696 research outputs found

    A Little-known waterlily from Tanganyika

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    Volume: XX

    East African Succulents VI

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    Volume: XVII

    East African Succulents, Part I

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    Volume: X

    Non elliptic SPDEs and ambit fields: existence of densities

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    Relying on the method developed in [debusscheromito2014], we prove the existence of a density for two different examples of random fields indexed by (t,x)\in(0,T]\times \Rd. The first example consists of SPDEs with Lipschitz continuous coefficients driven by a Gaussian noise white in time and with a stationary spatial covariance, in the setting of [dalang1999]. The density exists on the set where the nonlinearity σ\sigma of the noise does not vanish. This complements the results in [sanzsuess2015] where σ\sigma is assumed to be bounded away from zero. The second example is an ambit field with a stochastic integral term having as integrator a L\'evy basis of pure-jump, stable-like type.Comment: 23 page

    A Rediscovered succulent

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    Volume: XXII

    Tree Euphorbias as Timber trees

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    Volume: XXI

    Waves on the surface of the Orion molecular cloud

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    Massive stars influence their parental molecular cloud, and it has long been suspected that the development of hydrodynamical instabilities can compress or fragment the cloud. Identifying such instabilities has proved difficult. It has been suggested that elongated structures (such as the `pillars of creation') and other shapes arise because of instabilities, but alternative explanations are available. One key signature of an instability is a wave-like structure in the gas, which has hitherto not been seen. Here we report the presence of `waves' at the surface of the Orion molecular cloud near where massive stars are forming. The waves seem to be a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability that arises during the expansion of the nebula as gas heated and ionized by massive stars is blown over pre-existing molecular gas.Comment: Preprint of publication in Natur

    Quantitative optical and near-infrared spectroscopy of molecular hydrogen towards HH91A

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    Integral-field spectroscopy of molecular hydrogen in the optical wavelength region and complementary long-slit near-infrared spectroscopy are presented towards HH91A.The detection of some 200 H_2 lines arising from ro-vibrational levels up to v'=8 ranging between 7700A and 2.3 microns is reported. The emission arises from thermally excited gas where the bulk of the material is at 2750 K and where 1% is at 6000 K. The total column density of shocked gas is N(H_2) = 10^{18} cm^{-2}. Non-thermal excitation scenarios such as UV-fluorescence do not contribute to the excitation of H_2 towards HH91A. The emission is explained in terms of a slow non-dissociative J-shock which propagates into a low-density medium which has been swept-up by previous episodes of outflows which have occurred in the evolved HH90/91 complex.Comment: A&A accepte

    The H2 velocity structure of inner knots in HH 212: asymmetries and rotation

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    High-resolution R~50 000 long-slit spectroscopy of the inner knots of the highly symmetrical protostellar outflow HH 212 was obtained in the 1-0 S(1) line of H2 at 2.12 micron with a spatial resolution of ~0.45 arcsec. At the resulting velocity resolution of ~6 km s-1, multiple slit oriented observations of the northern first knot NK1 clearly show double-peaked line profiles consistent with either a radiative bow shock or dual (forward and reverse) shocks. In contrast, the velocity distribution of the southern first knot SK1 remains single-peaked, suggesting a significantly lower jet velocity and possibly a different density variation in the jet pulses in the southern flow compared to the northern flow. Comparison with a semi-empirical analytical model of bow shock emission allows us to constrain parameters such as the bow inclination to the line of sight, the bow shock and jet velocities for each flow. Although a few features are not reproduced by this model, it confirms the presence of several dynamical and kinematical asymmetries between opposite sides of the HH 212 bipolar jet. The position-velocity diagrams of both knots exhibit complex dynamics that are broadly consistent with emission from a bow shock and/or jet shock, which does not exclude jet rotation, although a clear signature of jet rotation in HH 212 is missing. Alternative interpretations of the variation of radial velocity across these knots, such as a variation in the jet orientation, as well as for the velocity asymmetries between the flows, are also considered. The presence of a correlation between flow velocity and collimation in each flow is suggested.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 16 page
