23 research outputs found

    Enhancing creativity through Biological Stimuli during new products ideation

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    The development of new and innovative products consists in a competitive advantage, allowing companies to overcome competitors, maintain or even increase its market share. As the product development cycle is shortening, a greater effort is required at the ideation of new technologies and products. In this context, the bio-inspired design has been receiving attention as a creativity strengthening method. However, the majority of methods and tools proposed in this field present biological stimuli in the form of literature extracts, requiring a great cognitive effort from the design teams in abstracting principles to generate ideas. In this paper a systematic approach to biological stimuli development is presented, as well as its contribution during the ideation process. An experiment was conducted on the context of a product design course. As result, it was evidenced that the biological stimulators contributed to the increase of the ideas\u27 utility and variety, favoring the innovation process

    Análise e comparação entre os modelos de valuation tradicionais e o modelo de fluxo de caixa descontado com simulação de Monte Carlo na avaliação de uma empresa de fundição brasileira

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia de ProduçãoNa dinâmica cada vez mais acelerada do mercado de capitais, frequentemente há empresas sendo compradas, combinadas ou até mesmo liquidadas. Estes eventos resultam de um extenso processo de análise, onde uma parte crítica é encontrar o valor das empresas através de métodos de valoração, conhecidos também como métodos de valuation. Na maioria das vezes, os analistas que valoram uma empresa utilizam os métodos de maneira complementar entre si. Os métodos contidos no modelo de valuation baseado em Fluxo de Caixa Descontado, Múltiplos e Ativos fazem parte deste estudo. Dado a caraterística projetiva do modelo baseado em Fluxo de Caixa Descontado, é pertinente a aplicação da ferramenta de Simulação de Monte Carlo para avaliar os riscos inerentes das projeções e incertezas vinculadas à ele. A diferença entre os modelos tradicionais citados e o modelo baseado em Fluxo de Caixa Descontado com auxílio da ferramenta de Simulação de Monte Carlo deu origem à este trabalho. O presente trabalho buscou compará-los por meio da aplicação prática em uma empresa de fundição brasileira, a TUPY S.A. (TUPY3), de maneira a entender suas vantagens, desvantagens e como utilizá-los de maneira adequada. Os resultados obtidos estão alinhados com a teoria contida no referencial teórico. O método baseado em Ativos se mostrou o mais conservador, enquanto o método baseado em Múltiplos apresentou valor intermediário entre o método baseado em Ativos e o Fluxo de Caixa Descontado. A utilização da ferramenta de Simulação de Monte Carlo foi pertinente para o entendimento das importâncias das variáveis críticas em uma análise projetiva feita pelo método de Fluxo de Caixa Descontado.In the increasingly accelerated dynamics of the capital market, companies are often being bought, combined or even liquidated. These events result from an extensive analysis process, where a critical part is to find the companies' value through valuation methods, also known as valuation methods. Most of the time, analysts who value a company use the methods in a complementary way with each other. The methods contained in the valuation model based on Discounted Cash Flow, Multiples and Assets are part of this study. Given the projective characteristic of the model based on Discounted Cash Flow, it is pertinent to apply the Monte Carlo Simulation tool to assess the inherent risks of the projections and uncertainties linked to it. The difference between the traditional models mentioned and the model based on Discounted Cash Flow with the aid of the Monte Carlo Simulation tool gave rise to this work. The present work sought to compare them through practical application in a Brazilian foundry company, TUPY S.A. (TUPY3), to understand their advantages, disadvantages and how to use them properly. The results obtained were in line with the theory contained in the theoretical framework. The Asset-based method proved to be the most conservative, while the Multiples-based method showed an intermediate value between the Assets-based method and the Discounted Cash Flow. The use of the Monte Carlo Simulation tool was relevant for understanding the importance of critical variables in a projective analysis made using the Discounted Cash Flow method

    Análise da interferência do tipo de feedback utilizado no treinamento na performance dos fundamentos de ataque e recepção do voleibol na situação de jogo

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    Orientadora: Teumaris Regina Buono LuizMonografia (licenciatura) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Educação Física

    A biométrica no desenvolvimento de produtos: a relação entre forma e função para obtenção de leiautes iniciais

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    O presente trabalho possui como objetivo apresentar de maneira geral como é realizado o processo de desenvolvimento de produtos, com foco na configuração da forma de soluções conceituais por meio da Biomimética. Nesse processo propõe-se uma sistemática para a transição da fase de projeto conceitual para a de projeto preliminar, ou seja, para o desenvolvimento do leiaute inicial das soluções conceituais desenvolvidas. Após uma revisão bibliográfica sobre desenvolvimento de produtos e biomimética apresenta-se a proposta de uma matriz (Matriz FNF) que relaciona funções e formas baseadas em analogias com a natureza, visando oferecer uma alternativa às equipes para a configuração de forma nos elementos da solução conceitual desenvolvida. A matriz FNF é constituída de conteúdos e exemplos da natureza associado com funções técnicas de produtos, servindo como meio de inspiração para a geração de forma. Ao final são apresentados detalhes da referida matriz e exemplos parciais de sua utilização baseado em atividades para a geração do leiaute inicial do produto

    A Contribution to Guide the Use of Support Tools for Technology Roadmapping: a Case Study in the Clothing Industry

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    This article presents guidelines regarding the use of tools to support technology roadmapping based on a case study of an exploratory and descriptive nature in a small company in the clothing sector. After introducing a systematic approach to technology roadmapping with their support tools, an empirical analysis is then presented of the application of the tools of the market layer – a questionnaire for consultation with the consumers and bibliographical research – and the business layer – SWOT matrix, through illustrative examples. Each tool was analyzed in relation to the complexity, time, cost of implementation, relevance and quality of the resulting information, the most common problems associated with their use. Here we show that the tools of the market layer proved to be easiest to use when compared with the tools of business layer, varying the time required, but involving, in general, a low cost in its application to obtain relevant and quality results for the development of the roadmap. Based on the results, general guidelines for the use of these tools to assist in the process of technology roadmapping were established as well as a comparison between the tools

    Ergonomic development of plastic products aided by rapid prototypes

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    O objetivo deste artigo é discorrer acerca do desenvolvimento ergonômico de produtos de plástico, mostrando a importância de aplicar a ergonomia desde o início do processo de projeto e como a utilização de protótipos rápidos pode auxiliar na inclusão de características ergonômicas nos produtos. Ao final é apresentado um estudo de caso para demonstrar as idéias principais do artigo

    Development and characterization of a novel bulk-fill elastomeric temporary restorative composite

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    Objectives: This study investigated the physical and mechanical properties, antibacterial effect and biocompatibility of novel elastomeric temporary resin-based filling materials (TFMs) containing zinc methacrylate (ZM). Material and Methods: Experimental TFMs were prepared by mixing the zinc methacrylate with monomer, co-monomer, photoinitiator and fillers. A ZM concentration of 0 (control), 0.5% (Z0.5); 1% (Z1), 2% (Z2), or 5% (ZM5) wt% was added to the TFMs. Fermit-N (F) was used for comparison with the experimental material. Microleakage, water sorption/solubility, degree of conversion, depth of cure, ultimate tensile strength, and hardness were determined and compared. A modified direct contact test (DCT) with Enterococcus faecalis and a Streptococcus mutans' biofilm accumulation assay was carried out to evaluate the antimicrobial effect and cytotoxicity of the assay. Statistical comparisons were performed (α=5%). Results: The results showed that the physical and mechanical properties of the experimental TFMs with ZM are comparable with the properties of the commercial reference and some properties were improved, such as lower microleakage and water sorption, and higher ultimate tensile strength values. TFMs with ZM killed E. faecalis only after 1 h. Biofilm development of S. mutans was not affected by the inclusion of ZM in the experimental TFMs. Conclusions: The present findings suggest that the physical, mechanical and biological properties of the experimental TFMs with ZM are comparable with the properties of the commercial reference. However, some properties were improved, such as lower microleakage and water sorption, and higher ultimate tensile strength values

    Caracterização e avaliação de variedades de arroz de sequeiro conservados por agricultores do Oeste de Santa Catarina

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    Seventeen rice varieties preserved under small-scale farming conditions by familiar farmers in Western Santa Catarina were assessed in Guaraciaba. Wide diversity was identified among varieties based on morphological and physiological traits and agronomic performance analysis. An outstanding variety set showed high potential for using and cropping, while others presented particular values as gene source for breeding programs.Dezessete variedades locais de arroz de sequeiro, conservadas por agricultores do Oeste de Santa Catarina, foram avaliadas em Guaraciaba em condições de ambiente de uma unidade de produção familiar. Com base na análise de alguns caracteres morfológicos, fenológicos e agronômicos, foi possível identfcar variações quanto ao desempenho das variedades.Entre as mais promissoras destaca-se um pequeno grupo com elevado potencial para uso e cultvo comercial e outro com valores particulares para ser usado como fonte de genes em programas de melhoramento

    Toxicity effects of magnesium oxide nanoparticles: a brief report

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    In this work, magnesium oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by the sol-gel route and their ecotoxicity was tested in worms of the Eisenia andrei species. Magnesium oxide nanoparticles were characterized by XRD, surface area via BET, TEM and SEM-FEG/EDS. The lethality test with Eisenia andrei earthworm species followed the recommendations of ISO 11268-1 (ISO, 2012) in a completely randomized design with six replicates for each concentration tested (1.06, 2.12, 4.24, 8.48 and 16.96 μg of NPs-MgO/kg of soil), plus the control. The concentrations were mixed to the tropical natural soils, Entisol Typic Quartzipsamments and Oxisol, with no agricultural use history. The morphological and structural analyses of the nanoparticles indicated the formation of magnesium oxide with cubic structure, constituting agglomerates of nanostructures of the order of 20 to 50 nm. The results of toxicity were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA One-way), followed by the Dunnett test (p 0.05). Based on standardized toxicological tests it was found that NPs-MgO, at the concentrations tested, did not affect the survival of Eisenia andrei species in the natural soils studied.Keywords: Terrestrial toxicity of nanoparticles, edaphic fauna, Terrestrial toxicity of magnesium oxide nanoparticles.