145 research outputs found

    Complete maturation of the plastid protein translocation channel requires a type I signal peptidase

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    The protein translocation channel at the plastid outer envelope membrane, Toc75, is essential for the viability of plants from the embryonic stage. It is encoded in the nucleus and is synthesized with a bipartite transit peptide that is cleaved during maturation. Despite its important function, the molecular mechanism and the biological significance of the full maturation of Toc75 remain unclear. In this study, we show that a type I signal peptidase (SPase I) is responsible for this process. First, we demonstrate that a bacterial SPase I converted Toc75 precursor to its mature form in vitro. Next, we show that disruption of a gene encoding plastidic SPase I (Plsp1) resulted in the accumulation of immature forms of Toc75, severe reduction of plastid internal membrane development, and a seedling lethal phenotype. These phenotypes were rescued by the overexpression of Plsp1 complementary DNA. Plsp1 appeared to be targeted both to the envelope and to the thylakoidal membranes; thus, it may have multiple functions

    Root avoidance of toxic metals requires the GeBP-LIKE 4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Plants reorganize their root architecture to avoid growth into unfavorable regions of the rhizosphere. In a screen based on chimeric repressor gene-silencing technology, we identified the Arabidopsis thaliana GeBP-LIKE 4 (GPL4) transcription factor as an inhibitor of root growth that is induced rapidly in root tips in response to cadmium (Cd). We tested the hypothesis that GPL4 functions in the root avoidance of Cd by analyzing root proliferation in split medium, in which only half of the medium contained toxic concentrations of Cd. The wild-type (WT) plants exhibited root avoidance by inhibiting root growth in the Cd side but increasing root biomass in the control side. By contrast, GPL4-suppression lines exhibited nearly comparable root growth in the Cd and control sides and accumulated more Cd in the shoots than did the WT. GPL4 suppression also altered the root avoidance of toxic concentrations of other essential metals, modulated the expression of many genes related to oxidative stress, and consistently decreased reactive oxygen species concentrations. We suggest that GPL4 inhibits the growth of roots exposed to toxic metals by modulating reactive oxygen species concentrations, thereby allowing roots to colonize noncontaminated regions of the rhizosphere.117Ysciescopu

    ABA suppresses root hair growth via OBP4 transcriptional-regulator repression of the RSL2 promoter

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    Plants modify organ growth and tune morphogenesis in response to various endogenous and environmental cues. At the cellular level, organ growth is often adjusted by alterations in cell growth, but the molecular mechanisms underlying this control remain poorly understood. In this study, we identify the DNA BINDING WITH ONE FINGER (DOF)-type transcription regulator OBF BINDING PROTEIN4 (OBP4) as a repressor of cell growth. Ectopic expression of OBP4 in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) inhibits cell growth, resulting in severe dwarfism and the repression of genes involved in the regulation of water transport, root hair development, and stress responses. Among the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors known to control root hair growth, OBP4 binds the ROOT HAIR DEFECTIVE6-LIKE2 (RSL2) promoter to repress its expression. The accumulation of OBP4 proteins is detected in expanding root epidermal cells, and its expression level is increased by the application of abscisic acid (ABA) at concentrations sufficient to inhibit root hair growth. ABA-dependent induction of OBP4 is associated with the reduced expression of RSL2. Furthermore, ectopic expression of OBP4 or loss of RSL2 function results in ABA-insensitive root hair growth. Taken together, our results suggest that OBP4-mediated transcriptional repression of RSL2 contributes to the ABA-dependent inhibition of root hair growth in Arabidopsis

    Ethylene- and pathogen-inducible Arabidopsis acyl-CoA-binding protein 4 interacts with an ethylene-responsive element binding protein

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    Six genes encode proteins with acyl-CoA-binding domains in Arabidopsis thaliana. They are the small 10-kDa cytosolic acyl-CoA-binding protein (ACBP), membrane-associated ACBP1 and ACBP2, extracellularly-targeted ACBP3, and kelch-motif containing ACBP4 and ACBP5. Here, the interaction of ACBP4 with an A. thaliana ethylene-responsive element binding protein (AtEBP), identified in a yeast two-hybrid screen, was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. The subcellular localization of ACBP4 and AtEBP, was addressed using an ACBP4:DsRed red fluorescent protein fusion and a green fluorescent protein (GFP):AtEBP fusion. Transient expression of these autofluoresence-tagged proteins in agroinfiltrated tobacco leaves, followed by confocal laser scanning microscopy, indicated their co-localization predominantly at the cytosol which was confirmed by FRET analysis. Immuno-electron microscopy on Arabidopsis sections not only localized ACBP4 to the cytosol but also to the periphery of the nucleus upon closer examination, perhaps as a result of its interaction with AtEBP. Furthermore, the expression of ACBP4 and AtEBP in Northern blot analyses was induced by the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid, methyl jasmonate treatments, and Botrytis cinerea infection, suggesting that the interaction of ACBP4 and AtEBP may be related to AtEBP-mediated defence possibly via ethylene and/or jasmonate signalling

    The Arabidopsis B3 domain protein VERNALIZATION1 is involved in processes essential for development with structural and mutational studies revealing its DNA binding surface

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    The B3 DNA-binding domain is a plant-specific domain found throughout the plant kingdom from the alga Chlamydomonas to grasses and flowering plants. Over 100 B3 domain-containing proteins are found in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, and one of these is critical for accelerating flowering in response to prolonged cold treatment, an epigenetic process called vernalization. Despite the specific phenotype of genetic vrn1 mutants, the VERNALIZATION1 (VRN1) protein localizes throughout the nucleus and shows sequence-nonspecific binding in vitro. In this work, we used a dominant repressor tag that overcomes genetic redundancy to show that VRN1 is involved in processes beyond vernalization that are essential for Arabidopsis development. To understand its sequence-nonspecific binding, we crystallized VRN1(208-341) and solved its crystal structure to 1.6 angstrom resolution using selenium/single-wavelength anomalous diffraction methods. The crystallized construct comprises the second VRN1 B3 domain and a preceding region conserved among VRN1 orthologs but absent in other B3 domains. We established the DNA-binding face using NMR and then mutated positively charged residues on this surface with a series of 16 Ala and Glu substitutions, ensuring that the protein fold was not disturbed using heteronuclear single quantum correlation NMR spectra. The triple mutant R249E/R289E/R296E was almost completely incapable of DNA binding in vitro. Thus, we have revealed that although VRN1 is sequence-nonspecific in DNA binding, it has a defined DNA-binding surface

    Molecular characterization of seven genes encoding ethylene-responsive transcriptional factors during plum fruit development and ripening

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    Seven ERF cDNAs were cloned from two Japanese plum (Prunus salicina L.) cultivars, ‘Early Golden’ (EG) and ‘Shiro’ (SH). Based on the sequence characterization, these Ps-ERFs could be classified into three of the four known ERF families. Their predicted amino acid sequences exhibited similarities to ERFs from other plant species. Functional nuclear localization signal analyses of two Ps-ERF proteins (Ps-ERF1a and -1b) were carried out using confocal microscopy. Expression analyses of Ps-ERF mRNAs were studied in the two plum cultivars in order to determine the role of this gene family in fruit development and ripening. The seven Ps-ERFs displayed differential expression pattern and levels throughout the various stages of flower and fruit development. The diversity in Ps-ERFs accumulation was largely due to the differences in their responses to the levels of ethylene production. However, other plant hormones such as cytokinin and auxin, which accumulate strongly throughout the various developmental stages, also influence the Ps-ERFs expression. The effect of the plant hormones, gibberellin, cytokinin, auxin, and ethylene in regulating the different Ps-ERF transcripts was investigated. A model was proposed in which the role played by the plant hormone auxin is as important as that of ethylene in initiating and determining the date and rate of ripening in Japanese plums

    A cotton miRNA is involved in regulation of plant response to salt stress

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    The present study functionally identified a new microRNA (microRNA ovual line 5, miRNVL5) with its target gene GhCHR from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). The sequence of miRNVL5 precursor is 104 nt long, with a well developed secondary structure. GhCHR contains two DC1 and three PHD Cys/His-rich domains, suggesting that GhCHR encodes a zinc-finger domain-containing transcription factor. miRNVL5 and GhCHR express at various developmental stages of cotton. Under salt stress (50–400 mM NaCl), miRNVL5 expression was repressed, with concomitant high expression of GhCHR in cotton seedlings. Ectopic expression of GhCHR in Arabidopsis conferred salt stress tolerance by reducing Na+ accumulation in plants and improving primary root growth and biomass. Interestingly, Arabidopsis constitutively expressing miRNVL5 showed hypersensitivity to salt stress. A GhCHR orthorlous gene At2g44380 from Arabidopsis that can be cleaved by miRNVL5 was identified by degradome sequencing, but no confidential miRNVL5 homologs in Arabidopsis have been identified. Microarray analysis of miRNVL5 transgenic Arabidopsis showed six downstream genes (CBF1, CBF2, CBF3, ERF4, AT3G22920, and AT3G49200), which were induced by salt stress in wild-type but repressed in miRNVL5-expressing Arabidopsis. These results indicate that miRNVL5 is involved in regulation of plant response to salt stress

    Direct targets of the transcription factors ABA-Insensitive(ABI)4 and ABI5 reveal synergistic action by ABI4 and several bZIP ABA response factors

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    The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) is a key regulator of seed development. In addition to promoting seed maturation, ABA inhibits seed germination and seedling growth. Many components involved in ABA response have been identified, including the transcription factors ABA insensitive (ABI)4 and ABI5. The genes encoding these factors are expressed predominantly in developing and mature seeds, and are positive regulators of ABA mediated inhibition of seed germination and growth. The direct effects of ABI4 and ABI5 in ABA response remain largely undefined. To address this question, plants over-expressing ABI4 or ABI5 were used to allow identification of direct transcriptional targets. Ectopically expressed ABI4 and ABI5 conferred ABA-dependent induction of slightly over 100 genes in 11 day old plants. In addition to effector genes involved in seed maturation and reserve storage, several signaling proteins and transcription factors were identified as targets of ABI4 and/or ABI5. Although only 12% of the ABA- and ABI-dependent transcriptional targets were induced by both ABI factors in 11 day old plants, 40% of those normally expressed in seeds had reduced transcript levels in both abi4 and abi5 mutants. Surprisingly, many of the ABI4 transcriptional targets do not contain the previously characterized ABI4 binding motifs, the CE1 or S box, in their promoters, but some of these interact with ABI4 in electrophoretic mobility shift assays, suggesting that sequence recognition by ABI4 may be more flexible than known canonical sequences. Yeast one-hybrid assays demonstrated synergistic action of ABI4 with ABI5 or related bZIP factors in regulating these promoters, and mutant analyses showed that ABI4 and these bZIPs share some functions in plants

    Comparative transcriptome analysis of AP2/EREBP gene family under normal and hormone treatments, and under two drought stresses in NILs setup by Aday Selection and IR64

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    The AP2/EREBP genes play various roles in developmental processes and in stress-related responses in plants. Genome-wide microarrays based on the gene expression profiles of the AP2/EREBP family were analyzed under conditions of normal growth and drought stress. The preferential expression of fifteen genes was observed in specific tissues, suggesting that these genes may play important roles in vegetative and reproductive stages of growth. A large number of redundant genes were differentially expressed following phytohormone treatments (NAA, GA3, KT, SA, JA, and ABA). To investigate the gene expression responses in the root, leaf, and panicle of three rice genotypes, two drought stress conditions were applied using the fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW) under severe (0.2 FTSW), mild (0.5 FTSW), and control (1.0 FTSW) conditions. Following treatment, transcriptomic analysis using a 44-K oligoarray from Agilent was performed on all the tissue samples. We identified common and specific genes in all tissues from two near-isogenic lines, IR77298-14-1-2-B-10 (drought tolerant) and IR77298-14-1-2-B-13 (drought susceptible), under drought stress conditions. The majority of the genes that were activated in the IR77298-14-1-2-B-10 line were members of the AP2/EREBP gene family. Non-redundant genes (sixteen) were found in the drought-tolerant line, and four genes were selected as candidate novel reference genes because of their higher expression levels in IR77298-14-1-2-B-10. Most of the genes in the AP2, B3, and B5 subgroups were involved in the panicle under severe stress conditions, but genes from the B1 and B2 subgroups were down-regulated in the root. Of the four subfamilies, RAV exhibited the highest number of up-regulated genes (80%) in the panicle under severe stress conditions in the drought-tolerant line compared to Minghui 63 under normal conditions, and the gene structures of the RAV subfamily may be involved in the response to drought stress in the flowering stage. These results provide a useful reference for the cloning of candidate genes from the specific subgroup for further functional analysis