39 research outputs found

    Мережева комунікація як технологія формування освітнього стандарту для публічних службовців

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    Theses of the report are devoted to the research of network communication and its introduction into the educational process of public servants. The main possibilities and advantages of network communication in the process of building a virtual educational environment are established. It is emphasized that network communications are a comfortable learning environment for many public servants, as they allow to optimize the cost of their own time and achieve a single goal, which is aimed at the educational process. It was found that the possibilities of network communications in the process of training public servants can be used to solve a variety of tasks: to effectively organize teamwork, long-term project activities, international exchanges; get the opportunity for continuing education and self-education, networking of people in different countries.Тези доповіді присвячені дослідженню мережевої комунікації та її впровадженню в освітній процес публічних службовців. Встановлено основні можливості та переваги мережевої комунікації у процесі побудови віртуального освітнього середовища. Наголошено, що мережеві комунікації є комфортним навчальним середовищем для багатьох публічних службовців, адже дозволяють оптимізувати витрати власного часу та досягти єдиної мети, на яку спрямований освітній процес. З’ясовано, що можливості мережевих комунікацій у процесі навчання публічних службовців можна використовувати для розв’язання найрізноманітніших завдань: ефективно організувати колективну роботу, довгострокову проектну діяльність, міжнародні обміни; отримувати можливість безперервної освіти і самоосвіти, мережевої роботи людей, що знаходяться в різних країнах

    Synaptome.db: A Bioconductor package for synaptic proteomics data

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    SUMMARY: The neuronal synapse is underpinned by a large and diverse proteome but the molecular evidence is spread across many primary datasets. These data were recently curated into a single dataset describing a landscape of ∼8000 proteins found in studies of mammalian synapses. Here, we describe programmatic access to the dataset via the R/Bioconductor package Synaptome.db, which enables convenient and in-depth data analysis from within the Bioconductor environment. Synaptome.db allows users to obtain the respective gene information, e.g. subcellular localization, brain region, gene ontology, disease association and construct custom protein–protein interaction network models for gene sets and entire subcellular compartments. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: The package Synaptome.db is part of Bioconductor since release 3.14, https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/data/annotation/html/synaptome.db.html, it is open source and available under the Artistic license 2.0. The development version is maintained on GitHub (https://github.com/lptolik/synaptome.db). Full documentation including examples is provided in the form of vignettes on the package webpage. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics Advances online

    Current challenges to the digitalization of higher education in Ukraine

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    The article examines the peculiarities of digitalization of the educational process of higher education institutions of Ukraine and reveals the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was found that modern world challenges have become a turning point for rapid innovations in the field of education. In particular, the COVID-19 pandemic created a unique opportunity for the unprepared introduction of digital technologies into the educational process, and with the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the digital format of education became almost the only opportunity to obtain higher education. It is noted that in the conditions of digitization of the educational process, distance education has become more and more widespread, the specialty of which is the provision of educational services through the use of modern information and communication technologies in education. The authors emphasize the advantages of distance learning in higher education institutions of Ukraine, the main ones being: temporal, geographical, psychological, ergonomic ones and others. It is highlighted that the problematic aspects in the process of organizing distance learning are related to: the need for high internal motivation of the student; the problem of quality control of education and academic dishonesty; technical flaws; the problem of student identification; lack of live dialogue with the teacher; lack of digital competences, etc. Based on the analysis of secondary data, the dynamics of processes related to the use of digital distance learning technologies in the conditions of nationwide quarantine are outlined; also analysed are the factors that negatively affect the quality of implementation of digital learning technologies in higher education institutions. It was emphasized that owing to digitalization, the educational process becomes more personalized, mobile, accessible and flexible. The authors analysed the opinions of students, professors and educational management in order to see the chronological development of e-learning all over Ukraine and in a particular city of Ukraine in the period 2020–2022. The general opinion in the dynamics is that the quality of e-learning is improving, however the local trends are that students need to improve self-management skills, they demand more practically-oriented tasks in digital mode which can potentially develop better digital competence to navigate through elaborate e-learning environments and feel more confident in learning as it is

    Educational potential of mass media: reality and prospects for e-learning

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    The article is devoted to educational, informative and cognitive functions of mass media. The paper discusses a modern scope of the use of various media in teaching activities, as well as the need and motivation of public administration students to use the educational potential of the media. The paper outlines didactic prospects of newspaper materials, radio, TV and the Internet. Analysing and discussing mass media materials in practical classes on socio-humanistic sciences boosts students’ cognitive activity and develops general and professional competences

    Cloud technologies for training university students of socio-humanitarian specialties and public administration

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    The article discusses the current state of cloud technologies and examines their in training students on socio-humanitarian and public administration courses. The research deals with the essence, features and functions of «cloud», «cloud computing» and «cloud technologies». It outlines the structure of university cloud-oriented educational environment by defining its components, subjects and objects of architecture. Discussed are the specificity and ways in which to employ cloud tech- nologies to improve the efficiency of training students on socio-humanitarian specialties and public administration. Relying on the analysis of their sociological research and secondary data, the present authors outline the most popular cloud services used in times of forced transition to distance learning mode. The article analyses the existing software products based on the cloud computing system, as well as the advantages and affordances of each of them when applied in the training of students of socio-humanitarian specialties and public administration at universities. The research pinpoints the challenges in university functioning which can be quickly overcome by virtue of cloud technologies

    Мотивація як основний спосіб підвищення ефективності роботи публічних службовців (соціологічний аналіз)

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    The article is devoted to the study of the motivation of the civil servants and local government officials’work. The concept of the motivation was revealed. The elements of moral and psychological methods ofthe motivation were analyzed. The importance of material and immaterial stimulation in public service wasexplained. The main motives and peculiarities of stimulation of a public servant in the modern conditionsof public service development in Ukraine were studied on the basis of empirical data. In particular, ithas been found out that the main motive for joining the public service is a stable salary and the desire ofpublic servants to work for the benefit of the state and society. So, mercantile aspirations in financial termsdominate - stable payment for work, as well as patriotic, valuable, moral and ethical desire to work forthe benefit of the state are in the minds of the citizens. The results of the study show that the prestige ofpublic service remains quite low. The main problems which negatively influence the image of the publicservice and make it unattractive to the public are high staff turnover, incomplete implementation of socialguarantees, poor financial support, and partial satisfaction of the basic needs of public servants, whichreduce the effectiveness of public administration in Ukraine.It is determined that the main way to increase the efficiency of public servants and in general publicadministration is to develop effective methods of the motivation and the stimulation, both economic andnon-economic. It was proven, that effective motivation in the public service depends to a large extent notonly on its filling of highly qualified personnel and efficiency, but also on trust and respect of the population.Статья посвящена исследованию мотивации труда государственных служащих и должностныхлиц местного самоуправления. Раскрыта сущность понятия мотивации. Проанализированы элемен-ты морально-психологических методов мотивации. Обоснована важность материального и нематери-ального стимулирования на публичной службе. На основе эмпирических данных изучены основныемотивы и особенности стимулирования публичного служащего в современных условиях развитияпубличной службы в Украине. В частности, установлено, что основными мотивами людей, которыеприходят работать в органы публичной власти является стабильная заработная плата и желание пу-бличных служащих работать на благо государства и общества. То есть в сознании граждан царят каксугубо меркантильные стремления в финансовом плане – стабильное получение платы за работу, так ипатриотическое, ценностное и морально-этическое стремление работать на благо государства. Резуль-таты исследования свидетельствуют, что престиж публичной службы остается достаточно низким.Основными проблемами, которые негативно влияют на имидж публичной службы, являются теку-честь кадров, неполная реализация социальных гарантий, слабое материальное обеспечение, частич-ное удовлетворение основных потребностей служащих, которые снижают эффективность публичногоуправления в Украине.Определено, что основным путем повышения эффективности работы публичных служащих ивообще публичного управления является разработка эффективных методов мотивации и стимули-рования как экономического, так и неэкономического характера. Обоснованно, что от эффективноймотивации на публичной службе в значительной степени зависит не только ее наполняемость высоко-квалифицированными кадрами и эффективность, но и доверие, уважение населения.Стаття присвячена дослідженню мотивації праці державних службовців та посадових осібмісцевого самоврядування. Розкрито сутність поняття мотивації. Проаналізовано елементиморально-психологічних методів мотивації. Обґрунтовано важливість матеріального й нема-теріального стимулювання на публічній службі. На основі емпіричних даних вивчені основнімотиви та особливості стимулювання публічного службовця в сучасних умовах розвитку пу-блічної служби в Україні. Зокрема, з’ясовано, що основним мотивом вступу на публічну службує стабільна заробітна плата та бажання публічних службовців працювати на благо держави тасуспільства. Тобто у свідомості громадян панують як суто меркантильні прагнення у фінансово-му плані – стабільне отримання плати за роботу, так і патріотичне, ціннісне та морально-етичнепрагнення працювати на благо держави. Результати дослідження свідчать, що престиж публіч-ної служби залишається досить низьким. Основними проблемами, що негативно впливають наімідж публічної служби та роблять її непривабливою для громадян є плинність кадрів, неповнареалізація соціальних гарантій, слабке матеріальне забезпечення, часткове задоволення основ-них потреб службовців, які знижують ефективність публічного управління в Україні.Визначено, що основним шляхом підвищення ефективності роботи публічних службовцівта взагалі публічного управління є розробка ефективних методів мотивації та стимулювання якекономічного, так і неекономічного характеру. Обґрунтовано, що від ефективної мотивації напублічній службі значною мірою залежить не тільки її наповнюваність висококваліфікованимикадрами та ефективність, а й довіра, повага населення

    BioNAR: an integrated biological network analysis package in bioconductor

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    Motivation Biological function in protein complexes emerges from more than just the sum of their parts: molecules interact in a range of different sub-complexes and transfer signals/information around internal pathways. Modern proteomic techniques are excellent at producing a parts-list for such complexes, but more detailed analysis demands a network approach linking the molecules together and analysing the emergent architectural properties. Methods developed for the analysis of networks in social sciences have proven very useful for splitting biological networks into communities leading to the discovery of sub-complexes enriched with molecules associated with specific diseases or molecular functions that are not apparent from the constituent components alone. Results Here, we present the Bioconductor package BioNAR, which supports step-by-step analysis of biological/biomedical networks with the aim of quantifying and ranking each of the network’s vertices based on network topology and clustering. Examples demonstrate that while BioNAR is not restricted to proteomic networks, it can predict a protein’s impact within multiple complexes, and enables estimation of the co-occurrence of metadata, i.e. diseases and functions across the network, identifying the clusters whose components are likely to share common function and mechanisms. Availability and implementation The package is available from Bioconductor release 3.17: https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/BioNAR.html.journal articl

    Regional Diversity in the Postsynaptic Proteome of the Mouse Brain

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    The proteome of the postsynaptic terminal of excitatory synapses comprises over one thousand proteins in vertebrate species and plays a central role in behavior and brain disease. The brain is organized into anatomically distinct regions and whether the synapse proteome differs across these regions is poorly understood. Postsynaptic proteomes were isolated from seven forebrain and hindbrain regions in mice and their composition determined using proteomic mass spectrometry. Seventy-four percent of proteins showed differential expression and each region displayed a unique compositional signature. These signatures correlated with the anatomical divisions of the brain and their embryological origins. Biochemical pathways controlling plasticity and disease, protein interaction networks and individual proteins involved with cognition all showed differential regional expression. Combining proteomic and connectomic data shows that interconnected regions have specific proteome signatures. Diversity in synapse proteome composition is key feature of mouse and human brain structure