52 research outputs found


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    The title compound (systematic name: 4-{[(2E)-5-hydr­oxy-3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-yl]­oxy}-7H-furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one), C21H22O5, is a known furan­ocoumarin, which was isolated from the Chinese herbal product Radix seu Rhizoma Notopterygii. The crystal structure shows a weak O—H⋯O hydrogen bond

    Anti-bacterial activity of Plumbago zeylanica L. roots on some pneumonia causing pathogens

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    The anti bacterial activity of polar and non-polar extracts prepared from the roots of Plumbago zeylanica L. (Plumbaginaceae), a plant widely used in Ethiopian traditional medicine for various ailments were investigated using hole plate diffusion method against some pneumonia causing pathogens. The aqueous extract did not exhibit any activity while petroleum ether extract was found to have strong anti-bacterial effects as compared to the ethanol extract which showed a significant activity. Activity guided chromatographic purification of the petroleum ether extract led to the isolation of three compounds, of which the compound identified as 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-1, 4-naphthoquinone, plumbagin, found to be the active component on the tested microorganisms. Minimum inhibitory concentration value of this particular compound showed comparative activity resembling the commonly used broad spectrum antibiotic, tetracycline. The strong antibacterial effect of the petroleum ether extract is discussed to show that it was attributable to this compound rather than the other two that were found to have trace of activities. Key words/phrases: Anti-bacterial activity, Minimum inhibitory concentration, Plumbago zeylanica, pneumonia SINET: Ethiopian Journal of Science Vol.25(2) 2002: 285-29

    A Novel Class of Defensive Compounds in Harvestmen: Hydroxy-γ-Lactones from the Phalangiid Egaenus convexus

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    When threatened, the harvestman Egaenus convexus (Opiliones: Phalangiidae) ejects a secretion against offenders. The secretion originates from large prosomal scent glands and is mainly composed of two isomers of 4-hydroxy-5-octyl-4,5-dihydro-3H-furan-2-one (1), a β-hydroxy-γ-lactone. The compounds were characterized by GC-MS of their microreaction derivatives, HRMS, and NMR. After the synthesis of all four possible stereoisomers of 1, followed by their separation by chiral-phase GC, the absolute configurations of the lactones in the Egaenus secretion was found to be (4S,5R)-1 (90%) and (4S,5S)-1 (10%). Hydroxy-γ-lactones represent a new class of exocrine defense compounds in harvestmen

    Diterpenes and Phenolic Compounds from Salvia brachyodon Vandas

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    Salvia brachyodon, the short-tooth sage, is one of the rarest plant species and endemic in the Adriatic area of the Balkan Peninsula. As aside from its essential oil, only limited information on its phytochemical composition is known, a more detailed study of the leaves was undertaken. From its leaves two diterpenes, agastanol (2), and a new natural compound 1, i.e., 3-methyl-4-methylen-11,12,14-trihydroxy-8,11,13-abietatrien-7-one, were isolated and identified by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. In addition, caffeic acid, isoquercitrin, luteolin 7-O-glucoside and rosmarinic acid were identfied by comparison with reference compounds. The fraction containg the diterpenes as well as the isolated compound 1 showed significant antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium smegmatis. The diterpenes of S. brachyodon represent promising antimycobacterial substances for further evaluation. Due to the endangered nature of the plant, the wide use of S. brachyodon and its bioactive compounds could be achieved by growing the plants in culture

    Alkaloids from millipedes: a re-evaluation of defensive exudates from Polyzonium germanicum

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    Millipedes are known to produce various sets of chemical compounds in exocrine defensive glands to protect themselves against predators and microorganisms. Here, we reanalyzed the gland secretion of Polyzonium germanicum, a millipede of the order Polyzoniida, by using a combination of analytical techniques such as GC-MS, LC-HRMS and high field 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy. Previously only one compound (polyzonimine, 1) had been described, but our approach allowed us to add six compounds to the defensive chemistry of this species. Besides polyzonimine (1), we found nitropolyzonamine (2) and five new compounds: 3 (2,3-dimethyl-7’-nitro-2’,3’,5’,6’,7’,7a’-hexahydrospiro[cyclopent-2-ene-1,1’-pyrrolizine]), 4 (2,3-dimethyl-7’-nitro-2’,3’,5’,6’,7’,7a’-hexahydrospiro[cyclopentane-1,1’-pyrrolizin]-2-ene), 5 ((1Z)-8,9-dimethyl-1-(nitromethylidene)-2-azaspiro[4.4]non-8-en-7-one), and not fully identified compounds A, B. For compounds 3–5 we were able to determine the molecular constitution, for two of them (4, 5) we were able to give relative configurations. Overall, the combination of advanced analytical techniques applied herein allowed detailed insights into the defensive chemistry of P. germanicum with a low number of individuals needed for analysis and without prior compound isolation

    3D-volldigitalisierte Behandlungsplanung bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten

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    Die Idealvorstellung eines vollständig digitalisierten Behandlungsalltags rückt mit fortschreitender technologischer und informationeller Entwicklung stetig näher an die Realität. Zu Beginn bestand lediglich die Möglichkeit einer elektronischen Patientenakte, hinzu kamen vielfältige Möglichkeiten der digitalen Bildgebung und wurden schließlich um das Ziel eines vollständigen digitalen Workflows ergänzt. Die Planung der interdisziplinären kieferorthopädischen / kieferchirurgischen Versorgung von Patienten mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalten (LKGS) wird momentan noch hauptsächlich analog durchgeführt. Eine volldigitalisierte Behandlungsplanung und –freigabe unter intersektoraler Einbeziehung aller beteiligten Behandler findet nicht statt. Neu entwickelte, digitale kieferorthopädische und –chirurgische Produkte, welche bis vor ein paar Jahren noch nicht denkbar waren, unterstützen den digitalen Workflow maßgeblich. 3D-Scanner und 3D-Fotoaufnahmen erstellen digitale Modelle, deren Daten zur Integration in den digitalen Workflow durch Softwareprozesse verarbeitet werden müssen. Um einen einfachen und strukturierten Zugriff auf die gesamten 3D Daten zu gewährleisten, ist die Idee entstanden, die anfallenden Daten und Unterlagen zu digitalisieren und in einer für diesen Zweck entwickelten Datenbank zu speichern und zu bearbeiten. Die konsequente Verwendung von digitalen 3D-Analysen und der Verzicht auf die aufwändige Erstellung der Diagnostik- und Therapieplanung aus einer Kombination von Gipsmodellen und 2D-Daten (z.B. Röntgenbilder) führen zu einer fundamentalen und richtungsweisenden Veränderung des Behandlungsplanungsprozesses. Räumlich und monetär aufwendige Bearbeitungsprozesse werden eingespart und Behandlungspläne können rascher erstellt werden, da sich alle notwendigen Unterlagen gebündelt in einem System wiederfinden. Weiterhin wird die Strahlenbelastung der Patienten wesentlich verringert, da eine Doppeldiagnostik durch mehrmaliges Anfertigen von Röntgenaufnahmen, DVTs und CTs in verschiedenen Abteilungen vermieden wird. Die Kommunikation, der Austausch und die konsiliarische Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Behandlern erfolgt unter Verwendung der europaweit ersten offenen, überregionalen telemedizinischen Plattform zur Verbesserung der medizinischen Versorgung – CCS TELEHEALTH OSTSACHSEN (THOS). [... aus der Einleitung

    Polyyne Hybrid Compounds from Notopterygium incisum with Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma Agonistic Effects

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    [Image: see text] In the search for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) active constituents from the roots and rhizomes of Notopterygium incisum, 11 new polyacetylene derivatives (1–11) were isolated. Their structures were elucidated by NMR and HRESIMS as new polyyne hybrid molecules of falcarindiol with sesquiterpenoid or phenylpropanoid moieties, named notoethers A–H (1–8) and notoincisols A–C (9–11), respectively. Notoincisol B (10) and notoincisol C (11) represent two new carbon skeletons. When tested for PPARγ activation in a luciferase reporter assay with HEK-293 cells, notoethers A–C (1–3), notoincisol A (9), and notoincisol B (10) showed promising agonistic activity (EC(50) values of 1.7 to 2.3 μM). In addition, notoincisol A (9) exhibited inhibitory activity on NO production of stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages

    Efficient identification of flavones, flavanones and their glycosides in routine analysis via off-line combination of sensitive NMR and HPLC experiments

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    We present a standardized, straightforward and efficient approach applicable in routine analysis of flavonoids combining sensitive NMR and HPLC experiments. The determination of the relative configuration of sugar moieties usually requires the acquisition of 13C NMR shift values. We use a combination of HPLC and sensitive NMR experiments (1D-proton, 2D-HSQC) for the unique identification of known flavones, flavanones, flavonols and their glycosides. Owing to their broad range of polarity, we developed HPLC and UHPLC methods (H2O/MeOH/MeCN/HCOOH) which we applied and validated by analyzing 46 common flavones and flavanones and exemplified for four plant extracts. A searchable data base is provided with full data comprising complete proton and carbon resonance assignments, expansions of HSQC-spectra, HPLC parameters (retention time, relative retention factor), UV/Vis and mass spectral data of all compounds, which enables a rapid identification and routine analysis of flavones and flavanones from plant extracts and other products in nutrition and food chemistry

    A new chromanone derivative isolated from Hypericum lissophloeus (Hypericaceae) potentiates GABAA receptor currents in a subunit specific fashion.

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    A phytochemical investigation of the lipophilic extract of Hypericum lissophloeus (smoothbark St. John's wort, Hypericaceae) was conducted, resulting in the isolation and identification of a new chromanone derivative: 5,7-dihydroxy-2,3-dimethyl-6-(3-methyl-but-2-enyl)-chroman-4-one (1). This compound was demonstrated to act as a potent stimulator of currents elicited by GABA in recombinant α1β2γ2 GABAA receptors, with a half-maximal potentiation observed at a concentration of about 4μM and a maximal potentiation of >4000%. Significant potentiation was already evident at a concentration as low as 0.1μM. Extent of potentiation strongly depends on the type of α subunit, the type of β subunit and the presence of the γ subunit