25 research outputs found

    Impacto de tutorías disciplinares para evaluación final integradora del curso de biofísica

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el impacto de las Tutorías Disciplinares para Evaluación Final Integradora (EFI) del Curso de Biofísica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, desarrolladas en los años 2018, 2019 y 2022 sobre la asistencia y el rendimiento de los estudiantes en la evaluación. Las Tutorías se llevaron a cabo durante la segunda semana del receso invernal con una carga horaria de 20 horas. Se generó un espacio educativo en el cual docentes de la Cátedra nos reunimos con los estudiantes para brindar apoyo en la comprensión de los contenidos de las diferentes unidades del programa de Biofísica que revisten mayor grado de dificultad. Las Tutorías presentaron un alto nivel de inscripción y de asistencia (57% al 60% de las actividades), a la vez que motivaron a los estudiantes a presentarse a rendir la EFI, con porcentajes que superaron el 50%, de los cuales entre un 67 al 79% lograron aprobar la evaluación. Por lo expuesto, consideramos que el impacto producido por las Tutorías Disciplinares fue altamente positivo en pos de favorecer el rendimiento académico.Especialización en Docencia UniversitariaFacultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Near surface geophysical analysis of the Navamuño depression (Sierra de Béjar, Iberian Central System): Geometry, sedimentary infill and genetic implications of tectonic and glacial footprint

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    The geometric and genetic characterization of the Navamuño depression peatland system (Iberian Central System) is presented here using results from a geophysical survey. This depression is a ~30 ha pseudo-endorheic flat basin over granitic bedrock. Three geophysical techniques were used to map the subsurface geology, and identify and describe the infill sequence: shallow seismic refraction (SR), magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) and electrical resistivity measurements (VES and ERT). The three main geoelectrical layers (G1, G2, G3) identified in previous research, have also been identified in the present work. Using the data obtained in this new research we have been able to analyse these three geological layers in detail and reinterpret them. They can be grouped genetically into two sedimentary units: an ancient sedimentary body (G3), of unknown age and type, beneath an Upper Pleistocene (G2) and Holocene (G1) sedimentary infill. The facies distribution and geometry of the Upper Pleistocene was examined using the Sequence Stratigraphy method, revealing that the Navamuño depression was an ice-dammed in the last glacial cycle resulting in glaciolacustrine sedimentation. A highly permeable sedimentary layer or regolith exists beneath the glaciolacustrine deposits. Below 40 m depth, water content falls dramatically down to a depth of 80 m where unweathered bedrock may be present. The information obtained from geophysical, geological and geomorphological studies carried out in this research, enabled us to consider various hypotheses as to the origin of this depression. According to these data, the Navamuño depression may be explained as the result of a transtensional process from the Puerto de Navamuño strike-slip fault during the reactivation of the Iberian Central System (Paleogene-Lower Miocene, Alpine orogeny), and can be correlated with the pull-apart type basins described in these areas. The neotectonic activity of this fault and the icedammed processes in these areas during the Last Glacial Cycle (MIS2) were the main causes of recent sedimentary infill in this depression

    The Boinás Cenozoic thrust (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain)

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    The opencast gold mine of Boinás, has allowed to outcrops the contact between the variscan basement and the Cenozoic sediments. It is observable that the contact is a post - Lower Oligocene thrust, with a N40ºE trend. From a macrostructural point of view, Boinás thrust spreads along more than 10 km with a constant orientation, a vertical gap that reaches 400 m, and a NW vergence. Northwestwards another Alpine thrust develops (Tineo, A l o n s o y Pulgar , 2004) with a parallel orientation an opposite vergence. Between both thrusts a tectonic pop-down appears (Narcea Pop-down). The dynamic analysis shows that this structure was activated by a paleostress tensor with an horizontal s1 trending N139ºE, with a stress regime close to uniaxial compression (R=0.06). This stress allows the geometrical interchanges between s2 and s3. The outcrop also allows to observe a secondary population of normal faults, that fits to an extensional stress tensor (R=0.01) with s3 trending N146ºE, that is coaxial with the main compressive stress tensor. We interpret both fault populations as generated by the tectonic thrust emplacemen

    AA.VV, Evangelium Vitae e Diritto. Acta Symposii Internationalis in Civitate Vaticana celebrati. Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Cittá del Vaticano 1997. 630 páginas

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    Resumen: Es para mí importante poder realizar la reseña de este libro invalorable que es la publicación de las Actas del Simposio Internacional sobre la Evangelium Vitae y el Derecho, que tuvo lugar en Roma en el mes de mayo de 1996. Este simposio contó con la participación de cerca de cuatrocientos docentes e investigadores (juristas, moralistas, biólogos y filósofos), más de doscientos universidades y otras instituciones culturales de treinta y seis países de distintos continentes. Las personalidades que estuvieron presentes en el simposio, entre las que podemos destacar, entre muchas otras, a Mons. Carlo Caffarra y a los Prof. John Finnis, Carlos Massini Correas, Pedro Serna, Hugo Obiglio y Andrés 011ero, dejaron marcado su valioso aporte. Esta obra incluye treinta y seis trabajos de distintos autores y que por razones obias no podemos comentar cada uno de ellos en esta breve reseña, por lo cual tomaremos algunos que nos han parecido de gran interés y que además muestran en alguna medida la orientación y el enfoque de los demás trabajos

    Prospección hidrogeológica en zonas áridas de baja permeabilidad (Tifariti, Sahara Occidental) con el método EM de inducción

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate electromagnetic induction methods to analyze low permeability rocks in desert areas, as a tool for groundwater surveying. We have focused the field work in large faults zones, previously mapped by satellite images and digital elevation models. This is because in low-permeability rocks (i.e. granites) the groundwater flow is mainly controlled by these discontinuities. The objective is to map the high conductivity zones and their geometry in depth. Obtained results allow us to identify well defined fractures with low apparent resistivities that are the most suitable areas to locate groundwater extractions

    Aplicación del método de resistividades con SEV para la caracterización hidrogeológica de la cuenca de Dajla (Argelia)

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    The aim of this study is the hydrogeological exploration and characterization using Geophisical surveying in the vicinity of Dakhla Basin (Algeria). To that end, it has been used the method of resistivities through Vertical Electric Sounding (VES) on a campaign carried out in April 2009. The work included 19 VES, which have been calibrated with existing wells and with field geological observations. The results have allowed the characterization of Tertiary deposits as well as Ordovician sandstones. With these data, it has been possible to identify the position and thickness of a shallow salty aquifer, and the roof of a deep freshwater aquifer developed on the Ordovician sandstones. The integration of the geometry of the aquifers with the resistivity values obtained in the Ordovician sandstones has allowed the location of a favorable area for the situation of a new well

    El cabalgamiento cenozoico de Boinás (Cordillera Cantábrica, España)

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    The opencast gold mine of Boinás, has allowed to outcrops the contact between the variscan basement and the Cenozoic sediments. It is observable that the contact is a post - Lower Oligocene thrust, with a N40ºE trend. From a macrostructural point of view, Boinás thrust spreads along more than 10 km with a constant orientation, a vertical gap that reaches 400 m, and a NW vergence. Northwestwards another Alpine thrust develops (Tineo, A l o n s o y Pulgar , 2004) with a parallel orientation an opposite vergence. Between both thrusts a tectonic pop-down appears (Narcea Pop-down). The dynamic analysis shows that this structure was activated by a paleostress tensor with an horizontal s1 trending N139ºE, with a stress regime close to uniaxial compression (R=0.06). This stress allows the geometrical interchanges between s2 and s3. The outcrop also allows to observe a secondary population of normal faults, that fits to an extensional stress tensor (R=0.01) with s3 trending N146ºE, that is coaxial with the main compressive stress tensor. We interpret both fault populations as generated by the tectonic thrust emplacement

    Caracterización de la geometría de la depresión de Navamuño (Sistema Central Español) aplicando técnicas geofísicas

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    [EN] The Navamuño depression, located in the high sector of the Cuerpo de Hombre valley (Sierra de Béjar), was partly occupied by a glacier during the Late Pleistocene. The basin is a ~14 Ha pseudoendorheic depression with boundaries defined by fault lineaments and the left lateral moraine of the Cuerpo de Hombre paleoglacier. The geometry of the base of the basin and the thickness of sediments that contain were studied together with the relationship of these deposits with the structural elements. Eight bi-dimensional profiles of electrical resistivity tomography were carried out supported by nine vertical electrical sounding logs. Although heterogeneous, the maximum thickness of the deposit infilling the basin is higher than approximately 20 m in some sectors, with three units under the surficial soil. The depression is interpreted as a basin filled with fluvioglaciar and fluviotorrential deposits with episodes of local shallow pond/bog peat sedimentation.[ES] La depresión de Navamuño se localiza en el tramo de cabecera del valle del río Cuerpo de Hombre (Sierra de Béjar), que durante el Pleistoceno Superior fue ocupado por un glaciar. Se trata de una cubeta tipo nava con una superficie de ~14 Ha, limitada entre laderas correspondientes a escarpes de línea de falla y la morrena lateral izquierda del paleoglaciar de Cuerpo de Hombre. Para conocer la geometría y el espesor de sedimentos de la cuenca así como sus relaciones con las estructuras y formaciones que la delimitan, se han realizado 9 perfiles de tomografía de resistividad eléctrica (TRE) en dos dimensiones (2D), apoyada en 9 sondeos eléctricos verticales (SEV) y dos sondeos mecánicos. Las interpretaciones sugieren un relleno sedimentario de la cubeta de más de unos 20 m de espesor. Genéticamente se interpreta como una cubeta rellena por sedimentos de origen fluvioglaciar y fluviotorrencial, con episodios de tipo lacustre locales y someros.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), proyecto CGL2013-44076-PPeer reviewe