179 research outputs found

    Cytological analysis of MRE11 protein during early meiotic prophase I in Arabidopsis and tomato

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    Early recombination nodules (ENs) are multiprotein complexes that are thought to be involved in synapsis and recombination, but little is known about their components or how they may be involved in these events. In this study, we describe the cytological behavior of a possible EN component, MRE11, a protein that is important for the repair of the numerous, programmed deoxyribonucleic acid double-strand breaks (DSBs) that occur early in the meiotic prophase. By immunofluorescence, many MRE11 foci were associated with chromosomal axes during early prophase I in both wild-type Arabidopsis and tomato primary microsporocytes. Similar patterns of MRE11 foci were observed in two Arabidopsis mutants (Atspo11-1 and Atprd1) that are defective in DSB formation and synapsis. In tomato chromosomes, MRE11 foci were more common in distal euchromatin than in proximal heterochromatin, consistent with known EN patterns. However, electron microscopic immunogold localization demonstrated that only about 10% of ENs were labeled, and most MRE11 label was associated with synaptonemal complex components. Thus, in plants, MRE11 foci are not dependent on DSB formation, and most MRE11 foci do not correspond to ENs. More generally, our results show that the simple presence of large numbers of fluorescent foci associated with synapsing chromosomes is insufficient evidence to equate these foci with ENs

    mRNAs encoding aquaporins are present during murine preimplantation development.

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    The present study was conducted to investigate the mechanisms underlying fluid movement across the trophectoderm during blastocyst formation by determining whether aquaporins (AQPs) are expressed during early mammalian development. AQPs belong to a family of major intrinsic membrane proteins and function as molecular water channels that allow water to flow rapidly across plasma membranes in the direction of osmotic gradients. Ten different AQPs have been identified to date. Murine preimplantation stage embryos were flushed from the oviducts and uteri of superovulated CD1 mice. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) methods employing primer sets designed to amplify conserved sequences of AQPs (1-9) were applied to murine embryo cDNA samples. PCR reactions were conducted for up to 40 cycles involving denaturation of DNA hybrids at 95 degrees C, primer annealing at 52-60 degrees C and extension at 72 degrees C. PCR products were separated on 2% agarose gels and were stained with ethidium bromide. AQP PCR product identity was confirmed by sequence analysis. mRNAs encoding AQPs 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9 were detected in murine embryos from the one-cell stage up to the blastocyst stage. AQP 8 mRNAs were not detected in early cleavage stages but were present in morula and blastocyst stage embryos. The results were confirmed in experimental replicates applied to separate embryo pools of each embryo stage. These results demonstrate that transcripts encoding seven AQP gene products are detectable during murine preimplantation development. These findings predict that AQPs may function as conduits for trophectoderm fluid transport during blastocyst formation

    Ant colonies: building complex organizations with minuscule brains and no leaders

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    Thus far the articles in the series JOD calls the “Organization Zoo” have employed the notion of a “zoo” metaphorically to describe an array of human institutions. Here we take the term literally to consider the design of the most complex organizations in the living world beside those of humans, a favorite of insect zoos around the world: ant colonies. We consider individuality and group identity in the functioning of ant organizations; advantages of a flat organization without hierarchies or leaders; self-organization; direct and indirect communication; job specialization; labor coordination; and the role of errors in innovation. The likely value and limitations of comparing ant and human organizations are briefly examined

    Cosmic Ray Rejection and Readout Efficiency for Large-Area Arrays

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    We present an algorithm to optimally process uniformly sampled array image data obtained with a nondestructive readout. The algorithm discards full wells, removes cosmic ray (particle) hits and other glitches, and makes a nearly optimum estimate of the signal on each pixel. The algorithm also compresses the data. The computer requirements are modest, and the results are robust. The results are shown and compared to results of Fowler sampled and processed data. Non-ideal detector performance may require some additional code, but this is not expected to cost much processing time. Known types of detector faults are addressed.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in the PAS

    The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope: Instrument and Data Characteristics

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    The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT) was flown as part of the Astro observatory on the Space Shuttle Columbia in December 1990 and again on the Space Shuttle Endeavor in March 1995. Ultraviolet (1200-3300 Angstroms) images of a variety of astronomical objects, with a 40 arcmin field of view and a resolution of about 3 arcsec, were recorded on photographic film. The data recorded during the first flight are available to the astronomical community through the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC); the data recorded during the second flight will soon be available as well. This paper discusses in detail the design, operation, data reduction, and calibration of UIT, providing the user of the data with information for understanding and using the data. It also provides guidelines for analyzing other astronomical imagery made with image intensifiers and photographic film.Comment: 44 pages, LaTeX, AAS preprint style and EPSF macros, accepted by PAS

    Ultraviolet Signposts of Resonant Dynamics in the Starburst-Ringed Sab Galaxy, M94 (NGC 4736)

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    M94 (NGC 4736) is investigated using images from the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (FUV-band), Hubble Space Telescope (NUV-band), Kitt Peak 0.9-m telescope (H-alpha, R, and I bands), and Palomar 5-m telescope (B-band), along with spectra from the International Ultraviolet Explorer and Lick 1-m telescopes. The wide-field UIT image shows FUV emission from (a) an elongated nucleus, (b) a diffuse inner disk, where H-alpha is observed in absorption, (c) a bright inner ring of H II regions at the perimeter of the inner disk (R = 48 arcsec. = 1.1 kpc), and (d) two 500-pc size knots of hot stars exterior to the ring on diametrically opposite sides of the nucleus (R= 130 arcsec. = 2.9 kpc). The HST/FOC image resolves the NUV emission from the nuclear region into a bright core and a faint 20 arcsec. long ``mini-bar'' at a position angle of 30 deg. Optical and IUE spectroscopy of the nucleus and diffuse inner disk indicates an approximately 10^7 or 10^8 yr-old stellar population from low-level starbirth activity blended with some LINER activity. Analysis of the H-alpha, FUV, NUV, B, R, and I-band emission along with other observed tracers of stars and gas in M94 indicates that most of the star formation is being orchestrated via ring-bar dynamics involving the nuclear mini-bar, inner ring, oval disk, and outer ring. The inner starburst ring and bi-symmetric knots at intermediate radius, in particular, argue for bar-mediated resonances as the primary drivers of evolution in M94 at the present epoch. Similar processes may be governing the evolution of the ``core-dominated'' galaxies that have been observed at high redshift. The gravitationally-lensed ``Pretzel Galaxy'' (0024+1654) at a redshift of approximately 1.5 provides an important precedent in this regard.Comment: revised figure 1 (corrected coordinate labels on declination axis); 19 pages of text + 19 figures (jpg files); accepted for publication in A

    The North Ecliptic Pole Wide survey of AKARI: a near- and mid-infrared source catalog

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    We present a photometric catalog of infrared (IR) sources based on the North Ecliptic PoleWide field (NEP-Wide) survey of AKARI, which is an infrared space telescope launched by Japan. The NEP-Wide survey covered 5.4 deg2 area, a nearly circular shape centered on the North Ecliptic Pole, using nine photometric filter-bands from 2 - 25 {\mu}m of the Infrared Camera (IRC). Extensive efforts were made to reduce possible false objects due to cosmic ray hits, multiplexer bleeding phenomena around bright sources, and other artifacts. The number of detected sources varied depending on the filter band: with about 109,000 sources being cataloged in the near-IR bands at 2 - 5 {\mu}m, about 20,000 sources in the shorter parts of the mid-IR bands between 7 - 11 {\mu}m, and about 16,000 sources in the longer parts of the mid-IR bands, with \sim 4,000 sources at 24 {\mu}m. The estimated 5? detection limits are approximately 21 magnitude (mag) in the 2 - 5 {\mu}m bands, 19.5 - 19 mag in the 7 - 11 {\mu}m, and 18.8 - 18.5 mag in the 15 - 24 {\mu}m bands in the AB magnitude scale. The completenesses for those bands were evaluated as a function of magnitude: the 50% completeness limits are about 19.8 mag at 3 {\mu}m, 18.6 mag at 9 {\mu}m, and 18 mag at 18 {\mu}m band, respectively. To construct a reliable source catalog, all of the detected sources were examined by matching them with those in other wavelength data, including optical and ground-based near-IR bands. The final band-merged catalog contains about 114,800 sources detected in the IRC filter bands. The properties of the sources are presented in terms of the distributions in various color-color diagrams.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 23 pages, 27 figure