257 research outputs found

    Comparisons of various configurations of the edge delamination test for interlaminar fracture toughness

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    Various configurations of Edge Delamination Tension (EDT) test specimens, of both brittle (T300/5208) and toughened-matrix (T300/BP907) graphite reinforced composite laminates, were manufactured and tested. The mixed-mode interlaminar fracture toughness, G sub C, was measured using (30/30 sub 2/30/90 sub N)sub s, n=1 or 2, (35/-35/0/90) sub s and (35/0/-35/90) sub s layups designed to delaminate at low tensile strains. Laminates were made without inserts so that delaminations would form naturally between the central 90 deg plies and the adjacent angle plies. Laminates were also made with Teflon inserts implanted between the 90 deg plies and the adjacent angle (theta) plies at the straight edge to obtain a planar fracture surface. In addition, interlaminar tension fracture toughness, GIc, was measured from laminates with the same layup but with inserts in the midplane, between the central 90 deg plies, at the straight edge. All of the EDT configurations were useful for ranking the delamination resistance of composites with different matrix resins. Furthermore, the variety of layups and configurations available yield interlaminar fracture toughness measurements needed to generate delamination failure criteria. The influence of insert thickness and location, and coupon size on G sub c values were evaluated

    Advanced oxygen-hydrocarbon rocket engine study

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    The program consists of parametric analysis and design to provide a consistent engine system data base for defining advantages and disadvantages, system performance and operating limits, engine parametric data, and technology requirements for candidate high pressure LO2/Hydrocarbon engine systems. The parametric chamber and nozzle cooling analysis was completed for the four potential coolants: RP-1, LCH4, LO2, and LH2. A summary of the cooling capability of each propellant is presented

    Electric utility acid fuel cell stack technology advancement

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    The principal effort under this program was directed at the fuel cell stack technology required to accomplish the initial feasibility demonstrations of increased cell stack operating pressures and temperatures, increased cell active area, incorporation of the ribbed substrate cell configuration at the bove conditions, and the introduction of higher performance electrocatalysts. The program results were successful with the primary accomplishments being: (1) fabrication of 10 sq ft ribbed substrate, cell components including higher performing electrocatalysts; (2) assembly of a 10 sq ft, 30-cell short stack; and (3) initial test of this stack at 120 psia and 405 F. These accomplishments demonstrate the feasibility of fabricating and handling large area cells using materials and processes that are oriented to low cost manufacture. An additional accomplishment under the program was the testing of two 3.7 sq ft short stacks at 12 psia/405 F to 5400 and 4500 hours respectively. These tests demonstrate the durability of the components and the cell stack configuration to a nominal 5000 hours at the higher pressure and temperature condition planned for the next electric utility power plant

    Witnessing eigenstates for quantum simulation of Hamiltonian spectra

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    The efficient calculation of Hamiltonian spectra, a problem often intractable on classical machines, can find application in many fields, from physics to chemistry. Here, we introduce the concept of an "eigenstate witness" and through it provide a new quantum approach which combines variational methods and phase estimation to approximate eigenvalues for both ground and excited states. This protocol is experimentally verified on a programmable silicon quantum photonic chip, a mass-manufacturable platform, which embeds entangled state generation, arbitrary controlled-unitary operations, and projective measurements. Both ground and excited states are experimentally found with fidelities >99%, and their eigenvalues are estimated with 32-bits of precision. We also investigate and discuss the scalability of the approach and study its performance through numerical simulations of more complex Hamiltonians. This result shows promising progress towards quantum chemistry on quantum computers.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, plus Supplementary Material [New version with minor typos corrected.

    Dynamics of a ferromagnetic domain wall: avalanches, depinning transition and the Barkhausen effect

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    We study the dynamics of a ferromagnetic domain wall driven by an external magnetic field through a disordered medium. The avalanche-like motion of the domain walls between pinned configurations produces a noise known as the Barkhausen effect. We discuss experimental results on soft ferromagnetic materials, with reference to the domain structure and the sample geometry, and report Barkhausen noise measurements on Fe21_{21}Co64_{64}B15_{15} amorphous alloy. We construct an equation of motion for a flexible domain wall, which displays a depinning transition as the field is increased. The long-range dipolar interactions are shown to set the upper critical dimension to dc=3d_c=3, which implies that mean-field exponents (with possible logarithmic correction) are expected to describe the Barkhausen effect. We introduce a mean-field infinite-range model and show that it is equivalent to a previously introduced single-degree-of-freedom model, known to reproduce several experimental results. We numerically simulate the equation in d=3d=3, confirming the theoretical predictions. We compute the avalanche distributions as a function of the field driving rate and the intensity of the demagnetizing field. The scaling exponents change linearly with the driving rate, while the cutoff of the distribution is determined by the demagnetizing field, in remarkable agreement with experiments.Comment: 17 RevTeX pages, 19 embedded ps figures + 1 extra figure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Discovery of very-high-energy emission from RGB J2243+203 and derivation of its redshift upper limit

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    Very-high-energy (VHE; >> 100 GeV) gamma-ray emission from the blazar RGB J2243+203 was discovered with the VERITAS Cherenkov telescope array, during the period between 21 and 24 December 2014. The VERITAS energy spectrum from this source can be fit by a power law with a photon index of 4.6±0.54.6 \pm 0.5, and a flux normalization at 0.15 TeV of (6.3±1.1)×1010 cm2s1TeV1(6.3 \pm 1.1) \times 10^{-10} ~ \textrm{cm}^{-2} \textrm{s}^{-1} \textrm{TeV}^{-1}. The integrated \textit{Fermi}-LAT flux from 1 GeV to 100 GeV during the VERITAS detection is (4.1±0.8)×10-8 cm-2s-1(4.1 \pm 0.8) \times 10^{\textrm{-8}} ~\textrm{cm}^{\textrm{-2}}\textrm{s}^{\textrm{-1}}, which is an order of magnitude larger than the four-year-averaged flux in the same energy range reported in the 3FGL catalog, (4.0±0.1×10-9 cm-2s-14.0 \pm 0.1 \times 10^{\textrm{-9}} ~ \textrm{cm}^{\textrm{-2}}\textrm{s}^{\textrm{-1}}). The detection with VERITAS triggered observations in the X-ray band with the \textit{Swift}-XRT. However, due to scheduling constraints \textit{Swift}-XRT observations were performed 67 hours after the VERITAS detection, not simultaneous with the VERITAS observations. The observed X-ray energy spectrum between 2 keV and 10 keV can be fitted with a power-law with a spectral index of 2.7±0.22.7 \pm 0.2, and the integrated photon flux in the same energy band is (3.6±0.6)×1013 cm2s1(3.6 \pm 0.6) \times 10^{-13} ~\textrm{cm}^{-2} \textrm{s}^{-1}. EBL model-dependent upper limits of the blazar redshift have been derived. Depending on the EBL model used, the upper limit varies in the range from z < 0.9<~0.9 to z < 1.1<~1.1

    Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) for the International Space Station (ISS): Mission Description and Science Goals

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    In recent years, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and their partners have developed and demonstrated space-based lightning observations as an effective remote sensing tool for Earth science research and applications. The Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) continues to provide global observations of total lightning after 17 years on-orbit. In April 2013, a space-qualified LIS built as the flight spare for TRMM, was selected for flight as a science mission on the International Space Station. The ISS LIS (or I-LIS as Hugh Christian prefers) will be flown as a hosted payload on the Department of Defense Space Test Program (STP) H5 mission, which has a January 2016 baseline launch date aboard a SpaceX launch vehicle for a 2-4 year or longer mission. The LIS measures the amount, rate, and radiant energy of global lightning. More specifically, it measures lightning during both day and night, with storm scale resolution, millisecond timing, and high, uniform detection efficiency, without any land-ocean bias. Lightning is a direct and most impressive response to intense atmospheric convection. It has been found that the characteristics of lightning that LIS measures can be quantitatively coupled to both thunderstorm and other geophysical processes. Therefore, the ISS LIS lightning observations will provide important gap-filling inputs to pressing Earth system science issues across a broad range of disciplines, including weather, climate, atmospheric chemistry, and lightning physics. A unique contribution from the ISS platform will be the availability of real-time lightning, especially valuable for operational applications over data sparse regions such as the oceans. The ISS platform will also uniquely enable LIS to provide simultaneous and complementary observations with other payloads such as the European Space Agency's Atmosphere-Space Interaction Monitor (ASIM) that will be exploring the connection between thunderstorms and lightning with terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs). Another important function of the ISS LIS will be to provide cross-sensor calibration/validation with a number of other payloads, including the TRMM LIS and the next generation geostationary lightning mappers (e.g., GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper and Meteosat Third Generation Lightning Imager). This inter-calibration will improve the long term climate monitoring provided by all these systems. Finally, the ISS LIS will extend the time-series climate record of LIS lightning observations and expand the latitudinal coverage of LIS lightning to the climate significant upper middle-latitudes

    Low levels of taurine introgression in the current Brazilian Nelore and Gir indicine cattle populations

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    Background: Nelore and Gir are the two most important indicine cattle breeds for production of beef and milk in Brazil. Historical records state that these breeds were introduced in Brazil from the Indian subcontinent, crossed to local taurine cattle in order to quickly increase the population size, and then backcrossed to the original breeds to recover indicine adaptive and productive traits. Previous investigations based on sparse DNA markers detected taurine admixture in these breeds. High-density genome-wide analyses can provide high-resolution information on the genetic composition of current Nelore and Gir populations, estimate more precisely the levels and nature of taurine introgression, and shed light on their history and the strategies that were used to expand these breeds. Results: We used the high-density Illumina BovineHD BeadChip with more than 777 K single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were reduced to 697 115 after quality control filtering to investigate the structure of Nelore and Gir populations and seven other worldwide populations for comparison. Multidimensional scaling and model-based ancestry estimation clearly separated the indicine, European taurine and African taurine ancestries. The average level of taurine introgression in the autosomal genome of Nelore and Gir breeds was less than 1% but was 9% for the Brahman breed. Analyses based on the mitochondrial SNPs present in the Illumina BovineHD BeadChip did not clearly differentiate taurine and indicine haplotype groupings. Conclusions: The low level of taurine ancestry observed for both Nelore and Gir breeds confirms the historical records of crossbreeding and supports a strong directional selection against taurine haplotypes via backcrossing. Random sampling in production herds across the country and subsequent genotyping would be useful for a more complete view of the admixture levels in the commercial Nelore and Gir populations.(VLID)90707

    Observation of an Exotic S=+1S=+1 Baryon in Exclusive Photoproduction from the Deuteron

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    In an exclusive measurement of the reaction γdK+Kpn\gamma d \to K^+ K^- p n, a narrow peak that can be attributed to an exotic baryon with strangeness S=+1S=+1 is seen in the K+nK^+n invariant mass spectrum. The peak is at 1.542±0.0051.542\pm 0.005 GeV/c2^2 with a measured width of 0.021 GeV/c2^2 FWHM, which is largely determined by experimental mass resolution. The statistical significance of the peak is 5.2±0.6σ5.2 \pm 0.6 \sigma. The mass and width of the observed peak are consistent with recent reports of a narrow S=+1S=+1 baryon by other experimental groups.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The High Energy Light Isotope eXperiment program of direct cosmic-ray studies

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    HELIX is a new NASA-sponsored instrument aimed at measuring the spectra and composition of light cosmic-ray isotopes from hydrogen to neon nuclei, in particular the clock isotopes 10Be (radioactive, with 1.4 Myr lifetime) and 9Be (stable). The latter are unique markers of the production and Galactic propagation of secondary cosmic-ray nuclei, and are needed to resolve such important mysteries as the proportion of secondary positrons in the excess of antimatter observed by the AMS-02 experiment. By using a combination of a 1 T superconducting magnet spectrometer (with drift-chamber tracker) with a high-resolution time-of-flight detector system and ring-imaging Cherenkov detector, mass-resolved isotope measurements of light cosmic-ray nuclei will be possible up to 3 GeV/n in a first stratospheric balloon flight from Kiruna, Sweden to northern Canada, anticipated to take place in early summer 2024. An eventual longer Antarctic balloon flight of HELIX will yield measurements up to 10 GeV/n, sampling production from a larger volume of the Galaxy extending into the halo. We review the instrument design, testing, status and scientific prospects.Comment: Presented at the 16th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD23), Siena, Italy, to appear in JINST Pro