817 research outputs found

    Metaphorically speaking: Putting Las Vegas on the cultural map

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    Las Vegas has art galleries, an art museum, a Cultural and Community Affairs Division. It also supports the Allied Arts Council of Southern Nevada and a southern branch of the Nevada Arts Council. Clearly, art and art advocates are present in Las Vegas. Yet, Las Vegas is traditionally viewed as a town with no culture and, furthermore, as a place that it is incompatible with art; This paper is a study of the relationship people believe Las Vegas has to art. I have used the methodology of Lakoff and Johnson\u27s theory of conceptual metaphors (Lakoff and Johnson: 1980) to analyze language that has been published in popular literature over the last year and a half. The study results in a theory that describes how metaphorical links, between negative and positive stereotypes, may be helping to change Las Vegas from being a cultural wasteland to a cultural frontier

    Smart Nanotechnology To Deliver Zero Carbon Eco-neighborhoods: Case Study – Neighborhoods Of The Functional City, “H” Building Typology In Mediterranean Countries

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    Smart cities are a necessary step towards a new sustainability scenario that accommodates the objectives of sustainability from a cross and synergistic perspective, with the support of new technologies, networks and more efficient large-scale systems (such as a minimum unit neighborhood). This paper addresses the urban renovation of the actual city by improving the envelope of an urban typology, using nanotechnology materials on the façades, roofs, and external renovations. This research presents the role of nanomaterials to enhance a sustainable society, on the existing city, with suitable constructive systems and in an easier way. The opportunity to use nanotechnology for the rehabilitation of residential neighborhoods built after the Second World War, which combines a number of advantages, will be presented

    Pemantauan Kualitas Air Limbah di PT. Bridgestone Sumatra Rubber Estate

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    PT Bridgestone Sumatra Rubber Estate (BSRE) merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di industri pengolahan karet alam. Dalam proses produksi, PT BSRE menghasilkan limbah cair yang berpotensi mencemari lingkungan sekitar perusahaan. Limbah cair yang dihasilkan tersebut diolah melalui instalasi pengelolaan air limbah (IPAL) sebelum dilepaskan ke sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem pengolahan air limbah di PT BSRE dengan memantau kualitas air limbah di IPAL PT BSRE pada periode Mei 2020. Pemantauan dilakukan dengan mengamati enam parameter kualitas air (COD, BOD, TSS, NH3-N, N total dan pH) pada inlet dan outlet IPAL PT BSRE. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa IPAL PT BSRE terdiri dari unit Aerasi, Bak De-Netrifikasi, bak pengendapan, dan bak Indikasi. Untuk pemantauan kualitas air limbah pada outlet IPAL PT BSRE telah memenuhi nilai baku mutu sesuai regulasi yang berlaku

    Entropy/IP: Uncovering Structure in IPv6 Addresses

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    In this paper, we introduce Entropy/IP: a system that discovers Internet address structure based on analyses of a subset of IPv6 addresses known to be active, i.e., training data, gleaned by readily available passive and active means. The system is completely automated and employs a combination of information-theoretic and machine learning techniques to probabilistically model IPv6 addresses. We present results showing that our system is effective in exposing structural characteristics of portions of the IPv6 Internet address space populated by active client, service, and router addresses. In addition to visualizing the address structure for exploration, the system uses its models to generate candidate target addresses for scanning. For each of 15 evaluated datasets, we train on 1K addresses and generate 1M candidates for scanning. We achieve some success in 14 datasets, finding up to 40% of the generated addresses to be active. In 11 of these datasets, we find active network identifiers (e.g., /64 prefixes or `subnets') not seen in training. Thus, we provide the first evidence that it is practical to discover subnets and hosts by scanning probabilistically selected areas of the IPv6 address space not known to contain active hosts a priori.Comment: Paper presented at the ACM IMC 2016 in Santa Monica, USA (https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2987445). Live Demo site available at http://www.entropy-ip.com


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    Pada perencanaan struktur bangunan khususnya bangunan bertingkat , banyak hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan agar tercapainya mutu bangunan yang berkualitas. Untuk itu desain tersebut harus memenuhi persyaratan fungsional, struktural dan estetika. Pada perencanaan struktur bangunan bertingkat terdapat banyak peraturan standar. Di Indonesia kita menggunakan Persyaratan Beton Struktural Untuk Gedung SNI 03-2847-2013. Sedangkan untuk luar negeri juga terdapat standar masing-masing negaranya sendiri. Seperti ACI,CSA,EUROCODE, dan BRITISH STANDARD. Penelitian ini akan memaparkan komparasi perhitungan struktur bangunan diantaranya balok, kolom dan juga plat lantai dengan dihitung menggunakanan dua metode yaitu SNI dan BRITISH STANDARD. Dan setelah dikomparasi ternyata didapati ada beberapa perbedaan dalam perhitungan struktur bangunan dengan menggunakan metode SNI dan metode British Standard. Dari bebrapa contoh perhitungan yang telah dihitung, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa kemungkinan besar SNI memiliki desain yang lebih ekonomis dibandingkan dengan British Standard. Kata kunci : komparasi, SNI, BRISTISH STANDARD, balok, kolom, pla

    Mental Lexicon on the Javanese Words Among Fourth Year Students of English Study Program at Universitas Brawijaya

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    At least 45% of the Indonesian population are the people who live in an area where Javanese is the dominant language. In having conversation, it is essential for Javanese to be polite, not only our utterances but also our body language. In East Java, there are 5 language variations among the society due to the strategic boundaries; nearby Central Java, Madura Island, and Bali Island. This research is conducted to 3 language variations in East Java, namely: Surabaya Dialect, Mataraman Dialect, and Padhalungan Dialect. In order to see the mental storage of Javanese, the writer uses Word Association Test (WAT) through Javanese words. There are two problems to be solved, namely: (1) what are the participants' responses of the stimulus words; (2) what kind of types shown in WAT in the participants' responses. The participants who join the test were 35 students consisting of: 15 students come from Surabaya dialect, 14 students come from Mataraman dialect, and 9 students from Padhalungan dialect. All of them are the 4th year students of English Study Program at Universitas Brawijaya. This study proposes qualitative approach since it could show the reality in the social life clearly in different dialects around East Java. The participants were gathered into a class, then given a questionaire consisting 8 stimulus words. The result of this study reveals that the East Javanese students having different dialect store the Javanese words differently, although the findings did not lead to the big gap among the three groups. The Surabaya and Padhalungan dialects had more syntactical relation in the responses; while Mataraman was paradigmatic relation. In terms of Javanese styles, the findings revealed that the Surabaya and Padhalungan dialect had a similiar pattern in terms of the use of Ngoko Javanese. While the participants from Mataraman dialect tended to use a more polite form. In the future, the writer hopes there will be more students in the Faculty of Cultural Studies who conduct Mental Lexicon as the focus of study; since there were still limited number of students who want to deal with this subject. Also, this research of Psycholinguistics can be a guidance for the students for a reference. For further researcher, a suggestion to make research in another topic such as: the comparison between language variation differences to be the next case study

    Control y mejora de la coordinación entre asignaturas de una titulación universitaria

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    Entre las múltiples exigencias que impone el EEES, la mejora de la coordinación entre las asignaturas de una titulación es una de las que más preocupan, y se ha convertido en uno de los temas de debate más vivos en la comunidad educativa. Por una parte los docentes nos hemos encontrado impartiendo asignaturas a un alumnado con notorias carencias en algunos contenidos, mientras que ellos, por su parte, no sólo tienen que suplir dichas carencias con esfuerzo adicional, sino que además se encuentran con numerosas duplicidades de contenidos que restan tiempo y calidad a su formación. Una de las causas de estos defectos es la celeridad en la implantación de titulaciones, unido posiblemente a una falta de recursos por parte de los responsables de la elaboración de los planes. Este trabajo presenta un conjunto de aplicaciones web orientadas a la elaboración de un mapa de dependencias entre las asignaturas de una titulación. Basándose en un sistema de encuestas, se ha implementado una base de datos de dependencias y un sistema web que permiten detectar e informar de los defectos de coordinación existentes, proporcionando una herramienta de gran valor para mejorar la coherencia y la calidad de los planes de estudiosUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech