556 research outputs found

    Taxonomy and zoogeography of the family Onychoteuthidae

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    The Oegopsida family Onychoteuthidae contains five genera, namely, Onychoteuthis, Ancistroteuthis, Onykia, Moroteuthis. and Kondakovia. The genus Chaunotuethis is considered to represent spent individuals of the other genera of the family. The present study clarified that two well-known nominal species, Onychoteuthis banksii (Leach, 1817) and Ancistroteuthis lichtensteinii (Ferussac and Orbigny, 1839), both represent species complexes in their broad distributional ranges. The genus Onykia may represent immature stages of other onychoteuthids. Moroteuthis robsoni Adam, 1962, which has hitherto been considered to be a Southem Ocean species, appears to extend its distribution into the warm Atlantic region. Reliable taxonomic records as weil as knowledge of distributional differentiation by growth stagearestill too scarce to draw a zoogeographical picture of each species in this family

    Distribution and re-description of Abraliopsis lineata Goodrich, 1896 (Cephalopoda: Enoploteuthidae) from the Arabian Sea

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    The enoploteuthid cephalopod Abraliopsis lineata is re-described and its generic position discussed. Specimens for the present study were captured during the Indian Ocean Expedition of RV Meteor in 1987, where the species occurred in considerable numbers. The geographical distribution of A. lineata is described and discussed. The detailed analysis of the photophore pattern of the present specimens differs from the original description. The diagnostic features in the male, especially the structure of the hectocotylus which separates A. lineata easily from the members of the subgenus Pfefferiteuthis, are outlined. The morphological differences which separate A. lineata from A. gilchristi, the only other member of the subgenus Micrabralia, are summarized

    A new Late Pliocene large provannid gastropod associated with hydrothermal venting at Kane Megamullion, Mid-Atlantic Ridge

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Taylor & Francis for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 10 (2012): 423-433, doi:10.1080/14772019.2011.607193.A new gastropod, Kaneconcha knorri gen et sp. nov., was found in marlstone dredged from the surface of Adam Dome at Kane Megamullion on the flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in an area of former hydrothermal activity. The snail is interpreted as a large provannid similar to the chemosymbiotic genera Ifremeria and Alviniconcha. This is the first record of presumably chemosymbiotic provannids from the Atlantic Ocean and also the first fossil record of such large provannids associated with hydrothermal venting. Extant Alviniconcha and Ifremeria are endemic to hydrothermal vents in the Pacific and Indian oceans. Kaneconcha differs from Ifremeria in having no umbilicus and a posterior notch, and it differs from Alviniconcha in having the profile of the whorl slightly flattened and having no callus on the inner lip. A dark layer covering the Kaneconcha shell is interpreted here as a fossilized periostracum. The shell/periostracum interface shows fungal traces attributed to the ichnospecies Saccomorpha clava. We hypothesize that large chemosymbiotic provannids (i.e., Kaneconcha, Ifremeria, and Alviniconcha) form a clade that possibly diverged from remaining provannids in the Late Jurassic, with the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous Paskentana being an early member.R/V Knorr Cruise 180- 2 to Kane Megamullion was supported by National Science Foundation grant OCE- 0118445. A. Kaim acknowledges support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. B. Tucholke acknowledges support from an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Award for Innovative Research and from the Deep Ocean Exploration Institute at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    Exploring variability in the diet of depredating sperm whales in the Gulf of Alaska through stable isotope analysis

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    Sperm whales interact with commercially important groundfish fisheries offshore in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). This study aims to use stable isotope analysis to better understand the trophic variability of sperm whales and their potential prey, and to use dietary mixing models to estimate the importance of prey species to sperm whale diets. We analysed tissue samples from sperm whales and seven potential prey (five groundfish and two squid species). Samples were analysed for stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios, and diet composition was estimated using Bayesian isotopic mixing models. Mixing model results suggest that an isotopically combined sablefish/ dogfish group, skates and rockfish make up the largest proportion of sperm whale diets (35%, 28% and 12%) in the GOA. The top prey items of whales that interact more frequently with fishing vessels consisted of skates (49%) and the sablefish/dogfish group (24%). This is the first known study to provide an isotopic baseline of adult male sperm whales and these adult groundfish and offshore squid species, and to assign contributions of prey to whale diets in the GOA. This study provides information to commercial fishermen and fisheries managers to better understand trophic connections of important commercial species.Data were collected in collaboration with Cascadia Research Collective, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Alaska Sea Life Center, Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association and the Sitka Sound Science Center. SEASWAP co-PIs were all integral in making this project happen: Linda Behnken, Dan Falvey, Victoria O’Connell, Aaron Thode and Russ Andrews. John Calambokidis and Greg Schorr collected biopsy samples used in this project. Kelly Robertson and Gabriela Serra-Valente archived samples at Southwest Fisheries Science Center. Special thanks to the commercial longline fishermen who donated fish and squid that they caught: Frank Balovich and Cale Laduke (F/V Carole D), Paul Ipok (F/V Myra), Walt Cunningham and Jeff Farvour (F/V Christi-Rob), Ryan Nichols (F/V Nekton), Stephen Rhoads and Nick Nekeferof (F/V Magia), Phil Wyman and Kevin Johnson (F/V Archangel), Lucas Skordahl (F/V Tyee), Tyrus Moffitt and Alek Dyakanoff. NMFS GOA longline survey, bottom trawl survey and ecosystem assessment cruise personnel collected specimens: Chris Lunsford, Cindy Tribuzio, Pete Hulson, Dana Hanselman, Cheryl Barnes, Nancy Roberson, Jamal Moss and Wes Strasburger. Laboratory and analysis assistance provided by Illiana Ruiz-Cooley, Todd Miller, Casey Clark, John Logan, Andrew Parnell, Ellen Chenoweth, Madison Kosma, Mike Sigler, Corey Fugate, Matt Rogers, Kate Hauch, Michelle Parke, Kristina Long, NevĂ© Baker, Emily Whitney and Annie Masterman. Jen Cedarleaf archived historical samples and managed the database. The Inter-Library-Loan folks with the UAF Rasmussen library found all kinds of crazy whaling documents. Finally, special thanks to the Alaska Stable Isotope Facility team of MatWooller, Tim Howe and Norma Haubenstock for their work running bulk isotopes for all of these samples.Ye

    Acoustic detection and quantification of benthic egg beds of the squid Loligo opalescens in Monterey Bay, California

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2006. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119 (2006): 844-856, doi:10.1121/1.2149840.The squid Loligo opalescens is a key species in the nearshore pelagic community of California, supporting the most valuable state marine fishery, yet the stock biomass is unknown. In southern Monterey Bay, extensive beds occur on a flat, sandy bottom, water depths 20–60 m, thus sidescan sonar is a prima-facie candidate for use in rapid, synoptic, and noninvasive surveying. The present study describes development of an acoustic method to detect, identify, and quantify squid egg beds by means of high-frequency sidescan-sonar imagery. Verification of the method has been undertaken with a video camera carried on a remotely operated vehicle. It has been established that sidescan sonar images can be used to predict the presence or absence of squid egg beds. The lower size limit of detectability of an isolated egg bed is about 0.5 m with a 400-kHz sidescan sonar used with a 50-m range when towed at 3 knots. It is possible to estimate the abundance of eggs in a region of interest by computing the cumulative area covered by the egg beds according to the sidescan sonar image. In a selected quadrat one arc second on each side, the estimated number of eggs was 36.5 million.funding from the National Sea Grant, Essential Fish Habitat Program, Sea Grant Project No. NA16RG2273

    Sperm displacement behavior of the cuttlefish Sepia esculenta (Cephalopoda: Sepiidae)

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    Sperm displacement behavior of cuttlefish (Sepia esculenta) was observed in a tank. Before ejaculation, male cuttlefish used their arms III to scrape out sperm masses attached to the buccal membranes of females. The removed sperm mass debris was directly visible and countable. Active sperm were present within the removed sperm debris, implying that the aim of this behavior is to remove competing male sperm. However, many sperm masses remained on the female buccal membrane even after the removal behavior, showing that sperm removal in S. esculenta is incomplete. The duration of sperm removal (an indicator of male investment in that process) was unaffected by the body sizes of mated pair, the duration of spermatangia placement at the current mating (for the hypothesis that the sperm removal serves to creat attachment space of spermatophores), or the estimated amount of sperm masses deposited from previous matings. Moreover, male S. esculenta performed sperm removal regardless of whether the last male to mate with the partner was himself, suggesting males remove not only the sperm of rivals but also their own. Although the number of removed sperm masses increased with the time spent on removal of sperm, male cuttlefish may shorten the duration of sperm removal to avoid the risk of mating interruption. We conclude that this time restriction would likely influence the degree of partial sperm removal in S. esculenta. A digital video image relating to the article is available at http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo040729se01a

    The smaller vesicomyid bivalves in the genus Isorropodon (Bivalvia, Vesicomyidae, Pliocardiinae) also harbour chemoautotrophic symbionts

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    Species of Isorropodon are vesicomyid bivalves for which little information is available regarding host phylogeny and bacterial symbioses. In this study we investigated the symbioses in three Isorropodon species from three cold seep areas: Isorropodon bigoti (Gulf of Guinea), Isorropodon megadesmus (Gulf of Cadiz) and Isorropodon perplexum (Eastern Mediterranean). Analysis of bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences demonstrated that each vesicomyid species harbours a single symbiont phylotype, that symbionts from the three species cluster together, and that they are closely related to other known vesicomyid symbionts. These results are confirmed by other marker genes (encoding 23S rRNA and APS reductase) and by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Due to their extended depth range and transoceanic distribution Isorropodon species are interesting examples to further study evolutionary processes in bivalve hosts and their associated symbionts

    Activation of Src Mediates PDGF-Induced Smad1 Phosphorylation and Contributes to the Progression of Glomerulosclerosis in Glomerulonephritis

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    Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) plays critical roles in mesangial cell (MC) proliferation in mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis. We showed previously that Smad1 contributes to PDGF-dependent proliferation of MCs, but the mechanism by which Smad1 is activated by PDGF is not precisely known. Here we examined the role of c-Src tyrosine kinase in the proliferative change of MCs. Experimental mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (Thy1 GN) was induced by a single intravenous injection of anti-rat Thy-1.1 monoclonal antibody. In Thy1 GN, MC proliferation and type IV collagen (Col4) expression peaked on day 6. Immunohistochemical staining for the expression of phospho-Src (pSrc), phospho-Smad1 (pSmad1), Col4, and smooth muscle α-actin (SMA) revealed that the activation of c-Src and Smad1 signals in glomeruli peaked on day 6, consistent with the peak of mesangial proliferation. When treated with PP2, a Src inhibitor, both mesangial proliferation and sclerosis were significantly reduced. PP2 administration also significantly reduced pSmad1, Col4, and SMA expression. PDGF induced Col4 synthesis in association with increased expression of pSrc and pSmad1 in cultured MCs. In addition, PP2 reduced Col4 synthesis along with decreased pSrc and pSmad1 protein expression in vitro. Moreover, the addition of siRNA against c-Src significantly reduced the phosphorylation of Smad1 and the overproduction of Col4. These results provide new evidence that the activation of Src/Smad1 signaling pathway plays a key role in the development of glomerulosclerosis in experimental glomerulonephritis
