128 research outputs found

    Магнитомягкие композиты на основе порошков железа для создания компонентов двухстаторного комбинированного электродвигателя

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    An experimental prototype of electric motor on permanent (FeNdB) magnets with switchable magnetic flux with two sectioned stators and a rotor using SMC material based on encapsulated metal powders has been developed. The method of manufacture of magnetic cores by powder metallurgy method on the basis of magnetically soft encapsulated titanium dioxide composites has been developed, including computer modeling of magnetic cores components, creation of tooling for their manufacture by pressing and selection of technological modes of pressing. Press set for manufacturing stator components by pressing in the form of a mold was made of hardened 5XHB steel. With its use magnetic components for twostator combined electric motor are pressed. The main electromagnetic characteristics of the components were measured with an express magnetometer. Complex studies showed that the magnetic components have sufficient strength and the necessary electromagnetic characteristics to create a two-stator combined electric motor of this type. An experimental sample of electric motor with maximum power of 15 kW was created on the basis of manufactured magnetic components. Advantages of composite material over electrical steel and other soft magnetic alloys allow providing their wider application in electric machines in order to increase specific power at high speed of rotation with less losses.Разработан экспериментальный образец электродвигателя с переключаемым магнитным потоком с двумя секционированными статорами и ротором на постоянных (FeNdB) магнитах с применением SMC-материала на основе капсулированных металлических порошков. Создана методика изготовления магнитопроводов на основемагнитомягких капсулированных диоксидом титана композитов методом порошковой металлургии, включающая в себя компьютерное моделирование компонентов магнитопроводов, создание оснастки для их изготовления методом прессования и выбор технологических режимов прессования. Оснастка для компонентов статора методом прессования в виде пресс-формы изготовлена из закаленной стали 5ХHB. С ее применением спрессованы магнитныекомпоненты для двухстаторного комбинированного электродвигателя. Основные электромагнитные характеристики компонентов измерены с помощью экспресс-магнетометра. Комплексные исследования показали, что магнитные компоненты обладают достаточной прочностью и необходимыми электромагнитными характеристиками длясоздания двухстаторного комбинированного данного типа электродвигателя. На основе изготовленных магнитных компонентов создан экспериментальный образец электродвигателя с максимальной расчетной мощностью 15 кВт. Преимущества композиционного материала перед электротехнической сталью и другими магнитомягкими сплавами позволяют обеспечить более широкое их применение в электрических машинах с целью повышения удельной мощности при высокой скорости вращения с меньшими потерями


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    By the method of melting special powder amounts of cobalt antimonide and cobalt telluride in vacuum, the solid solutions alloys of the CoSb1–x Tex system were synthesized with the NiAs structure. X-ray analysis results of the alloys confirmed the formation of a continuous series of solid solutions with a nickel-arsenide-type structure in the system. The constants a of the initial CoSb and CoTe compounds are close in values, which determines the course of the dependence a = f(x) that is practically parallel to the concentration axis. The dependence of the constant c on the concentration increases smoothly from 5.181 Å in CoSb to 5.371 Å in CoTe with a slight deflection to the concentration axis. The alloy density, determined by the hydrostatic weighing in carbon tetrachloride, has a linear dependence on the concentration. The concentration dependence of the micro hardness of the CoSb1–x Tex alloys passes through a weakly expressed maximum in the range of average compositions. Specific magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of the alloys are measured by the ponderomotive method in a magnetic field of 6.8 · 105 A/m in the temperature range 80–1200 K. At the temperature of liquid nitrogen, the value of specific magnetization is maximum (~6,0–6,5 Гс · см3 · г–1) in CoTe and solid solutions based on it. Solid solutions of compositions x = 0.4–0.9 have a magnetic transition temperature exceeding 1200 K. Методом плавления соответствующих количеств порошков соединений антимонида кобальта и теллурида кобальта в вакууме синтезированы сплавы твердых растворов системы CoSb1–x Tex . Результаты рентгеноструктурного анализа сплавов подтвердили образование в системе непрерывного ряда твердых растворов со структурой никель- арсенидного типа. Постоянные а исходных соединений CoSb и CoTe близки по величинам, что определяет практически параллельный оси концентрации ход зависимости a = f(x). Зависимость постоянной с от концентрации плавно возрастает от 5,181 Å у CoSb до 5,371 Å у CoTe с небольшим прогибом к оси концентраций. Плотность сплавов, определенная методом гидростатического взвешивания в тетрахлориде углерода, имеет линейный характер зависимости от концентрации. Концентрационная зависимость микротвердости сплавов системы CoSb1–x Tex проходит через слабо выраженный максимум в области средних составов. Пондеромоторным методом в магнитном поле 6,8 · 105 А/м в интервале температур 80–1200 К измерены удельная намагниченность и магнитная восприимчивость сплавов системы. При температуре жидкого азота величина удельной намагниченности максимальна (~6,0–6,5 Гс · см3 · г–1) у составов CoTe и CoSb0,1Te0,9 и практически равна нулю у CoSb и твердых растворов на его основе. Твердые растворы составов х = 0,4–0,9 обладают температурой магнитного перехода, превышающей 1200 К


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    In the 80-300 K temperature range and magnetic fields with induction of up to 2.1 T are studied the characteristics of magnetoresistive properties and Hall effect of Mn0,55V0,45S solid solution. It was found that the Mn0,55V0,45S composition is a semiconductor with high p-type carrier concentration and low values of their mobility; a magnetoresistive effect is observed; solid solution has a noncollinear antiferromagnetic structure at temperatures ranges T < TN = 130 K; in the vicinity of the temperature T ~ 180 K in Mn0,55V0,45S there is a phase transition of semiconductor-semimetal type due to delocalization of charge carriers and the formation of micro areas with ferromagnetic ordering in an antiferromagnetic matrix. Magnetoresistive effect in this case, most likely is due to the magnetic inhomogeneity and can be interpreted in the framework of the electronic and magnetic phase separation consistent with the theory of current flow in heavily doped semiconductors.В интервале температур 80-300 К и магнитных полях с индукцией до 2,1 Тл изучены особенности магнито¬резистивных свойств и эффекта Холла твердого раствора Mn0,55V0,45S. Установлено, что состав Mn0,55V0,45S является полупроводником с высокими значениями концентрации носителей заряда р-типа и низкими величинами их подвижности; обладает магниторезистивным эффектом; имеет неколлинеарную антиферромагнитную структуру в области температур Т < ТN = 130 К; в окрестности температуры Т ~ 180 К в Mn0 55V0 45S имеет место фазовое превращение типа полупроводник-полуметалл, обусловленное делокализацией носителей заряда и образованием микрообластей с ферромагнитным упорядочением в антиферромагнитной матрице. Магниторезистивный эффект в этом случае, вероятнее всего, обусловлен магнитной неоднородностью и может быть проинтерпретирован в рамках модели электронного и магнитного разделения фаз, согласующейся с теорией протекания тока в сильно легированных полупроводниках

    Meta-analysis of binary outcomes via generalized linear mixed models: a simulation study

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    Background: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of binary outcomes are widespread in all areas of application. The odds ratio, in particular, is by far the most popular effect measure. However, the standard meta-analysis of odds ratios using a random-effects model has a number of potential problems. An attractive alternative approach for the meta-analysis of binary outcomes uses a class of generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs). GLMMs are believed to overcome the problems of the standard random-effects model because they use a correct binomial-normal likelihood. However, this belief is based on theoretical considerations, and no sufficient simulations have assessed the performance of GLMMs in meta-analysis. This gap may be due to the computational complexity of these models and the resulting considerable time requirements. Methods: The present study is the first to provide extensive simulations on the performance of four GLMM methods (models with fixed and random study effects and two conditional methods) for meta-analysis of odds ratios in comparison to the standard random effects model. Results: In our simulations, the hypergeometric-normal model provided less biased estimation of the heterogeneity variance than the standard random-effects meta-analysis using the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation when the data were sparse, but the REML method performed similarly for the point estimation of the odds ratio, and better for the interval estimation. Conclusions: It is difficult to recommend the use of GLMMs in the practice of meta-analysis. The problem of finding uniformly good methods of the meta-analysis for binary outcomes is still open

    Metabolic regulation by p53

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    We are increasingly aware that cellular metabolism plays a vital role in diseases such as cancer, and that p53 is an important regulator of metabolic pathways. By transcriptional activation and other means, p53 is able to contribute to the regulation of glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, glutaminolysis, insulin sensitivity, nucleotide biosynthesis, mitochondrial integrity, fatty acid oxidation, antioxidant response, autophagy and mTOR signalling. The ability to positively and negatively regulate many of these pathways, combined with feedback signalling from these pathways to p53, demonstrates the reciprocal and flexible nature of the regulation, facilitating a diverse range of responses to metabolic stress. Intriguingly, metabolic stress triggers primarily an adaptive (rather than pro-apoptotic) p53 response, and p53 is emerging as an important regulator of metabolic homeostasis. A better understanding of how p53 coordinates metabolic adaptation will facilitate the identification of novel therapeutic targets and will also illuminate the wider role of p53 in human biology

    TLR9 Agonist Protects Mice from Radiation-Induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome

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    Radiation-induced gastrointestinal syndrome (RIGS) is due to the clonogenic loss of crypt cells and villi depopulation, resulting in disruption of mucosal barrier, bacterial invasion, inflammation and sepsis. Intestinal macrophages could recognize invading bacterial DNA via TLR9 receptors and transmit regenerative signals to the neighboring crypt. We therefore investigated whether systemic administration of designer TLR9 agonist could ameliorate RIGS by activating TLR9.Male C57Bl6 mice were distributed in four experimental cohorts, whole body irradiation (WBI) (8.4-10.4 Gy), TLR9 agonist (1 mg/kg s.c.), 1 h pre- or post-WBI and TLR9 agonist+WBI+iMyd88 (pretreatment with inhibitory peptide against Myd88). Animals were observed for survival and intestine was harvested for histological analysis. BALB/c mice with CT26 colon tumors in abdominal wall were irradiated with 14 Gy single dose of whole abdominal irradiation (AIR) for tumor growth study.Mice receiving pre-WBI TLR9 agonist demonstrated improvement of survival after 10.4 Gy (p<0.03), 9.4 Gy (p<0.008) and 8.4 Gy (p<0.002) of WBI, compared to untreated or iMyd88-treated controls. Post-WBI TLR9 agonist mitigates up to 8.4 Gy WBI (p<0.01). Histological analysis and xylose absorption test demonstrated significant structural and functional restitution of the intestine in WBI+TLR9 agonist cohorts. Although, AIR reduced tumor growth, all animals died within 12 days from RIGS. TLR9 agonist improved the survival of mice beyond 28 days post-AIR (p<0.008) with significant reduction of tumor growth (p<0.0001).TLR9 agonist treatment could serve both as a prophylactic or mitigating agent against acute radiation syndrome and also as an adjuvant therapy to increase the therapeutic ratio of abdominal Radiation Therapy for Gastro Intestinal malignancies

    Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of differentially expressed genes in Quercus suber in response to Phytophthora cinnamomi infection

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    cDNA-AFLP methodology was used to gain insight into gene fragments differentially present in the mRNA profiles of Quercus suber roots infected with zoospores of Phytophthora cinnamomi at different post challenge time points. Fifty-three transcript-derived fragments (TDFs) were identified and sequenced. Six candidate genes were selected based on their expression patterns and homology to genes known to play a role in defence. They encode a cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase2 (QsCAD2), a protein disulphide isomerase (QsPDI), a CC-NBS-LRR resistance protein (QsRPc), a thaumatin-like protein (QsTLP), a chitinase (QsCHI) and a 1,3-β-glucanase (QsGlu). Evaluation of the expression of these genes by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) revealed that transcript levels of QsRPc, QsCHI, QsCAD2 and QsPDI increased during the first 24 h post-inoculation, while those of thaumatin-like protein decreased. No differential expression was observed for 1,3-β-glucanase (QsGlu).Four candidate reference genes, polymerase II (QsRPII), eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (QsEIF-5A), β-tubulin (QsTUB) and a medium subunit family protein of clathrin adaptor complexes (QsCACs) were assessed to determine the most stable internal references for qRT-PCR normalization in the Phytophthora-Q. suber pathosystem in root tissues. Those found to be more stable, QsRPII and QsCACs, were used as internal reference in the present work.Knowledge on the Quercus defence mechanisms against biotic stress is scarce. This study provides an insight into the gene profiling of a few important genes of Q. suber in response to P. cinnamomi infection contributing to the knowledge of the molecular interactions involving Quercus and root pathogens that can be useful in the future to understand the mechanisms underlying oak resistance to soil-borne oomycetes.Peer Reviewe

    Specific treatment of problems of the spine (STOPS): design of a randomised controlled trial comparing specific physiotherapy versus advice for people with subacute low back disorders

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Low back disorders are a common and costly cause of pain and activity limitation in adults. Few treatment options have demonstrated clinically meaningful benefits apart from advice which is recommended in all international guidelines. Clinical heterogeneity of participants in clinical trials is hypothesised as reducing the likelihood of demonstrating treatment effects, and sampling of more homogenous subgroups is recommended. We propose five subgroups that allow the delivery of specific physiotherapy treatment targeting the pathoanatomical, neurophysiological and psychosocial components of low back disorders. The aim of this article is to describe the methodology of a randomised controlled trial comparing specific physiotherapy treatment to advice for people classified into five subacute low back disorder subgroups.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>A multi-centre parallel group randomised controlled trial is proposed. A minimum of 250 participants with subacute (6 weeks to 6 months) low back pain and/or referred leg pain will be classified into one of five subgroups and then randomly allocated to receive either physiotherapy advice (2 sessions over 10 weeks) or specific physiotherapy treatment (10 sessions over 10 weeks) tailored according to the subgroup of the participant. Outcomes will be assessed at 5 weeks, 10 weeks, 6 months and 12 months following randomisation. Primary outcomes will be activity limitation measured with a modified Oswestry Disability Index as well as leg and back pain intensity measured on separate 0-10 Numerical Rating Scales. Secondary outcomes will include a 7-point global rating of change scale, satisfaction with physiotherapy treatment, satisfaction with treatment results, the Sciatica Frequency and Bothersomeness Scale, quality of life (EuroQol-5D), interference with work, and psychosocial risk factors (Orebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire). Adverse events and co-interventions will also be measured. Data will be analysed according to intention to treat principles, using linear mixed models for continuous outcomes, Mann Whitney U tests for ordinal outcomes, and Chi-square, risk ratios and risk differences for dichotomous outcomes.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This trial will determine the difference in outcomes between specific physiotherapy treatment tailored to each of the five subgroups versus advice which is recommended in guidelines as a suitable treatment for most people with a low back disorder.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Australia and New Zealand Clinical Trials Register (ANZCTR): <a href="http://www.anzctr.org.au/ACTRN12609000834257.aspx">ACTRN12609000834257</a>.</p