48 research outputs found

    Optimum design considerations of a gust alleviator for aircraft

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    A gust alleviation system for aircraft flying in turbulent air was analyzed. A vane sensor (with noise) was used to measure vertical gusts, and elevators and flaps were used to reduce the root-mean-square value of the normal accelerations associated with the aircraft response to gusts. Since turbulence has stochastic properties, stochastic control theory was used in the analysis. A quadratic performance-index function involving normal acceleration and control deflections was minimized. Application of the analysis was illustrated by a short take-off and landing (STOL) airplane in flight through turbulent air. Effects of varying the noise characteristics of the vane sensor and of a weighting matrix in the performance-index function were determined. Calculations were performed as required by stochastic control theory to obtain the root-mean-square response of the airplane to turbulence. Results show that good alleviation was calculated when the intensity of the measurement noise was about 3.6 percent of the vane deflection angles

    Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 45 Degree Swept-wing Fighter-Airplane Model and Aerodynamic Loads on Adjacent Stores and Missiles at Mach Numbers of 1.57, 1.87, 2.16, and 2.53

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    An investigation was performed in the Langley Unitary Plan wind tunnel to determine the aerodynamic characteristics of a model of a 450 swept-wing fighter airplane, and to determine the loads on attached stores and detached missiles in the presence of the model. Also included was a determination of aileron-spoiler effectiveness, aileron hinge moments, and the effects of wing modifications on model aerodynamic characteristics. Tests were performed at Mach numbers of 1.57, 1.87, 2.16, and 2.53. The Reynolds numbers for the tests, based on the mean aerodynamic chord of the wing, varied from about 0.9 x 10(exp 6) to 5 x 10(exp 6). The results are presented with minimum analysis

    In vivo confocal Raman microspectroscopy of the skin: Noninvasive determination of molecular concentration profiles

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    Confocal Raman spectroscopy is introduced as a noninvasive in vivo optical method to measure molecular concentration profiles in the skin. It is shown how it can be applied to determine the water concentration in the stratum corneum as a function of distance to the skin surface, with a depth resolution of 5 mum. The resulting in vivo concentration profiles are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with published data, obtained by in vitro X-ray microanalysis of skin samples. Semi-quantitative concentration profiles were determined for the major constituents of natural moisturizing factor (serine, glycine, pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid, arginine, ornithine, citrulline, alanine, histidine, urocanic acid) and for the sweat constituents lactate and urea. A detailed description is given of the signal analysis methodology that enables the extraction of this information from the skin Raman spectra. No other noninvasive in vivo method exists that enables an analysis of skin molecular composition as a function of distance to the skin surface with similar detail and spatial resolution. Therefore, it may be expected that in vivo confocal Raman spectroscopy will find many applications in basic and applied dermatologic research

    Emotional Speech Perception Unfolding in Time: The Role of the Basal Ganglia

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    The basal ganglia (BG) have repeatedly been linked to emotional speech processing in studies involving patients with neurodegenerative and structural changes of the BG. However, the majority of previous studies did not consider that (i) emotional speech processing entails multiple processing steps, and the possibility that (ii) the BG may engage in one rather than the other of these processing steps. In the present study we investigate three different stages of emotional speech processing (emotional salience detection, meaning-related processing, and identification) in the same patient group to verify whether lesions to the BG affect these stages in a qualitatively different manner. Specifically, we explore early implicit emotional speech processing (probe verification) in an ERP experiment followed by an explicit behavioral emotional recognition task. In both experiments, participants listened to emotional sentences expressing one of four emotions (anger, fear, disgust, happiness) or neutral sentences. In line with previous evidence patients and healthy controls show differentiation of emotional and neutral sentences in the P200 component (emotional salience detection) and a following negative-going brain wave (meaning-related processing). However, the behavioral recognition (identification stage) of emotional sentences was impaired in BG patients, but not in healthy controls. The current data provide further support that the BG are involved in late, explicit rather than early emotional speech processing stages

    Consumer and Business Barriers to Household Food Waste Solutions

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    An estimated 35.3 million tons of food waste are landfilled each year in the United States, causing negative environmental, economic, and social impacts and almost half of that waste is from households (US EPA, 2017). To meet EPA goals for landfill diversion of food waste, the material can be captured as a resource and re-used through methods such as composting. However, participation in household food waste collection programs is lacking; there is a need to understand the interplay between the individuals’ responsible for providing the waste stream and the pickup services providing the infrastructure to collect and manage the separated material. This dissertation serves to fill this gap through three steps. First, the Theory of Planned Behavior is used to identify the important factors and beliefs that influence individuals’ intention to separate household food waste. Then, semi-structured interviews provide an in-depth analysis of the challenges and operations food waste pickup services face from the entrepreneurs themselves. Finally, the first comprehensive review of food waste pickup services was completed to establish their attributes, like price, and compare them with the preferences of consumers. The findings will provide missing information and identify the barriers and opportunities that stakeholders, municipal and industry alike, can use to support participation in landfill diversion of household food waste through growth and development of food waste pickup services