209 research outputs found

    Young Lads and Old Tars : Changing Age Structure of the Nordic Sailors, 1750s-1930s

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    This article analyzes the changing age structure of Swedish and Finnish sailors for almost 200 years. We show that the proportion of the youngest men increased during the age of sail (i.e., the older technology). The average age increased significantly during the early twentieth century as steam (i.e., the newer technology) replaced sail in Nordic shipping. Thus, a technological revolution did not displace the older workers, but rather diminished the demand for the younger ones. This study shows, however, that technological changes were not the only drivers of changes in the age structure of Nordic sailors. Institutional and societal changes also played an important role, though they were at least partly coevolving with the technological changes. This study also shows that the maritime industry experienced professionalization especially during the latter part of the period.Peer reviewe

    Chapter Maritime Information Networks between Northern and Southern Europe during the Eighteenth century

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    International trade during the 18th century is a case in point through which to study in-depth the challenges of asymmetric information. The challenges can be divided into three categories: availability, reliability and usability of information. This article discusses the organization of trade and shipping between Northern and Southern Europe. The access, reliability and use of information were problems for merchant-shipowners during the 18th century. The solutions adopted were partly contradictory: the aim to reduce information asymmetry on one determinant, might incur costs on the other

    The Cambridge Urban History of Britain. Volume III: 1840–1950

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    The Cambridge Urban History of Britain. Volume III: 1840–1950. Edited by Martin Daunton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2000. ISBN 0-521-41707-4. 944 pages.Martin Dauntonin toimittaman The Cambridge Urban History of Britainin osa III esittelee yli 900 sivullaan brittiläistä kaupunkihistoriaa erittäin kiinnostavana urbaanin teollistumisen aikakautena 1840–1850. Teoksen viisi päälukua lähestyvät kaupunkihistoriaa kukin omasta näkökulmastaan: kaupunkeja erilaisten verkostojen keskuksina, paikallishallinnon kehitystä suhteessa keskusvaltaan, kaupunkeja taloudellisten investointien kohteina, kulutuksen keskuksina sekä kaupungin kuvaa taiteissa. Erityisesti taloudelliseen kehitykseen liittyviin kysymyksiin kiinnitetään paljon huomiota, mistä johtuen myös taloushistorialliset teoriat ovat teoksen artikkeleissa keskeisessä asemassa. Myös liiketoiminnan ja muun yhteiskunnan välistä vuorovaikutusta korostetaan yllättävänkin paljon. Ote on kautta linjan vertaileva: pääkaupungin asemaa ei korosteta liikaa, vaan Lontoo nähdään varsin hedelmällisenä tavalla myös kaupunkina kaupunkien joukossa. Teos tarjoaakin runsaasti hyviä työkaluja laajempaan kansainväliseen vertailuun

    Smooth sailing toward more peaceful societies? : Long-run Nordic development paths

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 selection and editorial matter, Christopher Lloyd and Matti Hannikainen.In this chapter, the authors aim to compare the Nordic societies in a broad fashion in the last 200 years in their process of “sailing” (with the implication of rough waters along the way) from social fragmentation to more inclusive welfare societies. The authors’ main goal is to examine the coevolution of economic, political, and fiscal factors among the Nordic societies in the long run by making use of recent longitudinal data sets. In this way, they can map out some key patterns that characterized the shift toward more peaceful and well-functioning societies. First, the authors focus on the process towards economic and political convergence that took place, with some exceptions, in the latter part of the 20th century. Second, they also examine how these processes of convergence translated into the realm of fiscal and social policies and to what extent they were related to decreasing levels of social fragmentation. The chapter shows that the paths towards welfare states were not uniform among the Nordic countries and that some of the pivotal forces and periods were connected to various types of crises, namely, that these were not processes that were smooth or inevitable. The chapter concludes with some general findings and a discussion of current-day problems among the Nordic societies from a comparative historical perspective.Peer reviewe

    CNC-plasmaleikkauskoneen ohjauselektroniikka

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    Tarkoituksena oli suunnitella ja rakentaa vanhan SMD-ladontakoneen rungon ympärille CNC- plasmaleikkauskone. Vanhan ladontakoneen runkoon päädyttiin, koska siinä on lähes kaikki tarvittava mekaniikka valmiina ja kyseisiä koneita on jäänyt pois alkuperäisestä käytöstä joko konekannan uusimisen tai tuotannon lopettamisen takia. Ohjelmistoina oli tarkoitus käyttää saatavilla olevia ilmaisia ohjelmistoja. Tästä ajatuksesta jouduin luopumaan työn edetessä, koska edullisesti saatavilla ollut CNC-ohjainkortti ei tukenut täydellisesti mitään olemassa olevaa ohjelmaa ja kortille oli saatavissa edullinen ohjelmisto. Työssä on käytetty hyväksi verkossa olevaa aineistoa, mm. keskustelupalstat, vastaavien projektien kotisivut, toimielinten käyttöohjeet ja datasivut. Eri toimilaitteiden ja ohjainkortin väliin tarvittavat kytkennät ja sovitukset on suunniteltu työn aikana työn tekijän toimesta. Työn tuloksena syntyi toimiva CNC-leikkauskone, jolla saadaan leikattua metallilevystä erilaisia kappaleita. Työn tekijälle työ opetti CNC-tekniikan perusteita, joista tekijällä ei ollut juurikaan aikaisempaa kokemusta. Tutuksi tuli servo- ja askelmoottorien perusteet sekä CNC-ohjelmoinnin perusteita. Jatkokehityksenä voisi olla tulevaisuudessa leikkausjäljen parantaminen leikkauspään automaattisella korkeuden säädöllä plasmajännitteen mukaan

    Lukijaystävällinen teos maailman taloushistoriasta

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    Maailman taloushistoria : teollinen aika / Lennart Schön. Tampere : Vastapaino, 2013

    Taloushistoriaa Jyväskylän yliopistossa

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    Taloushistorian paluu ja liiketoimintahistorian nousu

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    Comparison of Semi-autonomous Mobile Robot Control Strategies in Presence of Large Delay Fluctuation

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    We propose semi-autonomous control strategies to assist in the teleoperation of mobile robots under unstable communication conditions. A short-term autonomous control system is the assistance in the semi-autonomous control strategies, when the teleoperation is compromised. The short-term autonomous control comprises of lateral and longitudinal functions. The lateral control is based on an artificial potential field method where obstacles are repulsive, and a route is attractive. LiDAR-based artificial potential field methods are well studied. We present a novel artificial potential field method based on color and depth images. Benefit of a camera system compared to a LiDAR is that a camera detects color, is cheaper, and does not have moving parts. Moreover, utilization of active sensors is not desired in the particle accelerator environment. A set of experiments with a robot prototype are carried out to validate this system. The experiments are carried out in an environment which mimics the accelerator tunnel environment. The difficulty of the teleoperation is altered with obstacles. Fully manual and autonomous control are compared with the proposed semi-autonomous control strategies. The results show that the teleoperation is improved with autonomous, delay-dependent, and control-dependent assist compared to the fully manual control. Based on the operation time, control-dependent assist performed the best, reducing the time by 12% on the tunnel section with most obstacles. The presented system can be easily applied to common industrial robots operating e.g. in warehouses or factories due to hardware simplicity and light computational demand.Peer reviewe