миней на другие месяцы года, стихирарей, Евангелий, Псалтыри, летописей, Апостола, Паренесиса Ефрема Сирина) и выявлена бóльшая близость с двумя последними; (2) с помощью статистических мер Log-Likelihood, TF*ICTF' и Weirdness найдены статистически значимые слова и выявлено частичное совпадение исследуемых форм текстов Кирилла Туровского и нескольких контрастных подкорпусов; (3) с помощью сопоставления рангов каждой из форм осуществлена оценка степени близости текстов Толстовского сборника и разножанровых подкорпусов и показано, что наиболее близкими друг другу с точки зрения статистической значимости 15 наиболее частотных форм являются оригинальные тексты проповедей Кирилла Туровского, переводные тексты наставлений Ефрема Сирина и списков Апостола. Впервые выявлены конфигурации наиболее значимых лексем в подкорпусах и установлено сходство в их составе в подкорпусах проповедей Кирилла Туровского и Апостола, а также частично Паренесиса, Псалтыри и летописей. Дана лингвистическая, жанрово-стилистическая и дискурсивно-прагматическая характеристика высокоранговых единиц в проповедях Кирилла Туровского (нъ, о, бо, съ).Работа выполнена на материале транскрипций исторического корпуса «Манускрипт» (manuscripts.ru). DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2020.9.1.

    Technique and Technology of Whole-Body Cryotherapy (WBC)

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    Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) is a highly effective treatment method of a number of serious diseases. The therapeutic effect of WBC is achieved by stimulating cold receptors of the patient’s skin, which provide supercooling of the skin surface to the level of −2°C. To achieve such a temperature of the skin surface, it is necessary to ensure heat removal with intensity not less than 3500 W/m2. Such a heat flux can remove gas with the temperature not higher than −130°C. Procedures lasting less than 2 minutes do not form therapeutic effect. Procedures lasting more than 3 minutes are dangerous for the patient’s health. WBC procedures are carried out in single- and multi-seat devices. Due to the compact placement of the patient in the WBC area, the share of useful heat load on the cryostatting system is up to 70%. In multi-seat installations, the useful heat load share is not more than 50%. During the WBC procedure, consumption of liquid nitrogen per patient is 3.77 kg. For the effective use of WBC technology, it is necessary to determine the general requirements for the power of cooling systems and the temperature of cryostatting of the WBC area

    Вдосконалення промислового трубопровідного транспорту на основі дослідження закономірностей руху сумішей у матеріалопроводі

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    Highly efficient energy-saving methods of pipeline transport have been developed on the basis of modern scientific approaches. A general concept and its implementation on the synergetic basis have been proposed. It is shown that stochastic motion modes arise while passing through intermittence, i.e. they are the result of collision of asymptotically stable and unstable motion states. It has been established that flow of air-fuel mixtures with inner weaves and inner portion turbulent motions is considered as a process of self-organization with collective flows. At the same time, effective coefficients of transfer of momentum, force and mass of the moving material flow are determined. The hypothesis of emergence of stochastic motion modes that arise during transition through intermittency has been justified, which makes it possible to derive the regularity of collision of asymptotically stable and unstable flows of air-fuel mixtures. The rheological model for flow of non-Newtonian fluids is proposed that takes into account the flow features, which makes it possible to determine the shear stress and viscosity of CWF at different values of the shear velocity. The mathematical model takes into account independent rheological parameters of the suspension, which depend on concentration and granulometric composition of coal, as well as on high-speed transportation modes. It has been established that the process of self-organization of mass transfer in the pneumatic transport pipeline is carried out by additional energy supply of the moving material flow and provides creation of additional vorticity of the flow. There have been determined the main tasks solved by intensification of the processes in the transport pipeline, which makes it possible to increase efficiency of its operation.Выполнено исследование явлений, происходящих в транспортном трубопроводе при перемещении смесей в нестационарных режимах массопереноса. Предложена реологическая модель движения неньютоновских жидкостей. Показано, что стохастические режимы движения смесей возникают при переходе через перемеживаемость, то есть являются следствием столкновения асимптотически устойчивых и неустойчивых состояний движенияВиконано дослідження явищ, що відбуваються в транспортному трубопроводі при переміщенні сумішей в нестаціонарних режимах масопереносу. Запропонована реологічна модель руху неньютонівських рідин. Показано, що стохастичні режими руху сумішей виникають при переході через перемежуваємість, тобто є наслідком зіткнення асимптотично стійких і нестійких станів рух

    Tecnología para la formación temprana de resistencia al estrés en el sistema de prevención de la mala adaptación escolar de alumnos de primer grado

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    The relevance of the stated problem of the crisis of 6-7-year old’s is dictated by the recently growing tendency to bring back children to preschool institutions after a short period at school by parents who notice the child’s painful condition associated with school maladaptation. In this regard, many researchers and practicing educators recommend reviewing the start dates for children at school so that the child starts school at the age of seven. Other teachers notice a significant increase in the work load on primary schoolchildren connected to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education and the corresponding forms of control and assessment activities. Thus, there was a need to develop new technologies to preserve the health of younger students and allow them to overcome the crisis of the onset of education. The purpose of this article is to describe the developed technology aimed at helping 6-7-year old to overcome the age crisis and prevent school maladaptation with the help of early formation of stress tolerance. The main method in the study is the design of a technology for early formation of stress tolerance and prediction of the results of its implementation in the experimental groups of 6-7-year-old children. The technology is based on the principles of continuity of the educational process between preschool educational organizations and schools. With the implementation of the developed technology the following results were achieved: increased motivation for success and higher somatic health level manifested in sport and creative activities. The above-mentioned results in their turn contributed to crisis prevention, school deprivation of first graders and comfortable overcoming of the crisis of 6-7 year olds. The materials of the article can be useful to organizers of sport and creative activities in preschool educational institutions, educators of preparatory groups, teachers, methodologists in preschool and primary education, as well as physical education teachers and primary school teachers. The materials of the article can be used in the system of advanced training of teachers of physical education and elementary school, as well as in the preparation for professional activities in preschool educational institutions and elementary schools of students of teacher training colleges and universities.La relevancia del problema declarado de la crisis de los niños de 6 a 7 años está dictada por la tendencia cada vez mayor de traer a los niños a las instituciones preescolares después de un corto período en la escuela por parte de los padres que notan la condición dolorosa del niño asociada con la mala adaptación escolar. En este sentido, muchos investigadores y educadores en ejercicio recomiendan revisar las fechas de inicio de los niños en la escuela para que el niño comience la escuela a la edad de siete años. Otros maestros notan un aumento significativo en la carga de trabajo de los escolares de primaria relacionados con la introducción del Estándar Educativo del Estado Federal para la Educación General Primaria y las formas correspondientes de actividades de control y evaluación. Por lo tanto, era necesario desarrollar nuevas tecnologías para preservar la salud de los estudiantes más jóvenes y permitirles superar la crisis del inicio de la educación. El propósito del artículo es describir la tecnología desarrollada destinada a ayudar a niños de 6 a 7 años a superar la crisis de la edad y prevenir la mala adaptación escolar con la ayuda de la formación temprana de tolerancia al estrés. El método principal en el estudio es el diseño de una tecnología para la formación temprana de tolerancia al estrés y la predicción de los resultados de su implementación en los grupos experimentales de niños de 6-7 años. La tecnología se basa en los principios de continuidad del proceso educativo entre las organizaciones educativas preescolares y las escuelas. Con la implementación de la tecnología desarrollada se lograron los siguientes resultados: mayor motivación para el éxito y un mayor nivel de salud somática manifestado en actividades deportivas y creativas. Los resultados mencionados a su vez contribuyeron a la prevención de crisis, la privación escolar de los alumnos de primer grado y la superación cómoda de la crisis de los niños de 6 a 7 años. Los materiales del artículo pueden ser útiles para los organizadores de actividades deportivas y creativas en instituciones educativas preescolares, educadores de grupos preparatorios, maestros, metodólogos en educación preescolar y primaria, así como maestros de educación física y maestros de primaria. Los materiales del artículo se pueden utilizar en el sistema de formación avanzada de docentes de educación física y primaria, así como en la preparación de actividades profesionales en instituciones educativas preescolares y escuelas primarias de estudiantes de escuelas de formación de docentes y universidades