9,049 research outputs found

    Motivation as a predictor of dental students’ affective and behavioral outcomes: Does the quality of motivation matter?

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    Since the motivation to study and engage in academic activities plays a key role in students’ learning experience and well-being, gaining a better understanding of dental students’ motivations can help educators implement interventions to support students’ optimal motivations. The aim of this study, grounded in self-determination theory, was to determine the predictive role of different types of motivation (autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, and amotivation) in the affective and behavioral outcomes of dental students. Amotivation is the absence of drive to pursue an activity due to a failure to establish relationships between activity and behavior; controlled motivation involves behaving under external pressure or demands; and autonomous motivation is an internalized behavior with a full sense of volition, interest, choice, and self-determination. A cross-sectional correlational study was conducted in 2016, in which 924 students (90.2% response rate) from years one to six agreed to participate, granting permission to access their current GPAs and completing four self-reported questionnaires on academic motivation, study strategies, vitality, and self-esteem. The results showed that self-determined motivation (i.e., autonomous over controlled motivation) was positively associated with vitality, self-esteem, and deep study strategies and negatively associated with surface study strategies. The contrary results were found for amotivation. In the motivational model, deep study strategies showed a positive association with students’ academic performance. Contrary results were found for surface study strategies. This study extends understanding of the differentiation of motivation based on its quality types and suggests that being motivated does not necessarily lead to positive educational outcomes. Autonomous motivation, in contrast to controlled motivation and amotivation, should be supported to benefit students with regard to their approaches to learning and well-being since it can promote students’ vitality, self-esteem, deep over surface study strategies, and enhanced academic performance

    Media Narratives and Drug Prohibition: A Content Analysis of Themes and Strategies Promoted in Network News Coverage, 2000-2013

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    Illicit drugs and drug users have been criminalized and stigmatized in social life and in mass media for more than a century in the United States. Researchers have reasoned that media accounts have contributed to the social construction of drug use as deviant behavior. Depictions of drugs and drug users which utilize alarmist rhetoric have been prevalent in media discourse and have targeted allegedly disreputable populations. The ideology which underpins drug prohibition, punitive public attitudes, and media sensationalism has contributed to the tendency of American society to disallow alternative approaches. This study examines the contribution of televised news broadcasts in advancing particular narratives regarding heroin and cocaine. Informed by a social constructionist theoretical framework, as well as concepts of framing, agenda setting, and moral panics, a content analysis is employed to identify recurring themes and strategies promoted in network news reports focusing on heroin and cocaine from the year 2000 to 2013. Findings indicate predominant themes of law enforcement successes and challenges, international concerns and drug-related violence, concern about addiction, and the drug use or involvement of public figures. Reports largely promoted interdiction efforts and neglected policy analysis or alternatives to extant strategies. Implications of prevailing themes and policies are discussed

    Albert Bruce Sabin: the man who made the oral polio vaccine

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    Albert Bruce Sabin (1906–1993) was the man who made the oral polio vaccine (OPV). Sabin’s name will always be associated with poliomyelitis, a disease that claimed millions of victims in the 20th century, particularly among children. Sabin created his vaccine (OPV) at the Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati. The mass vaccination campaign in the Soviet Union demonstrated high vaccine effectiveness and resulted in licensure of OPV in the United States in 1961. Subsequently, in the United States, OPV rapidly replaced IPV during the 1960s as the vaccine of choice. Sabin’s vaccine, which was economical to produce and very easy to administer on a sugar lump to children, came to be used worldwide in the 1960s

    Experimental determination of the frequency and field dependence of Specific Loss Power in Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia

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    Magnetic nanoparticles are promising systems for biomedical applications and in particular for Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia, a promising therapy that utilizes the heat released by such systems to damage tumor cells. We present an experimental study of the physical properties that influences the capability of heat release, i.e. the Specific Loss Power, SLP, of three biocompatible ferrofluid samples having a magnetic core of maghemite with different core diameter d= 10.2, 14.6 and 19.7 nm. The SLP was measured as a function of frequency f and intensity of the applied alternating magnetic field H, and it turned out to depend on the core diameter, as expected. The results allowed us to highlight experimentally that the physical mechanism responsible for the heating is size-dependent and to establish, at applied constant frequency, the phenomenological functional relationship SLP=cH^x, with 2<x<3 for all samples. The x-value depends on sample size and field frequency/ intensity, here chosen in the typical range of operating magnetic hyperthermia devices. For the smallest sample, the effective relaxation time Teff=19.5 ns obtained from SLP data is in agreement with the value estimated from magnetization data, thus confirming the validity of the Linear Response Theory model for this system at properly chosen field intensity and frequency

    Informality and social urban planning in Medellin

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    La ciudad de Medellín, después de unas décadas de aislamiento e involución caracterizadas por altos índices de inseguridad, violencia y segregación social, ha venido experimentando en la última década un proceso de renacimiento urbanístico que tuvo comienzo bajo el liderazgo del Alcalde Sergio Fajardo y que se conoce con el nombre de Urbanismo Social. Entre los pilares de dicho proceso están los Proyectos Urbanos Integrales (PUI), estrategias de intervención física en los sectores informales de la ciudad que buscan colmar la enorme deuda social que la ciudad formal ha venido acumulando durante años de olvido. El objetivo de este artículo es describir las características de dichas intervenciones analizando en detalle su proyecto piloto, el Proyecto Urbano Integral de la Nororiental, ubicado en unas de las áreas con los índices más bajos de calidad de vida de la ciudad.La ciutat de Medellín, després d’unes dècades d’aïllament i involució caracteritzades per alts índexs d’inseguretat, violència i segregació social, ha experimentat en l’última dècada un procés de renaixement urbanístic que va tenir començament sota el lideratge de l’alcalde Sergio Fajardo i que es coneix amb el nom d’Urbanisme Social. Entre els pilars d’aquest procés hi ha els Projectes Urbans Integrals (PUI), estratègies d’intervenció física en els sectors informals de la ciutat que busquen satisfer l’enorme deute social que la ciutat formal ha vingut acumulant durant anys. d’oblit. L’objectiu d’aquest article és descriure les característiques d’aquestes intervencions analitzant en detall el seu projecte pilot, el Projecte Urbà Integral de la nord-oriental, situat en una de les àrees amb els índexs més baixos de qualitat de vida de la ciutat.After decades of isolation and involution characterized by high levels of insecurity, violence and social segregation, the city of Medellin has been experiencing an urban renaissance process over the last decade. This process has begun under the leadership of Mayor Sergio Fajardo and it’s known as Social Planning. The Integral Urban Projects (PUI), are among the pillars of this process, as physical intervention strategies in the informal sectors of the city, and seeks to tackle the huge social debt that the formal city has been building over years of neglect. The aim of this paper is to describe the interventions described and to discuss in detail its pilot project, the Northeast Integral Urban Project, located in one of the areas with lowest quality of life in the city.Peer Reviewe

    Closing the gap between business undergraduate education and the organisational environment: A Chilean case study applying experiential learning theory

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    In response to the continuous changes in Latin American higher education and the increasing demands for better prepared professionals, the Learning Connected to the Organisational Environment method was introduced in the course of Marketing at one public University in Chile. This was aimed as an integrated approach to education, providing pedagogical and social value by connecting organisations and real challenges with the learning objectives. This paper describes its design, implementation and initial impact on students’ learning process. Results on the impact of the LCOE method show that students valued learning with this new initiative (n = 158) and showed higher performance and improved quality of their written reports, along with higher evaluations of the teaching staff compared to students in the same course learning with traditional methods (n = 158). Discussion is centred on the value of this initiative and on suggestions for transference and future research

    The educational value, both past and present, of an ancient scientific collection: the collection of anatomical preparations illustrating the various phases of bone development, from the second month of intrauterine life to adulthood

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    Italy’s museums possess an enormous patrimony of historical scientific artefacts. This raises important questions regarding the conservation and safeguard of such materials and prompts reflection as to the utility of current modalities of popularising science. The collections housed in scientific museums were created in order to promote scientific education by making science more accessible and more comprehensible. The authors ask whether this heritage can still be used for educational purposes today, and examine a collection of preparations on the ossification of human bones in the Anatomical Museum of the University of Siena. They conclude that such materials can still be of educational value if they are made part of exhibitions that meet the needs of the public and of students in training. Indeed, it is essential to bear witness to the long pathway of the development of scientific knowledge and, in particular, to the value of the research on which this knowledge is based. Through the implementation of ad hoc exhibitions, this precious historical scientific patrimony can continue to play an important role in presenting medical/healthcare issues of topical interest without losing sight of the relevance of past experience to basic teaching

    The structure of the plasma sheet-lobe boundary in the Earth's magnetotail

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    The structure of the magnetotail plasma sheet-plasma lobe boundary was studied by observing the properties of tailward flowing O+ ion beams, detected by the ISEE 2 plasma experiment inside the boundary during three time periods. The computed value of the north-south electric field component as well as the O+ parameters are shown to change at the boundary. The results are related to other observations made in this region. The O+ parameters and the Ez component behavior are shown to be consistent with that expected from the topology of the electric field lines in the tail as mapped from the ionosphere

    GPS-based CERN-LNGS time link for Borexino

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    We describe the design, the equipment, and the calibration of a new GPS based time link between CERN and the Borexino experiment at the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy. This system has been installed and operated in Borexino since March 2012, and used for a precise measurement of CNGS muon neutrinos speed in May 2012. The result of the measurement will be reported in a different letter.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure
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