24 research outputs found

    The Neurotrophic Receptor Ntrk2 Directs Lymphoid Tissue Neovascularization during Leishmania donovani Infection

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    The neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type 2 (Ntrk2, also known as TrkB) and its ligands brain derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf), neurotrophin-4 (NT-4/5), and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) are known primarily for their multiple effects on neuronal differentiation and survival. Here, we provide evidence that Ntrk2 plays a role in the pathologic remodeling of the spleen that accompanies chronic infection. We show that in Leishmania donovani-infected mice, Ntrk2 is aberrantly expressed on splenic endothelial cells and that new maturing blood vessels within the white pulp are intimately associated with F4/80hiCD11bloCD11c+ macrophages that express Bdnf and NT-4/5 and have pro-angiogenic potential in vitro. Furthermore, administration of the small molecule Ntrk2 antagonist ANA-12 to infected mice significantly inhibited white pulp neovascularization but had no effect on red pulp vascular remodeling. We believe this to be the first evidence of the Ntrk2/neurotrophin pathway driving pathogen-induced vascular remodeling in lymphoid tissue. These studies highlight the therapeutic potential of modulating this pathway to inhibit pathological angiogenesis

    Physical activity and colon cancer prevention: a meta-analysis

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    Although an inverse association between physical activity and risk of colon cancer is well established, a formal estimate of the magnitude of this risk reduction that includes recent studies is not available. This analysis examines the association by sex and study design, restricting analyses to studies where data for colon cancer alone were available. The authors reviewed published studies through June 2008 examining the association between physical activity and risk of colon cancer. Heterogeneity and publication bias were evaluated and random effects models used to estimate relative risks (RR). Differences by sex and study design were evaluated. A total of 52 studies were included. An inverse association between physical activity and colon cancer was found with an overall relative risk (RR) of 0.76 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.72, 0.81). For men, the RR was 0.76 (95% CI: 0.71, 0.82); for women, this was little different, (RR=0.79, 95% CI: 0.71, 0.88). The findings from case–control studies were stronger (RR=0.69, 95% CI: 0.65, 0.74) than for cohort studies (RR=0.83, 95% CI: 0.78, 0.88). This study confirms previous studies reporting an inverse association between physical activity and colon cancer in both men and women, and provides quantitative estimates of the inverse association

    Variations on a theme: diversification of cuticular hydrocarbons in a clade of cactophilic Drosophila

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We characterized variation and chemical composition of epicuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in the seven species of the <it>Drosophila buzzatii </it>cluster with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Despite the critical role of CHCs in providing resistance to desiccation and involvement in communication, such as courtship behavior, mating, and aggregation, few studies have investigated how CHC profiles evolve within and between species in a phylogenetic context. We analyzed quantitative differences in CHC profiles in populations of the <it>D. buzzatii </it>species cluster in order to assess the concordance of CHC differentiation with species divergence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty-six CHC components were scored in single fly extracts with carbon chain lengths ranging from C<sub>29 </sub>to C<sub>39</sub>, including methyl-branched alkanes, <it>n</it>-alkenes, and alkadienes. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed that CHC amounts were significantly different among all species and canonical discriminant function (CDF) analysis resolved all species into distinct, non-overlapping groups. Significant intraspecific variation was found in different populations of <it>D. serido </it>suggesting that this taxon is comprised of at least two species. We summarized CHC variation using CDF analysis and mapped the first five CHC canonical variates (CVs) onto an independently derived <it>period </it>(<it>per</it>) gene + chromosome inversion + mtDNA COI gene for each sex. We found that the COI sequences were not phylogenetically informative due to introgression between some species, so only <it>per </it>+ inversion data were used. Positive phylogenetic signal was observed mainly for CV1 when parsimony methods and the test for serial independence (TFSI) were used. These results changed when no outgroup species were included in the analysis and phylogenetic signal was then observed for female CV3 and/or CV4 and male CV4 and CV5. Finally, removal of divergent populations of <it>D. serido </it>significantly increased the amount of phylogenetic signal as up to four out of five CVs then displayed positive phylogenetic signal.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>CHCs were conserved among species while quantitative differences in CHC profiles between populations and species were statistically significant. Most CHCs were species-, population-, and sex-specific. Mapping CHCs onto an independently derived phylogeny revealed that a significant portion of CHC variation was explained by species' systematic affinities indicating phylogenetic conservatism in the evolution of these hydrocarbon arrays, presumptive waterproofing compounds and courtship signals as in many other drosophilid species.</p

    Analysis of arterial intimal hyperplasia: review and hypothesis

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    which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Background: Despite a prodigious investment of funds, we cannot treat or prevent arteriosclerosis and restenosis, particularly its major pathology, arterial intimal hyperplasia. A cornerstone question lies behind all approaches to the disease: what causes the pathology? Hypothesis: I argue that the question itself is misplaced because it implies that intimal hyperplasia is a novel pathological phenomenon caused by new mechanisms. A simple inquiry into arterial morphology shows the opposite is true. The normal multi-layer cellular organization of the tunica intima is identical to that of diseased hyperplasia; it is the standard arterial system design in all placentals at least as large as rabbits, including humans. Formed initially as one-layer endothelium lining, this phenotype can either be maintained or differentiate into a normal multi-layer cellular lining, so striking in its resemblance to diseased hyperplasia that we have to name it &quot;benign intimal hyperplasia&quot;. However, normal or &quot;benign &quot; intimal hyperplasia, although microscopically identical to pathology, is a controllable phenotype that rarely compromises blood supply. It is remarkable that each human heart has coronary arteries in which a single-layer endothelium differentiates earl

    Truncation of N- and C-terminal regions of Streptococcus mutans dextranase enhances catalytic activity

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    Multiple forms of native and recombinant endo-dextranases (Dexs) of the glycoside hydrolase family (GH) 66 exist. The GH 66 Dex gene from Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 (SmDex) was expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant full-size (95.4 kDa) SmDex protein was digested to form an 89.8 kDa isoform (SmDex90). The purified SmDex90 was proteolytically degraded to more than seven polypeptides (23-70 kDa) during long storage. The protease-insensitive protein was desirable for the biochemical analysis and utilization of SmDex. GH 66 Dex was predicted to comprise four regions from the N- to C-termini: N-terminal variable region (N-VR), conserved region (CR), glucan-binding site (GBS), and C-terminal variable region (C-VR). Five truncated SmDexs were generated by deleting N-VR, GBS, and/or C-VR. Two truncation-mutant enzymes devoid of C-VR (TM-NCGΔ) or N-VR/C-VR (TM-ΔCGΔ) were catalytically active, thereby indicating that N-VR and C-VR were not essential for the catalytic activity. TM-ΔCGΔ did not accept any further protease-degradation during long storage. TM-NCGΔ and TM-ΔCGΔ enhanced substrate hydrolysis, suggesting that N-VR and C-VR induce hindered substrate binding to the active site

    Bioactivity and Chemical Composition of the Essential Oils of Croton urucurana Baillon (Euphorbiaceae)

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    The essential oils from the stem barks and leaves of Croton urucurana Baillon (Euphorbiaceae) were analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. 100 compounds were identified and borneol (14.7%), bornyl acetate (5.2%), cadina-4,10(14)-dien-1 alpha-ol (14.7%), sesquicineole (10.5%) and gamma-gurjunene epoxide (5.4%) were the main components in essential oil from the steam barks. The oil from leaves was rich in sesquiterpenoids, mainly germacrene-D (15.2%) and bicyclogermacrene (36.4%). The in vitro cytotoxicity of the oils was evaluated against nine cancer cell lines and herbicidal effects against two seeds. The antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the oils also were evaluated. The essential oil of stem bark was found to be more active than oil from leaves.123250261Fundacao de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento de EnsinoCiencia e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso do Sul (FUNDECT/MS)UFM