105 research outputs found

    Conocimientos sobre Diabetes, de pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 atendidos en el Hospital Gaspar García Laviana, durante el mes de Noviembre del 2015

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    En Nicaragua se estima que aproximadamente unas 330 mil personas con la enfermedad mueren por complicaciones relacionadas con la Diabetes Mellitus. El presente estudio se hizo para conocer cuál es el nivel de conocimiento sobre Diabetes en pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 atendidos en el Hospital Gaspar García Laviana en el período de Noviembre 2015. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo retrospectivo de corte transversal, cuyo universo estuvo conformado por 155 pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 atendidos en la consulta externa del Hospital Gaspar García Laviana en el periodo de estudio. Se procesó la información en el método estadístico SPSS 17.0 y los gráficos correspondientes se realizaron en el programa Microsoft Excel. De forma global, la media del índice de conocimiento es de 56%, lo que indica un conocimiento inadecuado o intermedio como grupo poblacional. Únicamente el 25% de los pacientes presenta un índice de conocimiento por encima del 70%. Consideramos que se debe continuar con las acciones de intervención, enfatizando ahora la acción directa con los pacientes en su etapa de educación continua, a fin de lograr los cambios en los estilos de vida y mejorar el control metabólico y los sentimientos de bienestar general de los pacientes

    Synthetic and structural studies of mixed sodium bis(trimethylsilyl)amide/sodium halide aggregates in the presence of η2-N,N-, η3-N,N,N/N,O,N-, and η4-N,N,N,N-donor ligands

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    When the important utility amide sodium bis(trimethylsilyl)amide is combined with hydrocarbon-soluble molecular forms of sodium halide salts, a complex structural chemistry is observed. Through utilization of several different multidentate donor molecules, it is possible to isolate a series of compounds that have structural motifs previously not observed in sodium chemistry

    Monodentate coordination of the normally chelating chiral diamine (R,R)-TMCDA

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    After isolating an unusual binuclear, but monosolvated NaHMDS complex [{(R,R)-TMCDA}·(NaHMDS)2]∞ which polymerises via intermolecular electrostatic Na···MeHMDS interactions, further (R,R)-TMCDA was added to produce the discrete binuclear amide [κ2-{(R,R)-TMCDA}·(NaHMDS)2{κ1-(R,R)-TMCDA}], whose salient feature is the unique monodentate coordination of one of the chiral diamine ligands

    Cucurbita maxima Pumpkin Seed Oil: from the Chemical Properties to the Different Extracting Techniques

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    Pumpkin seed oils are rich in bioactive compounds such as tocopherols, sterols, β-carotene, and lutein that have, along with some fatty acids, high nutritional value factors. In addition, it has so far been proven that these compounds have a positive effect on human health. The present study mainly aimed at evaluating the chemical composition and the bioactive compounds of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) seed oil of the ‘Béjaoui’ Tunisian cultivar using both cold pressing and solvent extraction methods. The seed oils contained substantial amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, particularly oleic and linoleic acids, with values ranging respectively from 28.19% for cold pressed pumpkin seed oil to 30.56% for pumpkin seed oil extracted by pentane and from 43.86% for pumpkin seed oil extracted by pentane to 46.67% for cold pressed pumpkin seed oil of the total amount of fatty acids. Investigations of different seed oils revealed that extraction techniques had significant effects on the antioxidant activity and the γ-tocopherol. Cold pressed pumpkin seed oil revealed the highest γ-tocopherol content (599.33 mg kg-1) and the highest oxidative stability (3.84 h). However, the chloroform/methanol extracted pumpkin seed oil, which is rich in total phenolics (54.41 mg Gallic Acid Equivalent kg-1), was a more effective scavenger of DPPH radicals (250 µmoles Trolox kg-1) than the poor phenolic pumpkin seed oils extracted by hexane and pentane (110 µmoles Trolox kg-1 vs 100 µmoles Trolox kg-1). Based on its unique seed oil features, cold press extracted pumpkin seed may add great value to product innovation in the industrial, nutritional, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical fields

    Structural studies of cesium, lithium/cesium and sodium/cesium bis(trimethylsilyl)amide (HMDS) complexes

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    Reacting cesium fluoride with an equimolar n-hexane solution of lithium bis(trimethylsilyl)amide (LiHMDS), allows the isolation of CsHMDS (1) in 80% yield (after sublimation). This preparative route to 1 negates the need for pyrophoric Cs metal or organocesium reagents in its synthesis. If a 2:1 LiHMDS:CsF ratio is employed the heterobimetallic polymer [LiCs(HMDS)2]∞ 2 was isolated (57% yield). By combining equimolar quantities of NaHMDS and CsHMDS in hexane/toluene [NaCs(HMDS)2(toluene)]∞ 3 was isolated (62% yield). Attempts to prepare the corresponding potassium-cesium amide failed, and instead yielded the known monometallic polymer [Cs(HMDS)(toluene)]∞ 4. With the aim of expanding the structural diversity of Cs(HMDS) species, 1 was reacted with several different Lewis basic donor molecules of varying denticity; namely, (R,R)-N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylcyclohexane-1,2-diamine [(R,R)-TMCDA] and N,N,Nʹ,Nʹ-tetramethylethylenediamine (TMEDA), N,N,Nʹ,Nʹʹ,Nʹʹ-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDETA), tris[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]amine (Me6-TREN) and tris[2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl]amine (TMEEA). These reactions yielded dimeric [Cs(HMDS)·donor]2 5-7 [where donor is (R,R)-TMCDA, TMEDA and PMDETA respectively], the tetranuclear ‘open’-dimer [{Me6-TREN·Cs(HMDS)}2{Cs(HMDS)}2] 8 and the monomeric Cs(HMDS)·TMEEA 9. Complexes 2,3 and 5-9 were characterized by X-ray crystallography and in solution by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy

    Selective Oxidation of Glycerol via Acceptorless Dehydrogenation Driven by Ir(I)-NHC Catalysts

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    After pandemic, healthcare workers experienced a series of emotional and psychological disturbances that could impact their mental well-being. In this study, the feasibility of morphological characteristics of photoplethysmographic (PPG) waveform to quantify stress and depression level posed by COVID-19 in first-line healthcare workers is explored. Results show that higher stress and depression level are moderately correlated with large systolic amplitude and parameters that might indicate early wave reflection. These results suggest that an arterial stiffness, quantified with PPG morphological characteristics, could provide valuable information in assessing mental healt

    Mind the Gap: Computing Finance-Neutral Output Gaps in Latin-American Economies

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    We compute a measure of the finance-neutral potential output for Colombia, Chile and Mexico. Our methodology is based on Borio et al (2013, 2014) and incorporates the cycle of credit, house prices and the real exchange rate on the computation of the output gap. The literature on business cycles in emerging market economies, particularly papers focusing on Latin American economies, has highlighted the importance of including shocks to the interest rate in world capital markets together with financial frictions; terms of trade fluctuations; and a procyclical government spending process. Our results show that around the financial crises of the 1990s the finance-neutral output gap behaved differently than the traditional measures observed by policymakers. In particular, gaps are higher before crises and lower after them

    Mind the Gap: Computing Finance-Neutral Output Gaps in Latin-American Economies

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    We compute a measure of the finance-neutral potential output for Colombia, Chile and Mexico. Our methodology is based on Borio et al (2013, 2014) and incorporates the cycle of credit, house prices and the real exchange rate on the computation of the output gap. The literature on business cycles in emerging market economies, particularly papers focusing on Latin American economies, has highlighted the importance of including shocks to the interest rate in world capital markets together with financial frictions; terms of trade fluctuations; and a procyclical government spending process. Our results show that around the financial crises of the 1990s the finance-neutral output gap behaved differently than the traditional measures observed by policymakers. In particular, gaps are higher before crises and lower after them

    Exploring the solid state and solution structural chemistry of the utility amide potassium hexamethyldisilazide (KHMDS)

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    The structural chemistry of eleven donor complexes of the important Brønsted base potassium 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexamethyldisilazide (KHMDS) has been studied. Depending on the donor, each complex adopted one of four general structural motifs. Specifically, in this study the donors employed were toluene (to give polymeric 1 and dimeric 2), THF (dimeric 3), N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine (TMEDA) (dimeric 4), (R,R)-N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-1,2-diaminocyclohexane [(R,R)-TMCDA] (dimeric 5), 12-crown-4 (dimeric 6), N,N,N',N'-tetramethyldiaminoethyl ether (TMDAE) (tetranuclear dimeric 8 and monomeric 10), N,N,N',N',N''-pentamethyldiethylentriamine (PMDETA) (tetranuclear dimeric 7), tris[2-dimethyl(amino)ethyl]amine (Me6TREN) (tetranuclear dimeric 9) and tris{2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl}amine (TMEEA) (monomeric 11). The complexes were also studied in solution by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy as well as DOSY NMR spectroscopy

    Sistema de realidad aumentada para la ubicación de espacios y tiempos en universidades

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    La realidad aumentada se ha utilizado en una variedad de aplicaciones tales como la navegación, los juegos y la educación. Esta tecnología permite a los usuarios superponer imágenes generadas por computadora sobre el entorno del mundo real. En este artículo se analiza el potencial que tiene la realidad aumentada para mejorar la experiencia de orientación de las personas que no están familiarizadas con su entorno. Se describe cómo se podría usar la tecnología para brindar información e indicaciones en forma de señales visuales mediante la cámara del teléfono inteligente en las instalaciones de la Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor del Cauca. De esta manera, se brinda a los estudiantes una herramienta para promover el cumplimiento adecuado del calendario académico al inicio de semestre y aumentar la adaptabilidad de los estudiantes de primer año. Para desarrollar esta idea, se utiliza una metodología experimental para crear y probar un prototipo con usuarios potenciales. Los resultados muestran que el uso de la realidad aumentada puede ayudar a las personas a encontrar su camino más fácilmente sin incurrir en interrupciones de las actividades académicas