591 research outputs found

    Determinação dos parâmetros de fragmentação da Ivermectina para sua identificação por espectrometria de massas.

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    A Ivermectina é um antiparasitário pertencente ao grupo das lactonas macrocíclicas, constituída por dois homólogos, sendo esses denominados B1a que representa 80% e B1b 20 %. No Brasil, a Ivermectina é um fármaco amplamente utilizado na bovinocultura, contudo seu uso pode gerar resíduos. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi otimizar os parâmetros de fragmentação e ionização do medicamento no espectrômetro de massas afim de, posteriormente, usá-los em desenvolvimento de método quantitativo de análise por LC-MS/MS. Para a otimização dos parâmetros preparou-se duas soluções de concentrações distintas e fez-se a infusão no equipamento, de acordo com o sinal dos picos nos espectros obtidos verificou-se a solução que obteve-se um sinal de melhor qualidade. Após a escolha da concentração ideal para infusão, determinou-se as melhores condições analíticas para a fragmentação e ionização da molécula de Ivermectina. Com o sinal intenso e estável, identificou-se o íon precursor da molécula e dois íons provenientes da sua fragmentação. Sendo possível afirmar, devido a razão m/z apresentada no espectro que a molécula refere-se ao homólogo B1a. Portanto, com o presente trabalho determinou-se os parâmetros analíticos mais eficientes de fragmentação no espectrômetro de massas para a Ivermectina e a partir deles constatou-se a presença do homólogo B1a e seus principais fragmentos, conforme descrito na literatura

    Avaliação do impacto de conservantes no leite no tamanho de micelas de caseína.

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    As caseínas compreendem cerca de 80% das proteínas presentes no leite. Além disso elas são um dos componentes mais importantes para as suas características organolépticas, bem como no seu rendimento industrial. No entanto, alguns fatores afetam a estrutura dessa proteína, e com isso modificam as características reológicas dos derivados lácteos. Dada estas importâncias, estimar o tamanho médio da caseína em amostras de leite é amplamente aplicável para determinar as características sensoriais do leite, seu rendimento industrial ou mesmo as características reológicas dos derivados. Neste contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a interferência dos conservantes Adiziol e Bronopol na estocagem do leite. Material e Métodos: Cinquenta e três amostras de leite foram coletadas em tanque expansão, alicotadas em frascos de 50mL sem conservante e com conservantes Azidiol e Bronopol, perfazendo um total de 159 amostras. Todas as amostras foram desengorduradas por centrifugação a 2000 x g/30 min, 5°C, com subsequente remoção da camada de gordura de cada amostra. O diâmetro médio das micelas de caseína foi determinado por espalhamento dinâmico de luz- DLS. A determinação do tamanho de micela de caseína foi realizada durante 4 dias consecutivos. Resultados e Discussão: A micela de caseína é essencial no processamento do leite e de seus derivados. Os conservantes Azidiol e bronopol são usados em laboratórios de controle da qualidade do leite para evitar que ocorram alterações no leite, e por consequência no tamanho da caseína. Foi observado o aumento significativo do diâmetro médio da micela no dia 4 (P< 0,05), o que sugere a ocorrência de crescimento bacteriano e por consequência clivagem da ?-caseína por proteases, levando a agregação das micelas, pela redução do efeito do conservante. Conclusões: Os dados foram promissores para avaliar o impacto dos conservantes no tamanho das moléculas de caseína do leite

    MEG Upgrade Proposal

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    We propose the continuation of the MEG experiment to search for the charged lepton flavour violating decay (cLFV) \mu \to e \gamma, based on an upgrade of the experiment, which aims for a sensitivity enhancement of one order of magnitude compared to the final MEG result, down to the 6×10146 \times 10^{-14} level. The key features of this new MEG upgrade are an increased rate capability of all detectors to enable running at the intensity frontier and improved energy, angular and timing resolutions, for both the positron and photon arms of the detector. On the positron-side a new low-mass, single volume, high granularity tracker is envisaged, in combination with a new highly segmented, fast timing counter array, to track positron from a thinner stopping target. The photon-arm, with the largest liquid xenon (LXe) detector in the world, totalling 900 l, will also be improved by increasing the granularity at the incident face, by replacing the current photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) with a larger number of smaller photosensors and optimizing the photosensor layout also on the lateral faces. A new DAQ scheme involving the implementation of a new combined readout board capable of integrating the diverse functions of digitization, trigger capability and splitter functionality into one condensed unit, is also under development. We describe here the status of the MEG experiment, the scientific merits of the upgrade and the experimental methods we plan to use.Comment: A. M. Baldini and T. Mori Spokespersons. Research proposal submitted to the Paul Scherrer Institute Research Committee for Particle Physics at the Ring Cyclotron. 131 Page

    DInSAR Analysis and Analytical Modeling of Mount Etna Displacements: The December 2018 Volcano‐Tectonic Crisis

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    We investigate the 24–27 December 2018 eruption of Mount Etna occurred from fissures located on the volcano eastern flank and accompanied by a seismic swarm, which was triggered by the magma intrusion and continued for weeks after the end of the eruption. Moreover, this swarm involved some of the shallow volcano‐tectonic structures located on the Mount Etna flanks and culminated on 26 December with the strongest event (ML 4.8), occurred along the Fiandaca Fault. In this work, we analyze seismological data and Sentinel‐1 Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) measurements, the latter inverted through analytical modeling. Our results suggest that a dike source intruded, promoting the opening of the eruptive fissures fed by a shallower dike. Moreover, our findings indicate that the activation of faults in different sectors of the volcano may be considered as a response to accommodate the deformations induced by the magma volumes injection.Published5817-58275V. Processi eruttivi e post-eruttiviJCR Journa

    Rashba effect in 2D mesoscopic systems with transverse magnetic field

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    We present semiclassical and quantum mechanical results for the effects of a strong magnetic field in Quantum Wires in the presence of Rashba Spin Orbit coupling. Analytical and numerical results show how the perturbation acts in the presence of a transverse magnetic field in the ballistic regime and we assume a strong reduction of the backward scattering interaction which could have some consequences for the Tomonaga-Luttinger transport. We analyze the spin texture due to the action of Spin Orbit coupling and magnetic field often referring to the semiclassical solutions that magnify the singular spin polarization: results are obtained for free electrons in a twodimensional electron gas and for electrons in a Quantum Wire. We propose the systems as possible devices for the spin filtering at various regimes.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Measurement of ISR-FSR interference in the processes e+ e- --> mu+ mu- gamma and e+ e- --> pi+ pi- gamma

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    Charge asymmetry in processes e+ e- --> mu+ mu- gamma and e+ e- --> pi+ pi- gamma is measured using 232 fb-1 of data collected with the BABAR detector at center-of-mass energies near 10.58 GeV. An observable is introduced and shown to be very robust against detector asymmetries while keeping a large sensitivity to the physical charge asymmetry that results from the interference between initial and final state radiation. The asymmetry is determined as afunction of the invariant mass of the final-state tracks from production threshold to a few GeV/c2. It is compared to the expectation from QED for e+ e- --> mu+ mu- gamma and from theoretical models for e+ e- --> pi+ pi- gamma. A clear interference pattern is observed in e+ e- --> pi+ pi- gamma, particularly in the vicinity of the f_2(1270) resonance. The inferred rate of lowest order FSR production is consistent with the QED expectation for e+ e- --> mu+ mu- gamma, and is negligibly small for e+ e- --> pi+ pi- gamma.Comment: 32 pages,29 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Branching fraction and form-factor shape measurements of exclusive charmless semileptonic B decays, and determination of |V_{ub}|

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    We report the results of a study of the exclusive charmless semileptonic decays, B^0 --> pi^- l^+ nu, B^+ --> pi^0 l^+ nu, B^+ --> omega l^+ nu, B^+ --> eta l^+ nu and B^+ --> eta^' l^+ nu, (l = e or mu) undertaken with approximately 462x10^6 B\bar{B} pairs collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector. The analysis uses events in which the signal B decays are reconstructed with a loose neutrino reconstruction technique. We obtain partial branching fractions in several bins of q^2, the square of the momentum transferred to the lepton-neutrino pair, for B^0 --> pi^- l^+ nu, B^+ --> pi^0 l^+ nu, B^+ --> omega l^+ nu and B^+ --> eta l^+ nu. From these distributions, we extract the form-factor shapes f_+(q^2) and the total branching fractions BF(B^0 --> pi^- l^+ nu) = (1.45 +/- 0.04_{stat} +/- 0.06_{syst})x10^-4 (combined pi^- and pi^0 decay channels assuming isospin symmetry), BF(B^+ --> omega l^+ nu) = (1.19 +/- 0.16_{stat} +/- 0.09_{syst})x10^-4 and BF(B^+ --> eta l^+ nu) = (0.38 +/- 0.05_{stat} +/- 0.05_{syst})x10^-4. We also measure BF(B^+ --> eta^' l^+ nu) = (0.24 +/- 0.08_{stat} +/- 0.03_{syst})x10^-4. We obtain values for the magnitude of the CKM matrix element V_{ub} by direct comparison with three different QCD calculations in restricted q^2 ranges of B --> pi l^+ nu decays. From a simultaneous fit to the experimental data over the full q^2 range and the FNAL/MILC lattice QCD predictions, we obtain |V_{ub}| = (3.25 +/- 0.31)x10^-3, where the error is the combined experimental and theoretical uncertainty.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figures, submitted to PR