878 research outputs found
Domestic Violence: Causes
When conversing about domestic abuse, it can appear to be a sensitive or sort of dark topic. Although it is likely to be a disheartening case, it is important to proceed with empathy and decency. Domestic abuse is not as uncommon as it seems. So therefore it is best for readers and the general public to fully understand what domestic abuse truly is, what effects it has on a human being - emotionally, physically, and mentally-, and what are the causes of these harmful situations. DA can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is being used to either gain or maintain power and/or control over their intimate partner. It can be identified as anything physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, and economic threats or sort of action that can impact or affect another person
Natural convection in a laterally heated cylindrical enclosure
A numerical study on the natural convection of small Prandtl number fluid in a cylindrical enclosure with lateral heating has been performed by a combination of second order time-splitting and pseudo –spectral methods. The basic state and its stability is analyzed in a horizontal cylindrical cavity of finite length H and radius R H/2R 2. The effects Rayleigh number and aspect ratio (length/diameter) on the nature and origin of instabilities are investigated
Las relaciones Estado-Cooperativa: Un reto ante la globalización
La globalización neoliberal, debido a las consecuencias nefastas que descarga sobre la inmensa
mayoría del planeta ha condicionado la búsqueda de vías que sirvan de paliativo a las condiciones
que impone tanto en el plano económico como social. Una de estas alternativas es la Economía
Social, Solidaria o del Trabajo, como se le ha dado en llamar, y principalmente su núcleo
fundamental: las cooperativas.
El cooperativismo ha desplegado un auge considerable en todo el planeta, mostrando logros
indiscutibles y fortalezas para hacer frente a la actual situación, sin embargo en su eficiencia y
eficacia socioeconómicas, en nuestra opinión, influyen dos aspectos esenciales: el uso adecuado de
los recursos materiales, financieros y humanos y la necesidad de perfeccionar sus relaciones con el
Desde el propio surgimiento de las cooperativas sus relaciones con el Estado se presentan como un
tema sumamente controvertido. Algunos autores consideran que es una relación contradictoria,
consustancial al movimiento cooperativo europeo que nació y se desarrolló como una respuesta al
capitalismo y a los gobiernos que lo representaron en cada país. Esta contradicción ha estado dada por
el hecho de que los Principios y Valores del Cooperativismo reniegan abiertamente al lucro, al
individualismo, la polarización y la injusticia social congénitos al capitalismo. El movimiento
cooperativo, en un contexto donde la Globalización Neoliberal es el sello que distingue al sistema de
relaciones que domina en la mayor parte del mundo, emerge como una alternativa de desarrollo a
pesar de los escollos externos que lo entorpecen. Uno de los retos que en la actualidad tiene ante sí el
movimiento cooperativo para su despliegue y florecimiento, es precisamente, el redimensionamiento
de sus relaciones con el Estado, lo cual será abordado en nuestro trabajo
Cancel Culture\u27s Impact on Brand Reputation
Cancel culture is becoming a relevant topic for public relations practitioners because of its negative impact on brand reputation. When brands do or support a wrongful action, consumers involved in cancel culture will use this as a reason to boycott a brand. This thesis aims to answer four research questions: (1) What are some key social media trends for brands that encounter cancel culture, (2) How do audiences, who engage in cancel culture, respond to brands that face cancel culture, (3) What do consumers\u27 emotional responses tell us about their relationship with the brand, and (4) What can brands learn from listening to consumers\u27 suggestive responses online. In this context, this thesis will focus on this definition of cancel culture: a new social media phenomenon aiming to boycott people, companies and systems for misaligning with social values.
A case study on Goya Foods was used to answer these research questions along with a mixed-method approach. Focusing on the brand, social listening was conducted to learn about what consumers said about Goya in online conversations and identify their sentiment of the brand\u27s overall actions. This was followed by content and thematic analysis conducted on 200 Twitter tweets using various hashtags. The results revealed that the consumers held negative sentiment toward the brand as well as showed various negative emotions when engaging in the act of canceling the brand which led to Goya\u27s overall negative reputation.Based on these results, it is recommended for brands to take some sort of image restoration strategy to fix their reputation and relationship with their publics. It is also recommended for brands to listen to their publics\u27 responses to prevent further damage from cancel culture
Comunicación educativa : esencia del aprendizaje en el contexto actual de la educación superior
La enseñanza tiene como uno de sus propósitos fundamentales la transmisión de
información mediante la comunicación. Esta acción busca dejar una huella en el sujeto
que aprende e influirlo de alguna manera, ya sea en forma de conocimientos o en forma
de habilidades y actitudes.
En tal sentido, la comunicación es un elemento clave para el desarrollo de todo individuo,
y para el perfeccionamiento de los otros. La comunicación que se produce dentro del
proceso de aprendizaje, como mecanismo de trasmisión de conocimientos, habilidades y
actitudes debe lograr, a través de métodos y formas activas de enseñanza una dinámica
individual y colectiva, un clima favorable, promoviendo el diálogo y el trabajo
colaborativo docente-estudiante y estudiante-estudiante en el proceso de construcción del
El proceso de comunicación educativa adquiere caracteres especiales en los estudios
superiores, en tanto debe fomentar la formación de habilidades comunicativas en función
de la ciencia y los contextos de actuación – formación profesional.
Este artículo tiene como propósito reflexionar en torno a las bases teóricas, conceptuales,
que contribuyen al desarrollo de conocimiento en torno al campo de la comunicación
educativa, especialmente a partir del abordaje del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que
tiene lugar en la enseñanza superior. Para lo cual se realizó una investigación de alcance
descriptivo, no experimental y transeccional
Natural convection in a laterally heated cylindrical enclosure
A numerical study on the natural convection of small Prandtl number fluid in a cylindrical enclosure with lateral heating has been performed by a combination of second order time-splitting and pseudo –spectral methods. The basic state and its stability is analyzed in a horizontal cylindrical cavity of finite length H and radius R H/2R 2. The effects Rayleigh number and aspect ratio (length/diameter) on the nature and origin of instabilities are investigated
Molecular Tools in Buffalo's Characterization: Practical Applications. A Review
The utility of the techniques of analysis concerning DNA is clear and a review of the main applications of themolecular tools in the genetic characterization of buffalo populations is done
Digital competence of the university student. A systematic and bibliographic update
Society has experienced an essential technological revolution in recent decades, generating significant repercussions in the educational field, especially in higher education. This technological evolution demands the development of digital skills that allow us to face problems and situations in this environment.
In this sense, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have attached great importance to the training in digital skills of university students in their academic policies. Digital competence implies the knowledge, abilities, skills, and attitudes necessary to access, analyze, evaluate, reflect critically, create, and communicate in four key areas: technological, informational, multimedia, and communicative.
The objective of this article is to analyze documents related to the digital competencies of university students. To achieve this, a descriptive bibliometric study was carried out. Among the conclusions, the need to strengthen the training in digital skills of university students is highlighted so that they can take advantage of the communication tools available in the knowledge society
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