193 research outputs found

    Gas-liquid critical point in ionic fluids

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    Based on the method of collective variables we develop the statistical field theory for the study of a simple charge-asymmetric 1:z1:z primitive model (SPM). It is shown that the well-known approximations for the free energy, in particular DHLL and ORPA, can be obtained within the framework of this theory. In order to study the gas-liquid critical point of SPM we propose the method for the calculation of chemical potential conjugate to the total number density which allows us to take into account the higher order fluctuation effects. As a result, the gas-liquid phase diagrams are calculated for z=2−4z=2-4. The results demonstrate the qualitative agreement with MC simulation data: critical temperature decreases when zz increases and critical density increases rapidly with zz.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Statistical field theory for simple fluids: the collective variables representation

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    An alternative representation of an exact statistical field theory for simple fluids, based on the method of collective variables, is presented. The results obtained are examined from the point of another version of theory that was developed recently by performing a Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation of the configurational Boltzmann factor [J.-M. Caillol, Mol. Phys. 101 (2003) 1617]. The analytical expressions for the pressure and the free energy are derived in two-loop approximation for both versions of theory and it is shown that they are indeed equivalent.The results yield a new type approximation within an untested approximation scheme

    Ionic fluids: charge and density correlations near gas-liquid criticality

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    The correlation functions of an ionic fluid with charge and size asymmetry are studied within the framework of the random phase approximation. The results obtained for the charge-charge correlation function demonstrate that the second-moment Stillinger-Lovett (SL) rule is satisfied away from the gas-liquid critical point (CP) but not, in general, at the CP. However in the special case of a model without size assymetry the SL rules are satisfied even at the CP. The expressions for the density-density and charge-density correlation functions valid far and close to the CP are obtained explicitely

    Asymmetric Primitive-Model Electrolytes: Debye-Huckel Theory, Criticality and Energy Bounds

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    Debye-Huckel (DH) theory is extended to treat two-component size- and charge-asymmetric primitive models, focussing primarily on the 1:1 additive hard-sphere electrolyte with, say, negative ion diameters, a--, larger than the positive ion diameters, a++. The treatment highlights the crucial importance of the charge-unbalanced ``border zones'' around each ion into which other ions of only one species may penetrate. Extensions of the DH approach which describe the border zones in a physically reasonable way are exact at high TT and low density, ρ\rho, and, furthermore, are also in substantial agreement with recent simulation predictions for \emph{trends} in the critical parameters, TcT_c and ρc\rho_c, with increasing size asymmetry. Conversely, the simplest linear asymmetric DH description, which fails to account for physically expected behavior in the border zones at low TT, can violate a new lower bound on the energy (which applies generally to models asymmetric in both charge and size). Other recent theories, including those based on the mean spherical approximation, have predicted trends in the critical parameters quite opposite to those established by the simulations.Comment: to appear in Physical Review

    Equilibrium solvation in quadrupolar solvents

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    We present a microscopic theory of equilibrium solvation in solvents with zero dipole moment and non-zero quadrupole moment (quadrupolar solvents). The theory is formulated in terms of autocorrelation functions of the quadrupolar polarization (structure factors). It can be therefore applied to an arbitrary dense quadrupolar solvent for which the structure factors are defined. We formulate a simple analytical perturbation treatment for the structure factors. The solute is described by coordinates, radii, and partial charges of constituent atoms. The theory is tested on Monte Carlo simulations of solvation in model quadrupolar solvents. It is also applied to the calculation of the activation barrier of electron transfer reactions in a cleft-shaped donor-acceptor complex dissolved in benzene with the structure factors of quadrupolar polarization obtained from Molecular Dynamics simulations.Comment: Submitted to J. Chem. Phys., 20 pages and 13 figure

    Thermo-statistical description of gas mixtures from space partitions

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    The new mathematical framework based on the free energy of pure classical fluids presented in [R. D. Rohrmann, Physica A 347, 221 (2005)] is extended to multi-component systems to determine thermodynamic and structural properties of chemically complex fluids. Presently, the theory focuses on DD-dimensional mixtures in the low-density limit (packing factor η<0.01\eta < 0.01). The formalism combines the free-energy minimization technique with space partitions that assign an available volume vv to each particle. vv is related to the closeness of the nearest neighbor and provides an useful tool to evaluate the perturbations experimented by particles in a fluid. The theory shows a close relationship between statistical geometry and statistical mechanics. New, unconventional thermodynamic variables and mathematical identities are derived as a result of the space division. Thermodynamic potentials Όil\mu_{il}, conjugate variable of the populations NilN_{il} of particles class ii with the nearest neighbors of class ll are defined and their relationships with the usual chemical potentials Όi\mu_i are established. Systems of hard spheres are treated as illustrative examples and their thermodynamics functions are derived analytically. The low-density expressions obtained agree nicely with those of scaled-particle theory and Percus-Yevick approximation. Several pair distribution functions are introduced and evaluated. Analytical expressions are also presented for hard spheres with attractive forces due to K\^ac-tails and square-well potentials. Finally, we derive general chemical equilibrium conditions.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Modelling colloids with Baxter's adhesive hard sphere model

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    The structure of the Baxter adhesive hard sphere fluid is examined using computer simulation. The radial distribution function (which exhibits unusual discontinuities due to the particle adhesion) and static structure factor are calculated with high accuracy over a range of conditions and compared with the predictions of Percus--Yevick theory. We comment on rigidity in percolating clusters and discuss the role of the model in the context of experiments on colloidal systems with short-range attractive forces.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. (For proceedings of "Structural arrest in colloidal systems with short-range attractive forces", Messina, December 2003

    Liquid-liquid equilibrium for monodisperse spherical particles

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    A system of identical particles interacting through an isotropic potential that allows for two preferred interparticle distances is numerically studied. When the parameters of the interaction potential are adequately chosen, the system exhibits coexistence between two different liquid phases (in addition to the usual liquid-gas coexistence). It is shown that this coexistence can occur at equilibrium, namely, in the region where the liquid is thermodynamically stable.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures. Published versio

    A diagrammatic formulation of the kinetic theory of fluctuations in equilibrium classical fluids. VI. Binary collision approximations for the memory function for self correlation functions

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    We use computer simulation results for a dense Lennard-Jones fluid for a range of temperatures to test the accuracy of various binary collision approximations for the memory function for density fluctuations in liquids. The approximations tested include the moderate density approximation of the generalized Boltzmann-Enskog memory function (MGBE) of Mazenko and Yip, the binary collision approximation (BCA) and the short time approximation (STA) of Ranganathan and Andersen, and various other approximations derived by us using diagrammatic methods. The tests are of twotypes. The first is a comparison of the correlation functions predicted by each approximate memory function with the simulation results, especially for the self longitudinal current correlation function (SLCC). The second is a direct comparison of each approximate memory function with a memory function numerically extracted from the correlation function data. The MGBE memory function is accurate at short times but decays to zero too slowly and gives a poor description of the correlation function at intermediate times. The BCA is exact at zero time, but it predicts a correlation function that diverges at long times. The STA gives a reasonable description of the SLCC but does not predict the correct temperature dependence of the negative dip in the function that is associated with caging at low temperatures. None of the other binary collision approximations is a systematic improvement upon the STA. The extracted memory functions have a rapidly decaying short time part, much like the STA, and a much smaller, more slowly decaying part of the type predicted by mode coupling theory. Theories that use mode coupling commonly include a binary collision term in the memory function but do not discuss in detail the nature of that term. ...Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Simple Fluids with Complex Phase Behavior

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    We find that a system of particles interacting through a simple isotropic potential with a softened core is able to exhibit a rich phase behavior including: a liquid-liquid phase transition in the supercooled phase, as has been suggested for water; a gas-liquid-liquid triple point; a freezing line with anomalous reentrant behavior. The essential ingredient leading to these features resides in that the potential investigated gives origin to two effective core radii.Comment: 7 pages including 3 eps figures + 1 jpeg figur
