163 research outputs found

    Cosa significa desiderare?

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    The knowledge about the cerebral basis of reinforce and about the conditionings that structure motivations, believing and desires should not overshadow the fact that one of the characteristics of the desire is to be concatenated with a series of experiences, beliefs and points of view hardly reducible to single entities, with their own autonomy. It is possible to characterize the single desire, believing, intention only in the field of a wider net of attitudes that provides a certain coherence to every single intention, desire, memory or perception, or that points to an internal logic, precisely that which reveals that every single attitude cannot be separated from the subtle and wide net of attitudes that an individual has formed, good or bad, in his life.      

    Prediction of time series using wavelet Gaussian process for wireless sensor networks

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    Articulo de investigacion idizado en JCR con factor de impacto 2.2The detection and transmission of a physical variable over time, by a node of a sensor network to its sink node, represents a significant communication overload and consequently one of the main energy consumption processes. In this article we present an algorithm for the prediction of time series, with which it is expected to reduce the energy consumption of a sensor network, by reducing the number of transmissions when reporting to the sink node only when the prediction of the sensed value differs in certain magnitude, to the actual sensed value. For this end, the proposed algorithm combines a wavelet multiresolution transform with robust prediction using Gaussian process. The data is processed in wavelet domain, taking advantage of the transform ability to capture geometric information and decomposition in more simple signals or subbands. Subsequently, the decomposed signal is approximated by Gaussian process one for each subband of the wavelet, in this manner the Gaussian process is given to learn a much simple signal. Once the process is trained, it is ready to make predictions. We compare our method with pure Gaussian process prediction showing that the proposed method reduces the prediction error and is improves large horizons predictions, thus reducing the energy consumption of the sensor network

    Temporal variation of soil sorptivity under conventional and no-till systems determined by a simple laboratory method

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    Soil water sorptivity (S) is an important property that measures the soil capacity to take water rapidly under capillary forces. Usually S is not included in soil laboratory routine experiments because there is not a widely accepted methodology for its determination. The objectives of this work were: i) to propose a modification on the Leeds-Harrison et al. (1994) method (LH) to determine S in undisturbed soil samples; and ii) to determine the temporal variation of S and saturated hydraulic conductivity (K0) in a soil under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) treatments. Additionally, the influence of soil pore size distribution (PoSD) on S was analyzed. Undisturbed soil samples (5 cm height, 5 cm diameter) were collected from the upper 10 depth cm of each plot, from each treatment at four different times during a maize growing season (before seeding (BS), 6 leaf stage (V6), physiological maturity (R5) and after harvest (AH)). PoSD was determined in a sand box apparatus. After that, S was determined in the same samples using a modified Leeds-Harrison approach. For the proposed modification the difference between initial and final water content was actually gravimetrically measured in each sample, rather than considering it equal to the total porosity (TP). The proposed improvement was validated comparing the obtained S values with those calculated using standard one-dimension horizontal infiltration in sieved soil (0.098 vs 0.079 cm s-1/2, respectively) and in calibrated sand (0.041 vs 0.040 cm s-1/2, respectively). These differences were not significant. Both S and K0 were significantly affected by the sampling time in both treatments (mean values ranged between 0.022 and 0.077 cm s-1/2 and 1.57 and 3.75 cm s-1 respectively). We did not find a significant dependence of S with three pore size ranges analyzed. The proposed improvement of the Leeds-Harrison method allowed determining the temporal variation of S in representative undisturbed soil samples.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Difusividade da água no solo: um método simples de laboratório para sua determinação

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    Soil water diffusivity (D) is an important hydraulic property that is fundamental to characterize unsaturated watertransport. Its determination is complex, time-consuming and requires expensive instruments. The objectives of this workwere: to propose a simple and low-cost laboratory methodology to determine D function; and to analyze the influence of soilmanagement systems on D and Sorptivity (S). The studied soil was classified as a vertic Paleudol. The first 10 cm of the soilunder three different management systems (T1: Natural grassland, T2: direct drilling, and T3: Polyphitic Pasture) was sampled.The samples were sieved and packed into horizontal columns. The columns were analyzed under horizontal infiltration and Dwas determined by variations of water content as a function of time for fixed positions, obtained from low-cost soil moisturecapacitance sensors. The results showed that the proposed methodology is valid in the studied soils. Soil management systemsignificantly affected D and S. They were greater for T2 compared with T1 and T3 (D varied between 0.00033 and 0.0321cm2.s-1). This means that the soil under T2 can transmit water faster under non-saturated conditions as compared with thesoil under grazing. In conclusion, the proposed methodology allowed to determine D in a simple and low-cost way, and todetermine the influence of these properties on productive conditions.A difusividade da água no solo (D) é uma importante propriedade hidráulica para caracterizar o transporte não saturado de água no solo. Essa determinação é complexa devido ao tempo gasto para isso e ao elevado custo dos equipamentos necessários. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram: propor uma metodologia simples e de baixo custo de laboratório para determinar uma função para D e para analisar a influência de sistemas de manejo do solo em D e na sortividade do solo (S). O solo estudado foi classificado como um Paleudol vertico. As amostras deformadas foram coletadas em três sistemas de manejos (T1: Campo Nativo, T2: Plantio Direto e T3: pastagem). Foram retirados os primeiros 10 centímetros do solo. Essas amostras foram peneiradas e depois foram acomodadas em colunas horizontais. As colunas foram submetidas a infiltração horizontal e D foi determinado pela variação do conteúdo de água em função do tempo, com auxílio de sensores de capacitância para a determinação da umidade do solo. Os resultados indicam que a metodologia proposta é válida para os solos desse estudo. O sistema de manejo do solo indicou diferença significativa em D e S. Foram melhores no tratamento T2 comparado com T1 e T3 (D apresentou variação entre 0,00033 e 0,0321 cm2 s-1). Isso indica que o solo na condição T2 conduz água mais rápida na condição não saturada, que o solo manejado com pastejo. Assim, a metodologia proposta permite determinar D em uma amostra e com baixo custo, além de verificar a influência dessas propriedades em condições produtivas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Difusividade da água no solo: um método simples de laboratório para sua determinação

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    Soil water diffusivity (D) is an important hydraulic property that is fundamental to characterize unsaturated watertransport. Its determination is complex, time-consuming and requires expensive instruments. The objectives of this workwere: to propose a simple and low-cost laboratory methodology to determine D function; and to analyze the influence of soilmanagement systems on D and Sorptivity (S). The studied soil was classified as a vertic Paleudol. The first 10 cm of the soilunder three different management systems (T1: Natural grassland, T2: direct drilling, and T3: Polyphitic Pasture) was sampled.The samples were sieved and packed into horizontal columns. The columns were analyzed under horizontal infiltration and Dwas determined by variations of water content as a function of time for fixed positions, obtained from low-cost soil moisturecapacitance sensors. The results showed that the proposed methodology is valid in the studied soils. Soil management systemsignificantly affected D and S. They were greater for T2 compared with T1 and T3 (D varied between 0.00033 and 0.0321cm2.s-1). This means that the soil under T2 can transmit water faster under non-saturated conditions as compared with thesoil under grazing. In conclusion, the proposed methodology allowed to determine D in a simple and low-cost way, and todetermine the influence of these properties on productive conditions.A difusividade da água no solo (D) é uma importante propriedade hidráulica para caracterizar o transporte não saturado de água no solo. Essa determinação é complexa devido ao tempo gasto para isso e ao elevado custo dos equipamentos necessários. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram: propor uma metodologia simples e de baixo custo de laboratório para determinar uma função para D e para analisar a influência de sistemas de manejo do solo em D e na sortividade do solo (S). O solo estudado foi classificado como um Paleudol vertico. As amostras deformadas foram coletadas em três sistemas de manejos (T1: Campo Nativo, T2: Plantio Direto e T3: pastagem). Foram retirados os primeiros 10 centímetros do solo. Essas amostras foram peneiradas e depois foram acomodadas em colunas horizontais. As colunas foram submetidas a infiltração horizontal e D foi determinado pela variação do conteúdo de água em função do tempo, com auxílio de sensores de capacitância para a determinação da umidade do solo. Os resultados indicam que a metodologia proposta é válida para os solos desse estudo. O sistema de manejo do solo indicou diferença significativa em D e S. Foram melhores no tratamento T2 comparado com T1 e T3 (D apresentou variação entre 0,00033 e 0,0321 cm2 s-1). Isso indica que o solo na condição T2 conduz água mais rápida na condição não saturada, que o solo manejado com pastejo. Assim, a metodologia proposta permite determinar D em uma amostra e com baixo custo, além de verificar a influência dessas propriedades em condições produtivas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Difusividade da água no solo: um método simples de laboratório para sua determinação

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    Soil water diffusivity (D) is an important hydraulic property that is fundamental to characterize unsaturated watertransport. Its determination is complex, time-consuming and requires expensive instruments. The objectives of this workwere: to propose a simple and low-cost laboratory methodology to determine D function; and to analyze the influence of soilmanagement systems on D and Sorptivity (S). The studied soil was classified as a vertic Paleudol. The first 10 cm of the soilunder three different management systems (T1: Natural grassland, T2: direct drilling, and T3: Polyphitic Pasture) was sampled.The samples were sieved and packed into horizontal columns. The columns were analyzed under horizontal infiltration and Dwas determined by variations of water content as a function of time for fixed positions, obtained from low-cost soil moisturecapacitance sensors. The results showed that the proposed methodology is valid in the studied soils. Soil management systemsignificantly affected D and S. They were greater for T2 compared with T1 and T3 (D varied between 0.00033 and 0.0321cm2.s-1). This means that the soil under T2 can transmit water faster under non-saturated conditions as compared with thesoil under grazing. In conclusion, the proposed methodology allowed to determine D in a simple and low-cost way, and todetermine the influence of these properties on productive conditions.A difusividade da água no solo (D) é uma importante propriedade hidráulica para caracterizar o transporte não saturado de água no solo. Essa determinação é complexa devido ao tempo gasto para isso e ao elevado custo dos equipamentos necessários. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram: propor uma metodologia simples e de baixo custo de laboratório para determinar uma função para D e para analisar a influência de sistemas de manejo do solo em D e na sortividade do solo (S). O solo estudado foi classificado como um Paleudol vertico. As amostras deformadas foram coletadas em três sistemas de manejos (T1: Campo Nativo, T2: Plantio Direto e T3: pastagem). Foram retirados os primeiros 10 centímetros do solo. Essas amostras foram peneiradas e depois foram acomodadas em colunas horizontais. As colunas foram submetidas a infiltração horizontal e D foi determinado pela variação do conteúdo de água em função do tempo, com auxílio de sensores de capacitância para a determinação da umidade do solo. Os resultados indicam que a metodologia proposta é válida para os solos desse estudo. O sistema de manejo do solo indicou diferença significativa em D e S. Foram melhores no tratamento T2 comparado com T1 e T3 (D apresentou variação entre 0,00033 e 0,0321 cm2 s-1). Isso indica que o solo na condição T2 conduz água mais rápida na condição não saturada, que o solo manejado com pastejo. Assim, a metodologia proposta permite determinar D em uma amostra e com baixo custo, além de verificar a influência dessas propriedades em condições produtivas.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Estabilidade das propriedades hidráulicas do solo em um sistema de plantio direto em longo prazo

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    The area under the no-tillage system (NT) has been increasing over the last few years. Some authors indicate that stabilization of soil physical properties is reached after some years under NT while other authors debate this. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the last crop in the rotation sequence (1st year: maize, 2nd year: soybean, 3rd year: wheat/soybean) on soil pore configuration and hydraulic properties in two different soils (site 1: loam, site 2: sandy loam) from the Argentinean Pampas region under long-term NT treatments in order to determine if stabilization of soil physical properties is reached apart from a specific time in the crop sequence. In addition, we compared two procedures for evaluating water-conducting macroporosities, and evaluated the efficiency of the pedotransfer function ROSETTA in estimating the parameters of the van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) model in these soils. Soil pore configuration and hydraulic properties were not stable and changed according to the crop sequence and the last crop grown in both sites. For both sites, saturated hydraulic conductivity, K0, water-conducting macroporosity, εma, and flow-weighted mean pore radius, R0ma, increased from the 1st to the 2nd year of the crop sequence, and this was attributed to the creation of water-conducting macropores by the maize roots. The VGM model adequately described the water retention curve (WRC) for these soils, but not the hydraulic conductivity (K) vs tension (h) curve. The ROSETTA function failed in the estimation of these parameters. In summary, mean values of K0 ranged from 0.74 to 3.88 cm h-1. In studies on NT effects on soil physical properties, the crop effect must be considered.Nos últimos anos, o sistema plantio direto (NT) tem aumentado. Alguns autores indicam que os atributos físicos do solo ficam estáveis após anos cultivando nesse sistema, sendo esse fato discutido por outros autores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do último cultivo após a rotação (1º ano: milho; 2º ano: soja; e 3º ano: trigo/soja) sobre a configuração do sistema poroso do solo e das suas propriedades hidráulicas de diferentes tipos de textura (solo 1: franco; e solo 2: franco-arenoso) da região do pampa argentino, em NT por um longo prazo, para determinar se a estabilidade das propriedades físicas do solo independe do momento da rotação. Adicionalmente, foram comparados os procedimentos para avaliar a macroporosidade, bem como avaliada a eficiência da função de pedotransferência ROSETTA, para estimar os parâmetros do modelo de van Genuchten-Mualen (VGM) desses solos. A configuração do sistema poroso do solo e as propriedades hidráulicas não foram estáveis e se alteraram em razão da rotação da cultura e do último cultivo utilizado na rotação em ambos os solos. Nos dois locais, a condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado (K0 ), a macroporosidade (εma) e o raio médio ponderado do poro por fluxo (R0ma) aumentaram do 1º para o 2º ano da rotação de culturas e isso se atribuiu ao aumento de macroporos condutores de água pra as raízes de milho. O modelo VGM descreveu adequadamente a curva de retenção de água (WCR) nos dois solos, porém não foi adequada para as curvas de condutividade hidráulica (K) vs tensão (h). A função ROSETTA não foi eficiente para a estimativa dos parâmetros. Em resumo, os valores médios de K0 variaram entre 0,74 e 3,88 cm h-1. Com relação às propriedades físicas do solo no NT, o efeito do cultivo deve ser considerado.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Soil physical quality and soybean yield as affected by chiseling and subsoiling of a no-till soil

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    The concept of soil physical quality (SPQ) is currently under discussion, and an agreement about which soil physical properties should be included in the SPQ characterization has not been reached. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the ability of SPQ indicators based on static and dynamic soil properties to assess the effects of two loosening treatments (chisel plowing to 0.20 m [ChT] and subsoiling to 0.35 m [DL]) on a soil under NT and to compare the performance of static- and dynamic-based SPQ indicators to define soil proper soil conditions for soybean yield. Soil sampling and field determinations were carried out after crop harvest. Soil water retention curve was determined using a tension table, and field infiltration was measured using a tension disc infiltrometer. Most dynamic SPQ indicators (field saturated hydraulic conductivity, K0, effective macroporosity, εma, total connectivity and macroporosity indexes [CwTP and Cwmac]) were affected by the studied treatments, and were greater for DL compared to NT and ChT (K0 values were 2.17, 2.55, and 4.37 cm h-1 for NT, ChT, and DL, respectively). However, static SPQ indicators (calculated from the water retention curve) were not capable of distinguishing effects among treatments. Crop yield was significantly lower for the DL treatment (NT: 2,400 kg ha-1; ChT: 2,358 kg ha-1; and DL: 2,105 kg ha1), in agreement with significantly higher values of the dynamic SPQ indicators, K0, εma, CwTP, and Cwmac, in this treatment. The results support the idea that SPQ indicators based on static properties are not capable of distinguishing tillage effects and predicting crop yield, whereas dynamic SPQ indicators are useful for distinguishing tillage effects and can explain differences in crop yield when used together with information on weather conditions. However, future studies, monitoring years with different weather conditions, would be useful for increasing knowledge on this topic.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale


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    Compress sensing algorithm for estimation of signals in sensor networks

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    ARTICULO DE INVESTIGACION IDEXADO EN JCR CON FACTOR DE IMPACTO 2.4In this research, we present a data recovery scheme for wireless sensor networks. In some sensor networks, each node must be able to recover the complete information of the network, which leads to the problem of the high cost of energy in communication and storage of information. We proposed a modified gossip algorithm for acquire distributed measurements and communicate the information across all nodes of the network using compressive sampling and Gossip algorithms to compact the data to be stored and transmitted through a network. The experimental results on synthetic data show that the proposed method reconstruct better the signal and in less iterations than with a similar method using a thresholding algorithm