402 research outputs found

    Implementing Quality Culture

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    The theoretical part of this case study focuses on concepts of quality and organisational culture. Organisational culture manifests itself as the values and behaviour of individuals. Both of these themes have an increasingly important role inside companies, due to the continuous changes and intense competition in today’s business world, putting challenges on organisations to maintain and develop their position in the market. Combining these two theoretical areas – quality and organisational culture, Total Quality Management (TQM) is dis-cussed as a cultural phenomenon inside organisations. The empirical part of this longitudinal case study researched the implementation of quality culture inside one unit of the case company – Wärtsilä Finland Oy, Power Plants. The implementation of quality culture was studied through the quality management development program used in the organisation: Quality Awareness Campaign (QAC). First, before executing the QAC, the level of values and behaviour, in other words the quality culture of the personnel on an individual and organisational level was surveyed. At the same time the respon-dents were asked to define quality inside the organisation. Then after the QAC, the level of values and behaviour were measured again to find out if there had been any change in the quality culture. The study includes both qualitative and quantitative data, collected through the survey questionnaires conducted before and after the QAC. The results of the study showed that the quality culture did not change after the QAC. The responses specified the current experiences of good quality in everyday work and the appreciated values prevalent inside the case company’s unit.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Studies on the Prophylactic Effect of Locally Applied Antibiotics in Experimental Syphilis

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    The Effect of Gender and Ethnicity and their Intersection on Work Satisfaction and Earnings in Estonia, 1993-2008

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    "This article examines trends in the labour market position, defined in terms of three dimensions - earnings, perceived job security and overall job satisfaction - among four population groups in Estonia - Estonian men and women and Russian-speaking men and women. We explore how the labour market position of these groups changed between 1993 and 2008. We used data from 1993 and 2008, collected in the population survey Work, Family and Leisure, designed by the Institute of International and Social Studies at Tallinn University. We carried out a two-step analysis: first, we conducted descriptive analysis to explore changes in the labour market situation of men and women of two ethnic groups in the period of 1993-2008; and second, we used models of multivariate analysis of variances to examine how gender, ethnicity and occupational status as well as the intersection of these variables are related to earnings, job security and job satisfaction. We found that Estonian men have emerged as the most successful group in the labour market, while the labour market position of Russian-speaking women is the most disadvantaged compared to other groups in terms of earnings, job security and job satisfaction. We suggest that these labour market inequalities could be increasing, and that the interaction of gender and ethnicity might become increasingly important in shaping labour market outcomes." (author's abstract

    Vegan Men’s Food and Health Practices: A Recipe for a More Health-Conscious Masculinity?

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    In the age of the Anthropocene, questions of ecological sustainability, animal ethics, and human health are intimately entangled. From a gender perspective, compared to women, men’s diets tend to be less healthy and sustainable. This is linked to worse health outcomes for men. Therefore, alternative, more ethical ways of eating that have the potential to improve men’s health and well-being and simultaneously contribute to better public health and sustainability outcomes should be encouraged. Veganism addresses issues of food, health, climate change, and animal justice simultaneously. This article explores vegan men’s food practices in relation to health and well-being, drawing on qualitative interviews with 61 vegan men. The interview material was analyzed using the method of thematic analysis. Our findings suggest that becoming vegan encourages positive changes in men’s health behavior. This includes paying more attention to nutrition and taking better care of one’s health. Vegan men report experiencing better physical and mental well-being upon going vegan. Based on these findings, we argue that vegan men’s food and health practices contribute to the emergence of healthier masculinities, as vegan men help to challenge links between risky health behavior and masculinity.Peer reviewe

    Eye movements during mean size estimation

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    Keskmise suuruse hindamise kiirus ja täpsus kõnelevad sellest, et otsused langetatakse piiratud arvu selleks välja valitud objektide põhjal. Uurimistöö eesmärk oli välja selgitada, kas keskmise suuruse hindamine sõltub inimese pilgu asendist. Katseisikutel tuli lahendada ülesanne, mille sisuks oli hinnata, kas kaheksa ringi keskmine suurus on suurem või väiksem etaloni suurusest. Ülesande lahendamisel registreeriti katseisikute silmaliikumised Tobii silmaanduriga. Analüüsiti pilgu asukoha ja vastuse õigsuse vahelist korrelatsiooni. Järeldati, et kuigi keskmise suuruse hindamise täpsus ja pilgu kaugus erindist ei seostunud üksteisega väga tugevalt, siis saadud statistiliselt olulised seosed pilgu asukoha ja vastamistäpsuse vahel toetavad enam teooriaid, mis võtavad eelduseks, et keskmine hinnang langetatakse piiratud arvu objekte arvesse võttes

    Eesti meeste ja naiste seksuaalõiguste ning soorollidega seotud hoiakud

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    Religiooni ja rahvusliku identiteedi mõju Türgi suhetele Iisraeli ja Palestiinaga

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    Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on analüüsida, mil moel mõjutavad religioon ja rahvuslik identiteet Türgi suhteid Iisraeli ja Palestiinaga. Selleks uuritakse, kuidas kujunesid Türgi ühiskonnas välja erinevad rahvusluse vormid, milles seisneb Palestiina küsimus ning kui suurt rolli mängivad religioossed mõjutused ning rahvuslik identiteet Türgi välispoliitilises otsuses Iisraeli konflikti suhte

    Aktiivsus- ja tähelepanuhäirega õpilane

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    BeSt programmi toetusel loodud e-kursus annab ülevaate, mis on aktiivsus- ja tähelepanuhäire (ATH), kuidas seda ära tunda ja kuidas ATH-ga lapsi koolisituatsioonis kohelda. Tutvustatakse ka täiskasvanute ATH-d. Kursuse eesmärgiks on anda tulevastele pedagoogidele esmased teadmised selle diagnoosiga laste kohta ja esmane valmisolek neid lapsi professionaalselt kohelda

    Co-creating an Open Government Data Driven Public Service: The Case of Chicago’s Food Inspection Forecasting Model

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    Large amounts of Open Government Data (OGD) have become available and co-created public services have started to emerge, but there is only limited empirical material available on co-created OGD-driven public services. To address this shortcoming and explore the concept of co-created OGD-driven public services the authors conducted an exploratory case study. The case study explored Chicago’s use of OGD in the co-creation of a predictive analytics model that forecasts critical safety violations at food serving establishments. The results of this exploratory work allowed for new insights to be gained on co-created OGD-driven public services and led to the identification of six factors that seem to play a key role in allowing for a OGD-driven public service to be co-created. The results of the initial work also provide valuable new information that can be used to aid in the development and improvement of the authors’ conceptual model for understanding co-created OGD-driven public service