209 research outputs found

    Integrating pre-processing pipelines in ODC based framework

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    Using on-demand processing pipelines to generate virtual geospatial products is beneficial to optimizing resource management and decreasing processing requirements and data storage space. Additionally, pre-processed products improve data quality for data-driven analytical algorithms, such as machine learning or deep learning models. This paper proposes a method to integrate virtual products based on integrating open-source processing pipelines. In order to validate and evaluate the functioning of this approach, we have integrated it into a geo-imagery management framework based on Open Data Cube (ODC). To validate the methodology, we have performed three experiments developing on-demand processing pipelines using multi-sensor remote sensing data, for instance, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2. These pipelines are integrated using open-source processing frameworks.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposiu

    Implementing the livelihood resilience framework: an indicator-based model for assessing mountain pastoral farming systems

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    CONTEXT: Ongoing decreases in family farms and livestock numbers in European mountain areas are linked to multiple interconnected challenges. The continuity of such farms concerns society at large since they also act as landscape stewards, and their management influences the provision of ecosystem services. The livelihood resilience lens provides a means of examining how farm households respond and build their capacity to persist, to adapt to changes and shocks, and eventually transform what is understood as farming. While an increasing number of studies address livelihood resilience in different parts of the world, its link with livelihood strategies and how these enhance or erode livelihood resilience dimensions is still missing. OBJECTIVE: We built and applied an indicator-based framework to characterize the livelihood strategies of mountain livestock farming households in the Catalan Pyrenees (Spain) considering local historical trends, to assess how these strategies contribute to their adaptive capacity. METHODS: We combined sustainable rural livelihoods and livelihood resilience frameworks and operationalized them to: group farm households with similar livelihood strategies based on their income-generating activities; asses the influence of capital assets and context on the adoption of strategies; and relate these strategies with their performance in three dimensions of adaptive capacity, namely capacity for learning and adaptation, self-organization, and diversity. Information was gathered surveying a sample of 103 farm households. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We identified five livelihood strategies showing different degrees of adaptive capacity. Farm households either intensified production (21.3% of the sample) or pursued various diversification pathways based on additional off-farm work (28.6%), rural-tourism activities (22.7%), or added-value production (13.3%). Pensioners (11.8%) had a low endowment of assets and presented the lowest estimates in several dimensions of adaptive capacity. In contrast, diversification into rural tourism scored higher in adaptive capacity, showing greater proactive capacity, farmer organization, and multiple income sources. SIGNIFICANCE: We explored the multidimensional issues that influence and are influenced by the livelihood strategies and their adaptive capacity at the farm household level. Our work highlights the relevance of including income-generating activities in addition to structural, technical, and socioeconomic variables in characterizing farming systems. It demonstrates the role of farmer involvement in formal and informal social cooperation networks in the sustainability and adaptive capacity of their households. To be successful, diversification strategies may require certain prerequisites in the farms, while strategies based on off-farm activities, although they support improved financial performance of the farm household, could also contribute to the displacement of agriculture from mountain areas

    Der Einfluss von Levetiracetam und Valproinsäure auf Thrombozytenfunktionen beim Menschen:Eine placebokontrollierte Studie

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    Es wurde die Wirkung von Levetiracetam auf Zellzahlen, Thrombin-Bildung, Fibrinogen-FITC-Bindung und P-Selektin Expression (CD62P) bei 12 Probanden untersucht. Der Versucht wurde unter Levetiracetam 1000 mg, Valproat 500 mg und Placebo durchgeführt. Vor und nach den Prüfsubstanzen gab es keinen Unterschied in der Zellzahl. Die Werte vor und nach Levetiracetameinnahme bei den Thrombozytenfunktionen zeigen keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Nach Valproateinnahme kommt es zu einer signifikanten Steigerung der P-Selektin Expression (p < 0,017) und zu einem signifikanten Abfall (p < 0,012) bei Fibrinogen-FITC-Bindung. Kein Einfluss war für die Thrombin-Bildung gesehen worden. Die Wirkung von Valproat auf die Koagulation und Thrombozyten war bereits durch klinische Beobachtungen bekannt. Mit dieser Studie können die pathophysiologischen Grundlagen genauer erklärt werden. Dagegen konnte in unserer Studie gezeigt werden, dass Levetiracetam keine Wirkung auf die Blutzellzahl und Thrombozytenfunktion gehabt hat. Die Ergebnisse haben Auswirkungen auf die Wahl des Antiepileptikums bei Patienten mit Gerinnungsstörungen

    Geo-imagery management and statistical processing in a regional context using Open Data Cube

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    We propose a methodology to manage and process remote sensing and geo-imagery data for non-expert users. The proposed system provides automated data ingestion and manipulation capability for analytical data-driven purposes. In this paper, we describe the technological basis of the proposed method in addition to describing the tool architecture, the inherent data flow, and its operation in a specific use case to provide statistical summaries of Sentinel-2 regions of interest corresponding to the cultivation of polygonal areas located in the Basque Country (ES).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Published in 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARS

    Determinantes de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de pacientes en diálisis de Uruguay

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    Ana I. Galain: Departamento de Psicología Médica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay. -- Inés Olaizola: Servicio de Asistencia Renal Integral, SARI. Centro de Diálisis Ibirapitá, Montevideo, Uruguay.-- Laura Schwartzmann: Departamento de Psicología Médica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.-- Carlos Zúñiga: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Católica de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.-- Juan J. Dapueto: Departamento de Psicología Médica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay. Contacto: Juan J. Dapueto. Dirección: Departamento de Psicología Médica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Av. Italia 2870 piso 15, Montevideo11600, Uruguay. E-mail: [email protected] are limited studies reporting on the Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) of patients with end stage renal disease living in non-industrialized countries. This study describes the underlying relationships among determinants of HRQL in patients under renal replacement treatment. A cross-sectional design was used with a sample of 243 patients attending five hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis centers of Montevideo (mean age 56.6 years, SD 16.2; 58% males). A univariate linear regression analysis was performed for each independent variable. A total of 61 independent variables were included: biological/clinical, sociodemographic, and psychosocial. HRQL outcomes were evaluated using the SF-36 Health Survey eight subscales, Physical Component Summary (PCS) and Mental Component Summary (MCS) scores. Variables shown to have significant association in the univariate analysis (p<0.10) were included in a multivariate regression analysis. Ten regression models were studied, for the 8 SF-36 subscales, PCS and MCS scores. Fifteen variables were significant in the multivariable models; time in renal replacement treatment, urea, creatinine, haemoglobin, iron, hospitalizations, acute illness, blindness, age, gender, living with someone, working status, administration of antidepressants or antipsychotic medications, and maintenance of sex life, explaining 43% of the variance of PCS and 35% of MCS. The type and relevance of the explanatory variables differed along the various dimensions of HRQL. As a conclusion we underline the entwining of biological, sociodemographic and psychosocial factors as determinants of health related quality of life patients with end stage renal disease, thus supporting the multidimensional definition and modelling of the construct.Existen pocos estudios sobre la percepción subjetiva de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (HRQL por sus siglas en inglés) en pacientes renales cursando su etapa terminal, que vivan en países no industrializados. El propósito de este estudio fue comprender las relaciones subyacentes entre los diferentes determinantes de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, en los pacientes en tratamiento sustitutivo renal en Uruguay. Se realizó un estudio transversal en una muestra de 243 pacientes de cinco centros de hemodiálisis y diálisis peritoneal de la ciudad de Montevideo (edad media de 56,6 años, SD 16,2; 58% hombres). Se realizó un análisis de regresión lineal univariado para cada variable independiente. Se incluyó un total de 61 variables independientes biológicas/clínicas, sociodemográficas y psicosociales. La HRQL fue evaluada utilizando el cuestionario SF-36, que consta de ocho subescalas, más el Componente de Resumen Físico (PCS) y el Componente de Resumen Mental (MCS). Aquellas variables que mostraron una asociación significativa en el análisis univariado (p< 0.10) fueron incluidas en un análisis de regresión multivariado. Fueron estudiados diez modelos de regresión, para las 8 subescalas del SF-36, el PCS y MCS. Quince variables fueron significativas en los modelos multivariados: tiempo en tratamiento sustitutivo renal, urea, creatinina, hemoglobina, hierro, hospitalizaciones, enfermedades agudas, ceguera, edad, género, vivir con alguien, situación laboral, administración de antidepresivos o de antipsicóticos y mantenimiento de la vida sexual; explicando el 43% de la varianza de PCS y el 35% de MCS. El tipo y relevancia de las variables explicativas difieren a lo largo de las diversas dimensiones de la HRQL. Destacamos como conclusión el entrelazamiento de factores biológicos, sociodemográficos y psicosociales como determinantes de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en los pacientes renales cursando su etapa terminal, lo que apoya la definición y modelado multidimensional del constructo

    Cyclotryptophan Mycotoxins: Short Synthesis of the Desymmetrized meso-Chimonantine Core of Leptosin C

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    The desymmetrized meso-chimonantine core of leptosin C was prepared in a short stereoselective convergent sequence in 5 steps as the longest linear path from methyl l-tryptophan hydrochloride as starting material. The key step of this approach was a diastereoselective [4+2] cycloaddition between the bromooxindole and tryptophan derivatives allowing to define the adjacent quaternary benzylic centers in a high chemical yield

    Performance, carcass characteristics, economic margin and meat quality in young Tudanca bulls fed on two levels of grass silage and concentrate

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    This study investigates the effect on performance, carcass and meat characteristics of increasing the forage level in the diet of fattening Tudanca young bulls using silage as the forage source as compared with a conventional ad libitum straw plus concentrate diet. Twenty two Tudanca young bulls were assigned to three different finishing diets: ad libitum grass silage plus ad libitum concentrate (GS-AC), ad libitum grass silage plus concentrate limited to a half of the intake of the ad libitum group (GS-LC), ad libitum barley straw plus ad libitum concentrate (Str-AC) and then slaughtered at around 11 months of age. GS-LC diet resulted in relation to GS-AC and Str-AC diets in lower (p <= 0.05) average daily weight gain (750 vs 1, 059 and 991 g/animal/day, respectively), lower (p <= 0.05) carcass weight (133 vs 159 and 152 kg, respectively) and carcasses with slightly lower conformation scores. Although GS-LC diet allowed for a lower dependence on concentrate (372 vs 657 and 729 kg/animal, respectively), economic margin was similar for the two GS groups (-63.1 and -64.1 vs -91.8 (sic)/head). The polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio was the lowest (p <= 0.05) in GS-AC meat (the group showing the highest IMF levels) and the ratio n-6/n-3 was the highest (p <= 0.05) in Str-AC meat. GS-LC meat showed higher collagen content and Str-AC meat presented higher cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness values. Results suggested that the substitution of straw by grass silage and the restriction of the concentrate level could be recommended for finishing young Tudanca bulls in indoors systems

    Factores que condicionan el acabado de terneros de raza Tudanca en Cantabria

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    UnpublishedTomo I. Sección: Sistemas Ganaderos - Economía y Gestión. Sesión: Vacuno carne

    Study of the processing conditions for stainless steel additive manufacturing using femtosecond laser

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    The use of ultrashort-pulsed (USP) lasers in Additive Manufacturing (AM) enables the processing of different materials and has the potential to reduce the sizes and shapes manufactured with this technology. This work confirms that USP lasers are a viable alternative for Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) when higher precision is required to manufacture certain critical parts. Promising results were obtained using tailored and own-produced stainless steel powder particles, manufacturing consistent square layers with a series of optimized processing parameters. The critical role of processing parameters is confirmed when using this type of lasers, as a slight deviation of any of them results in an absence of melting. For the first time, melting has been achieved at low pulse repetition (500 kHz) and using low average laser power values (0.5–1 W), by generating heat accumulation at reduced scanning speeds. This opens up the possibility of further reducing the minimum size of parts when using USP lasers for AM

    Análisis comparativo de explotaciones de vacuno de leche especializadas y mixtas en Aragón.

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    publishedTomo I . Sección: Sistemas Ganaderos-Economía y Gestión. Sesión: Producción de leche. Ponencia nº 2