232 research outputs found

    Kanaka is the place of healthy lifestyle

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    The general problem for the South Coast of Crimea (hereinafter – SCC) is supply of fresh water to inhabited localities. That is why all issues concerning formation, transportation, accumulation and consumption of fresh water reserves require constant study. The researched area of the SCC includes the temporary stream Kanaka, the permanent streams Alachuk and Uskut

    Using temporary water to resupply fresh water (on example Kanaka SCC)

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    In boarding houses, located at the mouth of the Kanaka beam (SCC), the problem of provision with fresh drinking water worsened. So far, the provision with drinking water was carried out with water wells from the aquifer at a depth of up to 15 m from the earth surface

    Historical and recent aufeis in the Indigirka River basin (Russia)

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    A detailed spatial geodatabase of aufeis (or naled in Russian) within the Indigirka River watershed (305&thinsp;000&thinsp;km2), Russia, was compiled from historical Russian publications (year 1958), topographic maps (years 1970–1980s) and Landsat images (year 2013–2017). Identification of aufeis by late spring Landsat images was performed with a semi-automated approach according to Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) and additional data. After this, a cross-reference index was set for each aufeis field to link and compare historical and satellite-based aufeis datasets. The aufeis coverage varies from 0.26&thinsp;% to 1.15&thinsp;% in different sub-basins within the Indigirka River watershed. The digitized historical archive (Cadastre, 1958) contains the coordinates and characteristics of 896 aufeis fields with a total area of 2064&thinsp;km2. The Landsat-based dataset included 1213 aufeis fields with a total area of 1287&thinsp;km2. Accordingly, the satellite-derived total aufeis area is 1.6 times less than the Cadastre (1958) dataset. However, more than 600 aufeis fields identified from Landsat images are missing in the Cadastre (1958) archive. It is therefore possible that the conditions for aufeis formation may have changed from the mid-20th century to the present. Most present and historical aufeis fields are located in the elevation band of 1000–1200&thinsp;m. About 60&thinsp;% of the total aufeis area is represented by just 10&thinsp;% of the largest aufeis fields. Interannual variability of aufeis area for the period of 2001–2016 was assessed for the Bolshaya Momskaya aufeis and for a group of large aufeis fields (11 aufeis fields with areas from 5 to 70&thinsp;km2) in the basin of the Syuryuktyakh River. The results of this analysis indicate a tendency towards an area decrease in the Bolshaya Momskaya aufeis in recent years, while no reduction in Syuryuktyakh River aufeis area was observed. The combined digital database of the aufeis is available at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.891036.</p

    Area Studies at the Modern University: Experience in Studying International Communication Strategies

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    In this paper, we show the importance of including the large corpus of scholarly, popular and media texts describing the experience of 20th-century Russian and Soviet Indologists in bachelor’s Asian studies programmes. We explain the significance of the practical work of Soviet Asian scholars on developing and implementing international communication strategies and practices and show that this work is topical and relevant for modern tertiary education. We emphasize the extensive experience accumulated by Russian Indologists in developing scenarios and models of interaction between Russia and Asian countries that take regional particularities into account. We examine the work of the Russian Indologist, scholar, journalist, publicist and professor Leonid Mitrokhin (1934-2002), winner of the Nehru Award (1985), who worked for over a decade in India and devoted his entire life to studying South and Central Asia. We analyse Leonid Mitrokhin’s key communicative practices, whose results are reflected in his monographs, popular books and articles. The results of our linguocultural study confirm the effectiveness of the implementation of friendly communication strategies in Indo-Soviet relations in the 1960s and 1970s. The case study of Leonid Mitrokhin’s work shows the broad range of professional competencies of Soviet Indologists, who had in-depth knowledge of the political and sociocultural makeup of South Asia, the systemic connections between individual social, economic and political groups and institutes, and the ethnopsychological, ethnocultural and religious particularities of interethnic communication. The knowledge and skills of Soviet Indologists allowed them to make accurate forecasts of the development of the political and economic situation in South Asia and neighbouring regions, promote communication, make expert assessments in key areas of interaction between the USSR and countries in the region, elaborate effective communication strategies, and shape a positive image of their country in the international arena. The study of the communication experience of Soviet Indologists shall help contemporary students to learn the methodology of area studies, develop their strategic thinking, expand their study and research interests, improve their knowledge of the region’s history and interregional relations, and learn the basics of foreign impact strategies and the practice of foreign propaganda in Asia


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    Due to the development of the digital economy and the increasing importance of information technologies in modern companies, there is a need to ensure the required level of quality of information technology services provided. At the same time, one of the most important processes for achieving effective work of employees and technologies is incident management. The business user must have continuous access to the necessary resources of the information system, and the decision in the event of an incident should not be delayed indefinitely, suspending the business process in the company. Approaches to optimizing the incident management structure based on artificial intelligence tools, including machine learning, have been considered in the article. The positive aspects of using the artificial intelligence in incident management, real examples of companies and projects have been designated, and also the modern process of user support from detecting an incident until solving it has been analysed and presented


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    Purpose. Development of the automatic excitation system with non-standard algorithm for controlling powerful synchronous drives of the mechanisms of the mining and metallurgical complex, which are characterized by periodic shock loads.Methodology. The positions of theory of electric machines, methods of automatic systems synthesis, mathematical modeling in the package Matlab were used for conducting researches.Findings. A variant of the model of the synchronous motor for cases of frequency control is proposed, on the basis of which the structure of the system of the automatic excitation control is synthesized, a correction coefficient for the calculation of the gain of the regulator integral part is obtained, and the algorithm of rational control of the synchronous motor is tested, the improved neutralization of the forces of destruction of the conductors insulation of the armature coils of the motor is provided.Originality. The original version of the dynamical model of the synchronous motor is proposed, which allows using the classical method of synthesis of the armature longitudinal current regulator stabilized by the magnetic flux of excitation, as well as the requirements for the implementation of a non-standard excitation control algorithm providing a significant reduction of the dynamic current of the armature at the moment of peak load action.Practical value. The use of the proposed methodology will allow the creation of an automatic system for exciting high-power synchronous motors, which can prevent accidents in the armature circuit of the motor and increase the inter-repair interval of the synchronous drive.Цель работы. Разработка автоматической системы возбуждения с нестандартным алгоритмом управления мощных синхронных приводов механизмов горно-металлургического комплекса, которые характеризуются периодическими ударными нагрузками.Методы исследования. Для проведения исследований использовались положения теории электрических машин, методы синтеза автоматических систем, математическое моделирование в пакете Matlab.Полученные результаты. Создан вариант модели синхронного двигателя для случаев частотного управления, на базе которого синтезирована структура системы автоматического управления возбуждением, получен уточняющий коэффициент для расчета усиления интегральной части регулятора и предложен алгоритм рационального управления синхронным двигателем при условии лучшей нейтрализации усилий разрушения изоляции проводников якорных катушек двигателя.Научна новизна. Предложен оригинальный вариант динамической модели синхронного двигателя, которая позволяет воспользоваться классическим методом синтеза регулятора продольного тока якоря, стабилизируемого магнитным потоком возбуждения, а также сформулированы требования к нестандартному алгоритму управления возбуждением, который обеспечивает существенное уменьшение динамического тока якоря в момент пикового действия нагрузки.Практическая ценность. Использование предложенного метода позволит создать автоматическую систему возбуждения мощных синхронных двигателей, благодаря которой возможно увеличить межремонтный период работы синхронного привода.Мета роботи. Розробка автоматичної системи збудження із нестандартним алгоритмом керування потужних синхронних приводів механізмів гірничо-металургійного комплексу, які характеризуються періодичними ударними навантаженнями.Методи досліджень. Для проведення досліджень використані положення теорії електричних машин, методи синтезу автоматичних систем, математичне моделювання у пакеті Matlab.Отримані результати. Створено варіант моделі синхронного двигуна для випадків частотного керування, на базі якого синтезовано структуру системи автоматичного керування збудженням, отримано уточнюючий коефіцієнт для розрахунку підсилення інтегральної частини регулятора та запропоновано алгоритм раціонального керування синхронним приводом за умови кращої нейтралізації зусиль руйнування ізоляції дротів якірних котушок двигуна.Наукова новизна. Запропоновано оригінальний варіант динамічної моделі синхронного двигуна, яка дозволяє скористатись класичним методом синтезу регулятора повздовжнього струму якоря, що стабілізується магнітним потоком збудження, а також сформульовано вимоги до реалізації нестандартного алгоритму керування збудженням, що забезпечує суттєве зменшення динамічного струму якоря в момент пікової дії навантаження.Практична цінність. Використання запропонованого методу дозволить створити автоматичну систему збудження потужних синхронних двигунів, завдяки якій можливо збільшити міжремонтний термін роботи синхронного приводу

    The effect on nitrogen oxide emission from agricultural soils

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    The study investigates the effect of biochar on nitrous oxide emission in Endoargic Anthrosols in the southern territory of the Russian Far East. Biochar (bio-charcoal) was applied in the amounts of 1 kg/m2 and 3 kg/m2 in combination with organic and mineral fertilizers to drained and drain-free fields during the vegetation season, and the five-gas analyzer G2508 (Picarro) was used. Cumulative flows of N2O were estimated. The analysis revealed that biochar reduces the emissions and the cumulative flow of nitrous oxide. The higher the dose of biochar, the lower the emission and cumulative flows of nitrous oxide, regardless of a drainage system. Biochar (1 kg/m2) reduced the cumulative N2O flow from the soil by 52.2% throughout the experiment conducted, while a dose of 3 kg/m2 allowed for 97.8% reduction. The study found that organic and mineral fertilizers can be effectively used in combination with biochar, as N2O emission from the soil with mineral fertilizers is significantly higher than from the soil with organic fertilizers. Biochar (1 kg/m2) combined with organic fertilizers reduces N2O emission by 53.7%, while a dose of 3 kg/m2 can reduce emissions by 88.9%. Biochar (1 kg/m2) combined with mineral fertilizers reduced the flow of N2O by 17.5%, while a 3 kg/m2 dose of biochar used with mineral fertilizers reduced the emission by 85.3%


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    Introduction. Physical and psychological parameters of the school space have a significant impact on the motivation of a learning process and its results. Specificity of the school environment, its atmosphere and surroundings determine the meaning and nature of learning, a vector and activity of development and self-development of participants in the educational process, and determine their actions in it. This circumstance makes it necessary to develop reliable diagnostic tools that enable to study the environment of educational organizations, its impact on quality of activity and successful communications of school students and teachers. The aims of this article are the following: to reveal the possibilities of the comprehensive diagnostics of the school environment and its different spatial zones; to identify and compare the perception of school space by different participants of educational relations. Methodology and research methods. The main method of the research is Ch. Osgood’s Semantic Differential (SD) modified in the context of the features of the general stages of education. Data processing was carried out using the mid-group analysis, cross-group relations, and cluster and regression analysis using the method of step selection. Student’s t-test, Cronbach’s Alpha and Pearson’s Correlation were applied to test reliability and validity of the method of semantic differential and the received results.Results and scientific novelty. The level of suitability of a classical measurement technique by Ch. Osgood for the task solution is found out. Dichotomic pairs of characteristics of the subject-spatial environment of the school are singled out; the authors’ version of semantic differential is designed having applied those pairs. The hierarchical organization of the parameters of the subject-spatial environment of the school is proved; the level of comfort acts as the parameter integrating all its characteristics, which, however, is unequally regarded by students and teachers (total number of respondents sample was N = 661). Significant differences in the estimates of the subject-spatial environment in the groups of students and teachers (from p &lt; 0.05 to p &lt; 0.000) are established and described. Regression formulas for each group of participants of educational process are proposed; which can be followed to estimate optimum values of comfortable learning and professional-pedagogical activity as well as to adjust subject space of a certain school. Practical significance. The developed and approved diagnostic tool makes it possible to attract external and internal experts; to obtain the quantitative data that expand the field of application of mathematical statistics; and also can become a basis of the organization of longitudinal and comparative studies of the subject space of school. Regular monitoring can be considered as a predictor of psychological well-being conditions of an educational institution since the timely and exact estimates provide adoption of operational and effective measures for improvement of the environment of the educational organization in order to strengthen the efficiency of its performance and get better results of educational activity.Введение. Физические и психологические параметры образовательного пространства оказывают существенное влияние на мотивацию процесса познания и его результаты. Специфика школьной среды, ее атмосфера и антураж во многом определяют смысл и характер обучения, вектор и активность развития и саморазвития его субъектов, детерминируют их поведение. Данное обстоятельство обусловливает необходимость создания надежного инструментария для изучения среды образовательных организаций и ее воздействия на качество деятельности и успешность коммуникаций школьников и педагогов. Цели статьи состоят в раскрытии возможностей комплексной диагностики предметной школьной среды в целом и ее частных зон; в выявлении и сравнении оценок школьного пространства, которые даются разными участниками образовательных отношений. Методы и методики. Основным методом изложенного в публикации исследования является «Семантический дифференциал» Ч. Осгуда, модифицированный с учетом особенностей общей ступени образования. Данные опросов учащихся и педагогов обрабатывались посредством методов среднегруппового анализа, межгрупповых связей, кластерного и регрессионного анализа с привлечением методики шагового отбора переменных. Для проверки надежности и валидности метода семантического дифференциала и полученных результатов применялись Т-критерий Стьюдента, коэффициент альфа Кронбаха и коэффициент корреляции Пирсона. Результаты исследования и научная новизна. В ходе пилотного этапа исследования выяснена степень пригодности классического варианта метода Ч. Осгуда для решения поставленных задач. Выделены дихотомические пары характеристик школьной предметно-пространственной среды, из которых сконструирована авторская версия семантического дифференциала. Обоснована иерархическая система параметров предметного пространства школы, где параметром, интегрирующим все его характеристики, выступает «комфортность», которая, однако, неодинаково расценивается обучающимися и педагогами (общая численность выборки респондентов составила N = 661). Установлена и описана значимость различий (от p &lt; 0,05 до p &lt; 0,000) в их понимании реального и идеального предметного образовательного пространства. Предложены регрессионные формулы для каждой группы субъектов образовательного процесса, следуя которым можно определить оптимальные значения комфортного обучения и профессионально-педагогической деятельности и скорректировать предметное пространство конкретной школы. Практическая значимость. Разработанный и апробированный диагностический инструмент, позволяющий привлекать внешних и внутренних экспертов и получать количественные данные, расширяющие поле применения математической статистики, может стать основой организации лонгитюдных и сопоставительных исследований предметного пространства школы. Регулярное проведение подобного мониторинга может рассматриваться как предиктор психологического благополучия образовательного учреждения, так как своевременный и точный прогноз обеспечивает принятие оперативных и действенных мер по улучшению среды образовательной организации с целью усиления эффективности ее функционирования и повышения результатов образовательной деятельности

    The influence of gasifier operating parameters on syngas composition of coal-fired power plant with CO2capture

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    This work investigated the influence of the operating parameters of the gasifier (pressure, temperature of the syngas at the outlet of the gasifier and the O2/CO2 ratio in the blast) on the composition of the syngas in relation to the Allam cycles and oxy-fuel IGCC. Thermodynamic modeling of the operation of Shell (Allam cycle) and MHI (oxy-fuel IGCC cycle) gasifiers by the entropy maximization method was carried out. For the Shell gasifier, a significant increase in methane concentration with an increase in pressure to 40 MPa has been revealed; it indicates the need to make changes to the syngas gas cleaning system. The optimal temperature at the outlet of the gasifier (1100°C) has been found for the MHI gasifier. At this temperature, there were high values of CO and H2, and, hence, the heating value of syngas. For both gasifiers, the most theoretically reasonable ratio of O2/CO2 in blast was 0.3, at which CO reached almost maximum values and decreased its growth rate. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationThe work was supported by the Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006

    Intellectual support for the analysis of the implementation of innovative development programs of the regional agroindustrial cluster

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    The paper is devoted to the problems of using modern digital technologies to manage the implementation of programs for the development of the regional economy’s agro-industrial cluste