357 research outputs found

    Differential effects on inhibition of cholesterol absorption by plant stanol and plant sterol esters in apoE−/− mice

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    Aims 'Functional foods'; supplemented with plant sterol esters (PSE) and plant stanol esters (PSA) are therapeutic options for the management of hypercholesterolaemia. However, their effects on blood monocytes, endothelial function, atherogenesis, and sterol tissue concentrations are poorly understood. Methods and results Male apoE−/− mice (n= 30) were randomized to three different diets for 6 weeks (n= 10 per group): high-cholesterol (1.25%) western-type diet (WTD), WTD + 2% PSE, and WTD + 2% PSA. Both supplements reduced serum cholesterol. WTD + PSE resulted in increased plant sterol serum concentrations and increased inflammatory Ly-6C(high) monocyte numbers. WTD + PSA increased plant stanol serum concentrations and Ly-6C-monocyte numbers, but decreased vascular superoxide release, lipid hydroperoxides, and inflammatory cytokines in aortic tissue, in plasma, and in circulating monocytes. Despite reduced serum cholesterol concentrations, both supplements impaired endothelial vasodilation compared with WTD. WTD + PSA reduced the development of atherosclerotic lesions compared with WTD alone (12.7 ± 3.7 vs. 28.3 ± 3.5%), and WTD + PSE was less effective (17.5 ± 3.7%). WTD + PSE and WTD + PSA reduced the cholesterol content in the liver, but not in the brain. However, WTD + PSE and WTD + PSA increased plant sterol and plant stanol concentrations in the liver as well as in the brain. Conclusion PSE and PSA supplementation reduced serum cholesterol, but increased plant sterol and plant stanol concentrations. Elevated levels of PSE and PSA were associated with endothelial dysfunction and increased central nervous system depositions. Atherosclerotic lesion retardation was more pronounced in WTD + PSA, coinciding with higher regenerative monocyte numbers, decreased oxidative stress, and decreased inflammatory cytokines compared with WTD + PSE

    Retrospective analysis of a nonforecasted rain-on-snow flood in the Alps – a matter of model limitations or unpredictable nature?

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    A rain-on-snow flood occurred in the Bernese Alps, Switzerland, on 10 October 2011, and caused significant damage. As the flood peak was unpredicted by the flood forecast system, questions were raised concerning the causes and the predictability of the event. Here, we aimed to reconstruct the anatomy of this rain-on-snow flood in the Lötschen Valley (160 km<sup>2</sup>) by analyzing meteorological data from the synoptic to the local scale and by reproducing the flood peak with the hydrological model WaSiM-ETH (Water Flow and Balance Simulation Model). This in order to gain process understanding and to evaluate the predictability. <br><br> The atmospheric drivers of this rain-on-snow flood were (i) sustained snowfall followed by (ii) the passage of an atmospheric river bringing warm and moist air towards the Alps. As a result, intensive rainfall (average of 100 mm day<sup>-1</sup>) was accompanied by a temperature increase that shifted the 0° line from 1500 to 3200 m a.s.l. (meters above sea level) in 24 h with a maximum increase of 9 K in 9 h. The south-facing slope of the valley received significantly more precipitation than the north-facing slope, leading to flooding only in tributaries along the south-facing slope. We hypothesized that the reason for this very local rainfall distribution was a cavity circulation combined with a seeder-feeder-cloud system enhancing local rainfall and snowmelt along the south-facing slope. <br><br> By applying and considerably recalibrating the standard hydrological model setup, we proved that both latent and sensible heat fluxes were needed to reconstruct the snow cover dynamic, and that locally high-precipitation sums (160 mm in 12 h) were required to produce the estimated flood peak. However, to reproduce the rapid runoff responses during the event, we conceptually represent likely lateral flow dynamics within the snow cover causing the model to react "oversensitively" to meltwater. <br><br> Driving the optimized model with COSMO (Consortium for Small-scale Modeling)-2 forecast data, we still failed to simulate the flood because COSMO-2 forecast data underestimated both the local precipitation peak and the temperature increase. Thus we conclude that this rain-on-snow flood was, in general, predictable, but requires a special hydrological model setup and extensive and locally precise meteorological input data. Although, this data quality may not be achieved with forecast data, an additional model with a specific rain-on-snow configuration can provide useful information when rain-on-snow events are likely to occur

    Bowhead Whales Along the Chukotka Coast in Autumn

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    Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) were seen in autumn 1992 and 1993 only along the northern coast of Chukotka, Russia, although an extensive area of the Chukchi Sea was searched during ship cruises. Single-day counts for 76 and 50 bowheads were made on 1 October 1992 and 3 October 1993, respectively, with only a few whales seen on other days. Whales seen between Cape Schmidt and Cape Vankarem on 1 October 1992 appeared to be feeding, but there was no means to detect or sample subsurface forage that year. On 3 October 1993, bowheads appeared to be feeding in an area where a 5 m x 8 km patch of zooplankton was identified, via acoustics, at 25-30 m in water 35 m deep. A vertical-tow sample near the patch indicated the euphausiid Thysanoessa rachii, a common bowhead prey species, was abundant in the water column. The location of the zooplankton patch corresponded with a sharp salinity (proxy density) gradient. In addition, whale distribution coincided with a surface thermal boundary, identified by satellite-borne Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery. The confinement of bowhead sightings to the northern coast of Chukotka in 1992-93 corresponds to reports from autumn surveys in 1979, 1980 and 1990, while the association of whales with physical oceanographic fronts is similar to findings from a study of bowhead feeding areas in the southern Beaufort Sea. These observations suggest that the Chukotka coast may be an important feeding or staging area for the Bering Sea stock and that oceanographic patterns influencing whale occurrence may be identifiable from standard oceanographic measurements.Key words: bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus, migration, Chukchi Sea, Bering Sea, Chukotka, Thysanoessa rachii, satellite imagery, AVHRRDurant l'automne de 1992 et celui de 1993, on n'a pu observer de baleines bor&eacute;ales (Balaena mysticetus) que le long de la c&ocirc;te nord de Chukotka (Russie), bien que des recherches aient eu lieu dans une zone &eacute;tendue de la mer des Tchouktches lors de croisi&egrave;res en bateau. Des comptages de 76 et 50 baleines bor&eacute;ales ont &eacute;t&eacute; obtenus respectivement le 1er octobre 1992 et le 3 octobre 1993, alors qu'on n'en a observ&eacute; que quelques-unes les autres jours. Les baleines observ&eacute;es entre Cape Schmidt et Cape Vankarem le 1er octobre 1992 semblaient &ecirc;tre en train de s'alimenter, mais on ne disposait pas de moyens pour d&eacute;tecter le genre de nourriture sous la surface, ni pour en pr&eacute;lever un &eacute;chantillon cette ann&eacute;e-l&agrave;. Le 3 octobre 1993, les baleines semblaient s'alimenter l&agrave; o&ugrave; une plaque de zooplancton de 5 m x 8 km avait &eacute;t&eacute; identifi&eacute;e par m&eacute;thode acoustique entre 25 et 30 m de profondeur, dans une zone de 35 m de fond. Un &eacute;chantillon pr&eacute;lev&eacute; par h&acirc;lage vertical pr&egrave;s de la plaque a indiqu&eacute; que l'euphausiac&eacute; Thysanoessa rachii, une proie courante de la baleine bor&eacute;ale, &eacute;tait abondant dans la colonne d'eau. L'emplacement de la plaque de zooplancton correspondait &agrave; un fort gradient de salinit&eacute; (approximation par la densit&eacute;). De plus, la distribution des baleines co&iuml;ncidait avec une limite thermique de surface identifi&eacute;e au moyen de l'imagerie par radiom&egrave;tre perfectionn&eacute; &agrave; tr&egrave;s haute r&eacute;solution, transport&eacute; par satellite. Le confinement des observations de baleines &agrave; la c&ocirc;te nord de Chukotka en 1992-93 correspond aux rapports des relev&eacute;s d'automne de 1979, 1980 et 1990, tandis que l'association des baleines &agrave; des fronts physiques oc&eacute;anographiques cadre avec les r&eacute;sultats d'une &eacute;tude des zones d'alimentation de la baleine bor&eacute;ale dans le sud de la mer de Beaufort. Ces observations sugg&egrave;rent que la c&ocirc;te de Chukotka pourrait &ecirc;tre une importante zone d'alimentation ou de rassemblement pour la population de la mer de B&eacute;ring, et que les caract&eacute;ristiques oc&eacute;anographiques qui influencent la pr&eacute;sence des baleines pourraient &ecirc;tre identifiables &agrave; partir des mesures oc&eacute;anographiques courantes.Mots cl&eacute;s: baleine bor&eacute;ale, Balaena mysticetus, migration, mer des Tchouktches, mer de B&eacute;ring, Chukotka, Thysanoessa rachii, imagerie par satellite, radiom&egrave;tre perfectionn&eacute; &agrave; tr&egrave;s haute r&eacute;solutio

    Mid-infrared PAH and H2 emission as a probe of physical conditions in extreme PDRs

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    Mid-infrared (IR) observations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and molecular hydrogen emission are a potentially powerful tool to derive physical properties of dense environments irradiated by intense UV fields. We present new, spatially resolved, \emph{Spitzer} mid-IR spectroscopy of the high UV-field and dense photodissocation region (PDR) around Monoceros R2, the closest ultracompact \hII region, revealing the spatial structure of ionized gas, PAHs and H2_2 emissions. Using a PDR model and PAH emission feature fitting algorithm, we build a comprehensive picture of the physical conditions prevailing in the region. We show that the combination of the measurement of PAH ionization fraction and of the ratio between the H2_2 0-0 S(3) and S(2) line intensities, respectively at 9.7 and 12.3 μ\mum, allows to derive the fundamental parameters driving the PDR: temperature, density and UV radiation field when they fall in the ranges T=2501500T = 250-1500 K, nH=104106n_H=10^4-10^6cm3^{-3}, G0=103105G_0=10^3-10^5 respectively. These mid-IR spectral tracers thus provide a tool to probe the similar but unresolved UV-illuminated surface of protoplanetary disks or the nuclei of starburst galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Robust estimates of climate-induced hydrological change in a temperate mountainous region

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    A sustainable water resources management depends on sound information about the impacts of climate change. This information is, however, not easily derived because natural runoff variability interferes with the climate change signal. This study presents a procedure that leads to robust estimates of magnitude and Time Of Emergence (TOE) of climate-induced hydrological change that also account for the natural variability contained in the time series. Firstly, natural variability of 189 mesoscale catchments in Switzerland is sampled for 10 ENSEMBLES scenarios for the control (1984-2005) and two scenario periods (near future: 2025-2046, far future: 2074-2095) applying a bootstrap procedure. Then, the sampling distributions of mean monthly runoff are tested for significant differences with the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and for effect size with Cliff's delta d. Finally, the TOE of a climate change induced hydrological change is determined when at least eight out of the ten hydrological projections significantly differ from natural variability. The results show that the TOE occurs in the near future period except for high-elevated catchments in late summer. The significant hydrological projections in the near future correspond, however, to only minor runoff changes. In the far future, hydrological change is statistically significant and runoff changes are substantial. Temperature change is the most important factor determining hydrological change in this mountainous region. Therefore, hydrological change depends strongly on a catchment's mean elevation. Considering that the hydrological changes are predicted to be robust in the near future highlights the importance of accounting for these changes in water resources planning

    The structured environments of embedded star-forming cores. PACS and SPIRE mapping of the enigmatic outflow source UYSO 1

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    The intermediate-mass star-forming core UYSO 1 has previously been found to exhibit intriguing features. While deeply embedded and previously only identified by means of its (sub-)millimeter emission, it drives two powerful, dynamically young, molecular outflows. Although the process of star formation has obviously started, the chemical composition is still pristine. We present Herschel PACS and SPIRE continuum data of this presumably very young region. The now complete coverage of the spectral energy peak allows us to precisely constrain the elevated temperature of 26 - 28 K for the main bulge of gas associated with UYSO1, which is located at the interface between the hot HII region Sh 2-297 and the cold dark nebula LDN 1657A. Furthermore, the data identify cooler compact far-infrared sources of just a few solar masses, hidden in this neighbouring dark cloud.Comment: accepted contribution for the forthcoming Herschel Special Issue of A&A, 5 pages (will appear as 4-page letter in the journal), 6 figure file

    Controversial role of plant sterol esters in the management of hypercholesterolaemia

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    Hypercholesterolaemia is a risk factor of cardiovascular diseases and is therefore a major target for primary and secondary prevention. Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle reduces cardiovascular risk. 'Functional foods'; supplemented with phytosterols are advertised for the management of hypercholesterolaemia and have become a widely used non-prescription approach to lower plasma cholesterol levels. It is estimated that in 2005 worldwide 3 billion US-dollars were spent on various functional foods that have regulator-approved health claims for the management of elevated cholesterol levels. In September 2000, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an interim final rule allowing a health claim for reducing the risk of coronary heart disease for foods that contain phytosterols and are low in saturated fat and cholesterol. In fact, this was only the 12th time the FDA has authorized a health claim. The National Cholesterol Education Program Expert Panel (NCEP ATP III) recommends since 2001 phytosterol enriched functional foods as part of an optimal dietetic prevention strategy in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The American Heart Association (AHA) has followed and sees phytosterols 'as a therapeutic option ... for individuals with elevated cholesterol levels';. Since then other well-esteemed societies such as the Spanish Cardiology Society, the Association of Clinical and Public Health Nutritionists in Finland, and the National Heart Foundation in Australia, to name only a few, have identified phytosterols as an important additional dietary option in the management of hypercholesterolaemia. However, recently released guidelines are more critical of food supplementation with phytosterols and draw attention to significant safety issues

    Moment equations for chemical reactions on interstellar dust grains

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    While most chemical reactions in the interstellar medium take place in the gas phase, those occurring on the surfaces of dust grains play an essential role. Chemical models based on rate equations including both gas phase and grain surface reactions have been used in order to simulate the formation of chemical complexity in interstellar clouds. For reactions in the gas phase and on large grains, rate equations, which are highly efficient to simulate, are an ideal tool. However, for small grains under low flux, the typical number of atoms or molecules of certain reactive species on a grain may go down to order one or less. In this case the discrete nature of the opulations of reactive species as well as the fluctuations become dominant, thus the mean-field approximation on which the rate equations are based does not apply. Recently, a master equation approach, that provides a good description of chemical reactions on interstellar dust grains, was proposed. Here we present a related approach based on moment equations that can be obtained from the master equation. These equations describe the time evolution of the moments of the distribution of the population of the various chemical species on the grain. An advantage of this approach is the fact that the production rates of molecular species are expressed directly in terms of these moments. Here we use the moment equations to calculate the rate of molecular hydrogen formation on small grains. It is shown that the moment equation approach is efficient in this case in which only a single reactive specie is involved. The set of equations for the case of two species is presented and the difficulties in implementing this approach for complex reaction networks involving multiple species are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, submitted for publication in A&

    Effect of photochemical ageing on the ice nucleation properties of diesel and wood burning particles

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    A measurement campaign (IMBALANCE) conducted in 2009 was aimed at characterizing the physical and chemical properties of freshly emitted and photochemically aged combustion particles emitted from a log wood burner and diesel vehicles: a EURO3 Opel Astra with a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) but no particle filter and a EURO2 Volkswagen Transporter TDI Syncro without emission aftertreatment. Ice nucleation experiments in the deposition and condensation freezing modes were conducted with the Portable Ice Nucleation Chamber (PINC) at three nominal temperatures, −30 °C, −35 °C and −40 °C. Freshly emitted diesel particles showed ice formation only at −40 °C in the deposition mode at 137% relative humidity with respect to ice (RH&lt;sub&gt;i&lt;/sub&gt;) and 92% relative humidity with respect to water (RH&lt;sub&gt;w&lt;/sub&gt;), and photochemical ageing did not play a role in modifying their ice nucleation behaviour. Only one diesel experiment where α-pinene was added for the ageing process, showed an ice nucleation enhancement at −35 °C. Wood burning particles also act as ice nuclei (IN) at −40 °C in the deposition mode at the same conditions as for diesel particles and photochemical ageing also did not alter the ice formation properties of the wood burning particles. Unlike diesel particles, wood burning particles form ice via condensation freezing at −35 °C whereas no ice nucleation was observed at −30 °C. Photochemical ageing did not affect the ice nucleation ability of the diesel and wood burning particles at the three different temperatures investigated but a broader range of temperatures below −40 °C need to be investigated in order to draw an overall conclusion on the effect of photochemical ageing on deposition/condensation ice nucleation across the entire temperature range relevant to cold clouds