473 research outputs found

    El sistema de valores del conquistador guatemalteco a través de las fuentes documentales

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    Matrifocalidad y marginación en la periferia de San Cristóbal de las Casas (Chiapas, México)1

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    The Mexican state of Chiapas —whose troubled sociopolitical and economic situation triggered the 1994 Zapatista uprising— has witnessed a massive displacement of indigenous populations during the last few years. An outcome of regional movement of people has been the appearance of new colonies in the outskirts of the town of San Cristobal de las Casas, especially those formed around the matrifocal family units. For the women in these shanty towns, life in the city has meant loss of family protection, isolation and the development of new survival strategies

    Predicting the Affinity of Peptides to Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II by Scoring Molecular Dynamics Simulations.

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    Predicting the binding affinity of peptides able to interact with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules is a priority for researchers working in the identification of novel vaccines candidates. Most available approaches are based on the analysis of the sequence of peptides of known experimental affinity. However, for MHC class II receptors, these approaches are not very accurate, due to the intrinsic flexibility of the complex. To overcome these limitations, we propose to estimate the binding affinity of peptides bound to an MHC class II by averaging the score of the configurations from finite-temperature molecular dynamics simulations. The score is estimated for 18 different scoring functions, and we explored the optimal manner for combining them. To test the predictions, we considered eight peptides of known binding affinity. We found that six scoring functions correlate with the experimental ranking of the peptides significantly better than the others. We then assessed a set of techniques for combining the scoring functions by linear regression and logistic regression. We obtained a maximum accuracy of 82% for the predicted sign of the binding affinity using a logistic regression with optimized weights. These results are potentially useful to improve the reliability of in silico protocols to design high-affinity binding peptides for MHC class II receptors


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    When an institution needs to evaluate the teaching-learning process then it can be done evaluating the knowledge and skills acquired by the learners or by the self-evaluating the trainers from the students perspective. The qualifications in this context is the main measure to get the metric for evaluation. On the other hand, when there is not a need to acquire a specific knowledge or expertise but when the learners wants to continue learning because he/she enjoys it, wants to keep learning and being active or any other personal motivation, then evaluation becomes a big challenge. This is the case of seniors’ education (citizens over 65 or retired). Which metrics should be used when evaluating institution? how we can know if those institutions are doing the work correctly ? how can the institution increase the quality and effectiveness ? From this need the project QEduSen (supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission) produced an evaluation toolkit

    Protocolos para el funcionamiento de la granja escolar de la vereda la Motuz en el municipio de Paz de Ariporo

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    Matriz FODA, Organigrama, modelo canvas.El presente trabajo se desarrolla con el fin de analizar los protocolos administrativos, financieros, de mercados y técnicos, a través del modelo CANVAS para el funcionamiento de la granja escolar en la escuela Motuz como estrategia de aprendizaje, permitiendo que se generen fortalezas y habilidades en cada uno de los participantes para trabajar en grupo, desarrollando actividades que permita saber el nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes frente a cada una de las actividades a desarrollar y así mismo orientar a los estudiantes para el funcionamiento de la granjaEl presente trabajo se desarrolla con el fin de analizar los protocolos administrativos, financieros, de mercados y técnicos, a través del modelo CANVAS para el funcionamiento de la granja escolar en la escuela Motuz como estrategia de aprendizaje, permitiendo que se generen fortalezas y habilidades en cada uno de los participantes para trabajar en grupo, desarrollando actividades que permita saber el nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes frente a cada una de las actividades a desarrollar y así mismo orientar a los estudiantes para el funcionamiento de la granjaThe present work of develops in order to analyze the administrative, financial, market and technical protocols, through the model canvas for the operation of the school farm in the school the motuz as learning strategy, allowing strengths and skills to be generated in each participant to work in a group, developing activities that allow students to know the level of knowledge in front of each of the activities to develop and also guide students for the functioning of the farm

    La guía de estándares de los equipamientos culturales en España

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