29 research outputs found

    Technology-enhanced feedback : Teachers` practices, pupils` perceptions and their relations to learning and academic well-being

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    Technology-enhanced feedback (TEF) is studied mostly in terms of task performance, but there is a limited amount of evidence about TEF related to learning and behaviour during school lessons. However, this type of feedback delivered using predefined options has been used on a daily basis in education for the last twenty years. As feedback may have beneficial but also detrimental effects on cognitive and emotional processing, this study was conducted to evaluate the relations of TEF with learning and academic well-being of pupils. Teachers’ practices and pupils’ perceptions were studied by analysing three data sets with mixed methods. The four sub-studies of this thesis were conducted in a Finnish context. However, the results are also internationally valuable, as there are dozens of educational platforms throughout the world enabling TEF, which may have a powerful effect on our children. The first data were reported in sub-studies I and II. The data consisted of 211,003 authentic TEF -notes drawn directly from the online platform. Results revealed that, based on profile analysis, teachers deliver feedback using different patterns for their pupils (N=7,811) even in a single teaching group. Small groups of boys and pupils needing extra support for their studies were likely to receive more negative feedback compared to other groups. However, the great majority of all TEF was positive in content. The second data of pupils’ (N=2,031) self-reported TEF used in the sub-study III confirmed the findings from the first data. Furthermore, the relations between received TEF and indicators measuring learning and academic well-being were studied. According to the results, the more positive feedback pupils received, the higher they rated their motivation, competence and relationship with teachers. Interestingly, those pupils who reported that they never receive TEF perceived their indicators measuring learning and academic well-being as the weakest. The third data consisting of interviews (N=64) and a short questionnaire (N=132) were analysed in sub-study IV. Data analysed with qualitative methods showed that pupils were mainly contented with this feedback. They reported that they need remarks from teacher in order to regulate their behaviour, as they considered it important at school. Moreover, pupils reported experiencing a variety of both pleasant and unpleasant emotions in relation to TEF. It was concluded that TEF, delivered mainly related to behaviour, is related to pupils’ learning and academic well-being. For some pupils, such feedback can be motivating, but for others it can be frustrating or even represent a silent sign of being ignored. Therefore, guidelines should be formed in order to support pupils’ learning and well-being equally in terms of TEF. Finally, based on the results of this study, a model of a digital feedback process building up from self-regulated learning and feedback as a process is proposed. The model suggests that by regulating cognitive and affective processes consciously, pupils can actively seek and take advantage of TEF themselves. First, however, they need to be supported to develop their self-regulation in collaboration with the teacher.Wilma-palautteella yhteys oppimiseen ja hyvinvointiin Opettaja voi antaa palautetta oppilaan oppimisesta ja käyttäytymisestä oppitunnilla digitaalisen järjestelmän avulla. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen mukaan Wilma-sovelluksen palautemerkinnöillä on yhteys oppilaan oppimiseen ja hyvinvointiin. Tulokset osoittavat, että osa oppilaista ilahtui palautteesta, osa koki turhautumista tai jopa ulkopuolisuutta jäädessään ilman merkintöjä. Tukeutuminen Wilma-palautteeseen voi ohjata oppilasta säätelemään ulkoista käytöstä syvällisemmän oppimisen sijaan. Tutkimus koostui neljästä osatutkimuksesta. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin 704 opettajan antamia palautemerkintöjä 7811 oppilaalle. Lisäksi tutkittiin 2031 yhdeksäsluokkalaisen itse ilmoittamia palautemerkintöjä yhteydessä oppimisen ja hyvinvoinnin tekijöihin. Lopuksi haastateltiin 64 oppilasta, jotta ymmärrettäisiin, mitä oppilaat merkinnöistä ajattelevat. Tulokset osoittavat, että opettajat antoivat palautetta eri tavoin jopa yhden opetusryhmän sisällä. Samassa koululuokassa saattoi olla oppilas, joka keräsi kymmeniä myönteisiä tai kielteisiä merkintöjä, ja oppilas, joka ei saanut Wilma-palautetta lainkaan. Selkeä enemmistö kaikista Wilma-merkinnöistä oli myönteisiä. Käyttäytymiseen ja läksyunohduksiin liittyvä kielteinen palaute kasautui todennäköisimmin pienelle joukolle poikia sekä oppimiseensa tukea tarvitseville oppilaille. Huomiota herättävää tuloksissa on, että oppilaat, jotka eivät saaneet palautetta lainkaan, arvioivat motivaationsa, kyvykkyytensä ja opettaja-oppilassuhteensa kaikkein heikoimmiksi. On mahdollista, että opettajien kanssa hyvin toimeen tuleva oppilas saa paljon myönteisiä merkintöjä, mikä voi entisestään ruokkia oppilaan pyrkimyksiä menestyä koulussa. Oppilas, joka ei saa Wilma-palautetta lainkaan, tietää, että muut saavat merkintöjä. Tulisikin tutkia aiheuttaako ilman palautetta jääminen ulkopuolisuuden tunnetta. Haastatteluista ilmeni, että oppilaat pitivät merkintöjä itsestään selvänä osana koulutyötä. He olivat pääosin tyytyväisiä saamiinsa merkintöihin ja pitivät niitä tärkeinä tietääkseen, miten koulunkäynti sujuu. Joskus merkinnät tuntuivat myös epäreiluilta. Oppilaat arvelivat, että säätelemällä omaa käyttäytymistään oppitunneilla suhteessa saamiinsa palautemerkintöihin, he voivat vaikuttaa arvosanoihinsa. Tutkimustulosten mukaan oppilaat arvioivat onnistumistaan koulutyössä Wilma-merkintöjen perusteella, vaikka heitä tulisi kannustaa arvioimaan itse omaa edistymistään. Olisikin tärkeää kehittää palautetta tukemaan mieluummin syvällistä oppimista kuin ulkoista käytöstä

    Tietoinen oppiminen : Palaute osana oppimisen itsesäätelyä

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    Is technology-enhanced feedback encouraging for all in Finnish basic education? A person-centered approach

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    In Finnish basic education, the majority of teachers give technology-enhanced feedback about learning and behaviour on a daily basis by clicking predefined options in an online platform. In this study, we explored 211003 feedback actions given by 704 teachers to 7811 pupils and their parents using latent profile analysis. Information on individual support needs was used to evaluate whether all pupils are equally encouraged by technology-enhanced feedback. We identified six subgroups for girls and five for boys. Highly encouraging feedback was given mostly to pupils who were rarely absent and who more seldom had special education needs. Negative feedback about behaviour problems was given mostly to boys and the majority of pupils were encouraged only weakly. On average, pupils received feedback according to three different profiles in a single teaching group. We concluded that technology-enhanced feedback in its current form is not equally encouraging for all.Peer reviewe

    Pysäytyskuvia tulevaisuuden peruskoulusta

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    Oppilaat puhuvat palautteesta – kannattaisiko kuunnella?

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    Tässä artikkelissa selostetaan tiivistäen tutkimusta ”Palaute osana formatiivista arviointiprosessia: Vuorovaikutusta vai monologia”. Tutkimustulosten mukaan perusopetuksen viides- ja kuudesluokkalaiset olisivat halunneet enemmän etenkin positiivista palautetta. Palaute koettiin oppilaita vertailevaksi, ja sen sanallinen tai numeerinen esitystapa jakoi oppilaiden mielipiteitä. Palaute oli kohdentunut etenkin oppilaan itsesäätely- ja tehtävätaitoihin mutta paljon myös oppilaaseen henkilönä. Palauteprosessit eivät olleet vuorovaikutteisia. Oppilaille palaute oli arvioinnin synonyymi, vaikka käsitteellisesti ensin tulee arviointi ja sitten palaute. Lopuksi tuloksia tulkitaan osin uudelleen käsitteillä ’oppilaan palauteosaaminen’ ja ’ediste’

    Pupils' Perceptions About Technology-enhanced Feedback : Do Emojis Guide Self-regulated Learning?

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    Although technology-enhanced feedback (TEF) from teachers to pupils is given daily, little is known about pupils' thoughts about this feedback in Finland. Pupils' perceptions were studied to evaluate whether TEF support self-regulated learning, as suggested. Interviews (N = 62) and questionnaires (N = 132) about pupils' perceptions and emotions related to TEF were analyzed. TEF, enriched with smiling emojis, is used to monitor performance and behavior. Reported emotions varied from joy to disappointment. TEF seems to direct pupils to understand that the appropriate behavior is one of the more desired learning goals and TEF may encourage pupils to become dependent on reassurance from teachers. To support pupils' self-regulatory skills, TEF should be developed to improve learning and support pupils' active participation on feedback as a process.Peer reviewe

    Technology-enhanced feedback profiles and their associations with learning and academic well-being indicators in basic education

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    As a variety of commercial educational applications are currently being taken into daily use to provide technology-enhanced feedback, research is needed to observe whether pedagogical evidence of the impact of feedback on learning and well-being is being utilized. To this end, this study explores the connections between technology-enhanced feedback, motivation, competence and the relationship with teachers. A nationally representative sample of pupils undertaking Finnish basic education (N=2031) was analyzed using latent profile analysis. Seven patterns for receiving technology-enhanced feedback were identified. Most girls (80%) and boys (55%) belonged to groups receiving mainly positive feedback in the form of teacher praise, which was connected to the highest scores in all measured indicators. Although the results indicate teachers’ efforts to encourage pupils through technology-enhanced feedback, we also identified profiles in which pupils (up to 30%) repeatedly received negative feedback related to behavior problems or forgotten matters, as well as profiles in which pupils (5%) reported that they never received any technology-enhanced feedback at all. Pupils who did not receive any feedback reported the lowest values in all scales. The relationship with teachers was particularly weak for pupils receiving negative feedback or no feedback. The results indicate that current technology-enhanced feedback practices do not fully meet pedagogical knowledge concerning efficient feedback.As a variety of commercial educational applications are currently being taken into daily use to provide technology-enhanced feedback, research is needed to observe whether pedagogical evidence of the impact of feedback on learning and well-being is being utilized. To this end, this study explores the connections between technology-enhanced feedback, motivation, competence and the relationship with teachers. A nationally representative sample of pupils undertaking Finnish basic education (N=2031) was analyzed using latent profile analysis. Seven patterns for receiving technology-enhanced feedback were identified. Most girls (80%) and boys (55%) belonged to groups receiving mainly positive feedback in the form of teacher praise, which was connected to the highest scores in all measured indicators. Although the results indicate teachers’ efforts to encourage pupils through technology-enhanced feedback, we also identified profiles in which pupils (up to 30%) repeatedly received negative feedback related to behavior problems or forgotten matters, as well as profiles in which pupils (5%) reported that they never received any technology-enhanced feedback at all. Pupils who did not receive any feedback reported the lowest values in all scales. The relationship with teachers was particularly weak for pupils receiving negative feedback or no feedback. The results indicate that current technology-enhanced feedback practices do not fully meet pedagogical knowledge concerning efficient feedback.Peer reviewe

    Palaute osana formatiivista arviointiprosessia : Vuorovaikutusta vai monologia?

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    Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin perusopetuksen oppilaiden käsityksiä saamastaan palautteesta. Palaute käsitteellistettiin oppilaan ja opettajan vuorovaikutteiseksi prosessiksi, joka on vaikuttava osa formatiivista arviointia oppimisprosessien tukemisessa. Palaute jäsennettiin sen strategioiden, sisältöjen ja kohteiden avulla. Empiirisinä aineistoina olivat viides- ja kuudesluokkalaisten (N = 62) ryhmähaastattelut ja kuudesluokkalaisten (N = 1876) vastaukset avoimiin kysymyksiin. Tulosten mukaan palaute kohdistui usein itsesäätelyyn. Lisäksi palaute kohdistui varsin paljon oppilaaseen itseensä, vaikka minäpalautteen ei ole tutkitusti todettu edistävän oppimisprosesseja. Palaute oli yhteydessä oppimista koskevaan innostukseen ja siihen, miten tärkeäksi arviointi koettiin. Palautteen vuorovaikutteisuus ei etenkään digitaalisesti välitettynä toteutunut, vaan oppilas jäi palautteen passiiviseksi vastaanottajaksi. Tutkimus antaa tärkeää tietoa perusopetuksen ajankohtaiseen kansalliseen arvioinnin kehittämistyöhön.Peer reviewe