138 research outputs found

    Arabic Dialect Texts Classification

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    This study investigates how to classify Arabic dialects in text by extracting features which show the differences between dialects. There has been a lack of research about classification of Arabic dialect texts, in comparison to English and some other languages, due to the lack of Arabic dialect text corpora in comparison with what is available for dialects of English and some other languages. What is more, there is an increasing use of Arabic dialects in social media, so this text is now considered quite appropriate as a medium of communication and as a source of a corpus. We collected tweets from Twitter, comments from Facebook and online newspapers from five groups of Arabic dialects: Gulf, Iraqi, Egyptian, Levantine, and North African. The research sought to: 1) create a dataset of Arabic dialect texts to use in training and testing the system of classification, 2) find appropriate features to classify Arabic dialects: lexical (word and multi-word-unit) and grammatical variation across dialects, 3) build a more sophisticated filter to extract features from Arabic-character written dialect text files. In this thesis, the first part describes the research motivation to show the reason for choosing the Arabic dialects as a research topic. The second part presents some background information about the Arabic language and its dialects, and the literature review shows previous research about this subject. The research methodology part shows the initial experiment to classify Arabic dialects. The results of this experiment showed the need to create an Arabic dialect text corpus, by exploring Twitter and online newspaper. The corpus used to train the ensemble classifier and to improve the accuracy of classification the corpus was extended by collecting tweets from Twitter based on the spatial coordinate points and comments from Facebook posts. The corpus was annotated with dialect labels and used in automatic dialect classification experiments. The last part of this thesis presents the results of classification, conclusions and future work


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    Teacher competency must be improved through developing themselves in developing higher quality learning tools. Collaboration in learning is one of the efforts to create a culture of learning, including through lesson study. The purpose of lesson study is an effort to develop competence in the teacher learning community in a school as a medium for sharing good experiences in order to obtain quality learning. The lesson study stage consists of plan-do-see, where the implementation begins with planning collaborative learning, then carrying out the learning and reflecting on the results that have been implemented to find out the advantages and disadvantages. The results obtained from implementing lesson study are in accordance with the teacher's goal of becoming enlightened to further improve self-competence and improve the quality of the learning process so that it can have an impact on increasing the quality of student graduates

    Variation of some biochemical markers of stress in six (06) chilli cultivars (Capsicum spp) under water deficit conditions at the flowering and fruiting stages of their development

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    In Togo, pockets of drought at unexpected periods in crop cycles constitute a major obstacle for the peppers cultivation. The study aims to assess water deficit tolerance of six (06) chilli cultivars which differ by their physiology and their importance value index, at the flowering and fruiting stage of their development. The test was carried out in 10 L vegetation pots in a greenhouse using an experimental split-plot device. The plants are irrigated by successive weighing of the pots, at a period of 3 days, during which the controls are irrigated at 70 % of the useful water reserve (UWR), while the stressed treatments maintain restriction of water content to 30 % of the UWR. At the end of the water shortage cycle, proline, total chlorophylls and malondialdehyde were assayed by spectrophotometry. The results show a better level of tolerance of the cultivars Gobi, Tongor, ICRAD-I and ICRAD-III with a strong accumulation of proline and weak malondialdehyde, as well as a weak degradation of chlorophyll pigments, unlike the cultivars Adibolo and Gboyébéssé. These results are useful for effective crop monitoring of chilli and for a better planning of an irrigation program. Keywords: Chili; drought; tolerance; biochemical markers; Togo


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    Teacher competency must be improved through developing themselves in developing higher quality learning tools. Collaboration in learning is one of the efforts to create a culture of learning, including through lesson study. The purpose of lesson study is an effort to develop competence in the teacher learning community in a school as a medium for sharing good experiences in order to obtain quality learning. The lesson study stage consists of plan-do-see, where the implementation begins with planning collaborative learning, then carrying out the learning and reflecting on the results that have been implemented to find out the advantages and disadvantages. The results obtained from implementing lesson study are in accordance with the teacher's goal of becoming enlightened to further improve self-competence and improve the quality of the learning process so that it can have an impact on increasing the quality of student graduates

    Effet de différentes modalités de stress hydrique sur la production et la teneur en éléments minéraux du gombo [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]

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    Dans le but de tester diverses modalités de gestion de l’eau dans la production du gombo [<i>Abelmoschus esculentus</i> (L.) Moench], des plants ont été soumis après 20 jours de culture irriguée à des périodes de stress hydrique de durée variable (10, 25 jours et 5 cycles de stress de 3 jours et de réhydratation de 3 jours). La production de la biomasse des tiges et des feuilles, le rendement en fruits ainsi que la teneur en éléments minéraux (N P K) des plants ont été déterminés. Les résultats obtenus indiquent qu’un stress de courte durée stimule la production de la biomasse des parties aériennes après réhydratation et n’affecte pas le rendement en fruits. Un stress prolongé réduit la biomasse des parties aériennes mais accélère la floraison, tandis que le rendement en fruits reste particulièrement bas après réhydratation. Les plantes périodiquement stressées ont une biomasse élevée mais leur rendement en fruits est faible. La teneur des fruits en azote est élevée chez toutes les plantes soumises au stress hydrique.Mots clés : Gombo, déficit hydrique, réhydratation, biomasse, rendement

    Saudi-American relations 1968-78 : a study in ambiguity

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    The decade 1968-78 saw three major developments inMiddle East politics these were the Arab defeat in theSix-Day War in 1967, the British withdrawal from East ofSuez in 1971 and the Yom Kippur War of 1973 These eventsstimulated the United States increasingly to involve itselfin regional politics in an attempt to maintain stabilityand continued access to oil As a major oil producer andthe one with the largest proven reserves, Saudi Arabiasought to ensure its security by trading oil for Americanassistance.. This thesis examines Saudi-United Statesrelations from the Six-Day War to the Camp David Agreementof 1978 and the collapse of the Shah's regime in Iran andconcludes that Saudi Interests were not obtained but ratherthose of the U.S.. secured. The thesis looks in particularat Saudi security interests, American arms sales and thepolitical tensions produced by the pervasive Arab-Israeliconflict. It draws extensively on official documentation inboth Arabic and English, while recognising the highlypersonal nature of Saudi political reaction to theconstraints and opportunities of the period under review..In the final analysis Saudi leaders paid a very high pricefor a very limited commitment to their own security whilethe U..S.. was able to maintain and enhance its politicalcommitment to the state of Israel

    Moodle and e-learning Tools

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    Ivory Coast - Abidjan: MarketColorVolume 69, Page 1

    Pengaruh konflik dan stress kerja terhadap kinerja: Studi pada karyawan PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk kantor cabang AH. Nasution Bandung

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    Manajemen sebuah perusahaan atau organisasi dituntut untuk mempertahankan pegawai pada produktifitas tinggi serta mengembangkan potensinya agar kinerjanya dapat maksimal. Adapun hal yang mempengaruhi kinerja salah satunya yaitu konflik dan stres kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh konflik (X1) dan stres kerja (X2) terhadap kinerja karyawan PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Kantor Cabang AH. Nasution Bandung. Mangkunegara (2013: 155), konflik adalah suatu pertentangan yang terjadi antara apa yang diharapkan oleh seseorang terhadap dirinya, orang lain, organisasi dengan kenyataan apa yang didapatkanya. Rivai dan Sagala (2013:1008) menyatakan bahwa stres kerja adalah suatu kondisi ketegangan yang menciptakan adanya ketidakseimbangan fisik dan psikis, yang mempengaruhi emosi, proses berpikir, dan kondisi seorang karyawan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Populasi dan sampelnya adalah karyawan PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Kantor Cabang AH. Nasution Bandung. Dari populasi sebanyak 110 dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sample random sampling dan penentuan jumlah sampel berdasarkan pada ketentuan rumus Slovin (Sevilla et. al., 1960: 182) dihasilkan sampel sebanyak 87. Data yang dihasilkan adalah tanggapan responden yang telah ditetapkan sebagai sampel dari kuesioner yang telah disebar. Dari hasil pengolahan data pengaruh Konflik, dan Stres Kerja terhadap Kinerja, dapat diperoleh persamaan sebagai berikut: Y=5.290+(-0,245)X1+(0,215)X2.Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukan bahwa Konflik berpengaruh negatif terhadap Kinerja dibuktikan dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,037 Ftabel = 3,11, dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,001 < 0,05, dan R-square diperoleh sebesar 0,163 atau 16,3%

    O preço de terras na Colônia Içara (1939-1968)

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    Orientador: Cecília Maria WestphalenAutor não autorizou a divulgação do arquivo digitalDissertaçao (mestrado) -Universidade Federal do Paraná. Curso de Pós-Graduaçao em HistóriaInclui referênciasResumo: No presente trabalho é feita a análise dos mecanismos da política dos preços de terras no Paraná, incluindo a legislação competente, a compra e venda e a posse da terra; Foi escolhida, como objeto de estudos, a colónia Içara, criada pelo Governo do Estado, no antigo distrito de Rolândia e município de Londrina, no período de 1939 a 1968. Constitui a primeira experiência oficial de colonização direta e em novos moldes, levada a efeito pelo Governo do Estado, com colonos nacionais, inaugurando uma nova fase na história da colonização no Paraná. Procura-se verificar a experiência realizada através da técnica de amostragem, realçando-se o problema da terra e dando-se ênfase aos preços de terras, bem como fazendo-se um estudo das possibilidades da sua exploração, do sistema de propriedade, dos investimentos realizados e das perspectivas de lucros, do problema da mão-de-obra e dos sistemas de trabalho e de transporte. Levantam-se alguns dos principais problemas de terras no Paraná, focalizam-se as medidas administrativas que deveriam ser aplicadas e formulam-se algumas conclusões
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