77 research outputs found

    Cultural Landscape Development through 5500 Years at Lake Skånsø, Northwestern Jutland as Reflected in a Regional Pollen Diagram

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    Cultural Landscape Development through 5500 Years at Lake Skånsø, Northwestern Jutland as Reflected in a Regional Pollen Diagra

    Klimadebatten - det geologiske perspektiv

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    Det geologiske tidsperspektiv og geologiske data har for alvor slået igennem i klimadebatten. Dette afsløres bl.a. gennem den stigende vægt, der lægges på palæoklima i rapporterne fra IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Den seneste og fjerde rapport fra 2007 rummer således et helt selvstændigt kapitel om palæoklima på ikke mindre end 60 sider. Størst opmærksomhed er der lige nu på geologiske analoger, på drivhusgasser i fortiden samt på tidsserier med høj opløsning

    Laser-Induced Porcine Model of Experimental Retinal Vein Occlusion:An Optimized Reproducible Approach

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    Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is a frequent visually disabling condition. The management of RVO continues to challenge clinicians. Macular edema secondary to RVO is often recurrent, and patients typically require intravitreal injections for several years. Understanding molecular mechanisms in RVO is a key element in improving the treatment of the condition. Studying the molecular mechanisms in RVO at the retinal level is possible using animal models of experimental RVO. Most studies of experimental RVO have been sporadic, using only a few animals per experiment. Here, we report on 10 years of experience of the use of argon laser-induced experimental RVO in 108 porcine eyes from 65 animals, including 65 eyes with experimental branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) and 43 eyes with experimental central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO). Reproducibility and methods for evaluating and controlling ischemia in experimental RVO are reviewed. Methods for studying protein changes in RVO are discussed in detail, including proteomic analysis, Western blotting, and immunohistochemistry. Experimental RVO has brought significant insights into molecular changes in RVO. Testing intravitreal interventions in experimental RVO may be a significant step in developing personalized therapeutic approaches for patients with RVO

    Dissolved Inorganic Geogenic Phosphorus Load to a Groundwater-Fed Lake: Implications of Terrestrial Phosphorus Cycling by Groundwater

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    The general perception has long been that lake eutrophication is driven by anthropogenic sources of phosphorus (P) and that P is immobile in the subsurface and in aquifers. Combined investigation of the current water and P budgets of a 70 ha lake (Nørresø, Fyn, Denmark) in a clayey till-dominated landscape and of the lake’s Holocene trophic history demonstrates a potential significance of geogenic (natural) groundwater-borne P. Nørresø receives water from nine streams, a groundwater-fed spring located on a small island, and precipitation. The lake loses water by evaporation and via a single outlet. Monthly measurements of stream, spring, and outlet discharge, and of tracers in the form of temperature, δ18O and δ2H of water, and water chemistry were conducted. The tracers indicated that the lake receives groundwater from an underlying regional confined glaciofluvial sand aquifer via the spring and one of the streams. In addition, the lake receives a direct groundwater input (estimated as the water balance residual) via the lake bed, as supported by the artesian conditions of underlying strata observed in piezometers installed along the lake shore and in wells tapping the regional confined aquifer. The groundwater in the regional confined aquifer was anoxic, ferrous, and contained 4–5 µmol/L dissolved inorganic orthophosphate (DIP). Altogether, the data indicated that groundwater contributes from 64% of the water-borne external DIP loading to the lake, and up to 90% if the DIP concentration of the spring, as representative for the average DIP of the regional confined aquifer, is assigned to the estimated groundwater input. In support, paleolimnological data retrieved from sediment cores indicated that Nørresø was never P-poor, even before the introduction of agriculture at 6000 years before present. Accordingly, groundwater-borne geogenic phosphorus can have an important influence on the trophic state of recipient surface water ecosystems, and groundwater-borne P can be a potentially important component of the terrestrial P cycle

    Holocene ice marginal fluctuations of the Qassimiut lobe in South Greenland

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    Knowledge about the Holocene evolution of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) is important to put the recent observations of ice loss into a longer-term perspective. In this study, we use six new threshold lake records supplemented with two existing lake records to reconstruct the Holocene ice marginal fluctuations of the Qassimiut lobe (QL) – one of the most dynamic parts of the GrIS in South Greenland. Times when the ice margin was close to present extent are characterized by clastic input from the glacier meltwater, whereas periods when the ice margin was behind its present day extent comprise organic-rich sediments. We find that the overall pattern suggests that the central part of the ice lobe in low-lying areas experienced the most prolonged ice retreat from ~9–0.4 cal. ka BP, whereas the more distal parts of the ice lobe at higher elevation re-advanced and remained close to the present extent during the Neoglacial between ~4.4 and 1.8 cal. ka BP. These results demonstrate that the QL was primarily driven by Holocene climate changes, but also emphasises the role of local topography on the ice marginal fluctuations

    Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant Is Active at the Molecular Level Eight Weeks after Implantation in Experimental Central Retinal Vein Occlusion

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    Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) is a visually disabling condition resulting from a thrombus in the major outflow vessel of the eye. The inflammatory response in CRVO is effectively treated with a dexamethasone (DEX) intravitreal implant. Uncovering the proteome changes following DEX implant intervention in CRVO may identify key proteins that mediate the beneficial effects of DEX. In six Göttingen minipigs, CRVO was induced in both eyes with an argon laser using a well-established experimental model. The right eyes were treated with a DEX intravitreal implant (Ozurdex, Allergan), while the left control eyes received a sham injection. Eight weeks after DEX intervention, retinal samples were collected and analyzed with tandem mass tag-based mass spectrometry. DEX implant intervention resulted in the upregulation of peptidyl-prolyl cis–trans isomerase FKBP5 (FKBP5) and ubiquilin-4. Immunohistochemistry showed expression of FKBP5 in the nuclei in all cellular layers of the retina. Cell adhesion molecule 3, tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 16, and trans-1,2-dihydrobenzene-1,2-diol dehydrogenase were downregulated following DEX intervention. The upregulation of the corticosteroid-sensitive protein FKBP5 suggests that the implant remained active at the molecular level after eight weeks of treatment. Future studies may investigate if FKBP5 regulates the efficacy and duration of the DEX implant

    Dissolved Inorganic Geogenic Phosphorus Load to a Groundwater-Fed Lake: Implications of Terrestrial Phosphorus Cycling by Groundwater

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    The general perception has long been that lake eutrophication is driven by anthropogenic sources of phosphorus (P) and that P is immobile in the subsurface and in aquifers. Combined investigation of the current water and P budgets of a 70 ha lake (Nørresø, Fyn, Denmark) in a clayey till-dominated landscape and of the lake’s Holocene trophic history demonstrates a potential significance of geogenic (natural) groundwater-borne P. Nørresø receives water from nine streams, a groundwater-fed spring located on a small island, and precipitation. The lake loses water by evaporation and via a single outlet. Monthly measurements of stream, spring, and outlet discharge, and of tracers in the form of temperature, δ18O and δ2H of water, and water chemistry were conducted. The tracers indicated that the lake receives groundwater from an underlying regional confined glaciofluvial sand aquifer via the spring and one of the streams. In addition, the lake receives a direct groundwater input (estimated as the water balance residual) via the lake bed, as supported by the artesian conditions of underlying strata observed in piezometers installed along the lake shore and in wells tapping the regional confined aquifer. The groundwater in the regional confined aquifer was anoxic, ferrous, and contained 4–5 µmol/L dissolved inorganic orthophosphate (DIP). Altogether, the data indicated that groundwater contributes from 64% of the water-borne external DIP loading to the lake, and up to 90% if the DIP concentration of the spring, as representative for the average DIP of the regional confined aquifer, is assigned to the estimated groundwater input. In support, paleolimnological data retrieved from sediment cores indicated that Nørresø was never P-poor, even before the introduction of agriculture at 6000 years before present. Accordingly, groundwater-borne geogenic phosphorus can have an important influence on the trophic state of recipient surface water ecosystems, and groundwater-borne P can be a potentially important component of the terrestrial P cycle

    Holocene changes in vegetation composition in northern Europe: why quantitative pollen-based vegetation reconstructions matter

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    International audienceWe present pollen-based reconstructions of the spatio-temporal dynamics of northern European regional vegetation abundance through the Holocene. We apply the Regional Estimates of VEgetation Abundance from Large Sites (REVEALS) model using fossil pollen records from eighteen sites within five modern biomes in the region. The eighteen sites are classified into four time-trajectory types on the basis of principal components analysis of both the REVEALS-based vegetation estimates (RVs) and the pollen percentage (PPs). The four trajectory types are more clearly separated for RVs than PPs. Further, the timing of major Holocene shifts, rates of compositional change, and diversity indices (turnover and evenness) differ between RVs and PPs. The differences are due to the reduction by REVEALS of biases in fossil pollen assemblages caused by different basin size, and inter-taxonomic differences in pollen productivity and dispersal properties. For example, in comparison to the PPs, the RVs show an earlier increase in Corylus and Ulmus in the early-Holocene and a more pronounced increase in grassland and deforested areas since the mid-Holocene. The results suggest that the influence of deforestation and agricultural activities on plant composition and abundance from Neolithic times was stronger than previously inferred from PPs. Relative to PPs, RVs show a more rapid compositional change, a largest decrease in turnover, and less variable evenness in most of northern Europe since 5200 cal yr BP. All these changes are primarily related to the strong impact of human activities on the vegetation. This study demonstrates that RV-based estimates of diversity indices, timing of shifts, and rates of change in reconstructed vegetation provide new insights into the timing and magnitude of major humandisturbance on Holocene regional vegetation, features that are critical in the assessment of humanimpact on vegetation, land-cover, biodiversity, and climate in the past

    A Televised, Web-Based Randomised Trial of an Herbal Remedy (Valerian) for Insomnia

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    BACKGROUND: This trial was conducted as part of a project that aims to enhance public understanding and use of research in decisions about healthcare by enabling viewers to participate in research and to follow the process, through television reports and on the web. Valerian is an herbal over-the-counter drug that is widely used for insomnia. Systematic reviews have found inconsistent and inconclusive results about its effects. METHODS: Participants were recruited through a weekly nationally televised health program in Norway. Enrolment and data collection were over the Internet. 405 participants who were 18 to 75 years old and had insomnia completed a two week diary-keeping run-in period without treatment and were randomised and mailed valerian or placebo tablets for two weeks. All participants and investigators were blind to treatment until after the analysis was completed. FINDINGS: For the primary outcome of a minimally important improvement in self-reported sleep quality (> or = 0.5 units on a 7 point scale), the difference between the valerian group (29%) and the placebo group (21%) was not statistically significant (difference 7.5%; 95% CI-0.9 to 15.9; p = 0.08). On the global self-assessment question at the end of the treatment period 5.5% (95% CI 0.2 to 10.8) more participants in the valerian group perceived their sleep as better or much better (p = 0.04). There were similar trends favouring the valerian group for night awakenings (difference = 6.0%, 95% CI-0.5 to 12.5) and sleep duration (difference = 7.5%, 95% CI-1.0 to 16.1). There were no serious adverse events and no important or statistically significant differences in minor adverse events. INTERPRETATION: Based on this and previous studies, valerian appears to be safe, but with modest beneficial effects at most on insomnia compared to placebo. The combined use of television and the Internet in randomised trials offers opportunities to answer questions about the effects of health care interventions and to improve public understanding and use of randomised trials. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN72748991
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