826 research outputs found

    Using Non-Standard Methods of Promotion in the Event Industry in Conditions of Limited Resources

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    Globalization challenges companies, demanding from them an immediate response to changes in society and the use of non-standard methods of promotion that can attract the target public. Special events are an effective brand promotion tool, but not without difficulties. Even in conditions of a limited budget, provided high-quality management, an original concept and prompt response to current socio-economic and political changes, special events can bring profit, increase the efficiency of the organization, highlight the brand in the market, thereby increasing the competitiveness of the company. Each event requires the development of a concept as a separate opportunity to best influence the target group. The purpose of the work is to identify non-standard ways to promote special events in conditions of limited resources and to determine their effectiveness. To achieve the result, the author applied methods of systematization and generalization of existing experience on the subject of research, as well as methods of theoretical and empirical analysis, thanks to which recommendations were developed on the use of non-standard methods of promotion within the framework of solving problems for the implementation of a special event in modern conditions


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    The implementation of state educational standards of Ukraine necessitates strengthening the role and constant optimization of independent work. Fate of time allocated to independent work of students is increasing every year. Students often point to the difficulty in self orientation in a large number of information materials on any topic pharmaceutical botany. Employees of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Botany created teaching materials for self-study. The purpose of the article was to analyze the experience of using handouts teaching materials as a way of independent work of students on the course pharmaceutical botany. The recommendations for further improvement are presented.Реалізація державних освітніх стандартів України зумовлює необхідність посилення ролі і постійної оптимізації самостійної роботи студентів. Частка часу, який виділяється на самостійну роботу студента зростає рік від року. Студенти часто вказують на утруднення в самостійній орієнтації у великій кількості інформаційного матеріалу з будь-якої теми фармацевтичної ботаніки. Співробітниками кафедри фармакогнозії і ботаніки створені дидактичні матеріали для самостійної роботи. Метою статті було проаналізувати досвід використання роздаткових дидактичних матеріалів як спосіб організації самостійної роботи студентів з курсу “Фармацевтична ботаніка”. Надані рекомендації для подальшого її вдосконалення

    About the distributed model of composite conveyor

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    The problem of energy consumption of composite conveyors is considered. A distributed model of control of production lines is proposed for use. The model of control of composite conveyors in partial derivatives is described. The problem of optimal control of conveyors with leading and driven lines is formulated

    Conceptual leadership models: success in the life philosophy of modern leaders

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    The article analyzes the conceptual models of leadership. The specificity of the leader's perception by the followers in various conceptual schemes-versions is revealed. An idea is outlined that unites the conceptual schemes of leadership concepts existing at the turn of the 20th – 21st centuries: one of the signs of the life philosophy of modern leaders is an orientation towards success, understood as a process that includes an ideal model of the future. The leader, as shown in the study, assesses the real situation and is able to determine the degree of the gap in the relationship “present – ideal future”. This assessment of the gap for a successful leader is the basis for motivating change, through which the gap is invariably reduced

    Activity of Lipoperoxidation – Antioxidant Protection Reactions in Patients with HIV Infection (Review)

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    Changes in the activity of the lipid peroxidation – the antioxidant defense system is an important metabolic  characteristic in various diseases, including infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. The high  medical, social and economic significance of HIV infection is determined by the widespread and severe course of the disease. Up to 2.7 million new infections are registered in the world every year. The increase in the  prevalence of HIV infection in the Russian Federation is largely due to the prevalence of sexual transmission (50.3 %). In recent years, the proportion of women of reproductive age who are infected with HIV has significantly increased, which entails the problem of an increase in the number of cases of HIV transmission from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth.According to a number of authors, it was found that in patients with HIV infection there is an intensification of the processes of lipid peroxidation, against the background of depletion of the activity of the antioxidant defense system. The presence of co-infections in the human immunodeficiency virus, concomitant diseases and other negative factors can aggravate the course of this kind of reactions.The article presents a review and analysis of recent literature data on studies of the features of changes in free radical oxidation indicators in HIV infection. The study of LPO–AOD processes in HIV infection is necessary and can act as a new approach in the prevention of complications and treatment of this disease.When writing the review, the database of the scientific electronic library (eLibrary.Ru) was used, the keywords were HIV, lipid peroxidation, lipid peroxidation, free radical oxidation, antioxidant protection; filters: publication years 2010–2020, publications with full text, publications available for viewing; An English-language database of medical and biological publications created by the NCBI, keywords: HIV, lipid  peroxidation, antioxidant protection, antioxidants, oxidative stress, human immunodeficiency virus

    Tools for setting up the personnel labor motivation system: a review of research by Russian scientists and practitioners

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    This paper provides an overview of modern theoretical and practical approaches to the systems of motivation and stimulation of the work of the personnel. The main focus is on the works of Russian researchers within the last decade. The relevance of this study is due to the lack of such reviews in scientific sources, as well as the possible comparison of the achievements of theory and practice in order to create an effective system of staff labor motivation. The purpose of this study is to analyze modern approaches in theory and practice to the content of labor motivation and incentive systems, the mechanism of labor motivation and the selection of the most effective “tools for tuning” the system of labor motivation and incentives. The research methods used in this study include analysis, systematization and generalization of the published approaches of researchers and practitioners, including copyright research, for the period from 2012 to 2020, presented in academic journals and monographic sources. The results of the study were systematized by the authors in three areas of analysis: models and systems of motivation and incentives for personnel and the composition of their elements; approaches to studying mechanisms of motivation and stimulation of labor, guiding the labor behavior of employees; experience of a differentiated approach to managing labor motivation. Systematization and generalization of the approaches made it possible to single out the “tuning tools” of the system of motivation and stimulation of labor and to define the concept. Moreover, it helped to compile the list of such tools, including: monitoring the need-motivational sphere and job satisfaction, studying the dynamics of the employee’s motivational profiles for making and changing management decisions; application of a flexible incentive system, taking into account the differentiation of incentives by gender, age, length of service, job positions of personnel in the company; providing an employee with a choice of a compensation package from the enterprise’s cafeteria. These customization tools guide managers towards a targeted approach to personnel, combining the efforts of management at different levels to align labor motivation with the strategic goals of the company. The authors argue that a timely use and alternation of the tools for setting up and tuning the labor motivation system, focusing on the urgent needs of personnel, allows to change the company’s motivational strategy creating sustainable competitive advantages which are necessary in modern economic realities

    Innovative technologies of management of social work in the Russian Federation

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    The purpose of studying innovative technologies of social service of elderly people in the Russian Federation is to analyse and synthesize the best regional practices on the organization of social work with elderly people. It is particular importance during political and economic crisis when elderly people become the most wounded group of the population. As a result of this research it has been revealed that the main document organizing social work with elderly people is "Road map" at the regional level. It is described as the basic principles of increase in efficiency and quality of services in the sphere of social service of the population in the Novgorod region for 2013 - 2018. The training, medical-correctional, social and psychological, health saving and spare time of work are revealed with citizens of elderly age.peer-reviewe