15 research outputs found

    Geopolitics & Prussian technical education in the late-eighteenth century

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    Technical instruction in eighteenth-century Prussia?both military and civilian? faltered for most of the century. In the military, promising technical achievements, such Leonhard Euler?s application of the calculus to Benjamin Robins? ballistics, were accompanied by weak institutional settings for training military engineers, with the result that much of the best military technical training continued to take place by apprenticeship. Civilian technical instruction fared better thanks to the expansion of Prussia. Obtaining control over Prussia?s territorial acquisitions in many respects demanded greater technical expertise than the wars that yielded them. This essay argues for the importance of Prussian territorial expansion from 1742, when Prussia acquired Silesia, to the three Polish partitions in 1772, 1793, and 1795, in shaping Prussian technical instruction in civil engineering. Specifically, the geography of the North European Plain?with its marshes and bogs, lakes and lagoons, and numerous waterways? presented formidable challenges, especially in hydraulic engineering. Field experiences in that region were decisive in shaping Prussian civil engineering practices that, at the end of the century, became the foundation of technical instruction at the Bauakademie, Prussia?s technical school for civil engineering and architecture, established in 1799. The Bauakademie was the earliest predecessor of the Technische Hochschule in Berlin (1879)

    Between seas and continents: aspects of the scientific career of Hermann Von Ihering, 1850-1930

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    This paper covers some periods in Hermann von Ihering’s scientific trajectory: his training in zoology in Germany and Naples, his international activities based in Brazil, and his return to Germany. It deals with aspects of the formulation of his theories on land bridges. It focuses on the network of contacts he maintained with German émigrés like himself, and primarily with Florentino Ameghino, which allowed him to interact in international scientific circles. It mentions excerpts of his letters and his publications in the periods when he began corresponding with Ameghino (1890), when he travelled to Europe in search of support for his theories (1907), and when he published his book on the history of the Atlantic Ocean (1927).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Il seminario di ricerca e la fisica teorica

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    Introduction: Clio Meets Science

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