10 research outputs found

    Optical Signal Processing for Manipulating and Characterizing Time-Frequency Entangled Photons.

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    Time-frequency entangled photons ( biphotons ) exhibit joint spectral and temporal correlations that are unattainable with classical light. Besides being deployed for tests of quantum nonlocality, these photonic states are desirable for a unique range of applications that can significantly impact communications and computation. In this dissertation, we describe novel schemes based on spectral and temporal domain processing for manipulating and characterizing broadband biphotons. Implementing frequency-dependent filters, first, we present and demonstrate a technique for controlling the relative delay between a pair of entangled photons, relying on pump frequency tuning and the quantum concept of nonlocal dispersion cancellation. Next, we demonstrate near-field frequency-to-time mapping, a technique adopted from classical photonics, for arbitrary control of biphoton temporal correlations. Subsequently, we generate temporal correlation trains by creating biphoton frequency combs through programmable spectral amplitude shaping and demonstrate the temporal Talbot effect with entangled photons for the first time. Moreover, in the absence of fast single-photon detectors, we show how electro-optic phase modulation (originally a time-dependent operation) can be used to examine the coherence of biphoton frequency combs. Lastly, we introduce a scheme based on electro-optic intensity modulation, another time-domain operation, for improving the resolution in biphoton temporal correlation measurements. Overall, our body of work could provide additional insight into the manipulation and characterization of biphoton states, as well as contribute towards the improvement of quantum technologies

    Characterization of Coherent Quantum Frequency Combs Using Electro-Optic Phase Modulation

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    We demonstrate a two-photon interference experiment for phase coherent biphoton frequency combs (BFCs), created through spectral amplitude filtering of biphotons with a continuous broadband spectrum. By using an electro-optic phase modulator, we project the BFC lines into sidebands that overlap in frequency. The resulting high-visibility interference patterns provide an approach to verify frequency-bin entanglement even with slow single-photon detectors; we show interference patterns with visibilities that surpass the classical threshold for qubit and qutrit states. Additionally, we show that with entangled qutrits, two-photon interference occurs even with projections onto different final frequency states. Finally,we showthe versatility of this scheme for weak-light measurements by performing a series of two-dimensional experiments at different signal-idler frequency offsets to measure the dispersion of a single-mode fiber

    Persistent energy–time entanglement covering multiple resonances of an on-chip biphoton frequency comb

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    We investigate the time-frequency signatures of an on-chip biphoton frequency comb (BFC) generated from a silicon nitride microring resonator. Using a Franson interferometer, we examine the multifrequency nature of the photon pair source in a time entanglement measurement scheme; having multiple frequency modes from the BFC results in a modulation of the interference pattern. This measurement together with a Schmidt mode decomposition shows that the generated continuous variable energy–time entangled state spans multiple pair-wise modes. Additionally, we demonstrate nonlocal dispersion cancellation, a foundational concept in time–energy entanglement, suggesting the potential of the chip-scale BFC for large-alphabet quantum key distribution

    High-speed switching of biphoton delays through electro-optic pump frequency modulation

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    The realization of high-speed tunable delay control has received significant attention in the scene of classical photonics. In quantum optics, however, such rapid delay control systems for entangled photons have remained undeveloped. Here for the first time, we demonstrate rapid (2.5 MHz) modulation of signal-idler arrival times through electro-optic pump frequency modulation. Our technique applies the quantum phenomenon of nonlocal dispersion cancellation along with pump frequency tuning to control the relative delay between photon pairs. Chirped fiber Bragg gratings are employed to provide large amounts of dispersion which result in biphoton delays exceeding 30 ns. This rapid delay modulation scheme could be useful for on-demand single-photon distribution in addition to quantum versions of pulse position modulation

    50-Ghz-Spaced Comb of High-Dimensional Frequency-Bin Entangled Photons from an On-Chip Silicon Nitride Microresonator

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    Quantum frequency combs from chip-scale integrated sources are promising candidates for scalable and robust quantum information processing (QIP). However, to use these quantum combs for frequency domain QIP, demonstration of entanglement in the frequency basis, showing that the entangled photons are in a coherent superposition of multiple frequency bins, is required. We present a verification of qubit and qutrit frequency-bin entanglement using an on-chip quantum frequency comb with 40 mode pairs, through a two-photon interference measurement that is based on electro-optic phase modulation. Our demonstrations provide an important contribution in establishing integrated optical microresonators as a source for high-dimensional frequency-bin encoded quantum computing, as well as dense quantum key distribution