182 research outputs found

    Different Types of Geometry and Features of its Study

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    У статті автор розглядає різні види вищої геометрії, які вивчають студенти - майбутні вчителі математики: аналітичну, диференціальну, проективну геометрії та основи геометрії. Проаналізовано предмет вивчення та основний метод кожної із навчальних дисциплін. Розглянуто особливості організації вивчення теоретичного матеріалу, з метою формування методологічних знань студентів з курсу вищої геометрії. Запропоновано створювати: таблиці, що містять теми курсу та зв’язок між ними; опорні конспекти кожної теми з виділенням фундаментальних понять та тверджень, під час створення яких необхідно стимулювати студентів до використання математичних символів. Такі таблиці та опорні конспекти сприяють узагальненню та систематизації теоретичного матеріалу курсів, відображають зв'язок між темами курсу та між різними навчальними дисциплінами. Проаналізовано основні типи математичних задач з кожної геометрії, з’ясовано, що переважна більшість задач з аналітичної та диференціальної геометрії є задачі на складання рівнянь, та отримання за їх дослідженням властивостей досліджуваних геометричних об’єктів; у курсі проективної геометрії переважають задачі на побудову; в основах геометрії – задачі на доведення. Запропоновано використання під час навчання вищої геометрії задач, які містять зовнішньо та внутрішньо дисциплінарні зв’язки.In the article the author considers different types of higher geometry which are studied by the students - future teachers of mathematics: analysis, differential, projective geometry and foundations of geometry. Analyzed the subject matter and the main method of each of the academic disciplines. The peculiarities organization learning of theoretical material, with the purpose of formation the methodological knowledge of students in the course of higher geometry. Prompted to create: a table containing the topics of the course and the relationship between them; supporting notes of each topic, highlighting fundamental concepts and claims, the creation of which it is necessary to encourage students to use mathematical symbols. The following tables and supporting notes contribute to the generalization and systematization of theoretical material on courses, reflecting the connection between topics and between different academic disciplines. The basic types of mathematical task in each geometry, it was found that the vast majority of tasks analytical and differential geometry are tasks on writing equations and obtain with their study of the properties of the studied geometric objects in the course of projective geometry is dominated by the tasks of building; the foundations of geometry - problems on proof. Proposed use in teaching of higher geometry tasks that contain externally and internally disciplinary communication

    Studies of the effect of cerebroprotective substances on the course of stress-induced behavioral depression

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    Atrophic disturbances of neurons of the limbic structures of the brain, which lead to insufficient regu-lation of emotions and mood, cause depression. Substances with cerebroprotective activity have the ability to inhibit further development and even reverse atrophic damage to neuron

    Pengaruh Jarak Dan Panjang Deep Soil Mixing Berpola Triangular Terhadap Daya Dukung Tanah Ekspansif (the Effect Spacing and Length of Deep Soil Mixing by Using Triangular Configuration on the Bearing Capacity of Expansive Soil)

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    Tanah ekspansif adalah tanah yang mempunyai perilaku kembang susut akibat adanya Perubahan kadar air. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deep soil mixing (DSM) berpola triangular. Metode deep soil mixing merupakan metode pencampuran dengan bahan additive untuk meningkatkan stabilitas tanah. Dari hasil uji klasifikasi tanah, tanah di Kabupaten Bojonegoro termasuk jenis tanah ekspansif. Variasi Jarak antar kolom yang digunakan yaitu 1D, 1,25D dan 1,5D, dimana D adalah diameter kolom 3cm. Sedangkan variasi panjang kolom adalah 2B, 3B dan 4B, dimana B adalah lebar plat pondasi. Hasil dari stabilisasi tanah ekspansif menggunakan metode deep soil mixing berpola triangular diameter kolom 3 cm menunjukkan bahwa jarak dan panjang kolom maksimum adalah jarak antar kolom 1D dan panjang kolom 4B dengan peningkatan nilai daya dukung tanah hingga 281%. Selain itu, persentase tanah yang distabilisasi sebesar 91,2% mampu menurunkan pengembangan dari tanah asli sebesar 3,36%. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa stabilisasi 10% kapur dengan metode DSM berpola triangular dapat meningkatkan daya dukung tanah dan mampu mengurangi potensi pengembangan seiring dengan meningkatnya volume tanah yang distabilisasi

    Marketing Communications in Higher Education Institutions

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    Секция 5_СОЦИАЛЬНЫЕ КОММУНИКАЦИИ: ИСТОРИЯ, ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ И ПРАКТИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫСборник включен в Государственный регистр информационного ресурса. Регистрационное свидетельство № 3061815625 от 23.05.2018


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    The basic constituents of state support of technical update of agriculture of Ukraine are considered in the article. The dynamics of expenses of the state budget on agriculture and the structure of basic market levers of state support of physical infrastructure of agricultural enterprises: financial leasing, partial indemnification of domestic agricultural machinery and reduction of prices for credits has been analyzed. Monitoring of current problems of granting and the ways of improvement of mechanism of state support have been offered. No doubt that the proper support from the side of the state is the motive force in activation of the process of technical update of agricultural enterprises.The basic constituents of state support of technical update of agriculture of Ukraine are considered in the article. The dynamics of expenses of the state budget on agriculture and the structure of basic market levers of state support of physical infrastructure of agricultural enterprises: financial leasing, partial indemnification of domestic agricultural machinery and reduction of prices for credits has been analyzed. Monitoring of current problems of granting and the ways of improvement of mechanism of state support have been offered. No doubt that the proper support from the side of the state is the motive force in activation of the process of technical update of agricultural enterprises

    How to get around the stress-traps in the students’ life and avoid the stress acute angles.

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    This paper aims to reveal the ways of forming the sanogenic anti-crisis person’s qualities. The main socio-psychological determinants causing the students’ stress (mainly, the large training load, conflicts in the group, unwillingness to study, fear of the future) and stress symptomatology (in a great part of the emotional-physiological nature: anxiety, fear, headache, lack of time, low working capacity) were identified. As it was defined, many students use spontaneously the destructive methods of stress relieving (alcohol, smoking, internet, television). A wide range of fatigue, overload and stress symptoms, arising at the interpersonal and personal level, was observed. The system of sanogenic organizational and psychological ways of stress suppression has been elaborated (i.e., Reiki recovering system, medita-tion, game trainings of cognitive processes)

    Peculiarities of Protection of Rights and Interests of Heirs: Theoretical Aspects

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    The relevance of this study is due to the necessity to ensure the proper exercise of subjective civil rights in the field of inheritance law. Protection in inheritance is related to the general right to protection. Due to the peculiarities of inheritance law as a sub-branch of civil law, it has its own specifics, which is manifested primarily in the definition of special ways to protect violated unrecognized or challenged rights. In addition, the protection of the rights of heirs takes place only within the inheritance relationship, which is characterized by a long nature. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of protection of subjective civil rights of heirs in the field of inheritance. This necessitates the use of special methodological approaches that will identify the characteristics of protection of the rights of heirs, as well as research methods such as dogmatic, formal-logical, systematic, comparative law. The article analyses the recognition of the right of ownership of inherited property in court and proves that this exceptional method of protection is used if there are obstacles to the notarization of inheritance rights. The most typical and widespread special ways to protect the rights of heirs are considered: removal from the right to inherit, invalidation of the will, change of the order of obtaining the right to inherit, reduction of the size of the obligatory share in the inheritance. The outlined issues were not widely covered in the legal literature, as the attention of scholars was mainly in the perspective of clarifying the legal nature of protection and defence, the ratio of forms and methods of protection of subjective civil rights, analysis of general methods of protection of subjective civil rights. That is why this work is an important contribution to outlining the issue of inheritance law and attracting due attention of the scientific community. Keywords: Inheritance, hereditary legal relations, Civil Code of Ukraine, method of protection, violation of rights