100 research outputs found

    Antibonding Ground state of Adatom Molecules in Bulk Dirac Semimetals

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    The ground state of the diatomic molecules in nature is inevitably bonding, and its first excited state is antibonding. We demonstrate theoretically that, for a pair of distant adatoms placed buried in three-dimensional-Dirac semimetals, this natural order of the states can be reversed and an antibonding ground state occurs at the lowest energy of the so-called bound states in the continuum. We propose an experimental protocol with the use of a scanning tunneling microscope tip to visualize the topographic map of the local density of states on the surface of the system to reveal the emerging physics

    Efecto del laboreo sobre la biomasa de Eucalyptus globulus en el Suroeste de España

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    The aim of the study was to asses the plough effects in the above and below ground biomass Eucalyptus globulus plantations. At the same time the root damage was evaluated. The project was carried out in two experimental stands, three trees were chosen by stand and plought treatment. The above ground biomass was determining harvesting the tree. The coarse and fine root were evaluated in 3.6 and 0.688 m3 of soil volume, respectively. Furthermore the root damage were analized in 50 trees. Afterward the predawn leaf water potential were determining in plough and unplough trees. The total above ground biomass have not statistical differences between treatments. The coarse roots represent a high percentage of the below ground biomass and the fine root biomass is higher near the stump. The plough effect was concentrated within the 0-20 cm soil profile. In the plough assay the amount of fine root was higher in the undisturbed than in ploughed soil. Greater part of more superficial fine roots were cuted and linearly decrease the predawn leaf water potential when increase the root damage.El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los efectos del laboreo sobre la biomasa aérea y radical de los árboles, además de evaluar el daño a nivel radical que produce esta práctica en plantaciones de Eucalyptus globulus ubicados en la Provincia de Huelva. El trabajo se realizó en dos rodales y se escogieron tres árboles por tratamiento y rodal. La biomasa aérea se determinó cosechando la totalidad del árbol. Las raíces gruesas y finas se evaluaron en un volumen de suelo de 3,6 y 0,688 m3 respectivamente. Además se analizó el daño que el laboreo produce a las raíces, para ello se analizaron 50 árboles. Luego, se determinó el potencial hídrico de los árboles, tanto en el sector no laboreado como en el laboreado. La biomasa aérea total, no presenta diferencias entre los tratamientos. Las raíces gruesas representan un alto porcentaje de la biomasa subterránea y la biomasa de raíces finas es mayor en la proximidad del tocón. El efecto del laboreo se concentra en los primeros 20 cm del perfil de suelo y en los sectores no laboreados del tratamiento de laboreo hay una mayor cantidad de raíces finas que en los sectores laboreados. Las raíces finas más superficiales en su mayoría son cortadas y el potencial hídrico disminuye linealmente al aumentar el daño a las raíces

    Identifying and preventing burnout in young oncologists, an overwhelming challenge in the COVID-19 era: a study of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM)

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    COVID-19; Esgotament professional; Oncòlegs jovesCOVID-19; Agotamiento profesional; Oncólogos jóvenesCOVID-19; Professional burnout; Young oncologistsBackground Young oncologists are at particular risk of professional burnout, and this could have a significant impact on their health and care of their patients. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has forced rapid changes in professionals' jobs and training, with the consequent physical and psychological effects. We aimed to characterize burnout levels and determinants in young oncologists, and the effects of the pandemic on their training and health. Methods Two online surveys were conducted among oncology residents and young oncology specialists in Spain. The first addressed professional burnout and its determinants before the COVID-19 pandemic, while the second analyzed the impact of the pandemic on health care organization, training, and physical and psychological health in the same population. Results In total, 243 respondents completed the first survey, and 263 the second; 25.1% reported significant levels of professional burnout. Burnout was more common among medical oncology residents (28.2%), mainly in their second year of training. It was significantly associated with a poor work–life balance, inadequate vacation time, and the burnout score. Nearly three-quarters of respondents (72%) were reassigned to COVID-19 care and 84.3% of residents missed part of their training rotations. Overall, 17.2% of this population reported that they had contracted COVID-19, 37.3% had scores indicating anxiety, and 30.4% moderate to severe depression. Almost a quarter of young oncologists (23.3%) had doubts about their medical vocation. Conclusions Burnout affects a considerable number of young oncologists. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on causes of burnout, making it even more necessary to periodically monitor it to define appropriate detection and prevention strategies.This project received funding from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM)


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    Were made evaluation and determination of optimum control parameters for technological process of hard yellow corn snack (Zea mays L.), enriched with giant squid (Dosidicus gigas), through sensory tests in each study phase and finally a physico-chemical analysis to know its composition. . An innocuous product was obtained, resulting from the elaboration process that comprises the following operations: pretreatment of maize (nixtamalization) and of giant squid (precooked, grinding), homogenization (80% nixtamal and 20% cuttlefish), molding and gelatinization (to 70°C during 30 minutes), cool-down, lamination, fry-up, and addition of flavor, (2% sault), packing, storage. With the pulp of the giant squid (Dosidicus Gigas), was achieved enrich the hard yellow corn snack (Zea mays L.), increasing the protein level in 5,17 g/100 g of snack, in comparison to the commercial product. As result, the optimum sensory responses were chosen to define the optimum parameters of control, that were determined through organoleptic analysis of sensory profile, as well as through physico-chemical and microbiological analysis.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar y determinar los parámetros óptimos de control para el proceso tecnológico de un snack a base de maíz amarillo duro (Zea mays L.), enriquecido con calamar gigante (Dosidicus gigas), mediante pruebas sensoriales en cada etapa del estudio y, finalmente, un análisis físico-químico para conocer su composición. Se obtuvo un producto inocuo, resultado del proceso de elaboración que consta de las siguientes operaciones: pre-tratamiento del maíz (nixtamalización) y del calamar gigante (pre-cocción, molienda), homogeneización (80% nixtamal y 20% pota), moldeado, gelatinizado (a 70°C por 30 minutos), enfriado, laminado, fritado, saborizado (2% sal), envasado y almacenado. Se logró el enriquecimiento del snack de maíz amarillo duro (Zea mays L.) con pulpa de calamar gigante (Dosidicus gigas), incrementándose el nivel proteico en 5,17 g/100 g de snack, en comparación con el producto comercial. Como resultado, se eligieron las respuestas sensoriales óptimas para definir los parámetros óptimos de control, que fueron determinados mediante análisis organoléptico de perfil sensorial, análisis físico químico y microbiológico

    Is it possible to detect planets around young active G and K dwarfs?

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    Theoretical predictions suggest that the distribution of planets in very young stars could be very different to that typically observed in Gyr old systems that are the current focus of radial velocity surveys. However, the detection of planets around young stars is hampered by the increased stellar activity associated with young stars, the signatures of which can bias the detection of planets. In this paper, we place realistic limitations on the possibilities for detecting planets around young active G and K dwarfs. The models of stellar activity based on tomographic imaging of the G dwarf HD 141943 and the K1 dwarf AB Dor also include contributions from plage and many small random starspots. Our results show that the increased stellar activity levels present on young solar-type stars strongly impacts the detection of Earth-mass and Jupiter-mass planets and that the degree of activity jitter is directly correlated with stellar v sin i. We also show that for G and K dwarfs, the distribution of activity in individual stars is more important than the differences in induced radial velocities as a function of spectral type. We conclude that Jupiter-mass planets can be detected close-in around fast-rotating young active stars, Neptune-mass planets around moderate rotators and that Super-Earths are only detectable around very slowly rotating stars. The effects of an increase in stellar activity jitter by observing younger stars can be compensated for by extending the observational base-line to at least 100 epochs.Peer reviewe

    Lemierre Syndrome associated with dental infections : report of one case and review of the literature

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    The first publication on Lemierre Syndrome appears in 1936 by Lemierre. It is defined as an ?oropharynx bacterial infection characterized by the thrombophlebitis in the internal jugular vein, derived in a systemic septic embolism?. In 81% of the cases, the Fusobacterium necrophorum is the most frequent etiologic agent. Fever is the most common symptom, but it can depending on the primary infection, tonsillitis, mastoiditis or odontogenic infection. According to the literature the mortality is very low, but with a significant morbidity, that is why the diagnosis and early treatment is very important. The diagnosis it´s clinical, even though the CT scan and other diagnosis methods (echography, MRI) help to determine the extent of the infection. It?s necessary to administrate the antibiotics endovenous at high dose, (keeping in mind that the most frequent micro organism is anaerobic), and vital support measures if neccessary. We present a case report of Lemierre Syndrome associated to an odonthogenic infection caused by the 4.8 molar