485 research outputs found

    Streamlined islands and the English Channel megaflood hypothesis

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    Recognising ice-age catastrophic megafloods is important because they had significant impact on large-scale drainage evolution and patterns of water and sediment movement to the oceans, and likely induced very rapid, short-term effects on climate. It has been previously proposed that a drainage system on the floor of the English Channel was initiated by catastrophic flooding in the Pleistocene but this suggestion has remained controversial. Here we examine this hypothesis through an analysis of key landform features. We use a new compilation of multi- and single-beam bathymetry together with sub-bottom profiler data to establish the internal structure, planform geometry and hence origin of a set of 36 mid-channel islands. Whilst there is evidence of modern-day surficial sediment processes, the majority of the islands can be clearly demonstrated to be formed of bedrock, and are hence erosional remnants rather than depositional features. The islands display classic lemniscate or tear-drop outlines, with elongated tips pointing downstream, typical of streamlined islands formed during high-magnitude water flow. The length-to-width ratio for the entire island population is 3.4 ± 1.3 and the degree-of-elongation or k-value is 3.7 ± 1.4. These values are comparable to streamlined islands in other proven Pleistocene catastrophic flood terrains and are distinctly different to values found in modern-day rivers. The island geometries show a correlation with bedrock type: with those carved from Upper Cretaceous chalk having larger length-to-width ratios (3.2 ± 1.3) than those carved into more mixed Paleogene terrigenous sandstones, siltstones and mudstones (3.0 ± 1.5). We attribute these differences to the former rock unit having a lower skin friction which allowed longer island growth to achieve minimum drag. The Paleogene islands, although less numerous than the Chalk islands, also assume more perfect lemniscate shapes. These lithologies therefore reached island equilibrium shape more quickly but were also susceptible to total erosion. Our observations support the hypothesis that the islands were initially carved by high-water volume flows via a unique catastrophic drainage of a pro-glacial lake in the southern North Sea at the Dover Strait rather than by fluvial erosion throughout the Pleistocene

    A top-down, three-scale numerical analysis of wafer-to-wafer metallic bonding

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    To study the sensitivity to micro-scale imperfections of the strength of a metallic, wafer-to-wafer MEMS bonding, we propose a three-scale numerical (finite element) approach. At the wafer level (macro-scale), accounting for the whole metallic sealing through nonlinear springs connecting the two silicon wafers modelled as thin plates, we link the force transferred by each single MEMS die to the external pressure applied to the wafers. This force is next used as an index for the input pressure at the die level (meso-scale), where the geometry of the metallic rings is accurately described: the local stress field at the interface between the upper and lower metallic rings is so obtained. Finally, a local (micro-scale) model is used to link the aforementioned local stress field in each die to the bonding strength: representative volumes of the rings getting into contact, accounting in a statistically way for the relevant surface roughness (which is on the order or tens of nanometers at most), are adopted to obtain the relationship between the external pressure and the percentage of sealed area. This information is exploited to assess the properties of the rings, in terms of expected bonding strength

    Dietary nitrate does not modify blood pressure and cardiac output at rest and during exercise in older adults : a randomised cross over study

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    Dietary nitrate (〖NO〗_3^-) supplementation has been associated with improved vascular and metabolic health. We conducted a double-blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled RCT to investigate the effects of 7-day consumption of beetroot juice compared with placebo on 1) blood pressure (BP) measured in resting conditions and during exercise, 2) cardiac and peripheral vascular function and 3) biomarkers of inflammation, oxidative stress and endothelial integrity. Twenty non-smoking healthy participants aged 60-75y and BMI 20.0-29.9kg/m2 were recruited. Measurement were conducted before and after each 7-day intervention period. Consumption of 〖NO〗_3^- had no effect on resting systolic and diastolic BP. 〖NO〗_3^- consumption did not improve indexes of central and peripheral cardiac function responses during cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Dietary 〖NO〗_3^- supplementation did not modify biomarkers of inflammation, oxidative stress and endothelial integrity. This study do not support the short-term benefits of dietary 〖NO〗_3^- supplementation on physiological and biochemical markers of vascular health in older healthy adults. Trial Registration: ISRCTN1906495

    Autoinducer 2 signalling via the phosphotransferase FruA drives galactose utilization by Streptococcus pneumoniae resulting in hypervirulence

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    Communication between bacterial cells is crucial for the coordination of diverse cellular processes that facilitate environmental adaptation and, in the case of pathogenic species, virulence. This is achieved by the secretion and detection of small signaling molecules called autoinducers, a process termed quorum sensing. To date, the only signaling molecule recognized by both Gram-positive and Gramnegative bacteria is autoinducer 2 (AI-2), synthesized by the metabolic enzyme LuxS (S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase) as a by-product of the activated methyl cycle. Homologues of LuxS are ubiquitous in bacteria, suggesting a key role in interspecies, as well as intraspecies, communication. Gram-negative bacteria sense and respond to AI-2 via the Lsr ABC transporter system or by the LuxP/LuxQ phosphorelay system. However, homologues of these systems are absent from Gram-positive bacteria and the AI-2 receptor is unknown. Here we show that in the major human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae, sensing of exogenous AI-2 is dependent on FruA, a fructose-specific phosphoenolpyruvate-phosphotransferase system that is highly conserved in Gram-positive pathogens. Importantly, AI-2 signaling via FruA enables the bacterium to utilize galactose as a carbon source and upregulates the Leloir pathway, thereby leading to increased production of capsular polysaccharide and a hypervirulent phenotype

    Dynamic Spatial Auction Market Models with General Cost Mappings

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    © 2016 Springer Science+Business Media New YorkThe deregulation of electricity markets in Europe has deeply changed the organization of this sector. Vertically integrated generating companies have been unbundled to create competition and to increase the competitiveness of electricity markets. Directive 96/92/EC was issued by the European Commission to liberalize electricity markets and to pave the way for the creation of the Internal Electricity Market. In particular, this Directive aimed at promoting the competition in the activities of electricity generation and wholesale through the creation of a “marketplace” and the maximization of transparency and efficiency. Competition in European day-ahead electricity markets has been established through auction markets where electricity producers and consumers offer/bid prices and volumes. This paper suggests a dynamic equilibrium model for a system of auction markets linked by transmission lines and subject to energy balance and transmission constraints, such as those characterizing restructured electricity markets. This model is treated as a system of variational inequalities with arbitrary monotone mappings. An inexact splitting type method is proposed to find its solution. Numerical experiments are conducted on the Italian day-ahead electricity market

    Evaluating the effects of environmental regulations on a closed-loop supply chain network: a variational inequality approach

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    © 2017 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Global climate change has encouraged international and regional adoption of pollution taxes and carbon emission reduction policies. Europe has taken the leadership in environmental regulations by introducing the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) in 2005 and by promoting a set of policies destined to lower carbon emissions from energy, industrial, and transport sectors. These environmental policies have significantly affected the production choices of these European sectors. Considering this framework, the objective of this paper is to evaluate the effects of the application of environmental policies in a multitiered closed-loop supply chain network where raw material suppliers, manufacturers, consumers, and recovery centers operate. In particular, we assume that manufacturers are subject to the EU-ETS and a carbon tax is imposed on truck transport. In this way, the developed model captures carbon emission regulations, recycling, transportation and technological factors within a unified framework. In particular, it allows for evaluating the impacts of the considered environmental regulations on carbon emissions, product flows, and prices. The proposed model is optimized and solved by using the theory of variational inequalities. Our analysis shows that the combined application of the EU-ETS at the manufacturers’ tier and the carbon tax on truck transport implies additional costs for producers that reduce their good provisions. On the other side, this has a positive outcome for the environment since (Formula presented.) emissions reduce. Moreover, an increase of the efficiency level of the recycling process increments the availability of reusable raw material in the reverse supply chain. Finally, the distance between a couple of CLSC tiers plays a very important role. The lower is the distance covered by vehicles, the higher is the production of goods and the lower is the amount of (Formula presented.) emitted

    Decomposition method for oligopolistic competitive models with common environmental regulation

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    © 2017 Springer Science+Business Media New YorkGlobal climate change has encouraged international and regional adoption of environmental policies aiming at reducing the generation of greenhouse gas emissions. Europe has taken the leadership in environmental regulations by introducing the European-Union Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) in 2005 and other policies to mitigate carbon emissions and increase the efficiency of production processes. These environmental policies have significantly affected the production choices of the European energy and industrial sectors. In this paper, we consider a market where a set of players (firms) produce different commodities under a common environmental regulation that limits their emissions. Due to these environmental restrictions, the problem is treated as a generalized non-cooperative game where players have joint (environmental) constraints caused by the common and compulsory emission regulation. The problem is to find a natural mechanism for attaining the corresponding generalized equilibrium state. We suggest a share allocation method, which yields a suitable decomposition type procedure and replaces the initial problem with a sequence of non-cooperative games on Cartesian product sets. We also show that its implementation can be simplified essentially after the application of a regularized penalty method. In the case study, we take inspiration from the EU-ETS and we introduce an environmental regulation that restricts the carbon emissions of firms representing the energy, cement, and steel sectors respectively in Germany, France, Italy, and Spain. Our results confirm the important role played by energy sector in reducing carbon emissions

    Dynamic Spatial Auction Market Models with General Cost Mappings

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York. The deregulation of electricity markets in Europe has deeply changed the organization of this sector. Vertically integrated generating companies have been unbundled to create competition and to increase the competitiveness of electricity markets. Directive 96/92/EC was issued by the European Commission to liberalize electricity markets and to pave the way for the creation of the Internal Electricity Market. In particular, this Directive aimed at promoting the competition in the activities of electricity generation and wholesale through the creation of a “marketplace” and the maximization of transparency and efficiency. Competition in European day-ahead electricity markets has been established through auction markets where electricity producers and consumers offer/bid prices and volumes. This paper suggests a dynamic equilibrium model for a system of auction markets linked by transmission lines and subject to energy balance and transmission constraints, such as those characterizing restructured electricity markets. This model is treated as a system of variational inequalities with arbitrary monotone mappings. An inexact splitting type method is proposed to find its solution. Numerical experiments are conducted on the Italian day-ahead electricity market

    Contribution of different pneumococcal virulence factors to experimental meningitis in mice

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    BACKGROUND: Pneumococcal meningitis (PM) is a life-threatening disease with a high case-fatality rate and elevated risk for serious neurological sequelae. In this study, we investigated the contribution of three major virulence factors of Streptococcus pneumoniae, the capsule, pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) and C (PspC), to the pathogenesis of experimental PM. METHODS: Mice were challenged by the intracranic route with the serotype 4 TIGR4 strain (wt) and three isogenic mutants devoid of PspA, PspC, and the capsule. Survival, bacterial counts, and brain histology were carried out. To study the interaction between S. pneumoniae mutants and microglia, phagocytosis and survival experiments were performed using the BV2 mouse microglial cell line. RESULTS: Virulence of the PspC mutant was comparable to that of TIGR4. In contrast, survival of animals challenged with the PspA mutant was significantly increased compared with the wt, and the mutant was also impaired at replicating in the brain and blood of infected mice. Brain histology indicated that all strains, except for the unencapsulated mutant, caused PM. Analysis of inflammation and damage in the brain of mice infected with TIGR4 or its unencapsulated mutant demonstrated that the rough strain was unable to induce inflammation and neuronal injury, even at high challenge doses. Results with BV2 cells showed no differences in phagocytic uptake between wt and mutants. In survival assays, however, the PspA mutant showed significantly reduced survival in microglia compared with the wt. CONCLUSIONS: PspA may contribute to PM pathogenesis possibly by interacting with microglia at early infection stages, while PspC had limited importance in the disease. The rough mutant did not cause brain inflammation, neuronal damage or mouse death, strengthening the key role of the capsule in PM
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