786 research outputs found

    Nanostructuring Graphene by Dense Electronic Excitation

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    The ability to manufacture tailored graphene nanostructures is a key factor to fully exploit its enormous technological potential. We have investigated nanostructures created in graphene by swift heavy ion induced folding. For our experiments, single layers of graphene exfoliated on various substrates and freestanding graphene have been irradiated and analyzed by atomic force and high resolution transmission electron microscopy as well as Raman spectroscopy. We show that the dense electronic excitation in the wake of the traversing ion yields characteristic nanostructures each of which may be fabricated by choosing the proper irradiation conditions. These nanostructures include unique morphologies such as closed bilayer edges with a given chirality or nanopores within supported as well as freestanding graphene. The length and orientation of the nanopore, and thus of the associated closed bilayer edge, may be simply controlled by the direction of the incoming ion beam. In freestanding graphene, swift heavy ion irradiation induces extremely small openings, offering the possibility to perforate graphene membranes in a controlled way.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Nanotechnolog

    Surface distribution of small-scale magnetic field on the active cool star LQ Hydrae

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    It is well known that small-scale magnetism dominates the surface magnetic field topologies of active late-type stars. However, little information is available on the spatial distribution of this key magnetic field component. Here, we take advantage of the recently developed magnetic field diagnostic procedure relying on the magnetic intensification of iron atomic lines in the optical. We extend this methodology from measuring a single average field strength value to simultaneous Doppler imaging reconstruction of the two-dimensional maps of temperature and magnetic field strength. We applied this novel surface mapping approach to two spectroscopic data sets of the young active Sun-like star LQ Hya. For both epochs, we found a fairly uniform field strength distribution, apart from a latitudinal trend of the field strength increasing from 1.5-2.0 kG at low latitudes to 3.0-3.5 kG, close to the rotational poles. This distribution of the small-scale field does not display a clear correlation with the locations of temperature spots or the global magnetic field structure reconstructed for the same epochs.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    Nymfomania Richard von Krafft-Ebingin teoksessa Psychopathia Sexualis:käsityksiä naisen seksuaalisuudesta 1800-luvulla

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    Tiivistelmä. Seksuaalisuuden merkityksen yksilölle ja yhteiskunnalle tunnisti jo aikanaan psykiatri ja seksologian uranuurtaja Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840–1902), jonka teoksen Psychopathia Sexualis (1886) englanninkielinen käännös (1998) on tutkielmani lähdeteoksena. Tutkielmassani keskityn tarkastelemaan Krafft-Ebingin näkemyksiä sukupuolesta ja seksuaalisuudesta, erityisesti nymfomaniasta. Kontekstoin Krafft-Ebingin näkemyksiä 1800-luvun yleisiin käsityksiin seksuaalisuudesta ja sukupuolirooleista. Nymfomanian konstruktion rakentumiseen ovat vaikuttaneet käsitykset niin sanotusta normaalista naiseudesta ja seksuaalisuudesta. Relativistinen ja kriittinen suhtautumiseni seksuaalisuuden psykopatologisointiin ja sukupuoliroolien oikeanlaisen performoinnin vaatimukseen luovat pohjaa nymfomanian ymmärtämiseksi sosiaalisena konstruktiona. Nymfomanian konstruktio on monin tavoin estänyt naisia elämästä naisehtoisesti 1800-luvulla

    Hidden magnetic fields of young suns

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    Global magnetic fields of active solar-like stars are, nowadays, routinely detected with spectropolarimetric measurements and are mapped with Zeeman Doppler imaging (ZDI). However, due to the cancellation of opposite field polarities, polarimetry only captures a tiny fraction of the magnetic flux and cannot assess the overall stellar surface magnetic field if it is dominated by a small-scale component. The analysis of Zeeman broadening in high-resolution intensity spectra can reveal these hidden complex magnetic fields. Historically, there were very few attempts to obtain such measurements for G dwarf stars due to the difficulty of disentangling the Zeeman effect from other broadening mechanisms affecting spectral lines. Here, we developed a new magnetic field diagnostic method based on relative Zeeman intensification of optical atomic lines with different magnetic sensitivity. By using this technique, we obtained 78 field strength measurements for 15 Sun-like stars, including some of the best-studied young solar twins. We find that the average magnetic field strength Bf drops from 1.3-2.0 kG in stars younger than about 120 Myr to 0.2-0.8 kG in older stars. The mean field strength shows a clear correlation with the Rossby number and with the coronal and chromospheric emission indicators. Our results suggest that magnetic regions have roughly the same local field strength B approximate to 3.2 kG in all stars, with the filling factor f of these regions systematically increasing with stellar activity. In comparing our results with the spectropolarimetric analyses of global magnetic fields in the same stars, we find that ZDI recovers about 1% of the total magnetic field energy in the most active stars. This figure drops to just 0.01% for the least active targets.Peer reviewe

    Hydrogen-induced magnetism in carbon nanotubes

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    Spin-polarized density functional theory is used to investigate hydrogen-induced magnetism in single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). Hydrogen trapped at a carbon vacancy can trigger delocalized π electron spin polarization on semiconducting zigzag SWNTs. Hydrogen pinned by a carbon adatom on the surface of the SWNT can induce spin polarization localized at the carbon adatom, independent of the diameter and chirality of the tube.Peer reviewe

    Magnetic properties of vacancies in graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    Spin-polarized density functional theory has been used to study the properties of vacancies in a graphene sheet and in single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). For graphene, we find that the vacancies are magnetic and the symmetry of the sheet is broken by the distortion of an atom next to the vacancy site. We also studied vacancies in four armchair SWNTs from (3,3) to (6,6) and six zigzag SWNTs from (5,0) to (10,0). Our calculations demonstrate that vacancies can change the electronic structure of SWNTs, converting some metallic nanotubes to semiconductors and vice versa. Metallic nanotubes with vacancies exhibit ferro- or ferrimagnetism, whereas some semiconducting nanotubes with vacancies show an antiferromagnetic order. The magnetic properties depend on chiralities of the tubes, the configuration of the vacancy and the concentration of the vacancies.Peer reviewe


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    The eye lens exposure among 16 technicians in two nuclear medicine departments at university hospitals in Finland was investigated by measuring the operational quantity H-p(3) using EYE-D dosemeters. For all workers, the annual mean H-p(3) was estimated to be 1.1 mSv (max. 3.9 mSv). The relation between H-p(3) to routinely monitored personal dose equivalent H-p(10) was clearly correlated. Considering individual dose measurement periods (2-4 weeks), the H-p(3)/H-p(10) ratio was 0.7 (Pearson's coefficient r = 0.90, p 0.1 mSv vs. <0.1 mSv, respectively), i.e. higher Hp(10) predicts H-p(3) more reliably. Moreover, annual H-p(10) data from national dose register during 2009-2018 were used to derive the annual H-p(3) applying the H-p(3)/H-p(10) ratio. The data from Finnish nuclear medicine departments imply that routine measurements of H-p(3) among nuclear medicine technicians are not justified.Peer reviewe

    Structure and magnetic properties of adatoms on carbon nanotubes

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    We use ab initio methods to calculate the physical and electronic properties of carbon adatoms on different characteristic carbon nanotubes. We found that for every tube the energetically favored adsorption geometry is a “bridgelike” structure between two surface carbons, perpendicular to the long axis of the tube. For adsorption perpendicular or parallel to the axis, the calculations show that the adatom is spin polarized, although the magnitude of the magnetic moment depends mainly on the electronic structure of the nanotube itself.Peer reviewe

    Embedding Transition-Metal Atoms in Graphene: Structure, Bonding, and Magnetism

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    We present a density-functional-theory study of transition-metal atoms (Sc–Zn, Pt, and Au) embedded in single and double vacancies (SV and DV) in a graphene sheet. We show that for most metals, the bonding is strong and the metal-vacancy complexes exhibit interesting magnetic behavior. In particular, an Fe atom on a SV is not magnetic, while the Fe@DV complex has a high magnetic moment. Surprisingly, Au and Cu atoms at SV are magnetic. Both bond strengths and magnetic moments can be understood within a simple local-orbital picture, involving carbon sp2 hybrids and the metal spd orbitals. We further calculate the barriers for impurity-atom migration, and they agree well with available experimental data. We discuss the experimental realization of such systems in the context of spintronics and nanocatalysis.Peer reviewe